Shanhai High School

Chapter 90: That's the drink Mr. Kobayashi drank!


Seven or eight empty drink bottles were thrown into the trash can, all of which were Kunlun drinks that Lao Lin confiscated and enjoyed privately. The consequences of stealing his son's snacks were more serious than expected. He went round and round several times between fainting and not fainting, and finally stabilized firmly!

Lin Shoumo sat upright on the sofa, thinking in horror but dumbly, I am a monster, I am a tree, I am green.

Ah, so terrible.

Ji Minglang's family has already returned to 1301. Lin Jing grabbed Lao Lin's shoulders and asked cautiously, "Dad, are you okay?"

Lin Shoumo was in a complicated mood and couldn't speak. Do you think I'm fine now

Lin Jing comforted: "It was the same when I first germinated, just get used to it."

Lin Shoumo asked: "How long did it take you to adapt?"

Kobayashi answered casually, and it took about five minutes.

Lin Shoumo: "..."

I am the head of the family and the pillar of the family. I really should be calm and stand firm, and set a positive example for my son, but five minutes is too short. Is this brat really not bragging in it? !

Lin Shoumo glanced at his wife who was making tea in the kitchen, and continued to ask, "Then when did your mother sprout?"

Lin Jing hesitated for a moment, and decided to let Lao Lin accept all the reality at once: "My mother is not a tree, she is a bird."

Lin Shoumo was dizzy again.

Q: What's more nonsense than being a tree

Answer: The wife is a bird.

This must not be true.

Lin Jing blushed: "Aunt Jiang is also a bird."

Lin Shoumo's expression was terrified.

He tremblingly asked: "Then Mr. Ji's family next door are also birds?"

"No." Lin Jing replied, "They are Qilins."

Lin Shoumo struggled tenaciously in the overturned three views, his mind was basically blank, and his speech was confused: "Is there anyone in this world who is human?"

"Yes, there are still many more humans than monsters." Lin Jing supported Lao Lin's shoulders with both hands, "But you have to accept that you are a monster first, and then you can digest new knowledge."

Lin Shoumo looked at his son messily in the wind: "How long did it take you to learn about monsters? It's also five minutes?"

"No, I haven't started learning yet." Mr. Xiao Lin changed to the sensational route this time, and said very pitifully, "The other little monsters are all taught by Dad himself."

The loving father Lao Lin who loves his son really took the bait, how can my son suffer such grievances? So he patted his chest: "You wait, daddy will go learn it now!"

Lin Jing put her arms around his neck: "Then do you accept the fact that you are a dragon blood tree? Dragon blood tree, doesn't it sound super cool, much cooler than the ancestral sky eye?"

Let it go for a while, then Lin Shoumo remembered another thing: "What kind of bird is your mother?"

"you guess."

Lin Shoumo pondered for a moment, what kind of bird likes to scratch people, could it be a crazy sparrow, an angry bird.

Shang Wei came out of the kitchen with her freshly brewed Maojian tea.

"Then my mission is complete." Xiao Lin patted Lao Lin, "Next, you can talk to my mother by yourself. I'll go back to the bedroom first."

"Wait a minute!" Lin Shoumo stopped his son, pointed at his lush head, and asked nervously, "How do you change back?"

Lin Jing: "... I'm sorry I don't know."

Lin Shoumo: Okay, I understand. The other little monsters are all taught by Dad himself. Dad is sorry for you.

Lin Jing was relieved for him: "But Uncle Ji next door must have a solution. We will invite him to come and have a look later. If it doesn't work, we can go to the monster hospital."

Dr. Lin has a natural sense of trust and security in the word "hospital". When he heard that monsters also have a special hospital, he stopped worrying about his green hair. Lin Jing returned to the bedroom, first sent a WeChat message to Ji Xingling to report that everything was OK in 1302, and then squatted at the door, eavesdropping very seriously.

"My son said you were a bird."


"What bird?"

"What kind of bird do you want me to be?"

