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Chapter 25: Three in one


On the day of the second exchange between Pang Gilatus and Feng Lianzhu, "A Journey to the Void" was quite lively, and the information in the world was simply fried.

First of all, there are game companies who open their eyes and talk nonsense, insisting that Feng Lianzhu is only a level 50 boss, which means that the skill of the bug is 50, which amazes the players, and takes the video of the giant dragon ravaging the players in the main city to force the game company to give a Explain, go to your level 50, can your level 50 have this destructive power

Another player guessed whether this was an Easter egg from the game company, and whether the unlucky members of the Panlong Gang unintentionally triggered certain hidden conditions to activate Feng Lianzhu's tyrannical dragon mode. A group of players chased the memories of the Panlong members. What happened that day, the Panlong Gang said that they didn't want to talk, they just wanted to be quiet.

Finally, the top player on the leaderboard made a comeback with his sword pointing to the sky, and called on the whole game to play the tyrannical Longfeng Lianzhu. Players realized that this was a battle of the century, and they rushed to the Bamboo Valley to watch the battle, where the beautiful scenery, The sparsely populated valleys where wild monsters live harmoniously are surrounded by water.

current channel —

Yoyo: What's the situation? I've been waiting here for two hours. The mobs in Youzhugu have been slain four times. Why haven't Sword God and the others arrived? Don't they mean they've already gathered

I understand: Let’s discuss countermeasures, the Tyrannical Dragon is so terrible, Sword God and the others must ask for the video of the day from the Panlong members, formulate a plan, and think of a foolproof strategy to attack.

Soybean milk powder is delicious: gossip, Jianshen and Lingshen fought first because of who led the team.

Did you fall asleep before eleven o'clock today: Lingshen? Is it Lingyun Jiuxiao? Didn't she quit the game after breaking up with Sword God? She's already dropped out of the top 100, so she doesn't qualify.

Lingshen's little fan girl: The news upstairs is out of date. Two hours ago, Lingyun Jiuxiao, the first summoner in the game, returned to the top 50 on the ranking list, so go check the list yourself.

Wan Zhai is not Wanai: Ling Shen wanted to help Sword God fight monsters, and only came back after reuniting with Sword God

Toothache is really terrible: stop dreaming, we Lingshen is for that dragon, she wants to subdue the first bug-level tyrannical dragon in the game, kill the sword pointing to the sky, and reach the top of the game. Do women have to rely on men to live? Our Lingshen stepped on the top of a man's head!

I'm really happy to supplement calcium: That...I don't know if Lingshen is stepping on the top of the man's head, but the void mirror shows that Feng Lianzhu is stepping on the top of the mountain and flying into the distance.

The Void Mirror is a special item in "Wandering in Taixu". It is very difficult to fight. You need to go to the special copy of the sky to play a hundred times to be able to drop one, and it is extremely useful. It can stare at an NPC, no matter the ends of the earth, as long as In the game, you can check his movements anytime and anywhere, but you can only bind one NPC. After binding this NPC, you can no longer use it on other NPCs or bosses. Players don't understand why the game company made such a bug. props.

It was not until Feng Lianzhu unlocked the Tyrannical Dragon mode that players speculated that the Void Mirror was born to restrain Feng Lianzhu.

The Void Mirror was provided by Sword God. After he locked Feng Lianzhu, he released the screen so that all players in the game could see Feng Lianzhu's movements. It is not altruistic to point the sword to the sky to do this. He wants to let the players in the game see the live broadcast of his defeat of the bug-level boss.

Void Mirror Zhongfeng Lianzhu stood quietly in the Bamboo Valley, as always, to be a quiet beauty, the breeze blowing his long hair in a timely manner, which has the effect of increasing his appearance like a blower.

However, this pleasing picture did not last long. Suddenly, the picture of the Void Mirror flashed, and the next second, "Feng Lianzhu" raised his arm and began to smell his sleeves.

As if he had never seen this dress before, he tugged and tugged, then ran to the river and squatted down to look at his face without any image. .

It's nature to love beauty: No, I can't stand it anymore, can you stop a beautiful man from showing a "so good-looking" expression to him? When did Feng Lianzhu increase the narcissism attribute

Right angle man: Are you sure he is narcissistic? He has already started shaving his hair! Is this called narcissism!

