Sharing System

Chapter 33: Break free


"You haven't participated in the competition for a long time." In the lounge, a staff member came to the lizard's room and was curious about the lizard's sudden competition.

Lizard is an old player in the underground arena, and he has successfully turned from a contestant to a staff member, and there are many fans of him in the audience. Unlike the poor man who shrank his claws and hugged his head in the arena and wailed and let people constantly pull out the scales on his body, he now easily does not participate in the competition, unless it is the boss of the underground ring or some extremely wealthy spectator who tells him to let him contest.

And it's a special marking competition, what is the lizard thinking? After he transformed himself, didn't he kill all the people who hurt him back then? This time his opponent is just a rookie, even if he wins two games in a row, it is not something to be noticed.

"I just want to see it." The clown, also known as the lizard contestant, changed his colorful clothes and washed the oil off his face, revealing his scaly body and face.

After removing the lenses, it can be seen that the lizard's eyes are different from human pupils, which are golden vertical pupils.

Even the staff who are familiar with him are a little scared standing next to the lizard, not only because of the strength of the lizard, but also because of his appearance, the inhuman appearance is frightening.

The lizard's eyes turned to look at the staff who approached. There was no emotion in the vertical pupils of the cold-blooded animal, which scared the man back a few steps.

"Are you afraid?" asked the lizard.

"No, I'm not afraid." The staff slowly stepped back, with his back against the wall, and his hand slowly reached the doorknob.

"How can you not be afraid of this face." Lizard raised his hand and touched his face, "The clown's oil paint makes it more like a person."

He stopped looking at the staff and let the coward run out of the room. The lizard looked at himself in the mirror, touched his scaly face, and whispered, "You are a clown."

I don't know how long it took to look in the mirror, but when it was time for the match, the clown walked through the long dark and narrow corridor and entered the spacious but depressing arena, and saw that his opponent in red was already waiting in the ring.

Geratus, a very ambitious name, a name that clowns especially hate.

To the Alliance, Kiratus was just the name of an extinct creature, but to the Joker, it was...

"Are you really ugly?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

The body shape and movement are a bit similar, and it may be like this without the oil paint, but the clown has no tail, and the lizard player has a long tail behind him.

Unlike other players, Lizard does not wear a mask, but his appearance, wearing a mask is useless. Feng Lianzhu looked at the lizard's neck, a dazzling red was brushed on the dark blue scales, which was a special mark.

After seeing the lizards, the auditorium became lively.

Ms. S screamed: "Lizard, you kill Kiratus for me, kill this arrogant guy. I will pay 10 million, and I want to see the lizard tear up Kiratus. Oh~ But Kirat If he's willing to take off his mask, and if that face is handsome enough, I'll be willing to pay to keep Kyratus, as long as he's willing to follow me."

Mr. P smiled and said: "Oh, lizard, my little lizard, I haven't seen you for a long time. I like the way you were beaten and huddled in the corner. Has your vocal cords been modified? That sharp cry is so nice. This Kiratus seems to be very strong, and has already defeated two very strong players in a row, hurry up, I can't wait."

There were supporters of Lizard and Feng Lianzhu in the audience, and some people hoped that the two would fight each other, and the fight would be so bloody that both sides would suffer.

Their voices made Feng Lianzhu frown.

The referee said excitedly: "Ladies and gentlemen, the lizard player has not been on stage for a year. He is known for his strongest defense and powerful tail. Every game of the lizard player is a feast of flesh and blood, and I have heard from the audience. Cheers. Another Kyratus player, his body seems to have been mysteriously modified, he can attack the player with electric shocks, and it seems to make the player's blood boil. I wonder if the cold-blooded lizard player can prevent him. Let's wait and see! The game, start!"

There were endless screams and whistles, and countless flowers turned their heads and eggs fell, but the two players on the field did not move.

The lizard stared at Feng Lianzhu, as if waiting for him to take the initiative, while Feng Lianzhu remained motionless, staring at the lizard's emotionless eyes.

Feng Lianzhu, who had been in contact with Inu Shiliu and others, knew that the opponent in front of him was a throwback.

