Sharing System

Chapter 43: post-war reorganization


Feng Lianzhu didn't like Laurie. When he first traded with the interstellar pirates, he just wanted to exchange materials in a proper manner. It was Laurie's performance in the communication that made Feng Lianzhu feel uneasy and prepared with both hands. Then came the ending of black eating black.

This time, too, Laurie tried to capture the fat dragon while cooperating, and he took the lead in provoking the war regardless of the original star environment and the safety of the atavists. Everything he did made Feng Lianzhu unhappy.

Laurie is still useful, he must be used, which makes Feng Lianzhu have to endure, he can endure, Feng Lianzhu is used to enduring.

But after having a heart, patience really hurts.

The golden pouch on his waist moved, Feng Lianzhu hurriedly waved his sleeves, and then the wide sleeves pressed down the little dragon that came out of his head.

"Take me to see the wounded." Feng Lianzhu ignored Laurie and instructed Linde.

He glanced at Yan Dou Liuliu without a trace, and Dou Liuliu nodded, who had been eavesdropping on everyone's voices. Dou Liuliu knew that Lin De and the others could be trusted. They had been frightened by the fighting power of Jinlong just now, and it was impossible for them to rise. Any idea of resistance.

Lin De took Feng Lianzhu to visit the wounded. Among the returnees sent by the underground alliance, 400 people who grew up in the welfare center were in good health, and a small number of people suffered minor injuries while escaping. , no problem.

The remaining 100 people have serious problems. Their bodies are tattered, and there are countless scars on their bodies, most of which are old wounds. Many atavists have undergone inhuman transformation.

In the interstellar world, it is very common to transform the body. Feeling that you are not good-looking enough, that you are not tall enough, that your physique is not good enough, these want to become better, the transformation within the normal range is allowed, and the expensive genetic evolution agent is also a kind of body transformation.

The alliance law has clear regulations on the transformation of the body. Ordinary people who want to transform their bodies must go to a regular hospital and undergo surgery at a medical institution certified by the alliance. The law does not allow private transformation of the body, and it does not allow people to make themselves stronger. Various instruments are implanted in the organs.

The transformation of the 100 atavists in front of them is extremely cruel, not to make their bodies healthier and better, but to almost turn their bodies into weapons and war machines.

One of the bee's throwbacks, she originally just had a big belly and a pair of small transparent wings that couldn't make her fly at all. Her stomach can release needles like the stinger of a bee, which has an anesthetic effect. But now, after her stomach has been transformed, steel needles will be shot from the navel, and it is also covered with venom. The small wings on the back are also embedded in countless metal alloy skeletons, which forcibly stretch the transparent wings twice. The skeletonized wings support her weight and allow her to fly.

"Lord Kiratus, they really can't save it," Linde said embarrassedly, "this bee atavism, the needles in her stomach were artificially implanted, and she has glands that secrete anesthetics in her body. This gland has been injected with toxins, allowing her to secrete venom that is automatically applied to the needles. But such venom is also harmful to her body, which is tantamount to chronic suicide. She must be very painful, and there is a pain pump in her spine. Every time the nerve pain went above a certain level, painkillers were injected into the spinal cord so she could live."

The bee atavist has been transformed for less than five years, but her vitality has been completely exhausted. Even if she is rescued from the hands of the people in the underground arena, she will not have a few days.

There are 100 throwbacks, all of them are transformed people who are almost scrapped. The underground arena doesn't want to keep them at all. On the arena, Kiratus is very soft and gentle and doesn't want to hurt his opponents. The underground arena brings these wastes. Containing Kiratus is a two-handed preparation.

Among these people, Feng Lianzhu also saw the crocodile and bison who had fought with him. They were beautiful in the arena, but their back was already dilapidated.

"I'll take a picture of them," Laurie said, leaning over. "That's one of the evidence, and put it on the league's network for everyone to see. A lot of the videos you gave me were from the league. Officials, the star leader of a certain planet, and some wealthy businessmen with capital, without the support of public opinion, it is difficult to overthrow them."

