Sharing System

Chapter 64: Judgment in the first instance


Major General Lowry's bounty in the Alliance was too high, and he should not come forward in this matter, so he guided the matter behind the scenes and handed the matter over to his undercover confidant prosecutor in the Alliance. After this incident, the identity of the prosecutor is probably also exposed, but it doesn't matter, the whole society is now watching this case, the prosecutor will not be victimized at this critical moment, otherwise the alliance will completely lose the support of the people, and the imperial army will also Can take advantage of the momentum.

Afterwards, the prosecutor must be protectively evacuated. Fortunately, the benefits of the Imperial Army in this case are many, and it is worth exposing an undercover agent who has been hiding for many years.

At this time, there are already remarks on the star network that nostalgic the original imperial system. They believe that the high-level corruption of the alliance is widespread. The so-called parliamentary democracy is just empty talk, and it is not as good as the monarchy. The emperor's actions are supervised by the people. Supervising one person is better than supervising a group of parliaments. Strong members.

Obviously it is a heresy, but some people really believe it.

"In this context, in order to appease the public's anger, the Alliance will choose a strong man to break his wrist and restart the death penalty, regardless of the result of the vote." Feng Lianzhu held a meeting in the hotel conference room and said to the throwbacks, "The result of the first trial must be the principal and the criminal. The accomplices with heavier crimes will be sentenced to death, the rest will be imprisoned for life, and their organs will also be donated."

After listening to Feng Lianzhu's analysis, the returning ancestors breathed a sigh of relief. Some atavists' faces distorted, and they seemed to think it was too cheap for those scumbags, but they endured it.

The lizard thought for a while, and said on behalf of the atavist: "If possible, I hope to send those guys to the laboratory, repeat the treatment we have encountered on them, and then cut them with a thousand cuts and let them live. It hurts to death."

The words of the lizard made the eyes of some atavists fill with bloodshot, and the Snake Woman even stretched out her slender tongue and made a hissing sound.

"But," the lizard swept over the faces of everyone and said calmly, "Do we have a future by doing this?"

"So far, our identity is still a victim. Even if we have done some cruel things in the ring, it can be said to be forced. It is the distorted rules of the underground ring, the gold coins thrown by the audience, and the ring. Threats, we are the perpetrators, yes, but these are forgivable under the current law. Once we really follow our subjective will and do what I just said, then we are the sinners, the main culprits."

After saying these words, the lizard glanced at Feng Lianzhu, which was written down by Feng Lianzhu for him to recite, otherwise, the lizard's education level would not be able to say such a well-founded statement.

"Who will forgive us?" Unicorn asked.

"Yourselves," Feng Lianzhu said, "only when you forgive yourself can you face up to your flawed self and have the courage to face the future."

A Kirath dragon, who was able to say such meaningful words, laughed at himself with a self-deprecating smile: "In the fairy tale book I read when I was a child, the Kirath dragon was a cosmic boss every time. The treasure of a planet and the most beautiful beauty on the planet, and then a poor boy gets the most advanced mecha in the world, drives the mecha to kill the dragon, saves the beauty, and becomes a hero.

"Now, it's Giratus who saved us."

In fact, the real Kiratus can probably really do the things in fairy tales, except to steal a beautiful woman, if Fat Dragon really robs a beautiful woman, Feng Lianzhu feels that he will be angry.

But Fat Long doesn't seem to be interested in beauties. With so many beautiful accounts of Feng Laiyi, Fat Long has never been moved, and he is still an underage dragon.

Thinking of this, Feng Lianzhu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

The atavists looked at each other in dismay, and Kiratus laughed. Why did he laugh? The words of the unicorn made him laugh. Does he like to hear compliments? How to do? Do you want to praise him

Fortunately, Feng Lianzhu said at the right time: "Tomorrow the Supreme Court will make a first-instance judgment, and the defendant will definitely not let it go. They will definitely propose a second-instance. There must be at least 15 days between the first-instance and the second-instance. Collecting evidence for the defendant is Time to defend yourself. These 15 days, you have to work harder."

"Work hard for what?"

"I will fight for you to be free to move around in Immeral, and then you will appear in front of the media cameras and use these days to perform well."

"How?" the lizard asked in confusion.

