Sharing System

Chapter 27: Master Green Dragon


Since it is an artificial intelligence teaching, Feng Lianzhu can start learning as long as he logs in to Feng Yuansi's account and enters the teaching system, there is no time limit.

After saying goodbye to Teacher Jenny, after logging out of his uncle's account, Feng Lianzhu looked at his nephew's Xingwang device, cheered him up, and silently recalled the "Basic Teaching of Interstellar Common Language" that he had memorized frantically in the past few days, hoping to understand The teaching content of artificial intelligence teachers.

The memory that the game company set for Feng Lianzhu is quite good. In fact, he has completely memorized "Basic Teaching", but the application is not very good, he stutters, and he is not very confident in himself.

After all, he is a game boss born for battle. No game company designs a character for him to study hard every day. Learning actually goes against the basic setting of Feng Lianzhu. For him, compared to primary school, he I want to go to the ring even more, after all, the staff in the ring are so friendly and amiable, and Teacher Jenny's eyes always make the wind feel like sitting on pins and needles.

Gather up your courage, log in to the Feng Yuansi account, and Feng Lianzhu is in a learning state.

A mechanical voice came: "Hello, I'm the artificial intelligence teaching system No. 1167. The school has entered your test paper into the system. 1167 will provide one-on-one tutoring for your grades. Please choose the image and voice of the teacher you like. ,character."

There are various options below -

Voices: gentle male, gentle female, sexy male, sexy female, stern male, stern female, neutral, and more.

Gender: male, female, non-human, non-biological, etc. Non-human is divided into cute pet and domineering.

Personality: Strict teaching type, encouraging praise type, indifferent type, persuasive type, duplicity type, etc.

There are dozens of options for each feature, and the wind is dazzling.

After awakening, Feng Lianzhu's options were all simple yes or no. He had never seen so many types, and Feng Lianzhu didn't know his preferences.

He knew that he liked the Bamboo Valley, plants, and the fragrance of grass and trees, but that was not for the profession of "teacher". In fact, so far, Feng Lianzhu's view of "people" is very thin.

The "people" in the game are players, who stand on the opposite side of Feng Lianzhu. They are all virtual and will be resurrected when they die. They regarded Feng Lianzhu as a paper man, and Feng Lianzhu didn't care about players, and they encountered nothing more than a relationship between beheading and being beheaded.

Returning ancestors is the goal of the mission, and taking care of them is Feng Lianzhu's responsibility. Inu Shishi and Dolphin Liuliu are the "individuals" who help Feng Lianzhu make the task easier. There was a mouse 223 who admired Feng Lianzhu before. Lian Zhu, but he had long forgotten about Mouse Two Two Three, and there was no "impression" left in his memory. For Feng Lianzhu, an atavist, it is like a problem that needs to be overcome in the exercise book. Dogs 16, Dolphin Liuliu and others are relatively easy problems.

Interstellar pirates and imperial forces are invaders, enemies, money bags, emergency strategic supplies.

The underground arena doesn't care about feelings, it's just a place to make money. The only thing is that he is grateful to the clown. He helped Feng Lianzhu to make an extra 1 million yuan. It's money.

The most important thing is Ponjiratus, they are bound together by the system and need to support each other. Feng Lianzhu will not use the gold coins in the lair because Fat Dragon likes it, and he is also concerned about whether Fat Dragon is doing well in the game. He is worried that Pang Gilatus will die in the game and cannot be resurrected.

In addition, the black dragon that ravaged the game, and the blue eyes that he saw when he connected to Pang Kilatus' brain, Feng Lianzhu didn't hate it.

"Could it be that my hobby is Kira Tessaurus?" Feng Lianzhu pondered.

He rummaged through the options and checked inhuman, powerful, dragon, male, domineering, and childish. The rest of the voice Feng Lianzhu did not follow Fat Dragon's choice. He didn't like roars, so he chose a low male voice.

Finally, in the favorite color, Feng Lianzhu chose green without hesitation.