"You people who play politics are disgusting," Linde said unhappily. "People are already like this, but they want to expose their pain to others."

Laurie smiled and said: "It's not that we are disgusting, it's that sins can only be treated justly if they are exposed to the world. If these things are not told, who will know how miserable they have been? How vicious are some of the top leaders of the alliance? They Anyway, I'm going to die, why don't I say a few words of painful life before I die, let me record their video and put it up, it's worth dying to die, isn't it?"

Linde grabbed Laurie's neck and roared helplessly to the sky. He knew Laurie was right, but he was also an atavist. This feeling of being despised and not regarded as a man, only atavians understood. .

No matter how much Laurie said, his attitude also made one thing clear. He did not see atavisms as one, and his indifference and ruthlessness were the best proof.

Feng Lianzhu's bag on his waist moved again, and he hurriedly covered the bag with his sleeve, feeling that something sharp caught his sleeve, and climbed up the wide sleeve.

"The video will be given to you," Feng Lianzhu said calmly, "but not now, you bring the imperial army to interrogate the people in the underground arena, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Major General Laurie shrugged, and Lind ordered several pirates to push him away.

"He's right," a familiar voice said. "It's best to record the pain before we die. This is the best way to make the best use of it."

Feng Lianzhu followed the reputation and saw a man with blood and flesh.

Lin De hurriedly explained: "He is a lizard man, and the modified part is hematopoietic stem cells. He has the ability to survive by cutting off his tail. After cutting off his tail, he can grow back. The scales are hard and the defense is very strong. The people in the underground arena have changed. He can grow the hematopoietic stem cells of the tail and improve his resilience. His limbs and scales have the same resilience as the tail, and can recover no matter how many injuries he receives. The price is lifespan, and the number of cell divisions in a person's lifetime is limited. , He exchanged vitality for resilience, and now the wound on the body surface cannot be recovered, which means that he is already at the end of the battle, the cells cannot divide, and it is useless to inject more medicines."

These were the doctors in the Star Pirates told him, Lind said as he read the doctor's report.

Lizard... Feng Lianzhu remembered his friend who had only known each other for three days in the underground arena, walked up to him, squatted down, and looked at the lizard quietly.

The sunlight reflected on the wind and bamboo golden gown, and the feather patterns were drawn on the clothes, which gleamed in the sunlight, and looked like a god from the perspective of the lizard.

"Hee hee hee," the bloody man let out a clown-like self-deprecating laugh, "Kiratus, you are really Kiratus, hee hee hee~"

He was smiling, but there was hatred in his eyes.

He knew that he was going to die, and he was not afraid that the huge golden dragon would be angry, and said weakly: "I hate you, hate you! Do you know why we atavists were born? It is human! Humans are trying to get Geratus. The power of forcible gene fusion, the children born at the beginning are indeed powerful, and they are also the original S-level, so human beings began to popularize genetic modification on a large scale, and finally 1000 years ago, they began to give birth to atavists. The birth rate of ancestors is getting higher and higher, but genetic modification has never stopped, never!"

The little golden dragon that climbed from the sleeve to the shoulder stiffened, Feng Lianzhu felt that he was holding onto his clothes, motionless.

"That's not Giratus' fault," Feng Lianzhu said calmly, "it's human, you hate the wrong person."

He's neither human nor a stupid fat dragon, the only one who can do this justice.

"Heh, you can say whatever, I'm going to die anyway." Lizard closed his eyes and didn't look at Feng Lianzhu.

In the laboratory of the underground arena, he is considered to be the revenant closest to the dragon family, and has undergone numerous experiments, just to test whether he can release life energy. For this reason, he knew things more than anyone else and hated Geralts more.