Lin Shoumo: "..."

Why is there still a proposition at this time

Shang Wei was also panicked and worried: "Old Lin, if I change back to my original body, can you guarantee that I won't fall into a coma on the spot or suffer from schizophrenia?"

Lin Shoumo thought to himself, I am green, what right do I have to split.

So he saw a blue and red bird, a real monster, with long tail feathers, which disappeared in the living room for a moment, and soon changed back to human form.

Shang Wei looked at her husband nervously.

Lin Shoumo's hands were pinching the cloth sofa so tightly that he almost tore a hole out of it!

what i just saw!

What did I see!

My wife really turned into a bird!


Have I been drugged with hallucinogens!

110! 110!

Shang Wei shook her hands in front of her: "Old Lin."

No response.

Shaking again: "Old Lin."

Still no response.

Seeing that her husband's eyes were lost and his body was shaking, he was about to usher in a round of tragic fainting. Shang Wei was quick to gain wisdom: "Lin Shoumo, you are a monster yourself, why do you despise me and my son!"

Dr. Lin lost his sense of dizziness in an instant. This kind of issue related to family harmony must be clearly explained: "How could I despise you and my son!"

"I don't dislike you, why are you dizzy!"

"... I suddenly became a monster. Don't I need a moment to accept this?"

"Having fainted helps speed up acceptance?"

"... Who said I am going to faint, am I not faint yet?"

While listening, Lin Jing sent another WeChat message to Ji Xingling, saying that my dad is indeed doing well.

In the end, Ji Minglang invited the expert team from Queshan Hospital to help Lao Lin take back his head full of green leaves, and left him a nursing manual for botanical monsters.

The night is already very deep.

Ji Xingling was worried, so he sneaked over with a "bang". The two huddled under the quilt together, Lin Jing whispered: "My dad seems to be okay, the defense line in his heart is not as weak as I imagined."

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"No." Lin Jing thought for a while, "Don't answer casually next time."

Ji Xingling knew what he was talking about, but he didn't intend to accept it. He even emphasized plausibly that I didn't want them to realize the reality earlier. Anyway, sooner or later they would have to say it.

"You will still moisten things silently."

"Such a simple poem, don't look down on people!"

Lin Jing smiled: "Yes."

Ji Xingling rubbed his head: "Sleep, I'll leave when you fall asleep."

Lin Jing hugged her boyfriend, warm and sweet, not willing to let go at all.

Ji Xingling took the opportunity to say: "Look, shouldn't I moisten things quietly so that they can accept it earlier?"

"Yeah." Lin Jing buried his face in the other's chest, "Ji Xingling, you are so far-sighted."

Brother Xing thought about it carefully, and felt that this was not a mocking card.

So it's super cool, yes, I'm just very witty and far-sighted.

Don't worry, I will definitely arrange the showdown clearly in the future!

Lin Jing was more worried about the condition of his father next door, so he didn't sleep well all night, and got up at seven in the morning.

Lin Shoumo got up earlier. He didn't have an outpatient clinic today and was grinding coffee in the kitchen.

"Dad." Lin Jing hung on his back, "How are you?"

"As long as there is no problem here." Lin Shoumo pointed to his head, "It's fine."

He had roughly browsed through the materials left by Queshan Hospital last night, had a preliminary understanding of plant-type monsters, and read the seedling care section very carefully back and forth three or five times—although Lao Lin was still heartbroken and often looked at When I saw it, I remembered, ah, I am a monster, why did this happen, it was so scary, I wanted to faint! But it's not possible, if I faint, what will my wife and son do, so I continue to keep reading, the so-called father's love is like a mountain, the scene is really touching.

Lin Jing praised sincerely: "Old Lin, you are so great."

Lin Shoumo said modestly, "Hey, it's okay, your mother said so too."

Suddenly changing from a human to a monster, there are many things to learn from scratch. Because of Lin Jing's college entrance examination, the Yao Management Committee specially approved him to postpone the exam, but Lin Shoumo will start to accept new knowledge immediately, but fortunately, his wife is a monster, his neighbors are also monsters, and his good friend Liu Daqi's family are all monsters. A lot of help is available.