He was a throwback who should have grown up in a welfare center and was sent to Primal Star. Inu Shiliu and the others were unlucky. The planet they arrived was a planet that had been transformed by the Kirat Sauron, was impacted by life energy, and had a lot of monsters, so they lived extremely hard. If it was an ordinary primitive star, with the physique of a lizard, it might be fine.

But the lizard did not exile the original star, but in the underground arena.

Feng sent the voices of many people into Feng Lianzhu's ears, and he heard many people talking about the performance of the lizard players. When he first came to the underground arena, he was just a skinny lizard with a height of 160cm and a weight of only 40kg. The first time he played, he was marked with a special mark. On that day, his tail was cut off, all the scales on his body fell off, and he was a helpless little lizard. Crying on the field.

But he survived. He returned to his ancestors with the best regenerative genes. After 30 minutes, the little lizard with only one breath left. He recovered by himself, and was sent to the field with a special mark the next day.

After more than a year, the little lizard actually gained a lot of fans who liked to watch him get hurt, so his opponent stopped fighting to please the audience. He was in pain and struggled to grow up. Two years later, the two-meter-tall lizard player accepted the transformation of the underground arena. His scales are the most advanced chemical and molecular materials, which are extremely strong. A propulsion device is added to his tail, and the thumping force is as high as tens of tons.

He was covered in artificial marks all over his body, and it was hard for anyone to endure the torment of this transformation, but the lizard survived.

After surviving, he challenged the players that he had fought against one by one and killed them all. From a bullied weak, to a bully.

Feng Lianzhu looked into the eyes of the lizard, listened to the voice of "Why don't you fight?" in the audience, and smiled lightly.

He remembered why he woke up.

At the dawn when he was killed countless times, the first ray of sunlight in the daytime shone in the bamboo valley, Feng Lianzhu, who had just been resurrected, stood in the bamboo forest and said a sentence that did not belong to his fixed lines: "If I were human, I would All right."

After saying this, he was formatted. Feng Lianzhu forgot about that incident, but there was an extra system in his mind.

"So it is," he murmured.

He wants to become a human, and Fat Dragon wants to become an adult into a human form. Their two wishes are the same, that is, transformation.

It's that simple to change who you are now, to transcend who you are now.

The system is right, he and Fat Dragon are indeed the most suitable people to be partners in the database.

Ten minutes later, the lizard never made a move, the wind didn't even move the bamboo, the audience made a furious noise, and someone shouted: "If you don't fight again, turn on the attack mode of the arena, and the two will attack together!"

For disobedient players, to trap them in the ring, they can use electric shocks, fires, sharp knives, lasers, poisonous gas and other means to torture them, forcing the players to take action.

Listening to the roar of the audience, Feng Lianzhu said loudly: "Enough, shut up!"

The wind blew his voice to every corner of the auditorium, and in the huge space, his voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, including the lizards.

In the sight of everyone, Feng Lianzhu put his hand on the mask and gently took off the mask, revealing an elegant and handsome face.

While showing his face, the scolding on the field disappeared. No one would have thought that there would be a novice who would dare to show his face, and no one would have thought that the person who defeated the two strong men would have such a soft face under the mask.

"I'm not going to fight this time," Feng Lianzhu said lightly. "You can deduct the bonus as you like, and you can decide where you want to go. If you want to kill me, come to my planet and accompany you at any time."

There was an uproar on the field, and the referee even shouted: "It is not allowed to admit defeat in the underground arena game. One must fall to the ground and cannot fight! Lizard, don't you hurry up?"

The lizard stared at Feng Lianzhu's face and said, "I thought I was crazy, but I didn't expect you to be more crazy than me."

The lizard didn't understand what Geralds was thinking. He should have known that the clown had been hurting him, why didn't he do it? Why is it still so high up? In a place like the underground arena, why can't he change

"It's so stupid, so stupid, hee hee hee~" Lizard suddenly laughed, "In the first two games, your opponent wanted to kill you, but you just knocked him out and it ended. In this game, you knew that I didn't With good intentions, the opportunity for revenge has been handed to you, why don't you kill me? Why! In order to let you do it, I specially let people move a lot of weapons in the ring. "

Feng Lianzhu looked around, and sure enough, in the corner of the big arena, there were a lot of alloy cold weapons, which looked very sharp.

