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Chapter 6: Ripe fruit


The location where the fruit grows is not far from the cave, and the speed of the wounded Dog Sixteen and Mouse Er23 is not slow, and the three of them found the fruit tree in a while.

The vegetation on this planet is very lush. The trees in the jungle are a little shorter, some tens of meters, and the trees in the depths are more than 100 meters high. The vegetation near the cave where the aborigines live is relatively less, and the fruit trees are much shorter than the trees in the deep jungle, but they are also more than 40 meters high.

Mouse Er Er Er San made two "squeaks" at a very short fruit tree, and then rubbed his two small claws upwards.

When he climbed more than ten meters, he could no longer climb. He wrapped a dozen cyan fruits in the smelly animal skin around his waist. After wrapping them up, he carefully climbed down the tree, got in front of Feng Lianzhu, and covered the only thing on his waist. The animal skin was taken off, and both claws held up and held it in front of Feng Lianzhu.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

The fruit is not ripe, the hide is too dirty, and the rat Er Er Er San is also constantly wafting out the smell that makes Feng Lian Zhu almost eliminate the olfactory function.

But the mouse is still looking forward to it, and the small round eyes like black beans are shining.

Fortunately, the dog sixteen is still witty, he dragged the mouse Er23, pulled him behind him, blocked the mouse Er23 with his thin body, and said to Feng Lianzhu fearfully: "The mouse Er223 is small, I'm not good at climbing trees, I can only pick these unripe fruits, I'll go."

After all, he picked a taller tree and clumsily used all fours to climb the tree. When he climbed to 20 meters, he almost fell, and he managed to maintain his balance only by biting on a branch with his teeth.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Inu Sixteen doesn't seem to be very good at climbing trees...

On the other side, Rat Er Er Er San didn't want to waste the wild fruits he picked. He cried and ate it "squeaky" and "squeaky", his jaw was shaking with sourness, and it didn't look delicious.

Feng Lianzhu knew that as a low-level NPC, his IQ was not high, but Mouse Two Two Three was obviously not as good as him.

The dog sixteen climbed to a height of more than 30 meters. The tip of the branch was too thin, and he could not continue to climb. He firmly hooked a thick branch with his feet, quickly picked the fruit with both hands, and used a large leaf he found earlier. Pack the fruit.

After filling the big leaves, he wrapped the leaves, took out a soft branch, and roughly tied the wild fruits to his chest.

Climbing down is obviously more difficult than going up. Inu Sixteen is frightened, his teeth are exposed, and a large fluffy gray-white tail also slips from the animal skin around his waist, hanging down and trembling slightly.

He has no shoes on his feet and hooks the tree trunk with his slightly pointy nails, but it's hard.

A spider the size of a fist quietly popped out its chelicera from the other side of the tree trunk, and stabbed the chelicerae into Inu Sixteen's calf.

Dog Sixteen's legs twitched, the pain prevented him from grasping the trunk, and he fell from a tree more than 20 meters high.

Always paying attention to the wind of Dog Sixteen, Lianzhu tapped his toes, a slightly damp branch flew up, penetrated Dog Sixteen's animal skin and inserted it into the trunk. At this time, Dog Sixteen had fallen to the ground more than two meters above the ground. The position, after being hanged by a branch, the remaining height is not a problem for him, enough to save himself.

It's just that the wild fruit tied to his chest fell on the ground long ago and shattered.

In the jungle, the bottom of the tree has little access to sunlight, and only the top fruit can ripen. Dog Sixteen climbed higher than Rat Two Two Three. The fruits he picked were half green and half red, but they were not yet ripe.

Feng Lianzhu remembered that the fruit placed at the entrance of the cave just now was half-ripe. Combined with the performance of the two in front of him, he knew that the aborigines could not climb to the top to pick the ripe fruit, so the fruit they ate before was so sour.

He lifted his breath slightly, and his body leaped to a height of more than ten meters as if he had no weight. When the upward speed weakened, the wind and bamboo lightly stepped on the tree trunk and continued to ascend with strength.

When passing by the spider that attacked Dog Sixteen, Feng Lianzhu waved his long sleeves casually, and countless leaves spun against the spider. In a moment, the black spider fell rigidly beside Dog Sixteen, and was completely dead.

Dog Sixteen quickly tore open the spider's body, pulled out a small transparent bubble from its stomach, crushed the bubble, and applied the liquid inside to the wound on his calf. The location of the spider's sting has changed at this time. It turned purple-black, and black blood gushed out after applying the liquid. Dog Sixteen squeezed hard for a while, and the color of the black blood gradually faded, until it returned to bright red, and Dog Sixteen was relieved.