Seeing "Feng Lianzhu" admiring the river for a moment, when he got up, his feet were covered by the robes.

Then the breeze blew, "Feng Lianzhu" opened his mouth and ate a mouthful of his long hair. In a fit of anger, he began to pull his hair. After a while, the long hair turned into a round head.

It's nature to love beauty: God, what does he want to toss up with that face!

Panlong-Xiao Ke: Stop chatting, the round inch sleeveless bunt, this is the symbol of the tyrannical dragon's transformation, our gang saw Feng Lianzhu in this mode first, before we encountered the tyrannical dragon!

The players were waiting in earnest, not daring to approach the interior of the Bamboo Valley at all, and stared at the movement of Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu.

He ran around in the Bamboo Valley, digging pit after pit in this beautiful valley, as if he was looking for something.

In order to avoid Yuan Cun Feng Lian Zhu, the players hide farther and farther, for fear that he will discover that he will whip the corpse and pick up the equipment.

After digging through the quiet bamboo valley, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu was lying on the ground unhappily in the shape of "big". He turned his head slightly, as if listening to a sound, which made the players cover their mouths and dare not speak. , has been quietly communicating in words.

After listening for about five minutes, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu stood up and yelled at the sky. The players were far away and couldn't hear what he was yelling, but he could see his anger.

Panlong-Xiao Nie: There has appeared, the prelude to the tyrannical dragon mode, where are the sword gods

After roaring for a while, Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu jumped a few hundred meters high, as if he could fly, jumped directly to the mountain next to him, stepped on the top of the mountain and fell into Nie Qing Lake, kicking the infatuated Lian Yi, who was growing recklessly. With his feet, he directly kicked Infatuation Lotus to the ground, waiting for the next refresh on the hour.

The player who didn't know where he was going followed Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu not far or near, and chased him all the way to the Wardrum Plain, only to see fifteen players set up a "Heaven and Earth Net" formation and stopped Feng Lianzhu.

Cats are liquid: doesn't it mean that Sword God teamed up to intercept? How come I don't know any of these fifteen players, the full level is the full level, but the equipment is too ordinary.

Sister He wants to go bald: I don't know the tricks of the tyrannical dragon. How can it be possible to get a big one

The "Tianluodiwang" formation is a combination formation, which requires five players to work together to trap the boss for five minutes. During these five minutes, the boss has no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the ground, and it is impossible to escape from the formation. However, the boss can attack, but cannot move. At this time, some long-range output and magic-controlled long-distance attacks will hit the boss until the residual blood, and finally kill the enemy with a big move.

This tactic requires at least fifteen players to use it together. When "Roaming Taixu" first entered the level 100 era, some large dungeons often used this tactic. However, when everyone gradually reached their full level and their equipment became better and better, the "Tianluodiwang" tactics became rare.

After seeing this tactic for a long time, the players were very excited. For a time, 80% of the online players in the game stopped what they were doing and paid attention to the battle situation here.

The sword pointed to the sky and led the person to set a trap on the War Drum Plain according to the direction of Yuan Cun Feng Lian Zhu in the Void Mirror, and it really trapped him. Several people cooperated quite well. As soon as the formation was successful, several remotes immediately enlarged their moves. They calculated the cooldown time of their skills and attacked seamlessly.

Yuancunfeng Lianzhu was covered in a golden net. When he saw the color of the net, he showed a happy smile. He reached out to grab the net, but was bounced back by the attack of the "Heavenly Net" formation. It is said that if the boss who is trapped by this formation wants to escape, he will be burned by the real fire of the sun, and he will not lose blood, but it will be very painful. Therefore, under normal circumstances, they will give up after trying to escape once, and stay in the formation and let the player attack.

Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu's hand was wrapped in a golden flame, and at the same time, various brilliant rays of light, such as frost, wind blade, longbow, lightning strike, fire, light arrow, hit him, hitting him one by one. On the body of Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu.

Panlong-Xiao Nie: See the blood bar, see the blood bar! Sure enough, the sword god is still very powerful. We played like that a few days ago, and we couldn't break the defense of the tyrannical dragon, and we didn't see the blood bar.

