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Chapter 63: First instance trial


The college entrance examination is different from other exams. Most of the exams are graded by artificial intelligence, and the results can be obtained soon. However, the college entrance examination is the most important exam in the whole league. After the artificial intelligence grades, some of the questions have to be graded by professional teachers. Therefore, It has a relatively long period of results, and it needs to wait 15 days after the first trial is over.

According to the league law, the gap between the first trial and the second trial is exactly fifteen days. That is to say, if the underground arena refuses to accept the judgment of the first trial and applies for the second trial, Feng Lianzhu's college entrance examination results will be released just one day before the second trial.

The exam went very smoothly, Feng Lianzhu felt that this was the best time for him, and he found the correct answer from Teacher Green Dragon on the night of the exam. Teacher Green Dragon judged Feng Lianzhu according to the standard of artificial intelligence. The objective questions other than the subjective questions were all correct, and the composition was also excellent. Teacher Green Dragon believed that it was no accident that Feng Lianzhu would be a general subject in this college entrance examination. The champion, crushing all the liberal arts and science students of the same level.

Feng Lianzhu didn't tell Teacher Green Dragon that he would steal him. He would wait for the results of the college entrance examination before telling Teacher Green Dragon the news.

I don't know if the teacher is willing to go to Primordial Star with him. Feng Lianzhu is a little uneasy in his heart. At that time, he will ask Teacher Green Dragon about his own wishes and then decide whether to receive the reward.

In order to graduate from university as soon as possible, on the night after the college entrance examination, Feng Lianzhu asked Mr. Green Dragon to help him choose a university major that he had the best grasp of and could graduate as quickly as possible, and began to study professional courses.

As long as he graduates from college, Pon Kilatus can become a full adult, and Feng Lianzhu wants to speed up this speed.

Teacher Green Dragon... Teacher Green Dragon actually helped Feng Lianzhu choose the sports major of the normal school.

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Teacher Green Dragon explained that the courses that sports majors need to study include pedagogy, educational psychology, school physical education, sports psychology, exercise physiology, sports anatomy, sports health care, sports teaching theory and theories of various sports Knowledge and physical training, with Feng Lianzhu's memory, he could not remember all theoretical knowledge in 15 days. Feng Lianzhu's physical fitness is first-class, and he can immediately learn any exercise.

In this way, Feng Lianzhu only has a two-month internship period as a physical education teacher. As long as he passes the internship, he can take the graduation exam.

Teacher Lvlong also instructed Feng Lianzhu to ask him to find a school for an internship between the end of the college entrance examination and the start of the university, and write a graduation thesis during the internship period, so that he can take all the exams together after the start of school and get his graduation certificate directly!

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Although he doesn't know much about the current teaching system, if a top student in the college entrance examination has to go to a sports university, it is estimated that major universities, including the Ministry of Education, will have a headache.

But this is indeed the fastest way to graduate. After graduating from college, Fat Dragon's transformation period can reach the fourth stage of becoming a human, and there is only one task left before the fifth stage.

But what is the task of the fifth stage, Feng Lianzhu does not know.

It stands to reason that the founding of the ancestors was supposed to be the final task of Pang Gilatus, but now it has become Feng Lianzhu. In this way, Fat Dragon's final mission is impossible to speculate at all.

All Feng Lianzhu can do is to quickly graduate from college.

With such worries, Feng Lianzhu accompanied 100 atavists to the Supreme Court of the Alliance the next day.

This is a big case. Laurie exposed part of the crime in the underground ring as early as half a month ago, after the time of the first trial was determined. Most of the people of the alliance are paying attention to this matter. League Live.

The Emeral star has two suns, and this planet has no dark night. The time for the first trial was set at 8:00 a.m. on the Star Network. Countless viewers logged on to the Internet and sat in virtual seats to watch this trial.

This time, in addition to the 100 repatriates including Lizard, 86 repatriates and remodelers survived. Some of them are still in the intensive care unit for rescue, and the other part is in a wheelchair and wearing a critically ill monitor to testify in court.

Lizard and the others were quite healthy, and Feng Lianzhu sat with them in the waiting area. All the throwbacks except the lizard were too frightened to speak when they saw Feng Lianzhu sitting safely among them.

Feng Lianzhu is looking down at Zhinao intently, he is reciting the textbook and exam syllabus of "Educational Psychology".

An inspector installed by the Imperial Army in the alliance announced the illegal acts of 267 people including the ambassador, staff and audience of the underground arena, and listed the evidence one by one. Illegal gambling, homicide, illegal human experimentation, illegal human modification, using money to instigate underground ring players to beat, abuse causing death, reselling arms, possessing illegal armed forces, knowing the law and breaking the law at the top of the alliance, using the convenience of their positions to open the door to the underground ring, etc. All kinds of crimes, each of which is enough to be sentenced to 1,000 years, all add up to at least 10,000 years.

The prosecutor applied for the execution of the main culprit and the accomplices with serious circumstances in this case. The Alliance has not executed executions for 578 years.

