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Chapter 61: Exam begins


The game world is so sweet that Feng Lianzhu can't forget it for a long time after returning to the interstellar world.

He remembered that before he left, the little golden dragon, who was clearly able to fly, had to use his short front claws to grab the placket on his chest when he was on the roller coaster and the gold coin slide. His firmness made people feel quite cute. Feng Lianzhu badly didn't hold the little golden dragon with his hands to see how long he could catch him. Who knew that Pang Gilatus had never let go of him, so it would be easier to fly by himself.

This made Feng Lianzhu, who wanted to say goodbye with a smile before leaving, unable to maintain his calmness as before, involuntarily pinched the front paws of the little golden dragon, and whispered: "I am also reluctant to part with Brother Pang, I will work hard and look forward to the next. an encounter."

This time, the system finally did not deduct Feng Lianzhu's points because of the fake smile, which also made Feng Lianzhu understand another truth - in front of the dragon he cares about, there is no need to pretend to be happy. You value him just as much.

Sure enough, although Fat Dragon was still quite reluctant this time, he was no longer so sad. He even sharpened his small claws, looking forward to the next encounter.

[Host Feng Lianzhu understands feelings such as "honesty" and "nostalgia", and rewards 2000 points.]

Feng Lianzhu, who shared a large amount of points with Fat Dragon, actually doesn't care about the two thousand points. He is happier because his feelings are getting richer and he is more and more like a complete person.

"You have been very active in your studies recently. It seems that proper rest is more conducive to students' learning. You should also record this item and upload it to the Xingwang teaching system." Teacher Green Dragon was very satisfied with Feng Lianzhu's study status after three days of rest, and praised him. .

"It's not that rest is good for learning, but I have personally experienced the importance of learning." Feng Lianzhu pointed to the history book and said, "Knowledge is always the most terrifying power."

"Very good!" Teacher Green Dragon was so satisfied with himself as a gifted student, the little flower on his head almost shook, "Seeing as you like history and politics so much, are you planning to study liberal arts? Then you should study and write poetry. , recently your essays, argumentative essays and expository essays have been written very well, narrative essays are a little less, but there is a difference between 100 and 90 points, but prose and poetry are really far behind, prose can get 50 points, poetry is only 30 points left."

"I will study hard, but I don't plan to take liberal arts." Feng Lianzhu said.

In the game world, in addition to excellent means of negotiation, the most important thing is technology. Because Feng Lianzhu has advanced technology that is enough to allow game companies to make profits, the game companies are willing to back down and disregard the past. Wind and bamboo transactions.

"I want to take comprehensive, liberal arts and sciences, I like them all." Feng Lianzhu said.

"Comprehensive?" Teacher Lulong was startled, and immediately laughed out loud, his short front claws patted Feng Lianzhu's shoulder with difficulty, "As expected of my student, I want the world to know that I have accepted it. What an excellent student."

Teacher Green Dragon's words were replaced by "As expected of my woman, I want to let the world know what an excellent woman I have found." There is no sense of disobedience, she is indeed a domineering Teacher Green Dragon.

In today's society, there are few students who take the arts and sciences test together. Students are eager to study one subject, but excellent students will always let the leaders of the Ministry of Education give them the green light. The alliance has regulations that students can apply for comprehensive examinations. Students who get excellent grades in comprehensive examinations can choose universities at will, and are not subject to the usual evaluation restrictions. As long as students are willing, they can study all subjects from freshman to senior year in one semester and graduate in one semester. and get a degree certificate.

Teacher Green Dragon helped Feng Lianzhu to submit the application for the comprehensive examination. The school leaders were very happy to know the news. You must know that Feng is already 18 years old. Even an 18-year-old student can take a university entrance exam within a month of graduating from primary school, it is not special. excellent. But the 18-year-old primary school graduate who achieved excellent results in the comprehensive examination in just one month is a political achievement!

In fact, it's a bit late to apply for the comprehensive exam, but the school leaders immediately helped Feng Lianzhu submit the application after seeing the exam papers, and they just stuffed one person in the comprehensive exam.

However, the comprehensive exam is very troublesome. Feng Lianzhu needs to take the real exam in the capital of the alliance, Xing Yimeilar, and cannot take the online exam on the star network.

Just at this time, Major General Laurie had collected enough evidence to use the media to disclose the criminal acts of the underground arena, and brought 127 high-level and wealthy members of the alliance, including the vice-chairman of the alliance parliament, to court.

He personally brought people to pick up the 100 returnees who were going to testify in court, and said to Lizard and the others with a smile, "It's great that you are willing to testify. During our investigation, in order to destroy the evidence, the underground ring killed a lot of people. A lot of materials in the laboratory have also been destroyed, although I have collected a lot of video evidence, but if there are no witnesses, the persuasiveness of these videos is not so strong."

Lizard and the others didn't like Major General Laurie. For the atavists, the Empire or the Alliance was just a change of oppressor. After the alliance replaced the empire and changed the interstellar system from monarchy to democracy, it has never stopped the research on genetic evolution, and it has not changed the way to deal with the atavists. In many places unknown to the public, the system of the empire has been used.