In Traveling in Taixu, the health bar can only be seen after dealing damage to the boss. If the level gap is too large, and a drop of blood cannot be defeated, the player will not even have a chance to see the boss's blood bar. The official explanation is that you are so weak that you don't even have the right to know how powerful the other party is.

Seeing the blood bar this time, the players were very excited and paid close attention to the battle situation.

three minutes later.

Tigers don't eat meat: That... I may be dazzled. After playing for so long, have you seen the health bar drop

Wan Jian Guiyi: It's not your dazzling eyes, he was beaten for three minutes without moving, and he didn't lose a drop of blood.

Hello and me: Why doesn't Feng Lianzhu fight back

Happy Fat House: I remember his official data, the maximum attack range is 30 meters, now the Sword God and the others are 100 meters away, and the attack is useless.

Tu Qinyuanhua: Are you sure he can't attack? How can I see that he has been rubbing his back with the net!

After encountering the golden net and being burned by the real fire of the sun, Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu narrowed his eyes, tore off his short jacket, and put his back on the net, and a bright fire burned Yuan Cun Feng Lianzhu's back, and he rubbed his back comfortably.

For Pon Kilatus, golden and hot, isn't it a good thing to rub his back!

Five minutes later, the time period of the Tianluodi net passed, and the golden giant net suddenly disappeared. Yuan Cunfeng, who had closed his eyes comfortably, opened his eyes and looked around, but could not find the net.

Jian Zhiqiong and others did not leave. Their trumpets were originally used to spy on the enemy's situation and fight attrition. It would not be a pity to die. Long-range moves are safe, but in terms of damage, the melee ults do more damage.

A Demon Race player moved to Feng Lianzhu at the moment when the Tianluodi Net failed, and released his hatred trick, but before his trick took effect, he was hit by an invisible thing, emptied his health bar with one move, and died.

Crowd: …

Panlong-Xiaojiu: This is the trick, the tyrannical dragon transforms into a prelude, and the invisible tail appears. The attack power of that tail is super high, and the players will be beaten to death!

Tu Qinyuanhua: I know that you Panlong suffered the most damage, but what does it mean to kill a group of them? Obviously only T died.

It was clear that after he slapped T to death, ignoring the attack of the Sword God, he pulled out the five players who controlled the formation, slapped each of them twice, and slapped them all to death. It's okay to smoke one to kill a group.

The corpses of the five players who had arranged the formation were piled together by the round inch wind and the bamboo. They leaned over and smelled it with their nose. When they saw that they were dead, they arched their heads with their heads, but the corpses didn't move. Screaming: "Roar—"

The small body made a roar that resounded across the entire War Drum Plain. The sound was long, sad, and sad, like a child who lost a toy, crying so sadly.

Panlong·Xiaojiu: No, I was yelled so that the blood strips fell off. My ears were ringing and I was about to vomit.

Tu Qinyuanhua: You Panlong dare to stand in front of you after being beaten like that... No, I will vomit too.

A Flower in Qishan: Spit +1

Tianlonggu eldest disciple: Fortunately, it is far away, but I see that Sword God and the others vomited too, and they are being treated!

An immortal female player stepped forward, holding a willow branch and spun it in a very graceful and graceful manner. The dew on the willow branch dripped onto the players as she spun, and the players' lost health gradually recovered. Finally, the female player placed the willow branch on the dead Demon T, and the Demon was resurrected.

Seeing this, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu, who was in mourning, lit up, jumped up and grabbed the collar of the healer, and carried it to the five corpses like a chicken.

Qingqing Grassland: Look at what wonders I saw in the prosperous world. The boss was heartbroken because the player who attacked him was killed. He also kidnapped the nurse and asked her to heal his enemy.

I love to eat durian: I can't stand it anymore. Sword God and the others should give up. This is definitely a bug, and it is unilaterally crushed. What is the game company doing? Has the boss made himself a god-level account to abuse players

The female player's revive skill has a cooldown, and she cannot revive the second player within 30 seconds. Yuan Cun Feng Lian Zhu was not a patient boss either. After waiting for 20 seconds to see that the female player was not saving her, she slapped her to the side and died.