For a long time thereafter, the painting style of 1302 remained like this.

"Honey, I'm green again!"

"Lin Shoumo, can you describe it in another way!"

It's very harmonious.

In Shanhai High School, a striking countdown board for the college entrance examination was erected in front of the Baize Building. Three hundred days seems to be a long time, but all the teachers are saying that it is actually just a blink of an eye.

A motivational board was also pasted in the classrooms of Class 1 of Senior Three, "Today we wear the stars and wear the moon, and tomorrow we realize our dreams." It was originally an ordinary slogan, but it happened to be copied by Lin Jing himself, so to Ji Xingling, the meaning is different. Yes, every time I see it, I feel that Mr. Xiaolin is making a metaphor, telling myself that as long as I work hard, I can realize the beautiful dream of living together after the college entrance examination-what reason not to study hard

The young master's weekly test scores have been able to maintain a stable score above 500.

Few high school seniors continue to live in dormitories. Ge Hao also found a two-bedroom apartment nearby. On Sunday morning, a group of people helped him move his luggage to the rental house. Contrary to what Ji Xingling had originally thought, the house was actually quite clean and cozy. It only took five minutes to walk to the school, and his mind immediately became active. He leaned closer and whispered, "Hey, why don't we move here too? What do you think, every day on the way to school? It can save nearly an hour."

Lin Jing put the box in her hand away: "Auntie won't agree, and there is no Bai Ze here."

"Uncle Bai Ze went back to his hometown a long time ago, but he was afraid that my mother would catch up with him, so he kept saying that he was still in Jincheng." Ji Xingling leaned on the cabinet and gnawed on an apple, "Until a few weeks ago, the Demon Management Committee checked the records. , only to realize that he has been home for a long time.”

Lin Jingle: "Auntie, what's your reaction?"

"At the beginning, I was devastated. I always felt that I was going to fall back to the 300th echelon again, but in the last few weekly exams and tests, I was okay. She felt relieved, so do you want to move?"

"I don't want to." Lin Jing washed his hands, "Sweet or not, give me a bite."

Ji Xingling handed over the half-eaten apple, supernatural.

Ge Hao happened to come over with a stack of books in his arms. After seeing it, he thought to himself, it's over, Brother Xing will probably be beaten!

As a result, Lin Jing received it more naturally than Ji Xingling, and went to help elsewhere while eating.

Ge Hao: I'm so confused, what did I see, isn't brother Lin a clean freak, why can he tolerate food that others have eaten

Ji Xingling turned around to catch a glimpse of his younger brother, and patted him on the head, as usual, he said, "What do you know, I'm super clean."

Yu Yizhou went to the supermarket downstairs to buy a batch of brooms, mops, and dustpans, and his daily necessities were basically complete. Ge Hao originally planned to invite everyone to eat Haidilao, but unfortunately, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a gust of wind blew black clouds. It was clear a second before, but now it rained heavily. .

Ge Hao stood in front of the window, watching the big raindrops hit the window sill: "Is it a bit too much to order takeaway now, I feel that my little brother will be washed away."

Lin Jing had a sudden thought: "Shall we cook the hot pot ourselves?"

Ji Xingling:

Yu Yizhou:

Ge Hao said in time: "I don't know how to cook."

Although Lin Jing himself was very inattentive, he was still shocked by this group of contemporary teenagers who didn't even bother to cook hot pot. It's not difficult at all, right

Yu Yizhou is usually used to being the eldest and young master, and he never thought about the new idea of cooking by himself, but this did not affect his flickering, so he changed his attitude in time: "That's fine, so, Lin Jing and I will go buy some food. Dishes, you two prepare them at home."

Sure enough, Ji Xingling was recruited. What does it matter to you to buy groceries? Do you think that I will give you the cohabitation rehearsal of going to the supermarket with Mr. Xiaolin intimately? Impossible, go ahead and dream, your brother Xing has to go shopping in person.

