Sharing System

Chapter 1: mutual aid mode


"Roaming Taixu" is a popular holographic online game. It relies on advanced VR technology, takes ancient Chinese mythology as the prototype, and refers to the pictures depicted in the historical map and legend of China, and highly restores the world in mythology, and strives to let players experience Its situation feels the magnificence and colorfulness of the classical fairy world.

The Bamboo Valley is a leveling place for level 20-30 players of "Roaming Taixu". At present, the game is full level 100. There are very few players who come to level 30 map to level up, and only a few wooden players who practice trumpet play here Material.

Killing the wild map boss Feng Lianzhu in the Bamboo Valley has a chance to obtain the rare material "Bamboo Heart", which is still very useful for players below level 70.

"Strange, I haven't seen Feng Lianzhu for the past few days?" The two players who came to farm materials wandered in the Bamboo Valley for more than half an hour, and said strangely, "Could it be that someone brushes the boss regularly?"

"It shouldn't be," his companion said, "I have searched for the strategy, and Feng Lianzhu will be wandering in the Bamboo Valley. Even if it is killed by the player, the next hour will be refreshed. We have two days in a row. Come to You Bamboo Valley, even if he was killed before, should he encounter the newly refreshed boss?"

"It's hard to update the game secretly and delete this boss? Why doesn't the official website have an update?" The player wondered.

"Forget it, 'Bamboo Heart' is not a necessary material. There are many substitutes. The big deal is to go to level 50 'Biandilian'. The drop rate is lower, and the effect is better than 'Bamboo Heart'."

"That's right, let's go, don't waste time here."

After the two gradually moved away, a bamboo slowly shook, and a man in a green shirt walked out of the bamboo. It was Feng Lianzhu, the level 30 wild map boss of Youzhu Valley.

Feng Lianzhu has a skill that can use "possession" to hide in the bamboo. The trigger condition of this skill is that the npc's health bar is reduced to below 50%. There is no situation where the bamboo is attached without fighting. Attack Bamboo to find him.

Feng Lianzhu's long black hair was swept up by the regularly refreshed wind in You Bamboo Valley, and the long hair fell with the wind and turned into countless bamboo arrows, which swiftly shuttled through the air, making a breaking wind sound.

There is no target to attack around, and the bamboo arrow falls after the strength disappears. They disappeared when they landed, and Feng Lianzhu's hair returned to its original length.

Feng Lianzhu slowly closed his eyes, and an interface appeared in his mind—

Props: Feng Lianzhu's hair

Skill: Cut off long hair, and the fallen hair can be turned into bamboo arrows to attack

There is also a line of crossed out words at the bottom of the interface—

Skill Restriction: NPC HP can only be used when the HP drops below 70%

This was originally the trigger condition for Feng Lianzhu's skill, but it has now been crossed out. Similarly, the restrictions on other skills he has disappeared one by one, and he can freely use all his skills.

It was also because the restrictions were lifted that he was able to use the "attached bamboo" to avoid players who came to brush materials these days.

Three days ago, a dialog box appeared in Feng Lianzhu's mind, which was originally an online game NPC, asking him to go to the level 50 map Nie Qing Lake next door, get rid of the boss Infatuation Lotus, and take his place.

Game settings, wild map bosses can only be active on their own map and cannot enter other maps. As an NPC and boss, Feng Lianzhu doesn't know this, and he doesn't know that he can't use his skills at will. He only has a programmed action mode and does not have the ability to think. After seeing the task, he instinctively or programmed to implement it.

He is only a level 30 character, his blood volume and aura are far less than that of a level 50 boss, and he is not able to cooperate and fight like a player. In front of Infatuation Lotus, Feng Lianzhu mechanically released "bamboo arrows", "bamboo knives", and self-explosive "killing mine with one's body", dying in front of Infatuation Lotus again and again.

On the next hour after each death, he would be reborn in the Bamboo Valley. After the rebirth, he would repeat his previous actions, go to the Lake of Nie Qing, kill the Lian Qing Lian, use his wooden body to attract lightning, and be struck to death by lightning.

In three days and 72 hours, Feng Lianzhu had died 50 times.

For the 51st time, Feng Lianzhu avoided the players who interfered with his mission, and when he was about to go to Nie Qing Lake again, a dialog box popped up in front of him:

[You have failed 50 times in a row, do you need assistance?]

Feng Lianzhu stopped, staring at the two options "Yes" and "No" and froze.

He has not made a choice, choice means thinking, he has no ability to think.

The system didn't know Feng Lianzhu's difficulties, and placed the two options "Yes" and "No" in bold and highlighted in front of him, forcing him to choose, making him unable to perform tasks as mechanically and singularly as before.

The two words kept flashing in Feng Lianzhu's mind or in the database, emitting a rush of light. Feng Lianzhu's operation mode, which can only be calculated according to the program, was finally calculated with difficulty under such urging.

He must complete the task, even if it is unknown who issued the task, there is no right to refuse in Feng Lianzhu's procedure. According to the previous fifty experiences, the level 30 Feng Lianzhu has absolutely no chance of defeating the level 50 boss. In this case, there is only one answer.

Feng Lianzhu raised his finger with difficulty and clicked the "Yes" option for the first time with his own will.