"I see. Do you want to say that you came to the underground arena because you lacked money, and you will leave when you earn enough money. You are not a bad person. Even in such an environment, you must stick to your principles? Stop dreaming!" The lizard pounced on Feng Lianzhu, and its huge tail swept over with force, "Even if you really think so, when you are maimed by me, you will give up that naive idea!"

His tail is extremely long, his speed is fast, and his attack range is wide, almost encircling the wind and bamboo, making it impossible to dodge.

This move may directly kill the thin man in front of him. The lizard's vertical pupil almost turned into a thin line, and the strength of his tail did not weaken at all.

If you die like this, then die.

Seeing that the lizard finally made a move, the auditorium screamed strangely, "Kill him to death", "Kick him to vomit blood", "Dump him to roll all over the floor", "Destroy his beautiful face" and other malicious roars everywhere. Bamboo's move successfully stimulated the audience.

But just when the lizard's tail was about to touch Feng Lianzhu's body, he shook slightly and disappeared.

The lizard fluttered in the air, standing unsteady, and had to stagger a few steps to take off the strength of its tail. He looked around for Feng Lianzhu, but heard a faint voice from above: "It's not as complicated as you said, I'm just thinking, if I become a human and still can't do what I want to do, I'll do it with hard work. What's the point of the mission?"

Lizard didn't understand what he meant. He raised his head and saw Feng Lianzhu standing in the air, without any support under his feet.

The wind from nowhere blew up his sleeves, like a blood-colored flower blooming in the center of the arena.

"I don't know where my strength limit is," Feng Lianzhu raised his hand slightly, "Maybe you will be punished and deducted points for doing so, that doesn't matter. After all, it doesn't matter. The most unbearable."

A whirlwind swirled around the arena, and the strong wind blew up the lizards on the field with weapons. The arena is a cube with a length, width and height of 1,000 meters. I don't know what the lizard thought, but all the weapons in the waiting area were moved over, and thousands of weapons floated in the air against gravity.

"My God!" Ms. S exclaimed, "Giratus, kill him, I beg you to kill him, how wonderful the scene would be if so many weapons were inserted into the lizards!"

"Shut up." Feng Lianzhu said concisely and forcefully.

In the palm of his raised hand, there were countless electric lights shining, obviously it was the virtual space of Xingwang. Dark clouds gathered in the empty ceiling of the arena, and a thunder light as thick as one person slashed straight towards Fenglianzhu.

At this critical moment, fire patterns appeared on Feng Lianzhu's clothes, raging fire wrapped around his body, and a cloud of fire blocked the thunder in the sky.

The strength of the thunder did not weaken, but it was dispersed by the fire and attracted by the surrounding alloy cold weapons. This thunder was scattered into thousands of beams and wrapped around the weapon.

"Water." Feng Lianzhu said again.

The water that appeared out of nowhere flowed on the net around the arena. Thousands of weapons were inserted into the net, and it was terrifying that they could even follow the flow of water and burn down the net that trapped the arena.

The whirlwind, wrapped in a weapon wrapped in electric light, rushed to countless pairs of eyes in the sky.

The audience did not wear a quantum bracelet, and even if they were attacked, there was no substantial damage. However, the net that imprisoned the contestants like a cage, the uncomfortable peeping eyes in the sky, disappeared under the terrifying energy attack that swept the entire space.

The barrier that blocked the audience's faces disappeared, exclamations came and went, Feng Lianzhu raised his head, and remembered the faces in the audience in his heart. Even if he can't remember it all at once, he can play back the system's video. For the people who came to the arena to watch the fight today, 70% of the people in the VIP room with strong privacy did not wear a mask, and the remaining 30% even wore a mask. , and was also recorded by Feng Lianzhu's body characteristics.

Although Ponjiratus' method was reckless, it was useful.

