Sharing System

Chapter 14: invaders


Laurie Chester is a lieutenant general of the Imperial Rebels, "Rebels" is what the Alliance calls them, they call themselves the Imperial Guard, and have fought several battles with the Alliance forces over the years, with mixed wins and losses, on some planets. Not a small force.

During this time, Lieutenant General Laurie, in order to promote the cooperation between the Imperial Army and the interstellar pirates, has been helping them train troops on the planet where the interstellar pirates are stationed, and brought technical support to strengthen and upgrade their team.

The Imperial Army did not ask the pirates to submit to them, but only hoped that the pirates would assist in some battles, as a surprise soldier, to disturb the alliance army.

When Dolphin Liuliu and others sent the message, Lieutenant General Laurie was just helping the interstellar pirates to upgrade their communication equipment. Hearing the letter from the correspondent, Laurie was very curious about the person who sent the letter. The lieutenant will talk to the two.

It's not that Lieutenant General Laurie is taking the lead, but the Dolphin Liuliu is too immature. Even though they have been using words to communicate, they still reveal their innocence.

The pirates did not pay attention to a group of primitive star throwbacks, and let Lieutenant General Laurie play freely, let him deal with Dolphin Liuliu to inquire about the news, leaving only a small pirate leader to listen.

When Lieutenant General Laurie asked for a ton of gold, the little pirate leader realized that something was wrong, and quickly connected to his own boss, and everyone listened to the conversation together.

After the call, when Lieutenant General Laurie was about to prepare his troops, Linde, the leader of the pirates, came over and said to Lieutenant General Laurie, "I think since those atavists are contacting us, there is no need to trouble Lieutenant General Laurie with you. , I'll send someone to go."

Linde was a burly stature, three meters tall. He had thick hair, brown hair on the backs of his hands and face, and he didn't know how much.

Lieutenant General Laurie was sitting in a chair, his legs casually resting on the table, looking rather languid. Hearing Linde's words, he smiled: "The little atavists can take out a ton of gold without hesitation, and they are very guarded against us, there must be gold mines on that planet... No, not necessarily ore, maybe It is pure gold. The gold mines on this planet escaped the exploration of the alliance and were discovered by me. Do you think I will let this planet go?"

"Lieutenant General Laurie," Lindla said after passing a special swivel chair that was three times larger than ordinary chairs. Even sitting down, it was two meters high. He turned the chair closer to Lieutenant General Laurie and said seriously, "For us, The hard currency of gold is also very useful, and can be exchanged for many items from the alliance through some special channels."

"Speaking of which, the researchers of our guard army have already developed the formula of the gene enhancer. At present, there are 1,738 experimental subjects, only one of them has the phenomenon of degeneration of the gene level because the body is too weak to withstand the medicinal power of the gene enhancer, and all the others have succeeded. Promoted to a rank, no one died." Lieutenant General Laurie suddenly mentioned an irrelevant matter.

"Gene enhancer..." Linde's huge hand turned into a fluffy fist. This kind of thing is difficult to buy even on the black market.

"I remember that the interstellar pirates have robbed the vaults of the Alliance for so many years. Your gold coin reserves should be sufficient, right?" Lieutenant General Laurie asked.

Speaking of the treasury, Linde's face immediately contorted, he gritted his teeth and said, "This is a shame, but there is nothing to hide. Our treasury has been stolen since 379 years ago, every four or five years. It will be empty once every ten years. As soon as we fill the vault, there will be an unknown creature stealing it, no matter where it hides, it will be found. Every time the vault is empty, we will change the leader. 49 years Before, I took advantage of the turmoil that the treasury was stolen and successfully ousted the previous leader."

Lieutenant General Laurie: "You... I look at your strength these days. You won't be robbed, right? Is it because you are guarding yourself and stealing?"

"I hope it was done by my own people, but I can deal with it. But every time it is stolen, there will be a huge claw mark on the door of the vault that was kicked down. Who has such a strong power? Genetic level S-level It's impossible!" Linde said, "I need gold mines, and I also want those atavists who contact me too, you can't steal our business."

"What organization has been able to rob the treasure house of interstellar pirates for 379 consecutive years?" Lieutenant General Laurie was very curious. "There is still a paw print. Could it be the Giratus dragon?"

After he finished speaking, several captains of the Imperial Army laughed in unison. Everyone knew that the Kirath dragon was extinct, and Lieutenant General Laurie was making fun of Lind for using this trumped-up creature as an excuse to sell miserably.

The Imperial Army wanted gold mines, and the interstellar pirates did not let go, and the two sides were at odds. After all, in the territory of the interstellar pirates, the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snakes, and Lieutenant General Laurie exchanged the purchase right of the genetic enhancer for half of his troops, and they jointly divided up the gold mines on the planet.

Lin De also wanted to win over the atavistic people, so he brought the supplies they needed, and planned to use these items to win over those innocent children.

An atavist who was exiled at the age of 18 is not just a child in the eyes of the rebels and interstellar gangsters.