At the moment of selection, he felt that a barrier in the depths of his consciousness seemed to be broken.

[It is confirmed that assistance is needed, and now it is the most suitable candidate for the host to match. It is estimated that it will take 10 seconds. Please wait patiently for the host.]

While waiting, Feng Lianzhu looked around and observed the environment of You Bamboo Valley. Since the game's launch, he has been living in the Bamboo Valley, where he has been killed and resurrected countless times.

It stands to reason that he should be quite familiar with this place, but now he has a new feeling.

He moved his nose, and the faint fragrance of bamboo wafted out. In order to allow players to have the best holographic experience, "Roaming Taixu" simulates the most real five senses, even in the game, you can smell the freshness that belongs to nature.

"I... would like to smell this smell many times." Feng Lianzhu thought to himself.

He didn't understand, the feeling of wanting to smell again and being willing to be in this environment is called "liking the fragrance of bamboo".

Feng Lianzhu stretched out his hand and lightly touched the bamboo next to him. The real touch made him quickly retract his fingers. He who had been possessed by bamboo countless times, took the initiative to feel the bamboo forest he was in for the first time.


Feng Lianzhu looked at his fingers, then stared at Bamboo for a few seconds. Like a child, he raised his hand to touch the bamboo leaves above his head.

At this time, the virtual screen that is being loaded in front of me turns around, and a dialog box pops up—

[Already connected to another system host for the host, is the mutual aid mode turned on?]

Feng Lianzhu quickly withdrew his hand, put the hand that was trying to touch the bamboo leaf behind him, looked at the dialog with a straight face, and read each word carefully, as if concentrating.

"What is the host? What is the other host?" Feng Lianzhu couldn't help but ask, his limited knowledge reserve was not enough for him to understand these words.

What he didn't realize was that this was the first time he took the initiative to ask.

Choice, liking, curiosity, seeking knowledge... After the barrier in the depths of his mind was broken, he was learning about the world step by step in his own way, trying to think little by little.

[The host is the host selected by the system, the system will issue a task to the host, and the host will be rewarded after completion, and the system will also get energy from it. The other host and the host Feng Lianzhu are hosts in different planes and different time and space, sharing the same system. After the mutual aid mode is turned on, they can share tasks.]

The system replied in the form of a text pop-up window.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

The explanation of the system is too complicated for him to understand.

But this answer gave him the concept of "self" and "other".

"The world is made up of 'me' and 'people other than me'. What 'I' can't do, 'people other than me' can do." Feng Lianzhu interprets the system's answer in his own way.

The task is always to be completed. As an NPC, the meaning of his existence is the mission given to him by the game designer. This is the iron law, and it is also the "principle" and "bottom line" that Feng Lianzhu has formulated for himself. If you can't do it yourself, just listen to the system's advice.

Feng Lianzhu selected "Yes".

[Open the mutual aid mode, after systematic analysis and calculation, the most suitable way is for the host Feng Lianzhu and the host pang·kirates to exchange each other's tasks. The system has been authorized by both parties, the transmission channel is opened, and the transmission begins.]

Before Feng Lianzhu could ask or deny, his body began to decompose and turned into countless energy points. After what seemed to be a long and fast journey, he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

There is no refreshing wind in the Bamboo Valley, no fragrance of green bamboo, no clear sky and soft white clouds. There is a bright golden light in front of me, and the wind hurts the eyes.

It took him a while to realize that the light in front of him came from a pile of gold coins as large as a mountain. Each gold coin was the size of a palm.

In addition to gold coins, there are all kinds of jewelry, and countless luminous pearls hang on the stone walls, and the light is also provided by these luminous pearls.

This is a huge cave, bigger than his Bamboo Valley, no… ten times bigger than the Bamboo Valley and Nie Qing Lake combined. Feng Lianzhu compared the two maps he only knew.

What boss wants to live in such a wide cave? Feng Lianzhu, who only knew the game, instinctively regarded this place as the residence of the ultimate boss of a certain game, and the cave environment made him a little uncomfortable.

"I 'hate' darkness, this feeling is called 'hate'." Feng Lianzhu nodded secretly, making sure he didn't like it here.

He touched the stone wall, cool and dry, no moss growing, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

The cave is filled with the smell of the original owner, which can't be said to be good or bad. Feng Lianzhu feels a meaning from this smell - this is my territory.

The strong and terrifying breath made his hair flutter involuntarily, and he was in a state of preparation.

Fortunately, the system reminded Feng Lianzhu in time: [You have exchanged with pang·kirates, and he is currently performing your task in the Bamboo Valley.]

"I see." Feng Lianzhu breathed a sigh of relief, his long hair falling back to its original place.

The breath left in the cave proves that the other host... uh... Probably the person named Fat Kiratus is extremely powerful, not to mention the level 50 infatuation lotus, probably even the top level 100 boss can be killed instantly. It should be easy for him to complete his task.

The other party really has the ability to help him, then he also has to help the other party.

"What is Fat Kiratus' mission?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

The author has something to say: Attack: That's Pon Kilatus, not fat, not fat, not fat! ! I am not fat! ! !

Shou: But you didn't mark the accent mark (wrong Baba)

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