Yu Yizhou gave a thumbs up, okay, okay, go, you are amazing.

The supermarket is on the basement level, so there is no need to go to the street in the rain.

Ji Xingling was pushing the shopping cart, Lin Jing was holding the mobile phone, picking out the products one by one, there was a cohabitation atmosphere.

Ji Xingling was quite satisfied with the itinerary, and while watching him buy vegetables, he boasted in a fancy way: "I didn't see it, you still understand this, what does it mean to take a picture of a pumpkin twice, to pick whether it is ripe or not?"

"No." Lin Jing continued to pick out the lotus root, "It doesn't matter if it's cooked or not, just take a few pictures and it will show that I'm more powerful."

Ji Xingling thinks Mr. Xiaolin is so cute that it's a super foul!

Want to press on the shelf crazy kiss!

Lin Jing noticed his bad intentions in time, and went to the condiment area to pick out the hot pot bottom ingredients. The young master had nothing to do, and the cart was too big and couldn't be pushed into crowded places, so he just wandered around. Walking past the daily chemicals section, there are a few shelves full of adult products. Although you Xingge is not yet an adult, everyone is very restless during puberty. It’s always okay to take a look, and learn new knowledge in advance.

I reached out to get it, but a girl just happened to walk over from the opposite side, also pushing a cart of daily necessities.

Ji Xingling: "..."

Zhang Luwen looked at him in surprise, whether it was a cart full of vegetables and meat seasonings that did not match Ji Xingling's previous image, or the other party's hand... She was a little embarrassed, but more unwilling, she stood in the corridor and did not move.

Ji Xingling also thought it was ridiculous, what the hell was it called? Before he had time to get out of the way, Lin Jing came over with two bags of hot pot ingredients and bumped into him - he saw both Zhang Luwen and Ji Xingling's hand. A small square box with hot eyes.

Of course, Zhang Luwen also saw him.

"you… "

Ji Xingling didn't answer, threw the things back on the shelf, and took Lin Jing away. After scanning the QR code at the self-service cashier, the two packed a lot of bags at random, piled up like a mountain, and couldn't carry them anymore, so they called Yu Yizhou and asked him to pick them up.

There was a machine for buying ice cream cones next to it, Ji Xingling asked, "Do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat." Lin Jing moved the shopping bag to the corner so as not to block the way, "What happened to you just now?"

"I was just curious, so I took it with me." Ji Xingling also regretted it, "Who knew that I just ran into her."

Lin Jing opened a piece of chewing gum: "Yes."

"Do you think she will see anything?"

"I don't know." Lin Jing also gave him a piece, "It doesn't matter, your family is rich and powerful, even if she sees something, she probably won't gossip around."

Ji Xingling leaned against the wall, and chewed casually a few times: "Did I drag you away so quickly just now, maybe if you stand for a while, you can cleverly come up with an excuse to make this embarrassing situation go."

"You don't need to stand for a while."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that as soon as I saw you, I already knew how to act."

"Hey? Then why didn't you say anything?"

Lin Jing replied: "Because I can't bear to sacrifice you to heaven."

Ji Xingling:

In fact, Lin Jing knew that he didn't have to say anything at all just now. He just had to pretend to be surprised that "while I was shopping alone in the supermarket, I accidentally bumped into Ji Xingling and Zhang Luwen standing in front of the adult goods shelf". Girls, they will definitely rush to explain this matter—or simply acquiesce, and they will not suspect anything else.

But no.

Not OK.

Lin Jing thought for a while, then turned to look at Ji Xingling: "I'd rather stand on the flag-raising platform with Lao Niu's megaphone and admit to the whole school that I like you so much!"

Yu Yizhou who just arrived: "..."

It doesn't have to be.

Teacher Xiaolin will stand on the flag-raising platform with Lao Niu's loudspeaker and admit to the whole school that he likes me very much!