It took more than two hours to read the crime of the underground arena alone, and then presented each piece of evidence, and the opponent's lawyer refuted it one by one. It was not until 3:00 p.m. on Star Network that it was the turn of Lizard and others to testify.

Since there are too many people involved, the first day is only enough to list the evidence, and the second day is the process of the defendant's defense. After Lizard and the others testified according to Laurie's instructions, they returned to the waiting area in a proper manner and were monitored.

This is the first time that atavists have appeared in the public eye, and the first time the Alliance has seen atavists who have grown up, and their situation has caused heated discussions on the Internet.

As previously calculated, at least 15%-20% of the Alliance have had contact with or are related to Atavists, they always believed that Atavists were just protected by the Alliance, and they were happily living in safety with their own counterparts A place that does not have to suffer from the sight of discrimination.

And this case broke the dream of ordinary residents of the alliance. They never thought that the children they once abandoned might have died or were being tortured.

The experimental records of the atavist, the tragic situation of the atavist after the transformation, and the treatment of the atavist in the underground arena were put on the official website by Laurie, and the alliance people could no longer deceive themselves.

Guilt and sympathy drew the attention of the entire league to this case. Many ordinary residents said that they had also had atavistic children, but in fact they were willing to raise their children to grow up. However, according to the "Atavist Protection Act" promulgated by the alliance, many of them have never seen their children, and the newly born atavist children were taken away by the hospital.

Many alliance parents do not despise their children, they do not even have the right to choose.

The re-opening of the death penalty requires alliance members to vote, and more than 20% of the public representatives must vote effectively. The voting channel has already been opened on the first day of the first trial, and there are still few people who voted during the trial. When the trial rests on the first day, countless people Vote for the death penalty.

There is even a voice in the alliance, is the Atavist Protection Act really protecting these children? How many atavists are still alive today? Is it still necessary to implement such a law

Where will the atavists go? This question has become a hot search today, and countless people have left messages below, but they have not been able to reach a consensus.

Just when the Alliance members were sympathizing with the atavists, an anonymous account on the Star Online secretly posted the current treatment of the victims of the Atavists in the underground arena case. As witnesses, they were under surveillance and imprisoned by the Alliance, living like prisoners in a court subordinate to the Supreme Court. In the detention center, a dozen atavists lived in one room, curled up insecurely like poor little beasts.

This video suddenly ignited the anger of the people, and many people publicly scolded the Supreme Court, why should they treat a group of poor children who have been tortured like this, they are witnesses, not prisoners!

The Supreme Court came forward to clarify, saying that these atavists are all players in the underground arena, and each of the atavists who are still alive now has a lot of lives in their hands. move on.

But whether it's the court testimony or the atavist in the video sleeping obediently in the detention center, everyone looks so obedient.

Another video was posted online after the Supreme Court's clarification announcement.

In the video, a very gentle male voice asked a lizardman: "Will I feel uncomfortable living here, if you have anything to tell me, I will help you solve it."

"It's okay," said the lizardman who had curled himself up with his claws, "it's actually pretty good here, at least it doesn't hurt. In the lab, the scales were pulled out once a day, the brain was electrocuted, and the spinal cord was electrocuted. The liquid was extracted, and the tail was cut off countless times. In the detention center, everyone slept together, at least it was safe and bright, and one day they would not wake up and another companion died and was dragged away.”

The gentle man who did not show his face in the video stretched out his knuckled hand and touched the lizard's head: "Sleep well."

Netizens can see that the owner of that hand has long and wide sleeves, and the color of his clothes is cyan. Like his voice, although a little cold, it is very gentle.

Netizens couldn't stand it anymore when they heard the returnees' self-reported treatment in the past. They proposed to the Supreme Court, beg you to treat them better, at least give them a single room, soft beds and delicious food, and stop the cold. their hearts.

After this case, the top officials of the alliance have no prestige in the hearts of the people. Under the pressure of online public opinion, they had to rent a hotel near the Supreme Court overnight, arrange for these returnees to live in the hotel, and send troops to guard the hotel on the periphery. The improved environment was announced on the Internet, and public opinion was better.

The lizard in the large room looked at Feng Lianzhu. Only he knew that it was this person who used the account of the Imperial Army to stir up public sentiment. It was also that he used two videos to force the Supreme Court to improve the environment for them.

In this case, for the first time, the atavists received equal treatment with ordinary people in the Union.

All of this is due to Feng Lianzhu.

Every room in the hotel has a brain, and the people who returned to the ancestors looked at the public opinion on the Internet that night and finally believed what Feng Lianzhu said.

The status of the "Atavist Protection Act" formulated by the Alliance for many years was finally shaken by this case. The Alliance people face up to the existence of Atavists. They are sure that after this case is over, the "Atavist Protection Act" will definitely be repealed. .

This is the best time to build a country of atavism!

The author has something to say: Lizard: How did you come up with so many ideas

Feng Lianzhu: Combining the knowledge from various books, you also need to read books.