Sharing System

Chapter 54: Control emotion


Hearing that Feng Lianzhu's house was destroyed, Pang Kiratus had only one idea in his mind, he flew to the Demon Barrier Forest, uprooted the broken forest, dug out a valley, planted bamboos one by one, it was so happy decided!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took off, he felt that his legs were being grabbed by something, Pang Kilatus turned his head and saw that the female player named... Many Birds, one hand was holding his thigh, and the other wrist was wrapped around him. He was wearing a chain, and the other end of the chain went deep into the center of the earth, firmly holding Bainiao Chaofeng.

When he was in the interstellar world, Feng Lianzhu once instructed Pang Gilatus to be nice to those who had Feng Laiyi after he went back. .

Thinking of Feng Lianzhu's words, Pang Kilatus didn't slap all the birds towards the phoenix and die on the spot, and he didn't shout out a loud roar to directly shock You Feng Laiyi to help the crowd. Questioningly and as softly as possible, said to Bainiao Chaofeng, "Roar?"

"Dragon God, you can't go!" Hundred Birds Chaofeng saw that Pang Kiratus had the intention of communicating, and said quickly, "Even if you go to destroy the Demon Barrier Forest and kill the Gorefiend, the Bamboo Valley will not be able to recover. You can restore the data of the Demon Barrier Forest at will, and they can create a Gorefiend if they want. You finally survived the cleaning of the game company and can’t be found by them again!”

"Roar!" Pang Gilatus shouted. He clearly used the language of the Kiratus race. Strangely, people with Feng Laiyi understood what he said.

"Do you think they can really kill Ben Long?" In the roar just now, the fat dragon revealed such a meaning.

"No," Bainiao Chaofeng ignored the fact that his arm was about to be torn off by the chain, and concentrated on smoothing his hair, "I believe you are the strongest, there is no doubt about that. But we are very worried about you, and we don't want you to have any chance of disappearing. , not even 1/1000000000000000000th!"

She said firmly, even if Fat Dragon insisted on leaving, the chains and the dragon tore her in two, Bainiao Chaofeng would stop Fat Dragon!

When Bainiaochaofeng communicated with Panglong, Tu Qinyuanhua, a craftsman, handed out a chain to each of the gang members. Everyone inserted one end of the chain into the center of the earth and hugged Pang Kirat with the other hand. Si's thighs do not let go.

There are more than 20 online helpers from Feng Laiyi, all of them hanging on Pang Kilatus' hind legs, and the goddess set off fireworks and cried and said: "I have been sitting in a beautiful dream since I was a child, dreaming that I was in When I was bullied, there was a Prince Charming who could defeat all those who bullied me and came to rescue me with a colorful cloud. There has never been such a sweet dream in reality, but that day, when we were besieged by Panlong, you saved us! No! Prince Charming, there is only one grumpy black dragon, and even so, we don't want you to disappear!"

During the three days of searching for the Dragon God, Feng Laiyi's gang members felt that the true identity of Yuan Cunfeng was not important. He is still alive, it is enough to play with everyone and roll around in gold coins.

There are so many truths in life that have to be figured out. Compared with riding the dragon on top of the blue sky and becoming the first big gang on the game rankings, it is more realistic to guard your own little golden dragon.

"You can pull it," said Tu Qinyuanhua, "this is the back soil lock, and it takes root. Either you pull the entire Zhongzhou continent, or you tear us all in half, otherwise it is impossible to get rid of us!"

It's just a game account, the pain has been adjusted to the lowest level, and the death screen will also be marked with mosaics. Those who have Feng Laiyi are not afraid!

They can be resurrected when they die. Fat Dragon is different. The game has completely deleted the data about Feng Lianzhu. Fat Dragon may not be resurrected when he dies.

Being trapped by a group of weak human beings is a great shame for Giratus. There is no creature that can trap the strongest species in the universe, even if it is Zhongzhou Continent, it is just a relatively huge clod, as long as he exerts all his strength, he can...

Pang Gilatus' sapphire eyes looked at the gang members who were clinging to his thighs, and let out a dragon roar to the sky. Helpless Long Yin.

The golden dragon waved its dragon wings and shrank in front of everyone, and finally became a little dragon with a body length of only two gold coins. Looking at everyone with Feng Laiyi, he looked like he didn't know what to do with you.

The sensual girls burst into laughter, and the goddess set off fireworks and said, "You are really the cutest!"

She seemed to want to hug the fat dragon, but she didn't have the courage, so she turned around and threw herself on the pile of gold coins and rolled around, saying "too much" as she rolled.

This time, the little golden dragon didn't want it anymore. He landed on the pile of gold coins, but his small body had huge strength. When he arched his mouth, he arched the goddess to the side to set off fireworks, and became bigger on the pile of gold coins. His body was just as big as the gold coins. Heap and so on.

The gold coins belong to him, and no one is allowed to touch them.

[The host pang·kirates learned to control his emotions and empathized with other species for the first time. The reward points are 10,000, and the current points are 5,940. Congratulations to the host, the points are positive for the first time.]

"Give it to Feng Lianzhu." Pang Gilatus instructed the system.

Feng Lianzhu helped him pay back his points many times before, and Fat Long still remembers it. He didn't bother to ask how many points Feng Lianzhu gave him, anyway, all the points he got in the future would be given to Feng Lianzhu.