According to the amount of materials needed by the atavists, it is speculated that there are only three or four hundred atavists on that planet, and there are no weapons. In fact, a warship is enough.

However, Lieutenant General Linde and Laurie were on guard against each other, and each brought 100 people and 5 small warships, forming a team of 200 people and 10 warships.

The warships were faster than ordinary civilian spaceships, and it took them only four days to reach Primal 419.

Lieutenant General Laurie and Linde were in the same command ship and guarded against each other. When entering the atmosphere, Lieutenant General Laurie looked at the green on the display and sighed: "What a beautiful color, I haven't seen such a pure color for a long time. green."

"The Alliance's Prison Star has many colors like this," Linde said. "If you miss it, walk to the square of the Capital Star with your bare hands, and make sure you live on the Prison Star until the planet perishes."

"You really don't understand romance." Lieutenant General Laurie glanced at Linde and shook his head when he saw that he was eating a yellow, curved fruit called "banana".

Are all orangutans simple-minded and fond of bananna? Lieutenant General Laurie thought leisurely.

He turned on the intelligent search system to find the atavists on this planet.

The artificial intelligence of the intelligent search is a nice female voice, she said: "Lieutenant General, according to your instructions, at coordinates 67E, 183N, more than 300 humanoid creatures that can walk upright have been found, but no gold mine has been found."

"No gold mines?" Lieutenant General Laurie wondered, "That's right, the Alliance can let go of the gold mines on this planet, maybe because it's hard to find, maybe the magnetic field blocks your exploration."

"Lieutenant General, near the gathering place of humanoids, there is an area with a radius of 400 kilometers that cannot be explored, with a total area of 450,000 square kilometers." AI said.

"Is this the location of the gold mine?" Linde said in a rough voice, "You have a nice voice, let's download a copy for our fleet as well."

"This is the voice of the most popular female voice actor in the league," Lieutenant General Laurie turned off the search system. "If you like it, you can download it from the league's official website."


The two belong to a cooperative relationship, and they are on guard against each other, and their relationship is not good.

Lieutenant General Laurie controlled the battleship to land in the desert area near the gathering place of the Atavists. After getting off the battleship, each two of them set off in a small transformable battle armor.

They were extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of sound, and arrived at the gathering place of the Atavists in less than ten minutes.

Laurie lowered his armor and came out fully armed, followed by a team of 100 men. Linde next to him also led 100 pirates. The pirate team was relatively loose, and there was no momentum from Lieutenant General Laurie's troops.

They looked at a group of atavists who didn't even have clothes and gathered together like savages. Linde couldn't help laughing: "To deal with so many people, it is really overkill to have to dispatch so many troops."

"It's always right to be cautious." Lieutenant General Laurie didn't think he was wasting supplies.

Linde pressed the loudspeaker on his collar and shouted loudly: "You atavists, it's too smart to choose us to trade, hahahaha! In the future, your planet, gold mine, and yourself , I will take over, don't worry, I will be very gentle to you."

Standing in front of the Atavist with a white tail, he shouted two words, but they couldn't hear it because they were too far away.

"Turn on the sound-receiving equipment, play the loudspeaker, and the people behind put on earphones." Lieutenant General Laurie said, "You atavistic people, you rely on shouting for communication. With such a backward technology, you dare to seek skin from tigers, you really don't know how to live or die."

After the subordinate turned on the loudspeaker, 200 people heard a cold voice saying, "Can you hear it?"

He spoke intermittently, as if he was not very proficient in interstellar common language.

Lin De frowned: "Are these atavists so bad? I can't tell you what to say. Is the Union Welfare Institute unwilling to provide even the most basic education?"

"Do you hear that?" the owner of the voice asked again.

"Of course I can. What do you want to say?" Lieutenant General Laurie said with a smile. "You have a nice voice. I'm willing to put up with your stuttering, but only for three minutes. I'll give you three minutes to surrender."

"The volume, is it loud enough?" The owner of the voice lowered the volume this time.

Laurie's men turned the volume to maximum.

"Even the sound of a needle falling to the ground is clear now, and I will record your surrender," said Lieutenant General Laurie.

"Okay, let's start." The nice voice became cold and hard.

Feng Lianzhu, who used the skill "Attach Bamboo" to hide in a tree, said to the system in his heart: "Leave the message out, the maximum volume."

The system executes Feng Lianzhu's order, opens the message box, and clicks on the first message left by Pang Kilatus for Feng Lianzhu. The first sentence of the message is—


The roar of the Kirath dragon, which was turned up to the highest volume by the system and amplified to the highest by Laurie, reached everyone's ears through their earphones.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: There is a treasury next door, and I can grow gold myself. When I woke up, I went to get some decorations for my small house (450,000 square kilometers), which is great.

Feng Lianzhu's age here: according to the game settings, 30,000 years old; according to the game release time, 2 years old; if according to the awakening time, 10 days, please choose your favorite age.