Sharing System

Chapter 44: Kindly please


Laurie did not die of self-consciousness, and the demon control lock is not a powerful item. In the PVP mode of the game, it is still very easy to remove.

His consciousness was controlled and he had to do what Feng Lianzhu ordered. After that, Laurie would act according to his own will, and it would not have much impact on his future life unless Feng Lianzhu ordered it again.

Instructing Laurie to join the Imperial Army and continue to work, Feng Lianzhu stood alone in the woods.

When he was left alone, Feng Lianzhu shook slightly, and barely stood by holding on to the tree beside him.

Even if he has been upgraded to a level 90 boss, using so many spells all at once will exhaust his aura, Feng Lianzhu is already quite tired.

Seeing that the people around him were gone, Xiao Jinlong crawled onto Feng Lianzhu's shoulders and arched his face with his head.

"Roar~~~" A small roar came, Feng Lianzhu opened his eyes, took off the small thing on his shoulder, and said softly: "I know."

There is an elixir to restore spiritual energy in the kit. Feng Lianzhu took one out and took it. Although he did not fully recover, he still had strength.

He found himself in the armor parked in the woods and drove back to the lair.

There are still a lot of things left, Feng Lianzhu is all handed over to the dog sixteen, the construction of the ancestors, let them carry out their own exploration.

Along the way, Fat Dragon was very dissatisfied. He disliked the small and slow armor of the battle armor, and wanted to become a big dragon, but was held down by Feng Lianzhu.

Dalong will consume so many points in a few minutes. They are now negative. If they can save, they can save, and they can no longer owe it!

In fact, it was time to let Fat Dragon return to the game world, but Feng Lianzhu was a little selfish, and hoped that Pang Gilatus could do him one more favor, so he didn't remind Fat Dragon about it.

As for Fat Dragon himself, he misses his lair and the gold coins in the lair very much, and wants to go back and have a look.

One bamboo and one dragon returned to the cave, and the fat dragon ran to the pile of gold coins with short legs. This time, it was not a fat dragon like a hill lying on the pitiful gold coins, but a little fat dragon, crawling with difficulty. On the gold coin pile, his entire body is only the size of two gold coins.

Pon Gilatus hugged a gold coin with his small front paws and hind legs and began to roll around on the gold coin mountain. He was golden himself. If he hadn't moved, he would have fallen into the gold coin and couldn't find the dragon. .

Feng Lianzhu clasped his fists in both hands and saluted Fat Dragon, "Thank you Brother Pang for helping. If Brother Pang wasn't here today, Primordial Star would have been destroyed."

Hearing Feng Lianzhu complimenting himself, the fat dragon put down the gold coin, waved his front paws and said, "This is my territory too, you did a great job roar~!"

Fat Dragon stood arrogantly on the pile of gold coins, looking down at Feng Lianzhu with the help of the height of the gold coin mountain, he was not used to looking up at others.

"Brother Pang, your kit and the golden armor on your body have helped a lot. How did you get these things?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

The situation was urgent just now, and it would be nice to have something to use. Now that there is time, Feng Lianzhu naturally has to ask carefully.

The things in the game are different from the vaults of interstellar pirates. Either you rob it or you own it. Unless you pick it up or give it, you will never get it. The player armor that Fat Dragon took off before was all recovered by the game company.

"A group of women enshrined it for me, that's my subordinate in the game roar~" Xiao Jinlong said arrogantly.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Just ask the system.

[The host pang·kirates has 57 diehard supporters in the game, and they are the weapons and props they provide for pang·kirates.]

"Even if these things belong to Ponjiratus, but the items from the two worlds, the other is the game world, how could it be possible to bring them back with only 10,000 points? The power of the items in the kit is too strong." Feng Lian Zhu asked in confusion in his heart.

[The power of the items that can be brought back cannot exceed the ability of the host, and the power of pang kirates can only bring back these items. If you change to the host Feng Lianzhu, you will not be able to bring the battle armor of the interstellar world back to the game world.]

It turns out that Feng Lianzhu agrees with this explanation. After all, Fat Dragon's strength is the most unscientific. Compared with him, the game's props are actually better.

Take the level 120 demon control lock for example, it can control countless winds and bamboos without hurting Fat Dragon in the slightest. Pang Gilatus' level far exceeds the demon control lock.

After explaining this question, Feng Lianzhu finally let go of all his heart and looked at his partner attentively.

Speaking of which, it was the first time they met formally, but they already knew each other to some extent.

Fat Dragon is also observing Feng Lianzhu, um, it's very beautiful, and the clothes are very nice!

Golden Wing Dapeng skin, Golden Feather Clothing, improves Feng Lianzhu's defense, and a pair of golden wings can appear behind him, attacking with feathers.

Pang Gilatus rubbed his claws, wanting to tug on the sleeves of Feng Lianzhu's clothes.