Even the current Laurie is just trying to use them to deal a heavy blow to the top of the league.

A group of people lined up and slowly stepped onto the spaceship. Even if the Giratus dragon told the Imperial Army to take good care of them, they were still waiting for them in a cold detention center and a ruthless court.

Fenglang, Dou Liuliu and others looked at the atavists who boarded the ship with complex expressions. They were also atavists. Even if these people had blood on their hands, Fenglang and others still hoped that they could return to the original star, not at the original star. Under the surveillance of the Alliance, he lived a seemingly free life.

Just as everyone was quietly watching the 100 returnees, a voice came: "Wait a minute."

Everyone looked at the prestige, and saw Feng Lianzhu in Tsing Yi walking slowly towards everyone, standing in an orderly manner behind the 100 returnees, and said to Major General Laurie, "I'll go too."

Major General Laurie was informed in advance that Feng Lianzhu was going to Emeral, and he was already mentally prepared. But when he saw that Feng Lianzhu was about to follow, his expression distorted uncontrollably.

Compared with Kirat Slon, Feng Lianzhu, who was able to control his thoughts and forced him to obey his orders, was even more terrifying.

"What is the identity you have prepared for me?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

"Psychological counselor," Laurie replied, "you are a staff member who is specially responsible for stabilizing the emotions of the victimized atavists. This status allows you to be in close contact with the atavists and to move freely. What do you think?"

"Good job." Feng Lianzhu nodded slightly.

Seeing him follow everyone onto the spaceship, the returning ancestor was shocked, but also a little relieved.

The lizard stared with big eyes, and the scales on his face couldn't hide his surprise: "Are you going with us too?"

"Well." Feng Lianzhu nodded and said to the lizard, "Since you are willing to go to the Alliance to testify in court, as the main person responsible for this matter, I will bring you back to Primal Star."

Everyone has seen the strength of the golden dragon that day. Even in the heavily guarded Emeral planet, if Kiratus wants to take them away, he will definitely be able to do it.

The eyes of the atavist gradually gained brilliance, and the look in Xiang Feng Lianzhu's eyes was no longer only awe, but more grateful.

Giratus, they hated the creatures for so many years, not only saved them, but also brought them back to the primordial star.

Atavists, including the lizards, couldn't help but wonder, why should they hate Geratus? In fact, they didn't dare to hate the underground arena, the senior leaders of the alliance, the Academy of Sciences of the Alliance, and... human beings, who did not dare to hate them to this point, and could only take out their anger at an ethereal creature.

And when the creature stood before them, the atavists really realized who they should hate.

It took eight days to travel at full speed from Primal Star to Star Emeral. Feng Lianzhu's exam happened on the ninth day, the second day after he arrived in Emeral, and three days before the trial.

I don't know if it was arranged by the system, the time was just right, neither the exam nor the court session was delayed.

In order not to waste time, Feng Lianzhu secretly logged in to StarNet to find Teacher Green Dragon to learn from the spaceship. His reading speed is very fast, the knowledge points that should be mastered are learned in the first week of the class, and the rest of the time is spent doing questions. The educational philosophy of the alliance is to study happily and not to put too much pressure on the students. The question sea tactics were jointly discussed by Teacher Green Dragon and Feng Lianzhu, just to sprint for the final exam.

During the eight days on the spacecraft, Feng Lianzhu did an average of ten sets of test papers and wrote five essays, three of which were prose or poetry. Fortunately, his expression was serious and imposing, and no one on the spacecraft dared to speak to him, otherwise Feng Lianzhu would say, "Ah, Starry Sky, you are charming black eyes", which would probably scare the Imperial Army and the ancestors to death.

Before the trial, Laurie did not intend to let the league executives know that the returnees would appear to testify. Therefore, before the trial, the atavists will not be "protected" and are temporarily free.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Lianzhu sneaked to the test site with the admission ticket the next day, disguised as an ordinary student, and took the college entrance examination.

Before entering the examination room, Teacher Green Dragon sent Feng Lianzhu a message of "Come on" through the brain on his wrist.

"If you take the first place in the test, I will give you colorful flowers to reward you." Teacher Green Dragon pointed to the little flower on his head, and said the reward without temptation.

But Feng Lianzhu was looking forward to Teacher Green Dragon's reward, and he was still smiling when he handed in the watch.

On the morning of the first day, I took the composition test, which lasted for five hours, and the number of questions was very large. I had to do the essays on five themes.

Feng Lianzhu has mastered the three themes of narrative essay, argumentative essay and expository essay. His logical ability is very strong, whether it is debate, narrative or description, there is no problem, the only thing missing is sensibility.

Next is an essay, the title is to praise your favorite, it can be a person or a thing or something abstract.

my favorite...

Feng Lianzhu looked at the request, a figure appeared in his mind, he picked up a pen and wrote down the title—

My wayward friend.