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Chapter 55: Fat Dragon's Dream


Feng Lianzhu just went through a baptism of three views in the Xingwang classroom. The primary school courses were good, mostly language and mathematics courses, and some not-so-esoteric general knowledge courses. Feng Lianzhu accepted these knowledge well.

But when he started studying physical chemistry, he couldn't understand it anyway.

Are wind, thunder, rain and snow a natural phenomenon? Is there no God in this world? Bamboo can not become essence? Is it a physical change or a chemical change for the fat dragon to become Fenglianzhu

The little flowers on Mr. Green Dragon's head turned black from anger. He tapped and tapped on the blackboard with a ruler, shouting and saying, "Why can't you understand such a simple three laws of mechanics?"

Feng Lianzhu looked at Teacher Green Dragon with a bewildered face, and asked, "Bamboo becomes human, is it a physical change or a chemical change?"

Teacher Green Dragon said angrily, "This is impossible!"

"But Kirat Slon can also become a human, is this also impossible?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

Teacher Green Dragon: "..."

"That should belong to the category of university biology, genetics, and quantum mechanics, and I can't teach it." Teacher Green Dragon lowered his head and thanked the flowers, "What I'm talking about is the content of the textbook. If you must get to the bottom of it, I do not know either."

Seeing Teacher Lulong's depressed look, Feng Lianzhu felt that he was being too serious, and quickly said to him, "I don't mean that, I will study hard, whether I understand it or not."

"But understanding can lead to better memory." The flower on Teacher Green Dragon's head shook, and the eight-meter-high body curled up into a ball. He bent his knees and sat in the corner. He was only four meters tall, weak and pitiful and helpless. It was Feng Lianzhu who raised his head to comfort him.

"Actually, you don't have to understand it. You can read it a hundred times and see it for yourself." Feng Lianzhu comforted the naive teacher Green Dragon, facing the knee of Teacher Green Dragon, "I'm just the world I came into contact with and what you taught me The content is not the same. If you think about it carefully, all the views are incomplete understanding of the world, but the angle is different. Therefore, I can set mines and fires and water to control the wind and fly, which does not conflict with the laws of conservation of energy, conservation of matter, and laws of mechanics. Do not conflict."

Teacher Green Dragon sniffed, looked at Feng Lianzhu and said, "Then why don't you ask me, what kind of change does the clay make into a human?"

"Don't ask, don't ask." Feng Lianzhu is considered to be afraid of the naive teacher Green Dragon, "I have recited all the physics textbooks, chemistry textbooks, biology textbooks, history textbooks, and basic quantum mechanics textbooks, and we will start tomorrow. Do the questions. You don’t need to understand, you are a good student if you can do the questions.”

"Okay," Teacher Green Dragon gradually regained his confidence, "Fortunately, your grades in literature class are good, or we will take a break tomorrow and learn to write poetry first."

"Okay, okay, wait a minute! Write poetry?" Feng Lianzhu opened the Interstellar Common Language textbook, pointed to the poems on it and said, "Will you write this kind of poetry?"

Teacher Lvlong explained: "Yes, you are studying the textbooks for junior high school and high school at one time. In high school, you need to divide the liberal arts and sciences. Science students do not need to take poetry in the college entrance examination, but liberal arts students need to write poetry, but your science grades It didn’t look very good, so I decided to take a two-pronged approach and teach the liberal arts and sciences together. When you answer two sets of questions, whichever sets the best grades, we will take which subject we take in the college entrance examination.”

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He flipped through the syllabus of the next subject, and found that in addition to interstellar geography, history and politics, composition was a special course, requiring the study of ancient literature in imperial languages, ancient poetry, sonnets, expository essays, narrative essays, argumentative essays A text, describe one thing accurately in 100 words, etc.

Feng Lianzhu's head was dizzy, and the outline given to him by Teacher Green Dragon did more damage than Fat Dragon's roar.

Fortunately, today's teaching is over, and Feng Lianzhu almost collapsed just because of the syllabus. He took off the Xingwang equipment in a daze, and received the system's point deduction information.

The pincer attack of the two-headed dragons online and offline made Feng Lianzhu exhausted.

Fortunately, Fat Dragon gave him more than 5,000 points. After deducting the 1,000 points, there were still 4,940 points left. Feng Lianzhu was not overwhelmed by the heavy debt.

"I'm not in the game world, so why did Pang Gilatus deduct points for 'Fake Smile Boy'?" Feng Lianzhu calmed down and asked.

[Pang·kirates recalled the skills of the host Feng Lianzhu in his dream, and felt sad again, so points were deducted.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Deduct points for dreaming, he really has no choice.

In fact, he and Fat Dragon still have three contact opportunities that he has not used. Feng Lianzhu can contact Fat Dragon to tell him about this, but dreams are difficult to control by self-consciousness, and it is useless to say it. He has not contacted Fat Dragon for the time being. .

"Dreaming?" Feng Lianzhu shook his head, "I've never had a dream."

He doesn't even need to sleep, he can restore his spiritual energy by adjusting his breath and meditating. Except that day he was infected by Fat Dragon and lay on the pile of gold coins to sleep with him. After Feng Lianzhu woke up consciously, he hardly slept.

He is very busy, and sleeping time can be used to memorize one more book, do one more set of questions, and write one more essay.