Those experimenters kept saying in his ears, "If only you could have the power of Giratus", "Can you produce genetic evolution agents like Giratus?" "The Girat that humans got The remaining body of Sjollon has been snatched by the rebels, and we need the Atavist closest to Geratus"…

Similar words ring in his ears every hour, every second, every day, the lizard thinks, why am I an atavist, why can't I become a Kiratus, isn't it the strongest race in the universe, that Kiratus Why should you be caught, your strongest dignity!

Kyratskyratskyratus... The word haunted him like a nightmare, and all the pain seemed to come from it.

Until a few days ago, a player who called himself Kiratus came to the underground ring.

The lizard laughed all of a sudden, his rootless hatred seemed to have a substantive goal all of a sudden, he hated this man, he had to hate it.

But Kiratus is so strong, he saw it with only one eye left, even if he hates it, what can he do

"Anyway, you are alive, I am going to die," said the lizard.

The look of Feng Lianzhu was reflected in his one eye. The appearance of this person gave him a holy feeling. Compared to the lizard's embarrassed appearance, he was like a clown, just like the first time he met him.

"I've been a clown all my life," the lizard said slowly.

"Don't talk too soon," Feng Lianzhu said coldly, "whether you hate it or the clown, I hope you can persevere in the future."

future? Does he have a future

Linde heard the lizard say so many irritating words, and quickly used other things to divert Feng Lianzhu's attention, fearing that Lord Kiratus would kill this atavist who was dying when he got angry.

"The Dog Sixteen is no good either. He was seriously injured. There were 1,789 pieces of armor embedded in his heart. If it weren't for the atavistic person's strong vitality, he would have died a long time ago if he were an ordinary person." Linde said, " Our doctors can't do such a delicate operation."

The medical cabin that maintains the life of Inu Sixteen is lined up with other atavists. This big dog is staring at Feng Lianzhu who absorbs all the light around him through the medical cabin with wide eyes, full of admiration.

He is the one with the cleanest eyes among all the wounded atavists. Even though he knew that he was going to die, he did not feel hopeless.

Feng Lianzhu walked over, opened the medical cabin, and saw that the entire body of the dog was scorched, half of his face was black, his tail was gone, and his heart was full of blood.

Seeing Feng Lianzhu look at himself, Inu Shishi gathered up his courage and said intermittently: "Kira... Tes... Lord, I... want... to die, can you... touch... my... head?"

Feng Lianzhu stretched out his hand, patted the hair of the dog sixteen that no longer existed, and said, "The atavists you saved are all dying soon."

Inu Shiliu's eyes darkened, and then lit up again: "It doesn't matter... there are still... 400... If I can't save... people, I can... save..."

There were also a lot of debris in his lungs, so he couldn't make a sound. Inu Shiliu raised his finger to his heart and showed Feng Lianzhu a smile that was even uglier than Dou Liuliu.

If you can't save the lives of the 100 atavists, you can save the hearts of the other 400, and tell them that there are still people willing to save them.

Inu Shishi believed that his death was not in vain.

The light in his eyes gradually faded, and Feng Lianzhu grabbed his hand and said, "No one will die."

That's right, no one dies.

Feng Lianzhu opened the bag around his waist, which contained the countless pills and spells that the girls with Feng Laiyi had brought together in order to give Fat Dragon a little bit of life.

Among them, there are the most spells in the treatment department. Feng Lianzhu stretched out his hand and grabbed a large number of supernatant charms. This is a spell used in the game to relieve abnormal conditions. It can let players or summoned beasts get rid of all control skills and props, as long as they do not belong to the main body. items, all can be removed.

It is suitable for the transformed atavist and the heart and lungs embedded in the fragmented dog sixteen. The blood buff is also indispensable. It is also necessary to remove the hemostatic charm for continuous blood loss skills and the recovery charm for healing.

It's great that Fat Dragon owes 10,000 points to bring back these spells.

Feng Lianzhu, who had become a level 90 boss, had enough spiritual energy. He threw these spells into the air, and the wind sent the spells ignited by the spiritual energy one by one to each injured atavist. A miracle happened.

