Sharing System

Chapter 52: Testify in court


His words silenced the crowd, and after a long time, the relatively calm Unicorn said, "Do you want to open the wound in front of the public, so that the people in the alliance can see the wounded appearance of the Atavist?"

"You want to beg someone to pity us?" Snake twisted her tail, showing her two fangs, and looked at the lizard threateningly.

The lizard looked at everyone's expressions, touched the scales on his face, and nodded, "Yes."

The impulsive bison's eyes turned red, and he kicked his feet on the ground twice, which was preparation for an attack.

Unihorn raised his hand to stop the bison: "Listen to him."

Lizard said, "You've been racing, and you probably don't know what the average confederate thinks of atavism. A 3% atavism rate means maybe 6% of confederate couples have conceived an atavist, if they have any other Children, then there are more than 10% of the people who are related to the atavists, plus some workers in the alliance for atavists, at least 15%-20% of the people in the alliance have been related to the atavists. Nearly one-fifth of the population, do you know what they think of atavists?"

"I don't want to admit it, but I have a sense of guilt. I hope the returnees can live well in places they can't see. Tell yourself that exile on the original star is the best ending for the returnees, and keep deceiving yourself like this, covering your conscience. Alive." Unicorn said.

"Do you understand?" Snake looked at Unicorn.

"I've escaped," Unicorn touched the horn on his forehead, "I'm different from you, I can pretend to be a normal person with a suitable hat. I've talked to ordinary people about atavism, That's what they all thought. I could actually escape to a remote mining star, but then, I went back."

No one asked him why he went back. Everyone knew that the Alliance had no soil for them to survive.

Lizard continued: "As Unicorn said, except for some well-informed superiors, most of the alliance members are guilty. And these people are large enough to have the right to speak."

As he spoke, he laughed again, and his vertical pupils shone brightly: "I am a clown, what is a clown's job? Performing, performing for the audience, ugly, funny, ridiculed and sympathetic, I fell in Ground, tear open the scars and make them laugh, hahahahahaha!"

He smiled, tears welling up in his eyes.

Laugh when you feel like crying.

"I have been living here, without the discriminatory eyes of the Alliance, as long as we restrain the desire to kill, after a long time, we can live with the atavists in the base. Go to the Alliance and go to court, all our past, experimental records, games Videos, life experiences, these things that I don’t even want to think about, will be taken out countless times, repeatedly mentioned, and sold out. We leave this planet, protected by the alliance like prisoners, living in someone In the monitored room, because our psychological assessment failed, we had to wear ankle bracelets for real-time monitoring." Unicorn calmly explained the situation they might face.

"Finally, when the court's decision is over, where will the Atavist go?" Snake asked.

Lizard thought for a while, then forced a smile: "All born atavists must live in welfare institutions under the arrangement of the government. Countless schools regularly organize children to visit welfare institutions, visit us, and tell the history of atavism. . We won't be taken for experimentation again, we won't be exiled again."

"But freedom and dignity have been lost," said Unicorn.

The taciturn crocodile said: "Give it up, it's good to live here, let the wind wolf bring us the prisoner's necklace, and if someone can't control himself, he will be executed, what a simple thing."

I'd rather die than go to the alliance, and don't want to be pointed at.

"Living under the protection of his hated Geratus?" Lizard asked rhetorically.

He didn't tell everyone that Feng Lianzhu and Giratessaurus were actually two different individuals. As long as Feng Lianzhu didn't talk about it, the lizard wouldn't mention it.

Unicorn said: "It's you who hate him, not us. And if you can continue to hate him after seeing that kind of power, I respect you as a man."

"I hate him," the lizard said. "I used to hate that Geratus was caught by humans and brought out a bunch of atavists like us. Now I hate him and saved me. It's good to be dead."

The people in the room were silent, yes, how hard it is to live.

"I hate him, so I don't want to owe him anything," Lizard said. "Didn't he want the league to openly try the underground ring? How much evidence can't compare to an intuitive victim! I'm going to court, to testify, to put He saved me this love, go back and continue to hate him openly."

"You're so twisted," said Unicorn, shaking his head.

"But you're right," the Snake Girl smiled, she was actually very pretty, like the little girl next door, "I hated him for half my life, and every time I couldn't take it anymore, I thought that I still hated him, I just survived. Suddenly I don't hate it, I can't accept it. I'm just twisted and abnormal, I can't say thank you, I'd rather someone beat me to death than don't want, don't want to... "

I don't want to accept this kindness.

They are used to being treated cruelly and live in the cold glacier. Once they encounter the fire, they are afraid and dare not approach. If the warmth will leave sooner or later, it is better not to start at the beginning.

"I'm persuaded by you guys, I'll persuade others." Unicorn stood up and said, "I almost forgot to tell you one thing. After being treated that day, I evolved."