"Wait a minute," Fat Long said when the system was transferring the points, "Exchange that book of "Basic Chinese Language Teaching" for me."

[The host, pang·kirates, has not been able to learn by himself the ability to empathize. This is the racial power of Kirates. It communicates his intentions to other creatures through brain waves through special calls, which is higher than racial language. Power without having to learn the language of other creatures.]

"I'm going to learn." Pang Kilatus said, he didn't remember the matter of borrowing points to buy a shared brain for Feng Lianzhu in order not to go to university.

The points required for "Basic Teaching of Chinese Language" are the same as "Basic Teaching of Interstellar Common Language", both are 100 points, and the remaining 5840 points, the system will transfer all of them to Feng Lianzhu according to Fat Dragon's instructions.

The communication between the fat dragon and the system is all brain activity. The members of Fenglaiyi can't hear it. They only see the big golden dragon lying on the pile of gold coins with its white belly exposed. The white belly looks very good, and they want to touch it. .

Bai Niao Chaofeng immediately set up a temporary private chat room and dragged all the gang members in: "Tu Qin Yuanhua! Isn't the golden scale armor 100% defenseless? Why is the belly still white, it looks so easy to touch, no, look It's so dangerous."

Tu Qinyuanhua: "Help lord, I don't know what happened to the stomach, but I did a test just now. The defense power of the stomach position is the same as that of the back, which is weaker than when the golden scale armor was just put on three days ago. 20 times, eh? 20 times weaker?"

"What's going on?" the gang members asked nervously.

Tu Qinyuanhua opened the screenshot of his test three days ago: "Look, when I just put on the golden scale armor three days ago, the overall data was balanced, it was god-level data, GM can't have such defensive power, but now The data is two or three times higher than that of a level 120 boss, how could it be so weak all of a sudden?"

"In order to avoid the game company's cleaning, did you get hurt?" Tian Nu said distressedly after setting off fireworks. "When he first appeared, he was just a little bit weaker than before."

"Don't let people from other gangs know that Yuancunfeng is still alive," Bainiao Chaofeng said decisively, "Who dares to tell the top secrets of this gang, don't play in this game in the future, kill once you see it ."

"Is it possible to kill once? It's better to use human flesh personal information, go to the real world to stumble her, say she doesn't keep her promises, and find a way to lower her social credit value." the girl said.

Tu Qinyuanhua: "The gap between your game name and character is really big."

Bainiao Chaofeng: "Then let the members sign the online credit value commitment letter, the anti-fraud kind of game."

Now Huaxia's games are all real-name systems. In order to ensure that players will not be cheated by scammers, the game has issued a letter of commitment for credit value. If you sign this letter of commitment, once you break the promise, your credit value will also be damaged in reality, leaving bad records. , it can be said to be a fairly guaranteed method, which largely eliminates online scammers.

Bainiao Chaofeng can think of this letter of commitment, obviously he is very concerned about Fat Dragon.

When everyone was discussing, Pang Jilatus involuntarily became smaller again. His scales fell off too much, only a little bit remained, his defense power was reduced, and his energy was insufficient, and he had entered a critical period of transformation. At this time, in order to save stamina, the Kirat Throne either sleeps or becomes smaller to reduce energy consumption.

After getting smaller, he got into the pile of gold coins, opened the "Basic Teaching of Chinese Language" page in the system panel, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, back to the back and fell asleep.

This time, Pang Gilatus, who never dreamed, saw Feng Lianzhu in his sleep. The last time he saw Feng Lianzhu in a dream, when he was still connected to his brain, he was also sleeping and thought he was dreaming. It was not until he exchanged with Feng Lianzhu and saw the reflection in the water that he was sure that the villain in his dream was. Wind and bamboo.

He dreamed that Feng Lianzhu was sitting quietly in the pavilion in the Bamboo Valley, like a puppet without a soul, and in front of him was a chessboard that never changed.

Feng Lianzhu lowered his head, his long hair was blown by the wind, looked at the chessboard on the table, reached out and picked up a chess piece, and placed it on the chessboard.

Fat Long didn't understand Go. He only felt that after this piece was dropped, the chessboard became much more beautiful, but when the mountain wind blew, the piece that Feng Lianzhu had just placed on the chessboard returned to the box where the pieces were placed.

Feng Lianzhu looked at his slender fingers and tilted his head in confusion.

The wind in You Bamboo Valley is very strong, blowing his robe, he in the wind, like a thin bamboo, in front of the chessboard, he looks so helpless.

"Isn't it a valley?" A little golden dragon jumped onto the chessboard and made a mess of the pieces. "When I go back to the original star, I will dig one out and make you an identical one."

In the dream, Feng Lianzhu didn't seem to know Pang Kilatus. He picked up the chess pieces one by one, put them in the box, and smiled at him: "Thank you."

"The chessboard has been restored as well. I'll learn this black and white game and play with you." Seeing his smile, Fat Long said involuntarily.

Feng Lianzhu, who is far away in the interstellar world, received a reminder—

[Host Feng Lianzhu activates "Fake Smile Boy", pang kirates has a sad mood, the host uses the fake smile skill to deduct 1000 points this time.]

Feng Lianzhu: "???"

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: You're a loser!