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Chapter 62: exam objectives


Teacher Green Dragon once said that Feng Lianzhu's vocabulary, grammar and writing skills are already very high. In order to improve his writing skills, Feng Lianzhu is based on the idea of "familiar with 300 Tang poems, even if he can't recite poems" , I have recited countless essays with perfect scores in the college entrance examination, essay contest essays, poems and essays of the most famous writers in the history of modern literature of the Union, works of classical literature masters respected by contemporary writers, etc. In short, he has memorized everything he can, but he cannot memorize it. He also carried it.

However, Feng Lianzhu's prose and poetry scores have always been low, barely passing the mark. The teacher said that his prose and poetry are just a coat of expensive materials and precious stones, just the use of vocabulary and clever rhetorical methods, Without a soul, it is impossible to impress the teacher.

For example, in praise of the sun of the star Emeral, the essay written by Feng Lianzhu gave the teacher the impression that it was a beautiful big disc, glowing and hot, and it was very restrained not to write all the data of the two suns in the composition.

Without emotion, it is impossible to write touching articles, which is Feng Lianzhu's biggest problem.

Before Feng Lianzhu did not understand the teacher's comment, until he wrote this article in the examination room, he vaguely understood it.

He felt that the words and words he wrote came to life, they became the fat dragon's front claws, the fat dragon's little white belly, the fat dragon's wings, the fat dragon's scales, the fat dragon's scales in a strange arrangement. back...

The wind and the bamboo were full of thoughts, and he quickly wrote an emotional article. The number of words stipulated in the exam even affected his performance. He felt that the article he had written was not enough to describe what would happen to Pang Gilatus.

When checking the composition, Feng Lianzhu looked at the words he wrote and couldn't help but think deeply, is the fat dragon in my heart like this? He is neither strong nor domineering nor willful, but rather cute

Feng Lianzhu smiled involuntarily. When all the students took the serious exam, he showed a sweet smile.

After copying the prose again, Feng Lianzhu's eyes fell on the last question - poetry. The title was to use a sonnet to describe a scene that the examinee thought was spectacular. It could be a natural landscape, a humanistic building, or even some kind of huge Organisms can.

After Feng Lianzhu saw the title, he involuntarily wrote the title—Watching Kiratus.

I have seen a creature that is even more spectacular than a comet hitting the Emeral star many times. It seems to be a very relaxed, simple and natural thing to praise him. After writing this poem, Feng Lianzhu also recited it on purpose. I plan to read it to Fat Long on the next call.

The composition test went better than expected. Feng Lianzhu was in a good mood until he finished the math test in the afternoon. After returning to the residence arranged by Major General Laurie, the lizard stared at Feng Lianzhu with strange eyes, and he realized that he was humming. The background music of "Wandering in Tai Xu" is specially written by the game company during the Valentine's Day event. Every time the Ferris wheel of the Gold Coin Amusement Park of Pon Kilatus reaches the top, this lingering song will be played. Lian Zhu unconsciously remembered.

"You seem to be in a good mood?" Lizard's expression was gloomy, staring at Feng Lianzhu.

Feng Lianzhu stopped humming, nodded slightly, and did not answer the lizard's question.

His relationship with the lizard is somewhat delicate. Feng Lianzhu once regarded the clown as a warm-hearted person, but later found out that he had bad intentions and was not too angry. At that time, Feng Lianzhu didn't think it was something worth caring about, but Fat Long was so angry when he found out about it, he beat the lizard hard.

While Feng Lianzhu thought Fat Dragon was cute, he reflected on himself. He found that the reason why he wasn't angry was because he didn't take the clown to heart. He said "Ugly Brother" in his mouth, but he didn't care in his heart. This "Ugly Brother" is different from "Brother Pang". If everything Fat Long did was deceit, just to take advantage of himself or to harm him, Feng Lianzhu would feel worried just imagining this possibility, and he didn't know if it really happened. , how much he will be heartbroken.

He regarded the clown as a passerby, but the clown seemed to put too much emotion on Feng Lianzhu.

There is jealousy, envy, and gratitude, and now it has become a kind of spiritual support. The lizard has never said the word "thank you", but his attitude has been felt.

When passing the lizard nodding, Feng Lianzhu stopped and asked, "What are your plans after returning to Primordial Star after the trial?"

Lizard didn't expect Feng Lianzhu to take the initiative to ask about this, he paused, his eyes lost focus, and his expression gradually became blank.

"You never thought you would return to Primordial Star?" Feng Lianzhu felt that he had read the lizard's expression.

Hearing his words, Lizard recovered and said in a hoarse voice, "I... I don't know what I would be like in a peaceful life. Before I was 10 years old, I lived quite peacefully in the orphanage, but unfortunately I was too old at that time. Small, I don’t have a deep memory, and now I think about it, it looks like a very sweet fruit, I know it’s sweet, but I don’t know how sweet it is.”

Feng Lianzhu didn't understand the word "future" before, but now he has new expectations, and he understands how much motivation this word will bring to people.

"I want to build a country of atavists on Primordial Star and negotiate with the Alliance. If any atavists are born, if the Alliance does not want them, they will be sent to Primordial Star." Feng Lianzhu said.