What followed was the brutal unilateral massacre. The remaining nine players, including Sword God, were beaten to death by Yuan Cun Feng and turned into fifteen corpses.

Although it is not a god-level account, it is still full-level strength, and the equipment is not bad. Fifteen people were killed by Yuancunfeng Lianzhu like this.

This is very suspicious. Was the first drop of blood really destroyed by Sword God and the others

After kicking the player's body away, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu picked up the short jacket that had been thrown on the ground, draped it on his back at will, jumped high, and continued on his way.

Silence is today's War Drum Plain.

No one spoke on the public screen. The players stared helplessly at the round inch Fenglianzhu in the Void Mirror, walked straight all the way, and jumped to the map of the level 60 lava monster.

The lava monster lives inside the volcano. Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu jumped into the magma as if he was not afraid of pain. His clothes were burnt to ashes, but he was unharmed. A shivering lava monster emerged.

The lava monster used fire attacks, explosive flames, the anger of the mountains, volcanic eruptions and other big moves, and Yuan Cun Feng Lian Zhu was unmoved. He found that as long as the lava monster attacked, the temperature of the volcano would rise, so he smiled happily and carefully embedded the lava monster into the volcanic rock wall.

After a while, no one attacked the lava monster, and the health bar gradually recovered. Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu saw that he could heal himself, and punched the lava monster lightly. The lava monster was really just an emotionless NPC. After he was attacked, he automatically Fighting back, the volcano's temperature rises.

Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu summed up his experience after playing a few times, and figured out how to defeat the boss without dying. temperature.

Players: …

President of Sword God Club: Sword God, I have always been your fan, and I have been a fan of you for as many years as "A Journey to the Darkness" has been released. I know that you are strong and unwilling to admit defeat. During the period of land reclamation, you led everyone to explore, summed up the experience of fighting bosses, and sent them to the forum to tell other players for free. When a new boss appears, you will always be the first to take action, be beaten for us, and suffer for us. But today, as a mother fan, can I say a word? Let's not fight this boss, okay? I'm not afraid of your death, I'm afraid that you will be hung on the mountain like a lava monster, you can't die even if you want to die, woo woo woo...

With the sincere confession of Sword God fans, Yuan Cunfeng Lianzhu in the Void Mirror screen held up the magma with both hands, put it into his mouth, rinsed his mouth, and spit it out again.

The sword points to the sky: There is no boss who can't be killed, only players who don't work hard enough. There were loopholes in my plan before, and I was not thoughtful enough, but I won't be able to do it next time. @Lingyunjiuxiao, Xiaoyun, I apologize for what happened before, it was my fault. It doesn't matter if you are the captain, but can you temporarily let go of the grievances between us and work together to defeat this boss

Lingyun Jiuxiao: Good.

In the interstellar era, in the online classroom of Alliance No. 3 Elementary School, an 18-year-old young man did not move in front of the light screen.

Teacher Jenny looked at the student named "Feng Yuansi", who was very similar to his uncle but lacked a touch of mature charm, and said hesitantly, "Classmate Feng, don't be nervous, this entrance exam is not to embarrass you. Rather, it is designed to provide a reasonable assessment of your current level of knowledge in order to develop a teaching method that works best for you.”

Classmate Feng glanced at Teacher Jenny with the same eyes as his uncle.

He has been staring at the screen for half an hour without answering a question.

"Is there anything you don't understand?" Teacher Jenny asked. "As an invigilator, I can't help you with the questions. You can still answer other questions."

Feng Lianzhu pointed to the text on the paper and said, "This is, what is it?"

"Don't you... don't know?" Teacher Jenny was surprised. "This paper is taken together in five courses. The first fifth is a foreign language test. This is the imperial language of the past."

I do not know! All of Feng Lianzhu's current knowledge comes from the book "Basic Teaching of Interstellar Common Language". That book only speaks common language, how can there be imperial language

"It has been 1,000 years since the alliance overthrew the empire's rule, but there are still many planets inhabitants who use the imperial language of the year. While popularizing the interstellar common language, the alliance government also takes the imperial language as one of the compulsory courses for students. To understand a planet, you must start from the The language begins, which is also for the residents of the alliance to live better together, like a family." Teacher Jenny patiently explained to Feng Feng why people should learn a second language.

