Sharing System

Chapter 32: special mark


Feng Lianzhu, who was rejected by Pang Gilates, couldn't help drawing a little fat dragon on the ground, and poked his fingers on the belly of the little fat dragon, as if he was poking the belly of a big fat dragon.

After poking for a while, Feng Lianzhu felt that this move was too naive, he controlled the wind to blow the painting away, and decided to drive the airship out to relax.

It was the first time for him to overlook the whole planet from the sky. There is a large virtual screen on the airship, and the virtual screen will display the aerial images. The driver can see the scenery below without looking down.

Feng Lianzhu looked at the picture presented in the airship. Next to the lair, the base of the atavists had begun to take shape and became a small city.

This planet is composed of 50% seawater and land, and it is very evenly distributed. With the fat dragon's lair as the center, the surrounding area is all land, and the other half of the planet is ocean. What is surprising is that the land part is mostly plains, deserts and forests, and the mountains only account for about 10%, and all of them are between the land and the sea, like a circle of high mountains surrounding the land and separating the plains and the sea.

Looking at the panorama taken from the aerial photography, Feng Lianzhu couldn't help but raise a guess.

"System, when I was learning Imperial Language, there were several maps of planets in the textbook. Comparing the whole picture of Primordial Star No. 419, I think the topography of this primordial star is too strange. It will form such a topography, shouldn't it be? Is it related to Ponjiratus' mother?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

[500 years ago, after the mother of pang kirates landed, the huge body instantly changed the landscape of this planet. At that time, Primordial Star 419 was still a lifeless planet, and the surface temperature was as high as tens of thousands of degrees, which was the best place for geratosaurus to hatch.]

"So, it was a huge dragon that landed on the planet and flattened the ground. The land under her body turned into a plain, and the excess soil and rocks were squeezed into mountains. After the temperature dropped, the remaining ground became an ocean?" Feng Lian Zhu imagined the scene.

[Almost, of course, there are reasons why Kira Tsron deliberately adjusted. The incubation period is as long as 100 years. After 100 years, the Giratus dragon, which releases a lot of energy during incubation, will bring the energy necessary for survival to the planet and rapidly change the planet's ecosystem in a short period of time. The creatures that are initially affected by the incubation energy of Giratus will be dozens of times larger than the same kind of creatures.]

That's why there are mosquitoes the size of eagles, monsters as large as hills, and trees hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters.

These creatures born from Giratus will instinctively fear the breath that gave birth to them, and there will be no monsters around the fat dragon's lair.

Feng Lianzhu pointed to the land of half the planet and asked, "The adult Kiratthosaurus back then was half the size of the planet?"

[Yes, this is the normal size of an adult Kiratus. After giving birth, 90% of her energy was given to the dragon egg, and her body shrank, leaving the shell as a battle armor to protect the cub. As for her flesh and blood, it turned into this The life energy of the planet is changing the planet's environment little by little. When the cub hatched, the first single-celled creature was born on the planet under the impact of the two energies.]

"Is the Giratus dragon such a terrifying creature?" Feng Lianzhu remembered the fat dragon foolishly rubbing gold coins, completely unable to imagine that he would become so powerful in the future.

It is true that the current fat dragon is unmatched, but the adult Kiratus is still too scary.

[Because of its strength, it will become extinct.]

Feng Lianzhu's current knowledge is not enough to understand these words, he frowned and asked: "The power of the Kirat Dragon should have exceeded the limit that the current technology can achieve, what kind of power can wipe out such a terrifying creature. ?"

The system did not answer.

"You will answer me plainly for many things, but you are reluctant to say many things." Feng Lianzhu complained slightly.

After he received the new task, he didn't think he had the strength to do the task, so Fat Long asked and ignored it again, which made Feng Lianzhu feel a little down.

The system gave Feng Lianzhu the answer: [Until you understand, even if I tell you, you won't understand. Once you are knowledgeable, you can guess without an answer.]

Since the system didn't want to answer, Feng Lianzhu didn't ask any more questions, he said, "Is it also for me to complete the superposition task of Pang Gilatus?"

[This is the freedom of the host.]

It seems that the system can't provide any help, Feng Lianzhu doesn't think a level 60 boss can destroy the entire underground arena organization. However, after seeing the terrible traces left by Fat Dragon's mother on the planet, Feng Lianzhu felt that if Fat Dragon completed this task, the underground arena would never be exposed, and Fat Dragon would belong to friends regardless of friend or foe. All the people in this organization were killed, whether it was the people behind the scenes or the players.

Feng Lianzhu drove the airship and landed near the base, and the atavist who was in charge of vigilance saw the airship and immediately notified the dog sixteen. At this time, the dog sixteen who had been preparing to take the test of the Alliance University of Political Science and Law seemed to be the leader of the atavistic people.

Among the patrol personnel today were two, two, and three rats. He saw Feng Lianzhu get off the airship, ran over happily, and circled around Feng Lianzhu screaming.

He really wanted to pounce on Lord Kiratus, but was a little scared and didn't dare to go forward. He could only express his joy by running.

Even so, the guards were stunned.