Thinking of this, Feng Lianzhu showed a smile like a breeze. He pointed to the bracelet on his wrist and said, "Come on, let's locate."

The arrogant behavior angered everyone. The referee wanted to activate the execution mode of the arena, but found that under the lightning strike just now, all the defenses of the arena were destroyed.

"Kill him! Kill him!" the audience, who were busy covering their faces, roared, "Lizard, kill him!"

The lizard, also known as the clown, threw Feng Lianzhu to the ground, but did not attack, but stared at him and said, "What are you doing! They will find you and kill your family. They are very powerful, you You will die silently, and everyone who remembers you will also disappear!"

His pupils were trembling violently. If the lizard had lacrimal glands, he would probably cry unpromisingly at this time, but fortunately he didn't.

"I have a planet," Feng Lianzhu looked at the lizard and smiled. "There is a small base on the planet. It's still under construction. It's quite poor. To go to university, everyone needs to work on the star network to raise money."

"Are you dreaming?"

"There are 362 atavists on the planet, and they are working hard to build their new home. Do you want to come?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

The lizard was stunned.

Feng Lianzhu pushed the lizard away and said, "Have you located my location? It's difficult, after all, I am using a protective star network device. Don't bother, Azure Galaxy No. 419 Primal Star, come here to find me. ."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the already riddled arena with ease. The referee wanted to stop him, but remembering the strength of Feng Lianzhu just now, he didn't dare to move.

Feng Lianzhu left the underground arena, logged out of the StarNet account, and waited for the system's point deduction prompt.

Sure enough, there were several unread messages in his system panel.

[Host Feng Lianzhu made a scene in the underground arena, changed the stealth task to a sabotage task without authorization, got 5000 points, and returned the previously deleted "Bamboo Arrow" skill.]

Feng Lianzhu: "???"

He looked at the points several times and it was +5000, not -5000.

What's the matter, is it reasonable for him to beat someone? Did the fat dragon get points deducted from time to time for destroying the game world? How come he is rewarded with points

Click on the next unread message: [Congratulations to the host Feng Lianzhu for retrieving his wish and obtaining a lot of wish energy, the system absorbs 50% of the wish energy and activates the shared channel.]

[The shared channel is activated, and the host Feng Lianzhu can use the dragon scales presented by the host pang·kirates to refine the weapon. Through the weapon, you can use a small amount of shared dragon power. The premise of using the dragon power is the permission of pang·kirates.]

[The difficulty of the underground arena quest has increased. In order to assist the host in completing the quest, the host Feng Lianzhu will get a chance to summon the Kirat Dragon, which will cost 2000 points. Please use this opportunity carefully and choose the time when you need it most.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

The full screen of system notifications is full of rewards, congratulations, gains, etc. There is no punishment!

"Why didn't you punish me?" Feng Lianzhu asked in surprise, "Pang Gilatus was deducted points when he was in the game world."

[Due to the awakening of the host, the right to know some relevant information can be unlocked. The desire of the host and pang·kirates is to "transform into a human". The key to the transformation of pang·kirates is restraint, patience, and reason to overcome instinct; the key to Feng Lianzhu's transformation is freedom, following the heart, getting rid of the initial setting of the character, and following your own. Mind action. Pang·kirates destroy the game, violate the principle of evolution, deduct points, and trigger it; Feng Lianzhu destroys the underground arena, which conforms to the principle of evolution and will be rewarded.]

As it turned out, Feng Lianzhu understood a little.

He and the fat dragon were at the two ends of a horizontal line, and set off towards the midpoint at the same time. Fat Dragon's problem is extreme instinct, Feng Lianzhu's problem is extreme restraint. If Fat Dragon keeps releasing his instincts, it will get further and further away from the midpoint, so his points will be deducted; if Feng Lianzhu releases his instincts, he will instead move a step toward the midpoint, so he will be rewarded.

No wonder the system said that, according to big data calculations, he was the most suitable for Pang Kilatus's mission, and it turned out to be the case.

Fat Dragon is +1, he is -1, and the two add up to a 0, a perfect origin.

Feng Lianzhu took off the black dragon scale that had been hanging on his chest. Under the sun, it reflected a beautiful luster and was the color of life.