Feng Lianzhu took a deep breath and simply skipped the first fifth of the foreign language questions and went straight to the second part of the general knowledge test.

Question 1: How many suns are there on the planet Latin America, where the alliance government is located

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Teacher Jenny can see from his face that classmate Feng is also not good at this question.

Teacher Jenny looked at Feng Lianzhu, Feng Lianzhu also looked at her, the two looked at each other for a moment, Feng Lianzhu wrote "10" on the test paper with a light pen.

Teacher Jenny: "..."

She felt distressed and wanted to secretly stretch out two fingers to Feng Lianzhu and tell him that Lameier has two suns, one near and one far away, and the two suns alternate. The brightest planet in the league.

As a teacher, she can't cheat, so that she can better help students check and fill gaps.

In the second part of the common sense questions, Feng Lianzhu does not know a single one. Fortunately, the words are interstellar common language, and most of them know him. Of course, the final score is the same as the blank Imperial language test paper, there is no difference.

The third part, Interstellar Common Language, Feng Lianzhu can read and write, but he does not understand phonetic symbols and grammar.

Teacher Jenny's face became even more sad.

The fourth part, mathematics. No matter what era it is, the math questions on the entrance exam for elementary school math questions are quite simple, with two-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

It turns out that this child is good at mathematics, and finally there is a subject that is good. But he is 18 years old and has nothing to be proud of.

The fifth part, the ideological and moral examination, this course is not a compulsory course, and it is only a formality in the entrance examination. The alliance arranges this course to guide the children's ideological direction and is only used for daily assessment. The exam questions are open-ended questions with no standard answers to test children's emotional intelligence.

Question 1. You have always wanted a teddy bear, but your parents can't afford it. Your roommate has a teddy bear. What should you do

Feng Lianzhu answered: Challenge, win, drop, teddy bear.

Teacher Jenny: "..."

Two hours later, Feng Lianzhu handed in the paper, and Teacher Jenny was stunned at the answers on the final ideological and moral test paper.

No wonder Mr. Feng must let his nephew teach artificial intelligence, so that if students go to school with other children, they can't fight every day

Feng Lianzhu didn't know about Teacher Jenny's entanglement. When he quit his nephew's account, he was sweating profusely and his aura was exhausted, as if he was going through a big battle.

I really want to go back to the game world to fight the magma monster, but I can't break through the protection of the magma. Can't he take the opportunity to kill the lava monster when the player attacks it? Feng Lianzhu, who has a more flexible mind after having a brain, thought.

After a long time, he sighed.

If he came to study, he was better than Fat Dragon. If Fat Dragon answered today's exam, he would probably tear down the entire school.

Since sharing the brain of Pon Kilatus, Feng Lianzhu has become more and more tolerant towards this dragon.

After adjusting the breath for a while, at the night of Xingwang time, Feng Lianzhu changed to his uncle's account and was going to fight to support his family.

The time of each planet in the alliance is different, and some planets even have 72 hours a day, which is difficult to unify. In order to make it easier for people to calculate time, the Alliance divides a day into 24 hours according to the timekeeping method of the planet of human origin. All planets are timed according to this standard. The difference is that some planets do not use one day to calculate day and night, but how many hours in the day. How many hours at night.

Xingwang simulates day and night strictly according to 24 hours. At 10 o'clock at night, it is the time when the underground arena starts.

Contestants start registering at 8:00, choose their opponents, or wait for the organizer to sort them randomly. Since new players have no record, if they do not name their opponents, they will often be randomly assigned to very powerful players. Novices fight against strong players, whether it is a counterattack of the former or a crushing battle of the latter, which is very attractive to the audience.

The arena's confidentiality measures are very good. After Feng Lianzhu logged in to the address sent by Dolphin Liuliu, he was given a golden mask, requiring players to wear a mask before teleporting to the underground arena, which was also for two-way protection.

The golden mask could only cover half of his face, revealing half of his chin. After Feng Lianzhu got the mask, he couldn't help but think, if that dragon came, he would definitely like this mask.