After all the choices were made, a huge green big-bellied dragon appeared in front of Feng Lianzhu. It was 8 meters long, with strong limbs and blue eyes. Holding a book in his hand, he threw it on the desk. Said in a deep voice: "The first lesson, Imperial language."

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He exudes the fragrance of grass and trees, and on his head is a small blue-purple flower commonly seen in the Bamboo Valley. Now this flower is in a bud state and has not bloomed.

"Please call me Teacher 1167," Green Dragon said. "Student Feng requires you to study all primary school courses within a month. We have a very heavy task. Today, we will learn the 78 letters and basic phonetic symbols of imperial language. There are five courses, each with only Six days, one day for a year's course."

"...Okay." Feng Lianzhu nodded in agreement, the arrangement was reasonable.

With the appearance of Teacher Green Dragon, the classroom has changed from an ordinary class with a fixed quota of 30 people to a huge empty space. Teacher Green Dragon has an oversized podium, Fenglianzhu's table is a boss table and a large swivel chair, and the desk is full of Textbooks and workbooks.

In the image of the teacher, there is no option for Kiratthosaurus. The green dragon is more similar to the ancient Tyrannosaurus rex. It has no wings, two strong hind legs, but small front claws. He stood on the podium and turned with his small claws. Book.

Feng Lianzhu remembered the appearance of the fat dragon in the game. According to the proportion, the front claws are also small, with two small claws. Of course, it only looks small in proportion. Looking at the front claws alone, it is equivalent to a 100-story building. size.

Teacher Green Dragon's claws are much smaller, and he can still turn over books.

"Cough!" Seeing Feng Lianzhu's distracted mind, Mr. Green Dragon knocked on the podium, "Student Feng, your study task is very heavy, don't be hopeful, don't think wildly, look at me, listen to me."

Very domineering.

Feng Lianzhu didn't realize that he was smiling when he saw Teacher Green Dragon knocking on the podium with his little claws. He sat upright in the classroom, listening to Teacher Green Dragon correcting his pronunciation word by word.

After introducing all the letters and phonetic symbols in two hours, Mr. Green Dragon said, "Give you two hours to copy the letters and phonetic symbols 200 times to deepen your memory. I will take the exam in two hours."

Feng Lianzhu glanced at all the letters and said, "I think..."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!" Teacher Green Dragon interrupted Feng Lianzhu's words, slapped the table and said.

He took a stack of virtual A4 paper and carbon pens, dragged his heavy and hind legs and long tail to Feng Lianzhu, put the pen and paper on Feng Lianzhu's table, and said in a low voice, "Write down 200 times, and I will keep an eye on it. It's up to you, don't be lazy."

After saying that, a pair of vertical pupils stared back and forth at Feng Lianzhu. The huge body and inhuman pupils put a lot of pressure on him.

Feng Lianzhu was unmoved, and did not lift his pen to copy. He looked into Teacher Green Long's eyes and said, "I think I have already memorized it, so I don't need to copy it."

Teacher Green Dragon's big eyes froze, blinking a few times, and said in shock: "Impossible! There are 78 letters and 106 phonetic symbols, how could it be possible to memorize it in only two hours without transcribing? I don't believe it. !"

His big head shook like a rattle, and he covered the two small holes in his ears with his front paws: "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't believe I don't believe I don't believe."

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

This is... childish.

It's quite similar to how fat dragon rolls on gold coins and says "I don't spend money, I don't spend money, I don't spend money".

When Teacher Green Dragon shook his big head, Feng Lianzhu picked up the pen and flipped the textbook upside down, ignoring Teacher Green Dragon's "don't listen, don't listen". Anyway, the voice was not loud, and he concentrated on writing out the letters and phonetic symbols.

He was not used to using a hard pen at first, but after writing a few words, he became familiar with it, and the letters became better and better.

When he finished writing, Mr. Green Dragon was still "not listening". Did he plan to call for two hours

Feng Lianzhu lit the paper full of words in front of Teacher Green Long's eyes and said, "See clearly, it's written silently."

Teacher Green Dragon stopped and said, "Don't listen." His eyes swept across Feng Lianzhu's dictation paper. After reading it carefully, he said, "Di, 100 points, all correct."