The lizard looked at him in amazement, his vertical pupils kept shaking, he couldn't imagine such a life.

"If the Imperial Army wins this trial, its strength will definitely increase, and so many high-level members of the alliance have been sentenced, and the alliance has suffered heavy losses and weakened. It’s a good opportunity for the power to grow.” Feng Lianzhu recalled the historical knowledge he had learned, “It’s the current alliance, but also because of the serious party disputes in the empire, the first prince and the second prince fought for the throne and the people were struggling, so the alliance was given a chance to grow. ."

The lizard frowned and looked at Feng Lianzhu, his eyes filled with confusion, what was this person talking about

Look, the benefits of studying are now revealed. Tomorrow, I will take the Imperial Language and Liberal Arts Comprehensive Test, and I will go back and do a few sets of questions in the evening.

Feng Lianzhu said: "You will learn these historical knowledge in the future. Only those who master the knowledge can master the lifeblood. You will probably have to study subjects such as military affairs, politics, management, sociology, and the history of interstellar warfare. Ask the teacher to make a study list for you."

"Wait a minute!" the lizard growled. "Why should I learn these things? Do you know how hard it is for me to read!"

"Because the Atavist country needs military armed forces, I think the Atavist who grew up in the Union Welfare Institute is not suitable to be the leader of the army, or you people in the underground arena and pirates have more potential. However, your knowledge level is too poor. There are many, the leadership position of the Atavist Frontier Guards still needs to be determined by examination, which is divided into literary test and martial arts test, and the martial arts test is not a big problem for you, just look at the literary test." Feng Lianzhu explained.

lizard:"… "

His mind is very confused, no, this situation is very wrong!

More than a month ago, he was tortured in the underground arena, and even if the primitive stupid atavistic dog rescued him, the lizard didn't think he would survive. Even after being rescued by Feng Lianzhu's miraculous power, Lizard still feels that he is an inferior, stubborn, and unsaved person. He likes to see blood, and the years of torture he has suffered have distorted his mind. He cannot return to those innocent people. ancestors coexist.

When he made up his mind to testify, Lizard decided that he would be monitored by the Alliance for the rest of his life. He thought it would be fine. If someone guarded him, he would not hurt others.

But now Feng Lianzhu told him that he could return to Primordial Star in the future, and that his power could be used for... guardianship? Can he

"Of course not now," Feng Lianzhu said firmly in the face of his doubts, "your knowledge level is far behind, when I have time, I will download Sun Tzu's Art of War and Thirty-Six Strategies, then our tactics It must be stronger than the Alliance and the Imperial Army."

"Hahahahaha..." Lizard covered his stomach and laughed. It was no longer a clown-style self-deprecating sound, but a feeling of relief.

"You, do you really think we can do it?" he asked out of breath, with tears in his eyes.

"You can do it if you think you can. If you don't believe you can do it, then you can't do it." Feng Lianzhu said.

It was probably because Feng Lianzhu's eyes were too firm, which gave the lizard infinite confidence. "Future" is such an ethereal word that there is no underground arena, and neither does the atavist. At this moment, Feng Lianzhu gave this The real meaning of words.

"Who are you?" the lizard asked boldly. "Not from the Alliance, not from the Imperial Army, not from the Interstellar Pirates, or from the Attorneys, and you are not Geralds. What kind of existence are you...?"

If someone asked this question before, Feng Lianzhu would not be able to answer it, but now it is different.

"I'm Feng Lianzhu," he said with a sincere smile, pointing to his heart, "a person with feelings, hope, and a future, just like you."

He didn't seem to answer anything, but the lizard understood that Feng Lianzhu was only himself, and his background and status were not important. Feng Lianzhu was the person in front of the lizard, who would go to the ring because of lack of money, and would implement his own principles and not bully. Weak, will fight against the underground ring for the atavistic person, and will want an executioner to be the guardian.

"Who am I?" the lizard asked to himself.

A clown, a lizard, or a poor man without a name

"This question, after the judgment, you can think about it for yourself. You still have to study first, and then choose a name you like." But don't call it Fenglang, it's too stupid, Feng Lianzhu thought to himself.

"System, can I steal Teacher Green Dragon?" Feng Lianzhu asked in his heart.

Primal Star lacks a teacher, especially the pirates and the revenants of the underground arena. They advocate violence and have extreme personalities. The general teacher is really not good. The powerful and domineering teacher Green Dragon is very suitable. He has a body of eight meters. Just a flick of the tail can send students flying. The StarNet teaching system will not allow such an intelligent teacher to exist, and Feng Lianzhu needs him.

[Congratulations to the host for having "the item I want to get", triggering the side quest, please get the first result in this college entrance examination, the reward for the champion of the college entrance examination is a teacher of colorful flowers and green dragons, and all the courseware on the alliance learning network will be attached. Import into the memory of Green Dragon teacher.]

The first place in the test... It seems that I will work hard in the next two days. For the sake of Teacher Lulong, hurry up and go back to the room to brush the questions!

The author has something to say: Teacher Green Dragon: As expected of my student, I want the whole world to know that this planet has been contracted by you!