Attorneys have a natural reverence for the breath of Kiratus, and only a low-IQ mouse can ignore that terrible coercion and rush to Lord Kiratus.

Inu Shiliu came quickly and ordered everyone to retreat, leaving only Mouse Er Er San. He knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his heart, and said respectfully, "Sir, what are your orders?"

After a few days of absence, Lord Kiratus has become stronger, Inu Sixteen thought respectfully.

"How did you deal with the person who wanted to steal the airship before?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

He wanted to hear Inu Sixteen's answer.

Inu Sixteen replied: "Tell everyone what they are going to do, punish them for doing the dirtiest and most tiring work, and deprive them of the right to go to school before all the atavists forgive them. They are always sinners in the base.

"If you do something wrong, you must tell everyone that it is wrong to do it, and what the consequences will be if you are wrong, so as to serve as a warning and evasion, and to avoid the same thing from happening again."

Hearing Inu Shishi's answer, Feng Lianzhu nodded: "I understand."

He casually touched Er Er Er San's head, flew into the airship, and returned to the nest.

At this time, Star Network time 20:30.

After listening to Inu Shiliu's answer, Feng Lianzhu understood that Fat Long might not be able to do this task.

Log in to StarNet, this time it is no longer a clown, but a robot waiting for him in the registration room.

After it entered Feng Lianzhu's information, it said in an electronic mechanical voice: "The opponent and the time of the player Kiratus have been allocated."

It is not like the clown will tell Feng Lianzhu the detailed information of his opponent, but sends the message to Feng Lianzhu without leaving a special red mark.

"Brother Ugly... Where's the original registrar?" Feng Lianzhu was a little worried.

Yesterday, the ugly brother told him about the shady scene in the underground ring, wouldn't he just be dealt with like this

"He ordered me to take the shift today." The robot's green visual screen flickered.

Is it just a substitute? Feng Lianzhu hesitantly walked to his lounge and found that he did not have the Joker's contact information. If this person disappeared, he would no longer be able to contact the Joker.

Sitting in the lounge, Feng Lianzhu felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if the accumulated garbage data was too much and the program was running too slowly.

I had this feeling once, when I just came to the interstellar world and watched the video of the survivors struggling to survive on the system, Feng Lianzhu had the same feeling.

But at that time it was because he lacked memory. Now that he has the shared brain of Fat Dragon, it is impossible for him to run out of memory.

Whether or not there is sufficient memory, there will be a backlog in the heart.

What does it feel like

Feng Lianzhu looked at his hands, nothing in them.

At this time, the light screen in the room lit up and automatically introduced him to his opponent this time, the lizard.

"Lizard is the strongest defensive player in the underground arena. He has participated in 1013 battles in the underground arena for five years, with 457 losses and 556 wins. Among the 457 defeats, 213 games are specially marked games, which is the largest number of special marked games in the underground ring. a player."

"Special mark?" Feng Lianzhu raised his hand and touched his neck. There were special marks on his neck two days ago. He only knew that the prize money would be doubled if he had a mark.

"This competition starts at 12 midnight and lasts for 30 minutes. There is a specially marked player - Lizard. After the competition, if the Lizard player wins, he will receive a prize of 5 million stars, while the Kyratus player wins only 2.5 million. "

Has the tag changed this time

When Feng Lianzhu was regretting that he could only get half of the prize money, the voice on the light screen issued a task to him: "The first time the Kiratus player is playing against the specially marked player, prompt, prompt, the battle cannot end after the opponent surrenders, the basic The lats player must torture the lizard player to death. The wounds on his body must not be less than 1,000, and the death within 1,000 will deduct the 5 million prize money from Kiratus. Until the end of the game time, the Kiratus player is not allowed to stop Attack, it's watching the game."

Hearing the prompt, Feng Lianzhu was stunned. He touched his neck. The mark that symbolized friendship a few days ago turned out to be the meaning.

No, it doesn't matter, what matters is, does he have to do this to an innocent person today

Failure to do so will result in a deduction of $5 million. Feng Lianzhu earned a total of 6 million in the two-day arena, of which 1 million he took to pay tuition and gave 900,000 to the returnees, 3 million was detained in the account, and after the remaining 2 million arrived in the account this morning, Feng Lianzhu temporarily Did not move them.

5 million, just happened to be all the property in Feng Lianzhu's name, this money is very important to him.

"In addition, the lizard player sent a message to Kiratus, please check it."

The light screen was closed, and a voice message entered Feng Lianzhu's vest account in the underground arena. He clicked on the message and heard a voice belonging to the clown: "Hi~~ Kiratus, you already know the meaning of the special mark now, right? Now give you a chance to take revenge, I'm the lizard, hee hee~~"

Ugly brother is today's opponent lizard

On one side is the player who has framed him before, and on the other side is the entire net worth, he needs the money very much.

Feng Lianzhu looked at his hands that were clenched into fists, and for a moment he didn't know which side was heavier.

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: I feel like I'm at a loss for the exchange of tasks.

System: Everything is fair and reasonable.

Feng Lianzhu: As an online game NPC, is it a little too difficult for me