Sharing System

Chapter 17: The game suffers


After the teleportation was over, Feng Lianzhu opened his eyes and saw that he was in the familiar Bamboo Valley, slightly relieved.

When he was in Primordial Star, he was always worried about what happened to Fat Dragon in the Lake of Evil Love, which would prevent the two of them from being able to exchange back. Even if the system told him that "the mission is completed, he can return to the original world", Feng Lianzhu was still worried that the exchange was approaching. There will be accidents.

It wasn't until he felt the fresh bamboo fragrance of You Bamboo Valley that Feng Lianzhu believed that everything was really over.

He walked to his own bamboo pavilion in You Bamboo Valley and sat on a chair made of bamboo. In addition to being at ease, he felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness. I always feel that the Bamboo Valley is too quiet. There are clearly birds in the sky, chirping insects in the grass, and mobs that periodically refresh outside the bamboo forest, but Feng Lianzhu still feels empty.

Is it because of too much memory after the upgrade? He raised his hand and touched his chest, and found that it really seemed to be empty, turning himself into a hollow bamboo.

If I had known that the memory was too large to produce such emotions, I would not have deleted all the memories of Primordial Star. A little should be left, not too much, just a few atavistic memories of images and sounds. Feng Lianzhu thought to himself.

Until the end, those atavists always thought he was Pang Gilatus, and no one knew the name "Feng Lianzhu". Is he doing a good job

After thinking wildly for a while, these melancholy thoughts were deleted again, leaving only the sentence "Remember to save other people's audio and video images in the future" in the txt file where Feng Lianzhu recorded important events.

The system has not yet released a new task. Feng Lianzhu sat in the bamboo pavilion in the Youzhu Valley for a long time, but no player came to brush the boss. It was a little strange, so he could not help asking the system.

System: [Because the original boss of You Bamboo Valley went to Nie Qing Lake to pretend to be an infatuated lotus, the level 30 map You Bamboo Valley is temporarily closed.]

It turned out that it was because of the fat dragon, Feng Lianzhu nodded, but did not blame the fat dragon, only asked: "How long will it be closed?"

System: [After seven days, the Bamboo Valley will be upgraded to a level 50 map. When the map reopens, the host can complete the next stage of the mission.]

It’s not bad to rest for seven days. Before, he racked his brains all day on Primal Star to think about how to pretend to be a Kiratth dragon, formulate a new system for Primordial Star, arrange work for the prisoners, and secretly get warships and other materials into Kiratth by himself. In the dragon's lair, even though the spiritual energy was sufficient for several days, I still felt a little tired. At this moment, when I returned to my own world, I could relax without the player's interruption.

After three days of boredom, Feng Lianzhu felt a feeling of "boring". Ordinary people can play games, watch TV, and read books when they have nothing to do. Feng Lianzhu himself is a part of the game, and the only book in hand is "Basic Teaching of Interstellar Common Language". He has left Primal Star and does not need to study any more. This book is too.

Putting away the book, Feng Lianzhu said to himself, "I don't know how the atavists on Primal Star are. Will my actions attract new enemies for them? You are so strong, you should be fine, right?"

Thinking of this, Feng Lianzhu asked the system, "Can I watch the follow-up of Interstellar World?"

System: [The host's authority is only in the current world. When in the interstellar world, he has no right to view everything in the game of pang·kirates. After returning, he can retrieve the mission video in the system space; in the same way, in the game world However, if the host exchanges with pang·kirates again one day, he can check the mission video.]

The possibility of another exchange is unlikely. Feng Lianzhu's next mission is to defeat the level 60 boss. He thinks that he now has wisdom and thinking ability, and he should not die 50 times in a row again. Pang Gilatus is powerful, but he is only limited by the fact that he is too concerned about money. As long as the next mission does not cost money, Fat Dragon will not need help.

In fact, to this day, Feng Lianzhu still does not understand why the system thinks that he is the most suitable host to complete the task of poverty alleviation. Perhaps with his current wisdom and emotions, he is not enough to understand the big data the system is talking about.

"You can't look at the follow-up of Primordial Star, let's look at how Pang Jilatus caused so much damage in the game." Feng Lianzhu said to the system.

What he knew about Fat Dragon's riotous "A Journey to Taixu" was systematically described in text, and it was very concise. Now that he knew that he had the opportunity to view the video, Feng Lianzhu wanted to watch it.

The system played a holographic image for Feng Lianzhu as before, Feng Lianzhu suddenly saw another self appear beside him, his expression was full of impatience, although he was born the same, he could see that the two were completely different.

System explanation: [There is a way of extracting shape in the game. In order to make pang kirates better pretend to be the host, the system provides pang kirates with the shape of the host Feng Lianzhu.]

It turned out that, Feng Lianzhu nodded and continued to watch.

"Feng Lianzhu" in the holographic image pinched his face, flipped his sleeves, frowned and said to himself, "Too thin."

Feng Lianzhu has a long and jade-like body, elegant green robes, and handsome as bamboo. He was also a first-class handsome man in the early stage of "Roaming Taixu". It was not until more and more maps in the later stage and various NPCs were designed that they gradually disappeared. Of course everyone. In fact, he is a very standard golden ratio body, not thin at all, but compared to the 450,000 square kilometers of Kirat Slon's body, it is indeed too thin.