This spider is very venomous and will die quickly after being bitten, and many of their companions die under the venom of the spider. If the spider cannot be killed to find the antidote from it, the leg must be cut off as soon as possible.


At this time, Feng Lianzhu reached the top of the tree more than fifty meters high after a few ups and downs. He placed one foot on a leaf and stood firmly on the top of the tree. The wind from the high place blew his long hair, and the whole person was glowing in the sun.

Mouse Er Er Er San was grabbing half of the fruit with his little claws, and the corners of his mouth were dripping with saliva stimulated by acid.

He made two "squeaks" and forgot to shed his tears. While watching Fenglian Bamboo nibbled at the fruit with his front teeth, this time he couldn't even feel the acid.

Feng Lianzhu didn't have the skills of the universe in his sleeve, and he didn't plan to use clothes to hold the fruit. He simply turned his palm into a knife, cut down the two branches with the most fruit, and jumped down with a branch in one hand.

He floated down like a feather in a hurry. On the branches in his hands were ripe fruits that Inu Shishi and the others had not seen for a long time. There were hundreds of ripe fruits on each huge branch.

Dog Sixteen is a carnivorous race, fruit is not his staple food, he can still keep calm, but Rat Two Two Three is not enough. He is an omnivorous race. He can eat tree trunks when he is hungry, and a pair of large die can grow out even if he is interrupted. Seeing so many red fruits, he screams with excitement, and runs around the wind and bamboo.

His IQ is low, and the coercion of the dragon scales has little effect on the two-two-three mice. Seeing that Feng Lianzhu didn't hurt him, he quickly let go of his vigilance.

The dog sixteen was different. The breath of the giant beast made him tremble all the time, and he never dared to get too close to Feng Lianzhu.

Feng Lianzhu calculated how many fruits he needed to replenish his spiritual energy, took ten fruits and waved his hand.

"Are you...give us these foods?" Inu Sixteen asked.

Feng Lianzhu nodded. Of course, he had to pay back the fruits of the aborigines. Besides, his mission was to help the aborigines get rid of poverty.

The mouse understood, he rode on the branch, his two small claws moved quickly, and soon the hide was full. He had a fruit in his hand, and after nibbling it, his eyes lit up, it was sweet!

"Thank you for your generosity." After the dog sixteen bowed to Feng Lianzhu very politely, he found a few large leaves to wrap all the fruit and tied it up, and carried it on his back.

He didn't eat, his body was thin, and his body swayed when he carried the fruit, obviously he was not strong enough.

Feng Lianzhu handed him a fruit, and the dog sixteen shook his head: "I am a carnivorous race. I can barely survive by eating wild fruits. I also need meat to supplement my stamina."

Well, even in the game, players experience food and like to eat meat.

Feng Lianzhu's body flickered, turned into a cyan phantom, and disappeared in front of Dog Sixteen and Mouse Er23.

Seeing Feng Lianzhu leaving, Rat Two Twenty-three looked at Dog Sixteen at a loss. Inu Shizuo rubbed his head and said, "It's good that Lord Kiratus didn't attack us, let's go back."

The mouse Er Er Er San screamed in the direction where Feng Lianzhu disappeared, his face was lonely, he gnawed at the arm of the Down Dog Sixteen with his big fangs, and headed back to his residence with his head down.

At this time, the healthy residents who went hunting have returned, and some people have new wounds on their bodies. The ferocious wounds mean that some people will die from high fever and excessive blood loss.

They saw that the wounded had recovered, and they were talking excitedly about the mysterious adult. Some residents speculated that the dog 16 and the rat 223 may have been taken and eaten by the Kirath dragon. They heard the legend of the Kirath dragon when they were in the orphanage. That terrible creature ate everything. It is said that thousands of A few years ago, a military star in the Alliance was swallowed in half by a huge Giratus dragon, and none of the soldiers stationed at the base survived.

Just when everyone was talking in silence for the two of them, Dog Sixteen and Mouse Two and Three came back with food. When they heard what they were talking about, Mouse Two and Three barked angrily, and Dog Sixteen was He said quietly: "How did we survive when we first arrived on this planet and were almost eaten by beasts?"

The crowd fell silent.

At that time, they cried in despair, and no one thought that they could survive the attack of the beast swarm.

At this moment, there was a thunderous roar from the distant mountains, and the beasts under the dragon's might all fell down one by one, and some even died directly from their ears bleeding under the sound pressure.

That was the roar of the strongest species in the blue galaxy, the Kiratthosaurus, which was enough to cause a hurricane and a tsunami.

They survived under the sound that was enough to tear the world apart and survived to this day.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: After waking up, let out a comfortable cry, roll, touch the gold coins, and then go to sleep.