But forget it, Kira Tsron will tear down the entire arena, and I don't know how much money it will lose by then.

After putting on the mask, he was teleported to the underground ring. The system recognized that he was here for the first time, and asked if he was a spectator or a player, and Feng Lianzhu chose the player.

After choosing an identity, Feng Lianzhu came to a small room, the walls were painted red, which was annoying. A clown with oil on his face stood in front of Feng Lianzhu with a pen and paper and said, "A novice? So thin What do you want to be called?"

Feng Lianzhu thought for a while and said, "Giratus."

The clown raised his head and showed him a funny smile, his red nose was raised high, as if mocking him: "You have a lot of confidence, I like a player like you who is over-confident, hee hee hee hee~ ~~”

The harsh laughter echoed in the red house, Feng Lianzhu remained unmoved, and left his virtual account. After the game, the organizer of the underground ring would credit the money into the account. This is the largest and most confidential bank account of Xingwang. Both players and spectators withdraw money into their own accounts through bank turnover, which is highly confidential.

Feng Lianzhu is not afraid of being discovered by his real account, because his real account is also fake and registered by the Interstellar Pirate Gang.

The clown gave Feng Lianzhu a bracelet: "Wear it, all attacks on the star network will be reflected on your body. It's called a quantum bracelet, and it is known as the greatest and most useless invention in the interstellar space."

He opened his arms, made an exaggerated gesture, and said: "It is so great that it has realized the unity of the micro world and the macro world for the first time, so that people are no longer limited by regions, and use the micro to cross the macro distance, how wonderful and miraculous. And Isn't it interesting that such a great invention is actually used by humans to seek excitement in the underground arena

"This is human beings, how wonderful they will use all their great inventions against their own people~~~"

The dark room, red walls, cramped space and a clown like a madman made many newcomers scared and even cry, but Feng Lianzhu, who was wearing an infatuated lotus red robe, looked at the clown expressionlessly. Performance.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Feng Lianzhu thought in a bored heart.

After playing the qin to the cow for a long time, the clown found that Feng Lianzhu was unmoved, his shoulders slumped, and his red eyes stared at Feng Lianzhu and said, "You are so boring, I don't like you."

"Trouble, help me, register, choose, opponent." Feng Lianzhu said.

"I don't like you, I don't like you, I don't like you!" The clown suddenly approached Feng Lianzhu, his face was put on his mask, and there was a hint of madness in his red eyes, "I will assign you the cruelest contestant."

"If you win, how much can you get?" Feng Lianzhu looked at the photo shown by the clown, a man wearing a crocodile head mask, more than 2.5 meters tall, with well-developed limbs.

The clown's blood-red mouth cracked open, and he said with a smile, "One million~ is a very tempting number, right?"

The tuition fee has been settled, and a few returnees can be admitted to the university. The candidates will be given priority to the dog sixteen and the dolphin sixty six. Feng Lianzhu, who was carrying a heavy burden on his body, felt a lot relieved when he heard the amount of money. He smiled at the clown: "Thank you for choosing, it's so good, opponent, may I ask, what's your name?"

The clown's shoulders were even more slumped. He reached out and grabbed the wall. The blood-red paint on his palms rubbed against Feng Lianzhu's neck, and said sadly: "You can just call me the clown, my task is to make people laugh. , but not your kind of... smile like a new-born flower, but an exciting, crazy, desperate, dying smile."

It doesn't feel good to have paint on your neck. Feng Lianzhu raised his hand to wipe off the paint, but the clown said, "You have a mark on your neck. Whoever has this mark wins, they can get double the bonus."

Feng Lianzhu couldn't help but sincerely said: "Thank you, Brother Clown, I'm here, indeed, I'm short of money."

"Really?" The clown stretched out his hands to hold Feng Lianzhu's face on both sides, his red eyes were full of smiles, "Then remember to smile at me after you finish the game~"

Is that all that is required? Really a sincere and kind person.

"Okay." Feng Lianzhu said to the clown politely.

He put on the wristband and fixed the mask. The clown told him that weapons can be used in the ring competition. There are many weapons in the room before the game, but they are all cold weapons. Feng Lianzhu can freely choose the weapons provided by the ring. If you don't like it, there are still 2 hours before the game, you can take this time to prepare.