The modified parts of each person are precipitated under the action of some mysterious force. This is a very painful process, and a large amount of blood will be produced. Even if a blood transfusion is performed while the operation is performed, it may die on the operating table at any time.

But no, except for the pain when the transformed objects left the body, the atavists did not bleed. On the contrary, many atavists who lost blood are recovering.

The fastest recovery was Inu Shishi. He didn't overdraw his life force, but suffered a serious injury. After he recovered, he immediately left the medical cabin and wagged his tail wildly at Feng Lianzhu.

The rest of the rehabilitated atavists were in some trouble, and even if they were healed, their vitality would be very low.

At this time, Feng Lianzhu felt that the little dragon climbed down the sleeve from the shoulder to the wrist again, and stuffed a few things into his hand. Feng Lianzhu raised his hand and took a closer look. It was three black dragon scales.

Feng Lianzhu smiled, spread out his hands, the black dragon scales decomposed into countless tiny crystals, and entered the transformed human body.

Life energy flows into the atavist's withered bodies, replenishing their lost life force.

In just five minutes, the people who were dying just now recovered as before.

The lizard wiggled its long tail in complete disbelief at what was happening to itself.

"The Dog Sixteen," Feng Lianzhu instructed, "these people are entrusted to you to manage. They are not completely innocent atavists, nor are they heinous people. They have been treated unfairly and made mistakes. How to deal with them, It's up to you to make the perfect plan."

"Yes!" Inu Shishi said excitedly, Lord Kiratus gave him another task, no matter how difficult it was!

Linde also leaned in and said: "Well, Lord Kiratus, do you think we can join here too? I can bring the atavists among the interstellar pirates to Primordial Star, draw a clear line with the pirates, and concentrate on building a foundation. What do you think of Latus Atavist Empire?"

Linde still knows which side is more suitable for them, the Kirath dragon who can live and die, the interstellar pirate who is wanted by the alliance, and the interstellar pirate who is robbed by the Kirath dragon all day long.

"Stealing, robbery, murder, arson, endangering the safety of people, property and life, organizing and participating in anti-social organizations..." Dog Sixteen denounced the crimes of interstellar pirates, reminding Feng Lianzhu that these are not good people!

Primitive Star's original more than 300 returnees are good children who grew up in welfare centers and have received basic ideological and moral education. Of course, they do not want to be in the company of interstellar pirates.

"Bring it back and serve the sentence according to the crime," Feng Lianzhu said. "The exact sentence is up to you."

Dog Sixteen had to go to the University of Political Science and Law. He knew more legal knowledge than Feng Lianzhu, and Feng Lianzhu was too lazy to use his brain. Anyway, when Lin De said that he was going to take the revenant to the Primordial Star, the system notified him to subdue the interstellar pirate. The task of the ancestors is completed, how to deal with the rest, let the dog sixteen toss, and he will be the backing of force.

After all, they have to take the primary school graduation exam and go to junior high school, so they really don't have the energy to engage in team building.

Dog Sixteen: "… "

He is really weak, and he can't beat any of these people.

Seeing the dog sixteen looking at him pitifully, Feng Lianzhu also thought of the problem of convincing the public, so he took out the axe refined by Tu Qin Yuanhua from the kit, and let the dog sixteen drop blood on it. If this system is identified as an immortal artifact, the dog is the main one.

Dog Sixteen who got a big axe: "..."

Feng Lianzhu pointed to the mountain not far away and said, "Swipe."

The dog sixteen waved at the mountain across a distance of hundreds of miles, and half of the mountain was chopped off by an axe. This move has the power to open up the world.

Tu Qinyuanhua named this axe the Pidi Axe, which corresponds to the Kaitian Axe or the Pangu Axe.

"It belongs to you and is used for law enforcement." Feng Lianzhu touched the hair of the dog sixteen again, "The order of the original star is handed over to you. If you don't do it well, it can belong to someone else."