"Feng Lianzhu" seemed to feel uncomfortable in the clothes, "his" tore off the long sleeves, pulled down the hem of the robe, and randomly tore the sleeves into strips, tied them into ropes, and tied them around the waist. The elegant blue gown was changed into a sleeveless bunt. Fortunately, there is also a pair of black trousers under the long shirt, otherwise the picture will not be able to be seen.

He was finally satisfied with the clothes, but he was unhappy that his hair was too long, and his nails suddenly became sharp. He cut his long hair into rounds, shook his head, feeling a lot refreshed, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Feng Lianzhu, who was on the sidelines: "..."

While he was laboriously pretending to be the Kirath dragon, the fat dragon had already ruined his in-game image to the brim.

At this time, a player happened to come to brush the materials and bumped into the fat dragon who had changed his hairstyle and clothes. The three players were shocked for a moment, and one of them said, "Is the game upgraded to the boss? We can't beat this trumpet at level 50, right? Shall I go to a full-level tuba?"

"Okay, let's explore the truth first, and when you come, we will have a preparation."

After the three discussed, one player went offline, and the remaining two attacked Pang Gilatus without fear of death.

Feng Lianzhu let out a long sigh, and had already foreseen what would happen to these two players who were only level 50.

Fat Long, who was still adjusting to his new body, saw someone coming to court death, and he couldn't help showing a childlike innocent smile on Feng Lianzhu's face.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

In the next second, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu in the picture made a signature roar, shouting out half of the player's life with a roar, then rushed up to a sweep, taking the remaining half of the two players away.

Due to the shape of Feng Lianzhu, the fat dragon's tail is hidden. The two players didn't see the dragon's tail at all.

Regardless of the map or the dungeon, if the player does not return to the main city or revive the underworld after death, the corpse will stay in place and will not disappear. The two players still wanted to wait for their teammates to come back to revive themselves, but they did not return to the city to revive themselves. The players' consciousness lay in the corpse to observe the "updated boss".

But they never thought that the new boss had carried out a brutal flogging on them.

The fat dragon muttered, "It's dead, it's too weak." He posted it and smelled the bodies of the two players. He didn't know what he smelled. After the dragon whispered, "It doesn't seem to be dead," he put The two corpses were lined up together, jumping up on the corpses and falling down.

Every time they jumped, the ground of the Bamboo Valley trembled, and after a while, the bodies of the two players were flattened.

The player who logged in to the full-level tuba came and saw the miserable state of his two companions. He only had time to send a message to the gang [Come to You Bamboo Valley, we might have encountered the ultimate hidden boss]. The dragon was killed with one claw.

Feng Lianzhu saw with sharp eyes that the player seemed to be wearing a full-level divine outfit, and he had also spent money to buy special effects. It was shiny and golden. It was forcibly torn from the player by Pang Gilatus and buried under the bamboo. .

Because the full-level player sent a message to the gang before he died, the gang leader brought ten people to form two teams to fight the boss. They had T, milk, output, control and remote. It was a very complete team, surrounded by Fat Dragon. Unleash your skills.

Pang Gilatus was beaten impatiently, and with a "roar", he broke free from the Fenglianzhu shape prepared for him by the system and turned back into his true body.

It was also the first time Feng Lianzhu had seen the full picture of a living Kirat Sauron. His body alone was bigger than the entire map of Youzhu Valley. His whole body was covered with black scales, and only the bulging belly was soft. White scales.

A pair of blue-black wings grew behind him, and his two hind legs the size of a mountain stepped on the ground, directly trampling to death the two T's responsible for pulling hatred, and then swept the front paws left and right, and the remaining eight players suddenly Seven died.

Only one player in the golden armor of God had half a breath left, and he used the teleportation charm to return to the gang.

Seeing the golden color disappearing in front of him, the huge Kirat Throne raised his long neck, roared to the sky, spread his wings, and actually flew.

His sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and even if the player was teleported thousands of miles away, he was accurately captured by the Kiratth Dragon.

A giant dragon that flew enough to cover the sky soared in the sky of "Roaming Taixu", flew to the main city at a very fast speed, and killed many players who were flying with Yujian on the road.

Arriving at the main city of the gang, Fat Dragon sat down on the player's main gang building, hollowed out the gang's treasury, and went after the golden armor player.

When the player saw this boss, he could even fight in the main city, so he was so frightened that he directly used the magic of returning to the martial art and returned to Tianlong Valley.

The nightmare of Tianlong Valley begins here.

Feng Lianzhu covered his face and turned off the video. He didn't want to watch Pang Kilatus tear up the Tianlong Valley and kick the Lake of Evil Love with his feet. He just wanted to be quiet.

The description of the previous system was in words after all. At that time, Feng Lianzhu felt that although Fat Dragon caused trouble, the penalty for deducting so many points was still too heavy. After seeing the video with his own eyes at this moment, Fang Jue's punishment was really merciful.

[Pang Gilatus left a message to the host before leaving the game world.]

The system suddenly prompted.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Feng Lianzhu opened the message box puzzled.

Mute for 3 seconds as usual, and after blocking the first dragon roar, Feng Lianzhu then turned on the sound and heard the dragon say, "I buried the gold I grabbed under the bamboo, you help me keep it, if you have time I'll get it, hoo!"

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: Speaking of which, system, have you told Fat Dragon that this is the game world, and all the gold is virtual

System: Prompted, but he may not have read the prompt carefully.

The fat dragon in the distance: roar, I still have gold in that world, roar~