Sharing System

Chapter 50: Fake boy


"System, are you really okay with this?" Feng Lianzhu asked in his heart.

[Benevolent lies are sometimes necessary in society, congratulations to the host Feng Lianzhu for comprehending this truth and winning the title of "Fake Smile Boy".]

Also, is there a title? Feng Lianzhu could hardly hold back his expression, but there were four teachers staring at him in front of him, so he could only smile politely and said, "Thank you teachers for your recognition of me, I study too late, and my age is too much. The title of genius student is well deserved."

[The host with the title of "Fake Smile Boy" will gain or deduct corresponding points every time he smirks, according to the emotional impact of his smirk on others. The host just smirked, the principal, the dean of education, the grade director, and teacher Jenny felt happy, each of them 100 points, and the host gained a total of 400 points for this smirk.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He was wrong, he shouldn't be jealous that the system favors Fat Dragon too much, Feng Lianzhu now understands that sometimes favoritism is a burden.

[Host Feng Lianzhu triggers the chain stage task, please take the college entrance examination within one month and achieve good results. The higher the host Feng Lianzhu's college entrance examination ranking, the more evolutionary energy pang·kirates will harvest.]

After getting the primary school graduation certificate, Feng Lianzhu said goodbye to several teachers and left the school, and the system issued a new task.

At this time, Feng Lianzhu had already boarded the small battleship. This was a shared mission, and Fat Dragon should have been able to see it. Feng Lianzhu turned his head to look at Yuan Cunfeng, and saw that this man had already started to doze off a little bit.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

It seems that Fat Dragon really doesn't like studying, and just saw the word "exam" and started to sleep.

Feng Lianzhu smiled helplessly, raised his hand and rubbed Fat Dragon's head. With such a touch, Fat Dragon fell down, his head resting on Feng Lianzhu's shoulder, and he slept very sweetly.

"Since Pang Gilatus can accept the memory of racial inheritance, why should he go to school?" Feng Lianzhu asked the system in his heart.

He asked this question once, but at that time the system only said that the tasks it issued were all processed through big data calculations and fully complied with the regulations.

[Kiratus, as a cosmic heavy race, must learn restraint, otherwise he will not be able to keep the last seedling. The system hopes that Pon Kiratus can get along with weaker races by entering the school and understand that not all races are like the basics. Latus is so powerful, the universe has its own laws of operation, even if it is as strong as Giratus, it cannot cross the boundary.]

Really let the fat dragon come to school, the primary school students who did not obey the control and destroyed the labor results of other classmates, now there are enough corpses piled up on a planet. Ordinary elementary school students' fights are not very lethal. If Fat Dragon is angry, it is basically a map to a map of death.

"I think the mission you issued is very problematic." Feng Lianzhu said firmly.

[From the current results, there is no problem.]

False logic is also reasonable, but the system cannot question it.

"If I didn't exchange the world with Pang Gilatus, the final result might be that I would be stuck in the love lotus level forever, unable to awaken my self-consciousness; as for Pang Gilatus... He should be able to live, but the original star The atavists will die." Feng Lianzhu said.

The current fat dragon will not hurt the Atavist. He was so angry before, and he didn't kill Laurie, the head of the underground ring and the clown. He is gradually learning to use his strength and restrain his temper. But the fat dragon at the beginning did not learn to control power.

The task of the system seems quite unreasonable, but when Feng Lianzhu and Pang Gilatus exchanged worlds, the tasks of the two people seem quite delicate.

Fat Dragon's destructive power is too strong, and only in the game world can the damage he causes be controlled to a minimum, and it will not cause irreversible consequences. In the game, Feng Lianzhu comes into contact with players other than NPCs and cannot have any interaction with them. In the interstellar world, getting along with all kinds of people, people collide with emotional sparks, giving Feng Lianzhu more and more More flexible emotions.

The arrangement of the system, pinch to benefit.

"What system are you? What is the purpose? Does it have a name?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

[The name of the system can only be unlocked after the host completes all tasks.]

Or top secret? Feng Lianzhu smiled and took Pang Gilatus, who had turned into a little golden dragon, lying motionless on his shoulders, boarded the Kiratus spaceship, and left the test planet.

On the way back, he logged into Feng Yuansi's account and checked the news on to see if there was anything about the underground arena, but there was no information.

This is not a trivial matter. It takes a long time to collect evidence and provide evidence, and the Imperial Army also needs time to prepare.

After completing the underground arena quest, the scales of the fat dragon will fall off completely, turning into a Giratus dragon without any protection. If he can go to university at this time, can Fat Dragon get a lot of evolutionary energy while shedding scales

"System, you said that Ponjiratus' energy is the first stage, how many stages of energy does he need to fully evolve?"

[In the first stage, the skin under the scales becomes hard and has terrible elasticity and the ability to transform between atoms; in the second stage, new scales grow, and the new scales are soft and fragile, and are in the weakest stage; in the third stage, new After undergoing the transformation within the scope of quantum science, the scales become indestructible and have the power to fight against antimatter weapons; in the fourth stage, the scales are separated from the skin. Human beings are the most vulnerable. Once they leave the protection of the scales, any metal knife can kill Kiratus; in the fifth stage, they receive inherited memories, fully evolve, and become mature Kiratus, which can survive for hundreds of millions in the universe. ten thousand years.]