"Yes! Lord Kyratus!" Inu Shishi was so happy that he almost "woke" out, this is really a great trust.

The lizard stared gloomily at Feng Lianzhu. He just thought that he was going to die, and he expressed his hatred for Kiratus over the years.

He could feel the power in his body and looked like he could live a long time.

Now he regrets what he said, and he doesn't know what Feng Lianzhu will do with him.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lianzhu ignored the lizards and went directly to Lieutenant General Laurie after saving the returnees.

He didn't know that there were so many spells and props in the kit just now. When he was treating everyone, he glanced at the props and spells in the kit and had an idea.

Major General Laurie, who was taking custody of the underground arena, saw Feng Lianzhu beckoning to him from a distance, handed over the work to the adjutant, and came to a place Feng Lianzhu had chosen beforehand where there was no one around.

"Lord Kiratus, do you have any other orders?"

"First, to make a claim to the underground arena for damage to the planet's environment, at least 100 million gold coins must be given out, which must be gold coins; second, the reformer has been tortured by the underground arena for many years, and his body and mind have been injured, and he needs to compensate the reformer. Medical expenses and mental damages, one billion star coins; third, publicize the sins of the underground arena, save the remaining returnees, and transport them to the original star." Feng Lianzhu said.

While speaking, the little dragon was scratching on his sleeve, which was very annoying. Feng Lianzhu took advantage of the opportunity to get something from the bag, stuffed the dragon into his pocket, and pressed his head.

For 100 million gold coins, Pon Kilatus endured it!

"Lord Kiratus, your request is too embarrassing. It's no problem to rescue the revenant and send Primal Star, but the first two... The imperial army will also need to send troops to deal with the underground arena, and maybe it will be exposed for many years. In the power of the alliance, we also need a certain amount of financial compensation, it is impossible to give you so many gold coins." Major General Laurie said with difficulty.

"I didn't give you the right to choose." Feng Lianzhu said.

He spread out his palm, and a purple-red chain flew out of his palm and drilled directly into Major General Laurie's eyebrows.

"This is... what... ah!!!" Major General Laurie covered his head in pain and rolled all over the floor.

With his A-level strength, he did not escape this chain. What is this!

"Control the demon lock." Feng Lianzhu said lightly.

In the early years, it was still a tool that players used to deal with Feng Lianzhu.

This is a special item for dealing with monsters in "Roaming Taixu", and it is divided into many levels. Feng Lianzhu would be level 30, and now the game has reached level 120. In addition to the level of the demon control lock, it is also divided into two modes, PVE and PVP, to deal with bosses and deal with players.

Dealing with the boss has a time limit, and it can be recovered after a certain period of time. To deal with the player, teammates need to use the clearing talisman or other props to remove it, or else the abnormal state can be removed after death and resurrection, otherwise it will always be controlled.

The girls with Feng Laiyi have stuffed a bunch of level 100 or above demon control locks in the kit, both for people and bosses. Feng Lianzhu used the level 120 control locks on Major General Laurie to deal with the player's control. Demon lock.

I heard the lizards say that since 1,700 years ago, human beings have carried out genetic modification and promotion after catching the juveniles of Giratus. The human beings with high genetic level basically have the genetic fragments of Giratus. people.

The game company believes that the tyrannical Longfeng Lianzhu is a demon race, so the human beings with the Giratus gene fragment are half-demon blood.

The demon control lock is effective for the half-demon bloodline.

Feng Lianzhu also took a gamble, and it really succeeded.

Major General Laurie was in pain for a while, then stopped struggling. With a flash of purple light in his eyes, he was already a controlled half-demon.

"Yes, Lord Kyratus, I will act according to your orders." Major General Laurie lowered his head and said.

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu who is busy before and after: so tired

The fat dragon in the sleeve: I want to climb on my shoulders and squat and roar~