Sharing System

Chapter 22: future plan


It's not that the atavists never thought that this Kirath dragon had other purposes. There is no good for no reason in the world. Maybe one day, they will fall into a situation of doom.

Moreover, in the stories of the alliance, Kiratus mostly appears as the final villain, it is difficult for the atavistic people not to think in a bad direction, not to mention the rebellion of interstellar pirates and the imperial army.

Lieutenant General Laurie's reform through labor has shaken the hearts of the returnees in the past few days. "Is there a future for following Kiratthron?" "As long as you join the Imperial Army, after the revolution is successful, all returnees will be heroes." "Steal the spaceship from that dragon's lair and come with us." "Maybe you are just the reserves of Giratus", etc., were packaged by Lieutenant General Laurie into countless thoughtful words in Atavist spread in.

Feng Lianzhu, who has never actually been in contact with human beings, still thinks about human nature too simply, at least it is impossible for an imperial army like Lieutenant General Laurie to sit still.

Even if he can't rebel this time, as long as a dark seed is left behind, it will take root sooner or later.

The specific use of Lieutenant General Laurie has not yet been determined, and it is just to prevent future problems.

Moreover, about Kirat Slon, Lieutenant General Lowry has a guess, which needs to be verified by eyeliner.

His plan was going well, and there were really stupid atavists who wanted to go to the lair to steal the spaceship, not to betray Feng Lianzhu, but to be confused by the picture described by Lieutenant General Laurie.

Even if there are more materials, this is a primitive star and cannot communicate with the outside world. These atavists, who were sent to orphanages at birth, did not even have the right to know their biological parents.

Did they pop out of a rock

No, every Atavist, like the average Alliance, has parents.

But they were taken away from birth, and they were deprived of even a chance to see their parents.

Trapped in Primordial Star all his life, it is impossible to find his life again. No matter whether you hate or love, you have to meet to express it.

The theft of the spaceship happened the day after Feng Lianzhu left the interstellar world. That night, a dozen returnees and Lieutenant General Laurie sneaked out of the base under construction and came to the place where the airship was parked. Just about to open the airship, The lights in the parking lot were bright, and Dog Sixteen and Dou Liuli led people to look at them coldly. The little Mouse Er23 stood at the foot of Dog Sixteen, baring his teeth and screaming at them. "Call.

"Oh?" Lieutenant General Laurie, who was caught upright, was not afraid. His back was straight, his blue eyes swept across the serious faces of Inu Shizuo and the others, his eyes fell on the ugly Dou Liuliu, and he laughed. , "Did you find it?"

Laurie had a deep impression of Dolphin Liuliu. His appearance was unforgettable. He used a communicator to negotiate with Laurie before, and later negotiated the ransom with Feng Lianzhu, pointing out that Laurie was in the alliance to reward people, Laurie must have fond memories of him.

In the process of instigating the rebellion, Lieutenant General Laurie has been paying attention to avoiding the atavistic people who fervently worship Kiratus, such as the dog sixteen dolphin sixty-six, and do not want to be discovered.

Rabbit Jiuba with split lips and red eyes hides behind Dog Sixteen. She is small and has no sense of existence. Her usual job is to deliver meals to everyone. When these people were eating, they discussed in a low voice, but they were still heard by Rabbit Nine-Eight. She had long ears.

Rabbit Nine-Eight was very afraid of Lord Kiratus, but she believed Inu Sixteen and told Inu Sixteen about the matter.

Inu Sixteen kept silent, and led people to ambush here, waiting for them to act.

After grabbing it straight, the dog sixteen directly turned on the electric shock function on the neck ring and turned on the maximum power, which made Lieutenant General Laurie fall to the ground. Change to other people, and the maximum power will kill people directly. Laurie has a high genetic level and a strong physique. He can't die temporarily, and he won't faint. He can only suffer.

Even though he fell to the ground, his cheeks were stained with mud, his whole body was shaken by electricity, his blond hair was messy, but Lieutenant General Laurie's eyes were still calm, and he knew that the Atavist would not kill him.

After the ten-minute electric shock was over, the atavist who was moved by Laurie was shivering with fright, but Laurie stood up, patted the soil on his body slowly but gracefully, looked up at Inu Shizuo and the others and said: "That's all you can do."

"An enemy persuades your companions to betray. You can neither kill the enemy nor deal with the betrayers. You only dare to use electric shocks to loosen my bones." Lieutenant General Laurie's eyes were full of disdain, "You want to be here. You live on a primitive star, but have no fighting power. You see that dragon as the savior, but you have no use value for that dragon. Such a throwback, why does the Kiratth dragon help you? Do you do charity? "

Inu Sixteen didn't speak, Lieutenant General Laurie was telling the truth, they couldn't do anything for Lord Kiratus.