It means that the first stage to the fourth stage are all weak periods, especially the fourth stage, there is no protection at all.

Feng Lianzhu calculated that after his college entrance examination, Fat Dragon just completed the third stage and entered the fourth stage, in the middle of the strongest period and the weakest period of the transformation period.

If he can complete the two tasks at the same time, the fat dragon can go through the transformation period without any risk.

But the learning task, even if he graduated from university, is only the fourth stage, and the fifth stage task has not been issued by the system.

Feng Lianzhu asked the system what the next mission was. The system only said that it would not be released until the underground arena mission was over, and then kept silent.

"Then what is my mission in the next stage?" Feng Lianzhu asked, "I already have the power of the Five Elements, is the next step up to defeat the level 100 boss?"

[Integrate the five elements to achieve self-evolution.]

"How to integrate?" Feng Lianzhu felt that there was a conspiracy in the words "system".

Who would have thought that the system would no longer answer.

"Aren't you going to continue to release my tasks?" Feng Lianzhu suddenly realized this, "Does this mean that Pon Gilates and I have no new tasks before the end of the underground arena task? "

No, it's not that there are no new tasks, Feng Lianzhu is very busy here, and Fat Dragon really has nothing to do in the game.

The system did not answer, Feng Lianzhu frowned.

He had a feeling that after the underground arena mission was over, both he and Fat Dragon would usher in a difficult mission.

After six hours of continuous driving, Feng Lianzhu returned to Primordial Star and landed in the original lair. Fat Dragon was still sleeping soundly.

Feng Lianzhu put the sleeping little golden dragon on the pile of gold coins, and the little golden dragon's two front claws grabbed twice in the air, but did not catch Feng Lianzhu.

He slept uncomfortably, lost his familiar breath, and kept scratching. Feng Lianzhu looked at him for a while, took out his gold coin with small flowers, and stuffed it into Xiao Jinlong's arms, while he picked it up. The fat dragon hides in the box gold coins engraved with the dragon.

"That's called exchanging tokens." Feng Lianzhu smiled.

Xiaohua Gold Coin Feng Lianzhu held it for a while, and with the breath on his body, Xiao Jinlong hugged Xiaohua Gold Coin, and then he fell asleep peacefully.

Feng Lianzhu had something to do, so he chose several mechas and battleships from the arsenal in the lair.

The golden package brought back by Fat Dragon is the highest-level portable space in "A Journey to Taixu". This package claims to be able to put Lingtian and Lingquan in it, but this is just a big picture for players, and Lingquan has not yet been opened. .

Many players took the time and spent a high price to finally hit this huge golden package, but its use value is not as high as the common silver package.

It is not a big problem to pack a large warship and hundreds of small warships in the golden package. Feng Lianzhu almost stuffed all the weapons belonging to the imperial army in the lair into the package.

The scales on the fat dragon fell off too much, even if he had golden scale armor, the player might cause damage to him, so Feng Lianzhu brought him a weapon to be on the safe side.

When putting it in, Feng Lianzhu was still thinking, it's better not to use it, otherwise an interstellar battle armor will suddenly appear in the Ancient Wind Xianxia online game...

Hey, I don't know if the game company can continue.

Make the package smaller and tie it around Xiao Jinlong's waist... Forget it, he doesn't have a waist, so tie it around his stomach.

There are still 20 hours left in the three days, and Feng Lianzhu is a little reluctant to let Fat Dragon leave. After all, Pang Gilatus is the closest person in the two worlds of Feng Lianzhu, and an NPC who knows his online game can watch him. Be the existence of intelligent life.

With Fat Dragon, Feng Lianzhu doesn't have to suppress his heart, he can show his weakness, get angry and jealous, and lie to the teacher to help Fat Longyuan.

He poked the sleeping little golden dragon with his finger. Who knew that the sleeping golden dragon seemed to be having a sweet dream. He opened his mouth to bite and bit Feng Lianzhu's finger.

Not painful, but a little numb.

Fat Dragon realized that he had bitten something, opened his eyes in a daze, and jumped up in shock when he saw that he was biting Feng Lianzhu.

The golden wrap around his waist was a little heavy, and the little golden dragon, which had sealed most of his power, didn't jump up.

Feng Lianzhu retracted his fingers and said to Fat Long, "It's time for you to return to the game world."

Little Jinlong dragged the heavy package and climbed onto Fenglianzhu's legs, roared, and seemed unwilling to leave.

"If you don't leave, the golden scale armor will disappear." Feng Lianzhu poked the little fat dragon in the stomach.

"Roar!" The golden dragon curled its tail to protect his stomach.

"I put a weapon in the kit, don't use it until the crisis." Feng Lianzhu said.

The fat dragon was summoned by him, and will be sent back by Feng Lianzhu's request system.

[Whether you bring interstellar items to the game world, you need to deduct 10,000 points.]

"Button it up." Feng Lianzhu said without distress.

He squeezed Jinlong's small front paws, smiled and said, "Protect yourself."

The disappearing little Jinlong roared, and suddenly said three words in Chinese: "Wind... Lian... Bamboo."

Feng Lianzhu was startled, just as he was about to say something, the little golden dragon was teleported away, and the lair became empty again.

[Host Feng Lianzhu activates "Fake Smile Boy", pang kirates has a sad mood, the host uses the fake smile skill to deduct 1000 points this time.]

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: Roar! Roar! Roar! ! ! !