Sharing System

Chapter 19: Shared brains


When the two exchanged back to the world, the system showed Feng Lianzhu the points of both sides. Feng Lianzhu completed the task and got 1000 points, and established a simple system on the original star, and got 4000 points, totaling 5000 points.

Feng Lianzhu is only based on the gameplay in which players exchange gold coins and experience by helping NPCs to do things, and has formulated relatively simple rules for exchanging items for the ancestors. It is actually more rewarding than completing the task. There must be a deep meaning. Unfortunately, with Feng Lianzhu's current IQ and computing power, he cannot guess the reason.

As for Fat Dragon, he seemed to have repaid a lot of points for helping the game make maps, and he paid back some more for playing the infatuated lotus when he suppressed his temper. The final points in exchange were -7600.

As for the system cloud disk with unlimited memory that Fat Long said, Feng Lianzhu checked the system mall for a long time, and after repeated confirmation, he saw this product, called "shared brain", and it took 10,000 points to redeem this product. It is not a system cloud disk at all, nor is it unlimited memory, but an ability to lend part of its brain memory to others through system cloud sharing, and the amount to be borrowed is up to the purchaser.

When the buyer redeems the "shared brain" in the system mall, he will see the maximum storage limit of his own brain and the upper limit that can be borrowed. He sets the loaned memory value within the upper limit, and this part of the "shared brain" will be uploaded to the system , the system externally inserts these memories into another person's mind to expand the other person's thinking ability.

Since Fat Dragon can say unlimited memory, it means that he is setting the loan value to be "unlimited". "Unlimited" means that he completely opens his brain space to Feng Lianzhu.

This is not to say that Feng Lianzhu's thinking will enter Pang Gilatus' brain, but Feng Lianzhu can use Fat Dragon's brain to carry out advanced mental activities such as thinking and imagination, but the knowledge obtained only belongs to Feng Lianzhu , is obviously Fat Dragon's brain, but he has no right to use this part occupied by Feng Lianzhu.

The ability to "share the brain" is relatively abstract. Using a realistic analogy, it is equivalent to Pang Gilatus having a big house. He gave Feng Lianzhu the key to the house, and Feng Lianzhu can move around in the house. And the room that Feng Lianzhu had used would be locked, and Pon Kilatus would lose control of this room and would not be able to enter this room. In the same way, if Pon Kilatus piled his gold into the house, Feng Lianzhu would not be able to get close to this part of the space.

Obviously there are two people, but they share the same brain.

There is also a remark below the product, a host used this ability to successfully treat a brain-dead friend, at the cost that they can only use the same brain in the future.

After seeing the detailed introduction of this product, the blood bar above Feng Lianzhu's head suddenly became half empty. Although he was not attacked, he was inexplicably seriously injured.

The evil fire that was born because of Fat Dragon's deletion of his strongest skill has always been firmly held in the bottom of his heart by Feng Lianzhu, but this time he couldn't hold it any longer. , directly burning the memory usage rate of more than 90%.

[You are about to format, do you want to connect the system cloud disk?]

"Don't answer!" Feng Lianzhu's cold voice was rarely filled with a trace of anger, "Isn't he stupid! His body is hairy, and his parents, how can he be so casually injured!"

After saying this, Feng Lianzhu laughed angrily. Kirat Slon, who was still a young baby, was not stupid, how could he understand these truths.

"Can I ask Pang Gilates to return the 'shared brain'?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

[Once the products in the system mall are sold, they will not be returned or exchanged.]

"Can the settings be changed? There is no need for 'unlimited' sharing." Feng Lianzhu asked again.

[The setting is completed and cannot be changed.]

Hearing that he couldn't change, Feng Lianzhu was so angry that his temples were aching like needles, and the program built into his body was still prompting him to "auto format after 60 seconds".

The most ridiculous thing is that this stupid fat dragon has not waited for Feng Lianzhu to agree, and directly opened the "shared brain" permission to Feng Lianzhu. He never thought that after Feng Lianzhu received the gift, he could still refuse it. It's so silly of him to exchange the mission request.

"Automatically format after 10 seconds", prompting to start the countdown, ten, nine, eight...

If it is really formatted by the game, he will forget about it, forget the anger at this time, and forget this feeling of crying and laughing.

Before the last second of the countdown, Feng Lianzhu closed his eyes resignedly and said to the system, "Connect to the 'shared brain'."

An invisible line in the sea of knowledge disappeared into Feng Lianzhu's eyebrows, and his consciousness was wrapped in a boundless gray fog. Feng Lianzhu once thought that the 450,000-square-kilometer lair of Pang Kilatus was big enough, but after all, it was possible to touch the edge, and this fog seemed to have no boundaries. There is no return path.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment, Feng Lianzhu's consciousness was groping in the invisible space, and suddenly he heard a snoring sound.

