Shanhai High School

Chapter 68: Although violent, it is not obvious


This is "the world's fiercest big monster", and it seems impossible to deny it.

Ji Xingling lowered his head and kissed his hair, and said "Yes" coolly and calmly: "I am Qilin."

At this moment, Brother Lin, possessed by the film king, fully displayed the qualified expression that a unicorn lover should have when he hears that his boyfriend is a unicorn. There is a trace of disbelief in the shock and joy, and he even Hugging Ji Xingling tightly: "Really, how could such a coincidence happen, I want to take a look."

"No, I can't watch it, not yet."


Because I haven't fucking grown up yet, so it's not too obvious, you know. Ji Xingling patted Teacher Xiao Lin in his arms, imitating old Ji Ba's usual perfunctory: "Be good, be obedient."

"Then when can I watch it?"

Faced with this kind of soul torture, the eldest young master was suddenly blessed, and said in a dawdly way: "When you become an adult, we will do everything that needs to be done—"

Lin Jing covered his mouth accurately, OK, you can shut up now.

Ji Xingling heaved a sigh of relief, and on the surface continued to lean closer: "Hey, or if you really want to watch it, you can do it now, anyway, I don't care."

Lin Jing put the quilt over his head, and ran to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Ji Xingling leaned on the bed, covering the quilt and having fun.

Later, the Lin family's parents also came back from school. Ji Minglang and Tang Yaoxun arranged for it, and both the police and the school were dealt with flawlessly. Lin Shoumo sat by the bed and said to his son, "I'll go back to Ningcheng next week and deal with the matter at hand. See me and the school. Mom, who can be transferred to take care of you first."

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious for me." Lin Jing put down the half-eaten apple in his hand, "You and my mother can follow the original plan, and you don't need to advance it specially for me."

"Ningcheng's side is not bad for half a year." Lin Shoumo tapped his arm with his finger, "How is today?"

"Excellent." Lin Jingsheng was afraid that his father would come to remove the bandage again, so he quickly waved it twice to show his health, and then changed the subject, "Will my mother go back to Ningcheng with you next week?"

"Mom won't go back, stay and take care of you."

"Is work okay?"

"Work is not as important as you."

Shang Wei's original words are like this, Lao Lin, I will not go to work, you go back and resign for me.

Lin Shoumo was also quite frightened this time, of course he understood his wife's thoughts, so he planned to go back to Ningcheng to have a good talk with the dean, at least one of the husband and wife should come here first.

"Hmm." Lin Jing glanced out curiously, "Is my mother in the living room? Who is she talking to?"

"Your Uncle Liu's family also ran around for a day today." Lin Shoumo added casually, "Just now I ran into Ji Xingling in the elevator, and Xiaoxu said he wanted to ask him something about his studies, and the two of them seemed to have gone to the terrace. "

Lin Jing:

Liu Xu wanted to ask Ji Xingling something about his studies, what kind of unreasonable plot full of bugs is this

He threw off the quilt and ran outside: "I'll go and have a look."

"It's windy outside!" Lin Shoumo chased him out, "Put on a coat before leaving."

Jiang'an Bookstore has a large terrace on the eighth floor, which is usually used for residents to dry quilts and clothes, and there are messy plastic basins and clips everywhere. Ji Xingling was called here by Liu Xu, but it was actually very inexplicable: "What do you want to ask me?"

"I saw on the Internet that you were the first to find out about Xiao Jing's kidnapping." Liu Xu said, "The police records are not very detailed, so I want to ask for more details."

Ji Xingling couldn't figure it out even more, what does this have to do with you

Liu Xu continued: "Someone posted a post on the Internet. It seems that everyone was looking for him in shopping malls and museums that day. Only you didn't know where he went, so do you know who kidnapped him?"

"I don't know." Ji Xingling was displeased, "What do you mean by that?"

"Then where have you been?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Seeing that the other party is a friend of the Lin family, Ji Xingling did not turn against him, but just glanced coldly, put his hands in his pockets and wanted to leave, but Liu Xu grabbed him instead: "Wait a minute, speak clearly! "

Ji Xingling stopped in his tracks: "Let go."

He didn't turn his head, but Liu Xu could still hear the gloomy and coldness from these two words, so he raised his finger slightly, and slowed down his tone: "Don't worry too much, I'm a little worried about Xiao Jing."

"I found you to be quite interesting." Ji Xingling turned around, "Lin Jing was kidnapped, so it was reasonable for me to rush all over the street to look for him. Who stipulated that he could only walk around in the shopping mall? You just because of this Guessing that I know the kidnapper, maybe my thinking is a little too jumpy, I am still underage, my logic is illogical, brother."

Liu Xu corrected: "I didn't say you knew the kidnapper."

"Yes, you said that I know who kidnapped someone. Doesn't that mean something?" Ji Xingling looked him up and down, "You think I'm abnormal, and I think you're abnormal. What's the matter, let's share a secret?"

Liu Xu frowned: "I didn't come to quarrel with you."

"Who... wants to argue with you."

The eldest young master is still very polite, and cut off the uncivilized language in time, mainly because he didn't want to act like an uneducated little ruffian in front of the first grader, so he walked back with a "chi" and just happened to bump into Lin Jing who was wearing thin clothes. In pajama pants, wrapped in a big padded jacket, he hurriedly pushed the door open and ran over.