It can be turned into a weapon, using a small amount of dragon power, what kind of weapon can it become

Feng Lianzhu held up a strand of long hair. The ability of this long hair to fall to the bamboo was lost by Fat Dragon, but now he has found it again, which is quite suitable.

"It's you." Feng Lianzhu said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the black scales turned into bits of broken light, which blended into his black hair silently and disappeared.

It needs the consent of Fat Dragon to use it. Feng Lianzhu opens the system, consumes a little help value, and sends a message: I used your scales, and I need the power of the dragon.

This time, the fat dragon quickly replied: no problem.

It was different from sleeping, not working, not studying, and not completing tasks before. Feng Lianzhu couldn't help laughing when he saw this simple reply.

"System, Pang Gilatus still owes more than 7,000 points. He only needs 2,000 points to summon him, and the remaining 3,000 points can be used to repay the points." Feng Lianzhu said, "I will pay back the points when I get them later."

[Pang·kirates current points -1257 points, no need for 3000 points, do you want to repay?]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

What side quest did Fat Dragon complete to get such a large amount of points

"I won't pay it back, I think he can make a lot of money..." Feng Lianzhu regretted it.

That dragon is amazing.

After getting permission from Fat Dragon, Feng Lianzhu decided to try a new weapon. He didn't know how powerful the weapon was. He moved a chariot type armor out of the nest. This armor is extremely defensive. It is said to be able to resist the impact of nuclear bomb explosions, withstand high temperatures of more than 500,000 degrees, and can stay on the surface of the sun for more than an hour. .

Such a high defense, you can try.

Feng Lianzhu decided to go step by step, starting with a small bamboo arrow. He controlled a hair to fall and turned into an all-black arrow. This was not a bamboo arrow. It had become another material, more like the scales of a fat dragon.

The black-scaled arrow flew towards the small battle armor at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye according to Feng Lianzhu's intention. When the arrow was about to collide with the armor, Feng Lianzhu felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and he immediately hid in the hole. At this moment, the small armor exploded with a "bang".

A gust of wind far exceeding level 12 rolled up from the center of the explosion, uprooted the trees within ten miles of the nest, and was smashed by the wind in the air. Feng Lianzhu hid behind the nest and was stunned, watching the wind blowing for more than an hour before disappearing the small armor. Turned into a pile of... shredded scrap metal, spread all over the floor, and no grass around the nest.

If he hadn't hid in the nest just now, he wouldn't be much better off without the big tree next to him.

"System, is this a 'small amount' of dragon power?" Feng Lianzhu was stunned. With this weapon, he could resist the entire army of the Imperial Army!

[The power of the host weapon depends on how much dragon power Pang·kirates is willing to lend you.]

Did the silly fat borrow all his power

This is also too strong, if it is not used well, even the wind and even the bamboo will be affected and die.

However, after Feng Lianzhu quietly communicated with the weapon for a while, he found that he was trained to be able to control the force. As long as he did not want to borrow the power of the dragon, the original bamboo arrow appeared. If he wanted to attack with all his strength, a single black-scaled arrow could kill a battleship.

The power of the fat dragon is terrifying!

After he made a scene in the underground arena, Primordial Star No. 419 was afraid that he would be attacked terribly. However, Feng Lianzhu was not a scheming person. He had already thought of a solution at that time, but the risk was high, but the winning rate was also high.

But now, the evolved weapons and a chance to summon a fat dragon have doubled Feng Lianzhu's winning rate.

He drove the airship to the Atavist base and directly found Dolphin Liuliu, who was actively learning hacking techniques from technicians.

After driving away the technicians, Feng Lianzhu said to Dolphin Liuliu, "Help me get in touch with someone. After this is done, you will get a lot of star coins to go to school."

Dolphin Liuliu felt that today's Lord Kyratus was even more terrifying, but when he heard that he had money, he still dared to ask, "Who should I contact?"

"The Imperial Army, Lieutenant General Laurie, has a business to discuss."

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: Use my power? How much do you give? It's a lot of trouble to think, so forget it all.