[The host is not yet a complete living body, only the real living body can dream.]

"Then what kind of existence am I?" Feng Lianzhu looked at his hand and said.

He appears to be physical, and seems to bleed when injured. He has feelings and a growing understanding of the world. He has memories, and these memories are all stored in Fat Dragon's mind, like a rented house. One day, when the owner takes back the house, the memory that he has nowhere to put may become garbage and be deleted by the intelligent cleaning system.

"How did I go from a pile of data to a physical existence in the interstellar world?" Feng Lianzhu said inexplicably.

This question arises because he has learned scientific knowledge such as physical chemistry today. The transmission of the two worlds can also be explained by the multi-dimensional universe, but how can data become entities? What is the principle

[The host's current authority is insufficient to query such information. ] The system answered without surprise.

"There are so many artificial intelligences, and Teacher Green Dragon's technical level is obviously higher than mine, why is it only me who has awakened?" Feng Lianzhu asked again.

His awakening itself is unusual. There are many artificial intelligences killed by players, but he has awakened.

[The host's current authority is insufficient to query such information.]

The system refused to answer Feng Lianzhu's question, which made him very strange.

Feng Lianzhu flexed his index finger and tapped his forehead. Could it be that in this brain, there were still some memories that he didn't remember, some very special things, and it was these memories that really woke him up

When Feng Lianzhu was puzzled, Fat Dragon was still dreaming.

The fact that You Bamboo Valley was destroyed and Feng Lianzhu had no home seemed to be a very sad thing for Pang Gilatus. His dream never left You Bamboo Valley. Pon Gilatus still thought Let the valley of wind and bamboo be restored.

In the dream, he saw Feng Lianzhu being killed continuously in the valley, and he felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to help, but it was just a dream, and his power was useless here.

Feng Lianzhu in front of Fat Dragon is fighting mechanically. He is not as smart as when he was in the interstellar world. There are only a few tricks going back and forth. At the beginning, when players can still crack his tricks, Feng Lianzhu is very handsome. Kill players like chopping melons and vegetables. But later, the players found out the law of Feng Lianzhu's amplification, and their equipment gradually improved. Feng Lianzhu was killed again and again, resurrected, and kept dropping a green crystal.

It may take 50 kills to drop this crystal. Players who get the crystal are very happy, and some people guard Feng Lianzhu's brush material in order to get this crystal.

In the game, in fact, this is nothing. After Feng Lianzhu woke up, he didn't think there was any problem with that memory. Game companies design games for playing, and game NPCs are all non-living entities, which are data that can be recovered after a mass is broken up, and players do not have to feel guilty for this.

But Fat Dragon was very uncomfortable. In his dreams, he tried to help again and again, but his strength was always empty, wasting energy in vain.

No matter how many times he told Feng Lianzhu, don't fight the player head on, hide, your ability to hide in the bamboo is very strong, and they can't really destroy the entire Bamboo Valley, why not hide

Feng Lianzhu couldn't see the fat dragon every time, couldn't hear the fat dragon's voice, passed through the fat dragon's body, and continued to face the players.

Fat Dragon had been dreaming for a long time. At first, it was indeed a dream. Later, it seemed that a certain frequency band of his brainwaves was connected with the historical records of the game. At this time, what Pang Gilatus saw was no longer a dream. , but the record of the game.

There was a small golden dragon, hiding in the secluded bamboo valley, squatting on Feng Lianzhu's shoulder, watching him fight. The little Jinlong felt bad for Feng Lianzhu who was killed. He knew that Feng Lianzhu would not hurt and could be resurrected at this time. Death meant nothing to him. What Xiao Jinlong is distressed about is that in the interstellar era, Feng Lianzhu, who was good to everyone, studied diligently, respected teachers, and cared for the original star, was once an unconscious artificial intelligence.

Little Jinlong didn't know how long he watched, it seemed that after two or three years, he had been squatting on Feng Lianzhu's shoulders, waiting for him to wake up.

Until one day, a player for leveling brushed out the material "Bamboo Heart" but didn't pick it up. At this time, the level 30 material was useless for non-wood players. He threw the green crystal and left. .

Before Feng Lianzhu reached the refresh time, the little golden dragon landed next to the green crystal, and his blue eyes looked sadly at the falling heart.

"Pa Da", a tear fell on the "Bamboo Heart", Xiao Jinlong wiped his face with his front claws, and Pon Gilatus refused to admit that he was crying.

At this time, the hour just arrived, Feng Lianzhu randomly revived in the bamboo next to the "Bamboo Heart", and stepped on the "Bamboo Heart" with the tears of the little fat dragon on one foot.

Bamboo's heart turned into a green light, and it didn't enter the wind and even between Bamboo's eyebrows, he turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Xiao Jinlong for the first time.

"You are..." he said suspiciously, "strange, will there be dragons in the Bamboo Valley? I am the owner of this valley, who are you and when did you come?"

Pang Gilatus opened his mouth and was about to ask, "You can see me," when he felt a shock, the gold coins collapsed, and he woke up from his dream.

Xiao Jinlong stood in the hall of the gang with a confused look on his face, and there was not a single gold coin that he used as a bed. A man with two bone wings on his back sneered: "Put so many gold coins in the hall of the gang, there is no owner. , are you waiting for someone to grab it?"

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: You are dead.