Feng Lianzhu looked at the golden scale armor on Fat Dragon's body and said with concern, "Brother Pang, you gave me three more scales today, can I see how far your transformation stage is?"

This is about to take off the golden scale armor. Feng Lianzhu saw that the fat dragon did not move, and seemed not to want to remove the armor, so he said: "Feng is not malicious, but I heard that the system brother mentioned that the transformation period of Kiratus is very dangerous. Although Brother Pang has never met, he has always been a friend of the soul, and I am really worried about you."

Hearing Feng Lianzhu's words, the little golden dragon moved slowly. After a while, a pocket-sized golden scale armor with a size of only a few centimeters floated in the air, while the scales on the back of the little black dragon next to him had almost all fallen off.

"How could this be!" Feng Lianzhu almost exclaimed when he saw the fat dragon's back, and only a few scales were left on Pang Gilatus' back, which did not fall off, and only a white piece remained. , no new scales grow.

Feng Lianzhu stretched out his finger and touched it lightly, and asked cautiously, "Does it hurt?"

"Your strength is so small, how can it hurt!" Fat Long said nonchalantly, he turned around, not letting Feng Lianzhu look at his back, and rubbed little by little in the direction of the golden scale armor, wanting to put on the armor as soon as possible , and did not want Feng Lianzhu to see his panic at this time.

Feng Lianzhu didn't notice Fat Dragon's movements, he picked up the golden scale armor and handed it to Fat Dragon and said, "Brother Pang, put on the scale armor as soon as possible."

The fat dragon jumped directly onto his palm, put on the golden scale armor on Feng Lianzhu's palm, and turned into a golden little dragon, which made him feel slightly relieved.

"The mission of the interstellar pirates is completed, and I begin to scale a large area and enter the middle stage of transformation." Fat Dragon is still very serious about his body. This change is also due to Feng Lianzhu's completion of the task, which accelerated his transformation period. speed.

Otherwise, scaling is also a very painful process. At first, it is just itchy, and it will fall off after rubbing against it. However, the molting stage cannot be too slow, and it must be completely molted in a very short period of time. In order to speed up the molting speed, many young Kiratus will pull out the scales one by one, which is very painful. The fat dragon fell off a lot of scales at once, and it wouldn't hurt too much. The system has relieved his pain.

After getting Fat Long's explanation, Feng Lianzhu was a little relieved. It was a normal phenomenon, but at this speed, when the finishing work of the underground arena was completed, he graduated from elementary school, and after all three tasks were completed, the scales on Fat Long's whole body would only be feared. will fade away.

Fortunately, there were members of Feng Laiyi's gang to help, otherwise Fat Dragon would be in danger.

Feng Lianzhu said: "The scale armor on your body, players have a way to remove the armor, some spells, props, special skills can be done, the GM can forcibly take back the artifacts on your body, you can really go back in the scale shedding stage. It’s too dangerous, after completing the task, let me go to the game to do the next stage of the task.”

He was thinking about the fat dragon, but who would have thought that the little golden dragon turned his head and swept his tail: "No, I don't learn how to roar~"

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

"System, how much will Brother Pang's strength weaken in the molting stage?" He could only ask the System in his heart.

[The completely sloughed Giratus dragon will enter a period of weakness for a long time in order to accumulate the energy to grow new scales. Converted to game data, its power is equivalent to a level 140 boss in the game.]

Level 140 is not bad at the moment. The highest level of players is only level 120, but it is not as crushing as before. What if there are a lot of players

Feng Lianzhu felt a headache. Ever since he was conscious, he has been worrying about returning to his ancestors, and worrying about Fat Dragon.

This little fat dragon has a big heart and doesn't worry about anything, and starts to play around with the gold coin pile as a slide.

Feng Lianzhu was anxiously circling around the nest, sometimes looking at the little golden dragon, and sometimes touching the bag on his waist.

Kit, wait!

"System, Pang Jilatus can bring items from the game world to the interstellar world, can he also bring the armor back to the game?" Feng Lianzhu said suddenly.

[Pang Gilatus's strength, yes, needs to deduct a lot of points. The armor that exceeds the technical level of the game world can only exist in the game in the form of data and cannot affect the real world. The system will strictly monitor the super-technical items. Once you try to take them out of the game, the system will destroy the items.]

This is not to be afraid of, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

"Could it be that the items in this kit are not super-technical items?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

[It is a fantasy item and will disappear after three days. Like the golden scale armor of pang kirates, it will disappear if it does not return to the game world within three days.]

The fat dragon could only stay in the interstellar world for three days. Feng Lianzhu looked at the happy little fat dragon on the gold coin. Although he was a little embarrassed, the time was running out and he had to express his request.

"Brother Pang, I have an unkind request. It's about a mission." Feng Lianzhu said with difficulty, "I need my parents to accompany my parents to take the assessment at the outlet for the primary school graduation exam. Can you pretend to be my parent?"

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: There are no scales on the back. It's ugly. I don't want Azhu to see it. I'm not happy.