He pointed to the single horn on his forehead: "This horn seems to be able to convey my feelings and imply that other people empathize with me. Such an ability will definitely play a big role in court."

After Unicorn finished speaking, everyone in the room laughed together. What are they laughing at, probably no one knows.

This laughter is very calm, no longer tangled and complicated.

Choosing to go to court is the beginning of accepting yourself for the returnees in the underground arena. In order to forgive oneself, one must accept it first.

He figured out how to persuade the others, opened the door, and saw the man in golden clothes standing outside the door, he was so frightened that he took two steps back and bumped into the wild boar.

"Humph! What are you doing..." The wild boar looked at the one-horned line of sight, and was also stunned.

Feng Lianzhu, who was dressed in golden clothes, walked into the room, and the people in the room stood up involuntarily. Only the lizard was still sitting firmly on the bed, staring at Feng Lianzhu.

"You heard what we said." Lizard said firmly.


"Then what do you think?" asked the lizard.

He can now look at Feng Lianzhu calmly, without overstrengthening this person or hating him. Apart from the influence of Giratus, he still doesn't like Feng Lianzhu very much.

"That's your freedom." Feng Lianzhu said.

There was an indescribable feeling in the hearts of several people. The lizard touched his heart. At that moment, he had a sense of anticipation. He didn't know what lizard he was expecting, and when Feng Lianzhu didn't stop them, the lizard felt that Lost and distressed.

"However," Feng Lianzhu glanced around the crowd and said slowly, "After the trial, if you still want to return to Primordial Star, it's fine if the Alliance agrees, but if the Alliance disagrees, I'll pick you up."

Unicorn's eyes lit up. His eyes were big and black, like beautiful black pearls. At this moment, he was staring at Feng Lianzhu, as if he wanted to confirm the authenticity of these words from his expression.

"His~" Snake Girl twisted her waist and used her tail to climb to Feng Lianzhu's side, and circled around him.

She was afraid of Kiratus, but just wanted to go around.

"In the name of Kyratus." Feng Lianzhu said.

After all, he jumped out of the window as if he had no weight, leaving behind a few atavists.

[The fifth-stage mission of the host Feng Lianzhu is now released, preventing humans from continuing to use the Giratus specimen to change genes, eliminating the possibility of atavants being born, and establishing atavants' own kingdom. After completing the task, the host Feng Lianzhu will integrate the five elements, completely out of the control of the game.]

After Feng Lianzhu left the room, the system issued him the task of integrating the five elements. Feng Lianzhu read it several times and felt that it was not right.

"Is this my mission or Ponjiratus' mission?" Feng Lianzhu asked inexplicably.

For a long time, the tasks belonging to Feng Lianzhu were all about defeating a certain boss in the game and obtaining the boss's abilities and attributes, while the atavist was Pang Gilatus' task. Interstellar is not a world of wind and bamboo, and the matter of the atavist has nothing to do with him.

[It has been confirmed by the system that this task belongs to the host Feng Lianzhu, not pang kirates. Has the host decided to exchange tasks with pang kirates?]

"I don't need to change for the time being," Feng Lianzhu shook his head, "It's okay to go back to the ancestors and build a country, but why is it my mission?"

In the consistent style of the system, the coming of age of Geratus seems to be associated with atavism. The atavists were born with the genes of Giratus, and the system asked Fat Dragon to save these people.

[The task of the system is completely reasonable, calculated based on big data, and absolutely suitable for the current state of each host.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

You have dealt with it so many times, can you be sincere

He didn't understand why things had developed so far, Feng Lianzhu thought for a while, and changed his question: "You asked me just now if I exchanged tasks with Pang Gilates, is it a routine inquiry, or is it true that we are suitable? exchange?"

[Routine inquiry, the host Feng Lianzhu and pang·kirates are not suitable for exchanging tasks in the next stage. The system has determined that Feng Lianzhu will never be able to complete the final task of pang·kirates.]

What is the system thinking? Feng Lianzhu was very puzzled.

After asking for a long time and getting an answer, Feng Lianzhu had to go to Feng Lang and Dolphin Liuliu. The two of them seemed to be the leaders of the base, but one was political and the other was technical.

Feng Lianzhu already had an idea in mind about the underground arena returning to the alliance to testify. When the system did not issue the task, when he just heard the words of the lizard, Feng Lianzhu had already made a decision, otherwise he would not It will appear in front of the lizard and others.

"They're going to testify?" Feng Lang said unexpectedly, with some realization, "This, this is also a way, but they may have a hard time during this time."

"It's okay," Feng Lianzhu said to Dolphin Liuliu, "contact Laurie and tell him about it."

He paused before continuing: "And tell him that this time I will accompany the returnees to the alliance, and ask him to help me prepare an identity."

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: I am responsible for the cubs I rescued.

The one who said yesterday that this is the little angel Lin Shu of the Metamorphosis system, you are very promising!