It was completely dark, and the lighting was all based on a few small light bulbs, and the ground was messy. Lin Jing stepped on his slippers and accidentally slipped. Ji Xingling hurried to catch him, and picked him up: "Why are you panicking?"

"I'm just curious." Lin Jing glanced at Liu Xu next to him, and slapped him, "Put me down."

"What are you going to do? What if your leg falls again?" Ji Xingling didn't let go, but hugged him even tighter impatiently, "Let's go home first."

Before Lin Jing could say hello to Liu Xu, he was abruptly carried back to the corridor, and was not put down until he got into the elevator.

Ji Xingling checked his ankle: "Did you sprain it just now?"

"No." Lin Jing asked, "So what are you two talking about?"

"Tell me about your kidnapping." Ji Xingling stood up, "Because I chased you out immediately that day and didn't stay around in the mall, so he guessed that I knew the kidnapper."

Lin Jing wondered: "What kind of weird logic?"

Ji Xingling tapped him on the head: "A nerd who only knows how to study has never seen the world, so when he encounters something, he gets nervous and starts to think about the logic. Do you know that you should stay away from this person in the future?"

Lin Jing: "..."

The elevator stopped on the 13th floor with a "ding". Ji Xingling and Lin Jing went back to 1302 together. After greeting the adults in the living room, they both got into the small bedroom. Not long after, Liu Xu also came back, glanced at the closed bedroom door, and said nothing.

Lin Jing was still asking: "So you only talked about this matter for most of the day?"

Ji Xingling was dissatisfied: "Don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I care about you." Mr. Xiaolin's speech skills are top-notch. Anyway, the bedroom door is locked, so he hugged his boyfriend boldly, "For such a long time, it's impossible to only talk about this one thing ,hurry up."

"What plot do you want to hear, just tell me and I'll make it up on the spot." Ji Xingling leaned on the sofa, supporting his lower back with one hand so that he wouldn't fall off, talking endlessly, "The ancient Greeks and the Trojans were great beauties Do you want the story of the duel? It’s almost the same nature as ours today.”

Lin Jing couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ji Xingling rubbed his head: "The hospital called today and said that the sour dog was about to wake up. He showed his tail when he kidnapped you. If he confessed, the demon management committee will know that you have seen it." Got a monster, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"The demon management committee erases my memory?"

"Almost, there are many psychotherapists in the branch, who are responsible for hypnotizing unlucky humans who have seen monsters with their own eyes, making them believe that everything is an illusion, or simply forget about it."

"I can also just pretend to be stunned and don't remember everything, so I don't have to bother." Lin Jing thought for a while, "Does the Monster Management Committee not allow humans to know the existence of monsters?"

"Yes, but you need to apply first, and then pass the strict test before you will be allowed." Ji Xingling rubbed his nose, "This kind of... usually is a life-long partner relationship."

Lin Jing said, "Oh."

For adolescent boys, the word "life partner" is too serious, and there is no way to submit the application now—otherwise, Mr. Ji and Mrs. Hu may fall into a coma on the spot.

"Are you willing?" After a while, Ji Xingling asked suddenly, "I mean, what, come with me to register with the Demon Management Committee in the future."

This is probably the boy's implicit way of saying "lifetime partner". Lin Jing leaned on his shoulder and curled his lips lazily: "Otherwise, I just covet your seventeen-year-old sunshine and handsomeness, and I am indulging in this juvenile puppy love scene , I am drunk today, but deep down in my heart I am always ready to break up after going to college and go to a broader new world?"

"..." How should I put it, Mr. Xiao Lin's "I do" is more subtle.

The young master was so reserved that he had to think carefully about whether he was angry or expressing his love.

Lin Jing raised her head and kissed the corner of his mouth: "You're so stupid."

Ji Xingling: "..."

OK, not angry.

The people in the living room hadn't left, and Lin Jing didn't want to go out, so he continued to lean against him and play with his mobile phone. As expected, there were quite a few discussions about this matter on the school post bar. Most of them expressed concern, and there were also some unfounded guesses. For example, Lin Jing was actually the heir of an island country in the Pacific Ocean, and his identity had just been identified recently. —

"It's ok." Teacher Xiao Lin covered the screen with one hand, "I've been fainted by lightning."

Ji Xingling rubbed his chin against him: "Take your hands away, Uncle Tang seems to be mentioned below."

The content is also related to Lin Jing's kidnapping, but the focus has shifted to Tang Yaoxun, criticizing the school for hastily implementing the so-called "burden reduction project" in order to calm public opinion. A student has an accident.

When the two first saw this post, there were only a dozen replies, but when they refreshed after a few minutes, there were already hundreds.

Facing this obviously abnormal speed, Lin Jing asked, "Is it that group of sailors from last time again?"

"Damn." Ji Xingling licked his back teeth, and frowned a little irritably. On the one hand, this irritability was because of Tang Yaoxun, and on the other hand, it was also because of Lin Jing—Mr. Xiaolin was the protagonist of this kidnapping incident. , I will definitely gossip again, after discussing looks, family background, private life and academic performance, and then fall into the vortex of scolding and fighting because of "going to the game city privately during class activity time", it is not annoying enough.

Refresh again, and the reply is almost approaching four digits.

The author has something to say: Brother Xing, a cool kid who is not too fierce.