After Feng Lianzhu thanked the warm-hearted clown, he entered the preparation area, but did not see the clown's face sinking behind him.

After he left, the clown said on the virtual walkie-talkie: "A newbie came, I marked him, told 'crocodile', give him a breath, don't kill him, I still want to see him laugh."

The mark on Feng Lianzhu's neck represents the organizer's special program. Every once in a while, the organizer will choose such a contestant as a sideshow for the audience. Every time he saw that kind of sign, his opponent knew what to do.

It will be the most brutal, bloody and unbearable battle for the players, and the blood on the field will drive the audience crazy.

Feng Lianzhu, who didn't know anything, walked into the preparation area obediently, and the waiter in the vest asked him if he needed to change his clothes. The arena had prepared sportswear or armor with high defense for the players, all of which were virtual.

Feng Lianzhu shook his head, he had the skin of the infatuated lotus on him, which could not be replaced.

He and many players waited in a large room for the arrival of 10 o'clock. The light screen on the wall showed the average value of various physical data. The average height of the height alone was 2 meters, and Feng Lianzhu's height was 1.8 meters. The area is like a basin.

A player next to him said: "Yesterday's average height was still 2.1 meters. You lowered the average of the entire player area by your own strength."

The player in sportswear seemed to be chatting with Feng Lianzhu, but his voice was not low. The whole waiting area heard his voice and laughed out loud together.

Feng Lianzhu looked around and said, "No, see, my opponent."

"Then he's a senior player," another player laughed even more. "He has his own rest room and can order some special services. If you beat him, his room will be yours."

Feng Lianzhu nodded, not very interested.

He closed his eyes and rested amidst the laughter of the crowd, adjusted his spiritual energy and health bar to the peak data, waited for 9:50, got up and walked to the competition area without taking his weapon. Today, he was the first to start.

The ring is a huge arena, surrounded by countless pairs of eyes, each pair of eyes represents an audience, but the image of the audience is not represented by human figures, but all kinds of eyes, which are depressing.

The arena is surrounded by energy nets, and the length, width and height are all one kilometer, and the space is very large.

The referee standing outside the energy network said: "Good evening, audience friends, every gentleman and lady who came today is a lucky audience, because one of our players in the first opening game tonight has a designated special Mark. Oh, this player's code name is 'Giratus', which is a very confident code name, I hope his strength will not let us down.

"The other player is the 'crocodile' that we all like. His limbs have been modified, and his bones are made of special alloys, which can be stretched. His claws have penetrated the bodies of countless players. The worst special player He was torn into more than 1,000 pieces and he was still alive.

"The crocodile said that he will break his own record tonight. But our Mr. Kiratus is so thin and only 1.8 meters tall. It seems difficult for the crocodile to break the record of 1057 yuan. After all, there is not enough meat."

Amid the laughter of the audience, Feng Lianzhu stepped onto the ring, looked up at his opponent who was 70 cm taller than him, and cupped his hands: "It's polite."

"I'll leave a special mark for you, little weak chicken! Hahahaha-" The crocodile laughed wildly.

His smile stopped abruptly, and under the shocked gaze of the audience, Feng Lianzhu leaped more than ten meters high and kicked the crocodile's temple with his long leg.

Lieutenant General Laurie with genetic level A will be knocked unconscious by Feng Lianzhu, let alone a crocodile player. He screamed in pain, the metal bones in his body exploded out of the body, and his arm turned into a steel knife, slashing towards the wind and bamboo.

Feng Lianzhu pointed only one finger on the steel knife, and an electric light was instantly transmitted into the crocodile's body along the steel knife.

There was silence in the audience.

Feng Lianzhu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seemed that his lightning technique was already very fine, and he was so afraid that his opponent would be directly electrocuted.

"Did I win?" Feng Lianzhu looked at the referee.

The referee had to say dutifully: "It's incredible, it's incredible! The skinny Kyratus player beat the crocodile player in just 3 seconds with his bare hands!"

In the red room, the clown watching the game video dropped his red nose and rolled on the ground comically.

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: The staff in the underground arena are very kind and happy (*^▽^*)