The sound was like a coordinate, and the wind followed the sound, and saw a black giant object, a Giratus dragon.

He was piled up like a mountain in the dark, and the scales on his body glowed with light, and these lights were as lively as they were alive.

Feng Lianzhu approached the black giant dragon, and saw his nose snorted, his eyelids moved slightly, and a dark blue eye was exposed, as deep as the sea, as distant as the sky, quietly looking at Feng Lianzhu .

Feng Lianzhu's entire body is not as big as this eye, and he saw his figure gradually imprinted on that eye.

[connection succeeded.]

The prompt popped up from the system suddenly recalled Feng Lianzhu's thoughts, the formatting crisis has been resolved, Feng Lianzhu returned to his senses, and saw that he was still in the Bamboo Valley, there was no fog around, and the time stayed at the time when he connected to the "shared brain". one second.

What is that? Feng Lianzhu tried hard to recall, but he could only think of the dark blue eye and the boundless expanse of thinking, without any restraints or limitations.

[Before each task exchange, the host can leave a message.]

Feng Lianzhu was interrupted again by the system's pop-up window regardless of time and place. He hurriedly retracted his thoughts, thinking about what message to leave to Fat Dragon.

The message can be voiced, and Feng Lianzhu thought about the words and said: "Brother Pang, please don't change back to your original form. I know you don't like being restrained, but Brother Pang's body is too large. Restoring the original body will destroy all the maps. Points will be deducted by the system. Brother Pang already owes too many points and can no longer be deducted. I will transfer the 5000 points in my hand to you through the system, and I will also give you the points in the future. The points should also be repaid together.

"In addition, this is a game. All items in the game are virtual. The gold coins that Brother Pang hid before have been recovered by the game company. Next time you see the player, don't do anything about the warehouse. We can't pick up the player's Items, snatch is useless. Gamers treat you as a boss attack, which is the rule of the game, they are not malicious, just kill them, don't chase to the main city.

"Also, other characters in the game except the player are virtual, fake, mindless puppets. Don't pull their dragon scales or pull their dragon tendons."

After instructing him, Feng Lianzhu, who had a lot of open-mindedness, sighed and agreed to Pang Gilatus' request for help.

Before leaving, Feng Lianzhu, the owner of Youzhu Valley, vaguely felt that there were many players in the valley, well-equipped and of extremely high level.

May Brother Pang treat them well.

After the conversion, Feng Lianzhu reappeared in Fat Dragon's lair, surrounded by a hill-like pile of gold coins.

I don't know if it was his delusion, but the gold coins in front of him seemed to have increased a lot. It was only seven days. The ransom he agreed with the interstellar pirates and the rebel army was also materials, not gold coins. The gold coins should not increase.

After sharing his brain with Fat Dragon, Feng Lianzhu's thinking speed was much faster, and a thought appeared in his mind, could it be Pang Gilatus...

Suppressing this thought, Feng Lianzhu said to the system, "What is Pang Gilatus' mission?"

This time, the system did not play the hologram, but a text popped up:

[Material abundance is the most basic need, in addition to enriching material things, but also enriching the spirit. The atavists have only received the most basic compulsory education, have not been exposed to higher education, and lack the theoretical basis for development and growth. The host is the object of respect and reverence of the atavists, and the knowledge level must not be lower than that of the atavists. Please join the atavists to receive education in the Xingwang classroom. Returnees can study according to their own needs. The host, pang·kirates, must pass the exam and get a diploma from an online university.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He understands why Fat Dragon would rather owe 10,000 points than let him help complete the task. This learning task is really terrifying.

Below the task, there is a line of remarks: This task has a large time span, does not affect the release of other tasks, and can be completed in a superimposed manner.

"Then what should I do with the exchange?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

This task requires at least four to five years of study. Can't he return to the game world within four or five years? That game company has to be screwed up by Pon Kilatus!

[The task is divided into four stages: primary school, junior high school, high school, and university. University is divided into one, two, three, four, and five time periods. Each stage is regarded as a phased task completion, and you will get back winter and summer vacations. The online learning time is relatively free. The sooner the host finishes learning, the longer the vacation time.]

It seems that he has to study hard and try to get his primary school diploma sooner.

There was a message left by Pang Lianzhu, Feng Lianzhu opened the mailbox, muted it for three seconds, and heard the dragon proudly say: "I have the equipment of the Xingwang classroom, you can ask how to operate it. Ask those interstellar pirates and learn how to roar!"

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Interstellar pirates? Shouldn't they have paid the ransom to return to their own planet? Where did the fat dragon, the equipment of the Xingwang classroom, get it

Seeing that there were obviously a lot of gold coins around him, Feng Lianzhu instantly understood.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: I had a dream just now. I dreamed of a very good-looking little man. Before I stretched out my claws to grab him, I woke up from the dream and was unhappy  ̄へ ̄