"You can tie me up, fast without food and water, until the ransom is in place, and you can even shock me a few times a day, that's all." Lieutenant General Laurie said, "I am a Grade A, with far superior physical and mental strength. Your punishment is nothing but a tickling to me. Admit it, this primordial star is just a dragon playing the house. He can abandon you at any time and lose his protection. You have no fighting power. The only way It's about getting stronger yourself, and in this closed planet, you don't have any chance to grow."

They could not refute.

The Imperial Army and the interstellar pirates are criminals, but they are a headache for the Empire and make the Empire pay attention. If Lieutenant General Laurie wants to join the Alliance at this time, there are a lot of people who are willing to accept him, and he will not even be sentenced.

Atavists are ordinary people who have never done anything wrong, but have been abandoned by the Alliance.

Weakness is the original sin.

Seeing everyone's depressed appearance, Lieutenant General Laurie showed an undetectable smile. What he had to do was to plant a dark seed in the hearts of the atavistic people, and find opportunities for this seed to take root and sprout in the future.

His words have worked...

At this moment, a firm voice interrupted Laurie's train of thought, and Inu Shiliu said calmly: "We atavists, no matter what forces they are, just want to use us and drain our residual value. You said so much, It's the same purpose.

"We are so weak that we have no right to speak, but one right is in my own hands.

"It's also being used. I can choose who to use. Instead of believing in you, who is going to invade us and capture us, I'd rather be used by Lord Kyratus, who rescued us, gave us food, and helped us build our homes. .

"If I'm frustrated by your words today, it's not because your provocation played a role, but because I'm frustrated that I don't have more value to be used."

Inu Sixteen's words stabilized the atavistic people whose self-esteem was almost defeated, but it was only temporary. Laurie's words stayed in everyone's heart like poison, and they couldn't help thinking about it in the dead of night. Inu Sixteen really wanted to talk to Lord Kiratus about this, but they couldn't get into the lair at all, and the fat dragon was sleeping again at this time. Even if he woke up, the fat dragon would not have the patience to listen to them.

Until now, Feng Lianzhu has come, and also brought Xingwang equipment.

The heart of the dog sixteen that was shattered by Laurie glued a little bit at the moment he saw Feng Lianzhu. Being able to learn means that they still have the opportunity to grow. He has to work hard to grow into a useful person.

After cheering, he and Dolphin 661510 told Feng Lianzhu about this, and looked at Feng Lianzhu eagerly, hoping that Lord Kiratus would give them a hope and tell them that the atavists were there. Using the value, Lord Kiratus will save them.

After listening to Feng Lianzhu, he asked, "You guys, do you want to leave?"

"Let's go!" Dou Liuliu pouted, "I know Laurie is telling the truth, but I also know he has bad intentions! No matter what his purpose is, the one who goes with him is a fool."

Feng Lianzhu naturally couldn't guess what Laurie was thinking, but he remembered Laurie's silent words before he left, and he always felt that there was a connection between the two. He needed to learn Interstellar as soon as possible to decipher Laurie's last words.

At this point, everyone has already transported all the StarNet equipment, and in two days, the entire planet can be covered. As long as Feng Lianzhu uses the VR equipment placed in the nest, he can log in to the star network and learn knowledge.

The technicians will set up virtual IDs for everyone to prevent people from the alliance from finding out that they are illegal households. They will enter each ID into the VR device, which will be managed by Dolphin Liuliu, and whoever receives the device must be recorded.

"Lord Kiratus," Inu Shishi knelt down on one knee and put his head on Fenglianzhu's palm, but he wasn't afraid of Kiratus at all, "I'll learn whatever you need. I will make myself more valuable, please use me.”

He looked at Feng Lianzhu almost reverently, and his black, focused eyes were full of Feng Lianzhu's figure.

What subject to study... Feng Lianzhu frowned slightly. Speaking of which, Xingwang did not ask Fat Dragon to study any fixed subject. Of course, that is because Fat Dragon needs to learn from primary school, and primary school is not divided into subjects. When he graduates from junior high school, the next stage The task should tell him the specific division.

As for the atavists, Feng Lianzhu said, "Choose you, whoever you like."

He is a person who didn't go to primary school and really can't give reasonable advice.

"I want to study politics and law, and understand the rise and fall of human society." Inu Shishi said.

He wants to be a sharp politician or a lawyer who will be speechless at the fallacy of the other party. He also has to learn organizational skills, establish a perfect system among the atavists, and cannot let the betrayal happen again.

"Yes." Feng Lianzhu nodded while thinking about one thing, what is politics

Dolphin Liuliu was very interested in Xingwang. He said that he would follow the technicians sent by the Interstellar Pirates to learn network security technology, and at the same time, he would also learn communication engineering in the Xingwang classroom.

Every atavist has a plan for his future, and he doesn't need Feng Lianzhu to worry about it. The only thing he cares about now is—

The alliance's online primary school even has an entrance exam!