Ji Xingling was successfully distracted. He flicked the invisible unicorn's tail happily, stuffed all the shopping bags to Yu Yizhou, and took the one from Lin Jing himself: "This thing is too heavy, let me do it."

Yu Congee: Hello

Ji Xingling suggested ruthlessly: "You can change back to your original body, and you can hang more than a dozen large shopping bags at once. Have you ever seen a clothesline like that? One long strip, don't waste your shoulder-pole figure."

Yu Yizhou was convinced: "You get out of here."

You brother Lin has never done housework, has no experience in grocery shopping, and is a northerner. As you know, northerners store Chinese cabbage by the ton in winter. Hao bought back a whole week's worth of vegetables. Holding a large bag of potatoes, Yu Yizhou felt that his hand was about to break, but he couldn't complain, because his friends were lustful and had no conscience, so he had to continue working hard as a porter.

The elevator opened with a "ding", and before the three of them could get in, Li Moyuan and Wei Xue came out first.


Mr. Li quickly explained: "Don't think about it, I'm here to help move!"

Wei Xue also pointed upstairs: "Well, I live in 1109."

"Coincidentally, Ge Hao also lives in this building, on the twentieth floor." For the sake of the squad leader, the crowd did not start a large-scale ridicule of Li Moyuan, and sent a friendly invitation, "We are going to cook hot pot, come together?"

We usually have a good relationship, and there is nothing to be pretentious about a meal. Ge Hao and Lin Jing were unpacking in the kitchen, and the others helped set the table and wash the dishes. The round dining table was just right for six people.

Wei Xue said: "I didn't see that the four of you are still willing to cook by yourself."

"It's really nothing to cook." Yu Yizhou never forgets to dig a hole for Fa Xiao, "The main thing is that after eating, Brother Xing will perform a dish washing on the spot, which is relatively rare. Everyone, get ready to applaud, don't miss it. .”

Ji Xingling said concisely: "Get lost."

Ge Hao raised his hand actively beside him: "I wash, I wash!"

Wei Xue suggested: "How about playing a game to decide?"

Yu Yizhou patted the table: "No problem."

Ji Xingling looked at him with contemptuous eyes, you have no problem what the hell, have you ever beaten Dad in a game, unless someone can tie himself to a knot on the spot, then you will win.

Yu Yizhou: mirage dragon swear words.

The small suite is bustling with people eating, chatting and playing, and the atmosphere is super good. Several people played a few small games, and Li Moyuan was honored to win the right to wash the dishes. Wei Xue hated iron and steel, and didn't look at it carefully. He took a sip of the drink next to him: "Do it again."

Lin Jing didn't have time to stop: "Sister Xue, my Coke."

Wei Xue: "..."

Lin Jingyou suggested: "You can run to the bathroom immediately and frantically rinse your mouth, I don't mind."

Wei Xue: No, I'm not as perverted as you.

It's just a little embarrassing.

Ji Xingling was thinking about another thing.

That was the drink Mr. Kobayashi drank.

The drink that the dragon blood tree drank.

So he patted Li Moyuan: "Have you finished eating, let's go."

Mr. Li, who was picking up the meatballs, was obviously not full: "Huh?"

Yu Yizhou is also a bit confused, so it's not possible that if the squad leader accidentally drank Brother Lin's drink, you will drive him away. Isn't that a bit too crazy.

Ji Xingling took Li Moyuan's arm, and forcibly pulled him up: "It's over, we have something to do later."

"..." Li Moyuan went in without knowing it, staggered by being dragged, "All right, I'll go get my schoolbag."

Wei Xue sat on the chair without moving.

Lin Jing didn't understand the situation either - because he, like Yu Yizhou, didn't know that Li Moyuan and Wei Xue were monsters, and Ji Xingling was very clear about it, and wouldn't casually tell other people's secrets. So he waved his hands in front of Wei Xue: "Squad leader?"

Wei Xue's face turned pale: "Can you... go out first?"