Artificial intelligence has an automatic grading program. When students answer the questions, they will automatically judge the paper. Even if Feng Lianzhu does not complete the homework, the test can be passed. After all, homework is to consolidate knowledge. Once the knowledge is mastered, there is no need for homework.

"Okay, let's go to the next stage of teaching." Teacher Green Dragon returned to the podium. "Next, we will talk about words, dialogues and basic grammar. According to Feng's memory, we will recite 100 words today."

When Feng Lianzhu easily memorized 100 words again, Teacher Green Dragon became a little irritable. This is his character setting. He took out a set of practice questions and said, "Done, all done."

Within three days after selecting a teacher's image, students have another chance to change their image. This is a system that simulates students' scoring of teachers, so that students have the right to choose their favorite teachers.

When Feng Lianzhu first saw Green Dragon, he planned to change teachers three days later, but after six hours of teaching, he didn't want to.

Primary school students can't teach more than six hours a day. Even if Feng Lianzhu is an adult, the school strictly abides by this system. Six hours later, before Feng Lianzhu finished the workbook, the school bell rang, and the sound of "School is over, school is over" came from the classroom.

"No!" Teacher Green Dragon said, "I tested the student's mental power, and his mental power reached Grade A, he can study for more than 12 hours, listen to me, I have the final say! I have to readjust the teaching plan, He can finish primary school in half a month."

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Isn't Teacher Green Dragon a little too similar to his impression of Pon Kilatus

The domineering teacher Green Dragon ignored the school bell and pressed Feng Lianzhu to recite the imperial language for 12 hours. In one day, Feng Lianzhu learned all the grammar of the imperial language and memorized 500 words. After class, Mr. Green Dragon asked him to recite 10 texts and write 5 compositions.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Really heavy class.

Studying from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, there is still so much homework, and the average student will definitely not be able to bear it. Even Feng Lianzhu felt that he started to lose his spiritual energy after the eighth hour. Fortunately, after reaching level 60, his spiritual energy was abundant and he was able to withstand this loss.

"Tomorrow we will still learn Imperial Language," Green Dragon teacher instructed. "According to the current progress, you can finish all the Imperial Language courses in elementary school in two days, and we will practice dialogue and writing tomorrow."

Feng Lianzhu thanked Teacher Lulong, and with a dizziness, he logged out of Feng Yuansi's account.

It stands to reason that simply copying data in memory will not cause dizziness. Why does he feel dizzy because of knowledge

Could it be that the fat dragon's brain is dizzy

Feng Lianzhu remembered that he used Fat Dragon's brain to receive the lessons of Teacher Green Dragon, and it was quite interesting to think about it.

When he thought Teacher Green Dragon was interesting, Teacher Jenny, who was in charge of assessing the ideological and moral character of "Feng Yuansi", was worried. The image selection of artificial intelligence teachers is actually a potential psychological test, which allows students to choose their favorite image and character without anyone, and the final designed intelligent teacher will reflect the current psychological state of the students.

The teacher Lvlong, who was tailored for Feng Yuansi, would ignore the closing time and continue the cramming education, which proves that the students themselves have the characteristics of stubbornness, impatience, non-compliance, and violent tendencies.

Learning ability is first-class, but this ideological and moral character...

Teacher Jenny will score the students' ideology and morality every day this month according to the students' learning situation. This moral score is linked to the students' future, and the teacher is responsible for the scores.

Teacher Jenny recalled Feng Yuansi's memory, how should such an excellent student be graded

Feng Lianzhu didn't know Teacher Jenny's embarrassment. After he went back, he added some fruits with high Reiki value, and immediately logged into his uncle's account. He had to go to the ring at night to earn money to support his family.

The author has something to say: The fat dragon at this time: hoo hoo hoo, scratch for a while, above, below, left and right, comfortable, hoo hoo~

Players: he he he he closed his eyes, he fell asleep! When the Sword God used his unique move, Wan Jian Gui Zong, Yuan Cun Feng actually snored!