Feng Lianzhu sees that the returning ancestors really don't understand, he sighs and stretches out two fingers: "First, sell the miserable properly, to attract the sympathy of the people, you have an innate advantage, tell the reporter about the life of the orphanage, The pain in the laboratory, the unwillingness to be forced in the arena, and the desire to be redeemed. Second, show kindness, let the people in the alliance see that even if you are persecuted to this extent by life, you still yearn for beauty and long for beauty. You are willing to smile at the people of the Alliance who treat you well, be painful and involuntary in the face of aggressive reporters, speak candidly about your hatred of the underground ring and illegal reformation, and thank the people of the Alliance who spoke for you and helped you punish the culprits. "

The atavistic faces, including the lizards, were all cracked, and they began to wonder if what was in front of them was really the Kiratthosaurus? Such a powerful cosmic species, so good at strategy

Feng Lianzhu doesn't care about the suspicions of the atavistic people. He was not confident enough to pretend to be a fat dragon before, but now he is more willing to have himself.

"Do you want us to sell miserably?!" Buffalo growled, "I hate those Alliance members who live like little white flowers, and ask them to help me? It's disgusting!"

His words resonated among atavists.

Feng Lianzhu didn't care about the attitude of the people: "You don't have to, it doesn't matter what you think in your heart, you can show it in your behavior. For the sake of your future life, in order to change the "Attorney Protection Act", you must do this. If I don't know what to say, go back tonight and write a few essays, give them to me and I'll revise them for you, then you can memorize them."

"Write writing?" Snake screamed.

"Well, is there any problem? Are you all literate?" Feng Lianzhu glanced at everyone.

"Is literate, but..."

"Then there is no problem." Feng Lianzhu imitated Teacher Green Dragon's tone, pressed one hand on the table, and said tyrannically.

Sure enough, when he became serious, these atavists no longer had any opinions, and all bowed their heads obediently, saying that they would do their homework well.

Before the first-instance judgment, Feng Lianzhu revised more than 100 compositions overnight, commented one by one, and taught the atavists how to respond to different problems. They stayed up all night and kept reciting the homework that Feng Lianzhu explained.

The next morning, the atavists still feel like they're in a dream, with a Kirat Throne revising their composition? In fact, they are already dead, right when they were sent to Primordial Star by the people in the underground ring, and now it is just a fantasy before death

100 atavists went to court like sleepwalking, and the homework that Feng Lianzhu had assigned to everyone kept echoing in their minds.

Defendant lawyers defend their clients and they must attack the prosecution's evidence. A lawyer even took out the pictures of the lizards and other witnesses during the game. The bloody mosaics made the leaguers watching the live broadcast uncomfortable. The lawyer said directly: "The prosecution witnesses all have blood on their hands, and every one of them is a murderer. , their minds have been extremely distorted, and they are full of hatred for my client. Your lord, the members of the jury, are their testimony really selfless? Is there really no revenge? It is really the people of the alliance The poor atavists? I don't think their mental state is warranted."

In the face of the lawyer's questioning, if the past atavists in the past would have been angry, angry, and aggressive, but at this time, the sleepwalking atavists' minds were full of compositions, and they had memorized this question!

Lizard raised a pair of sad eyes, looked at the defendant's lawyer, and said in a heavy tone: "I never deny what I have done, but please don't ignore two things before accusing us. First, you heard the video Have you cheered in the middle of the game? Did you see the mark on the contestant's neck? It's the mark of the underground ring and the entertainment. As long as there is that mark on the neck, we must show it to the other party in the cheers of your party, If we don't act according to the rules, we will be treated like this after the game. Second, the 100 atavists who can still stand in front of you are all survivors of the abuse in the video. The reason why we can become the perpetrators It's not because we are cruel, it's because of our great fate that we waited for rescue before we died."

Lizard's calm and desperate eyes made the hard-hearted lawyer's fingers tremble. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the prosecutor took out a stack of documents and said, "I have tens of thousands of videos presented by the defense lawyer. The victims of abuse are all our witnesses.”

He described the experience of Lizard and others in the competition one by one, and said: "Whether they were killed or killed, the one who made them have to do this to save their lives is the defendant!"

The camera cuts across the faces of the atavists. They are confused, sad, thoughtful, and peaceful, but they don't show any aggression. This makes it even more certain that they were good children and victims.

And what are the atavists thinking? Holy crap, lizards back so well? I'm not finished yet! What should I do if I go back and get beaten up by that dragon? Will my little body stand up to his punch

In the first-instance judgment of the underground arena case, the organizers of the underground arena and the top members of the alliance among the audience were all sentenced to death.

After the first instance, the defendant applied for the second instance, and when he left the courtroom, numerous reporters rushed up to interview the parties and witnesses.

With Feng Lianzhu's teaching in advance, the returning ancestors performed very well, fully showing their helplessness and yearning for a new life, and the audience who saw the soft-hearted audience in front of the camera burst into tears.

Because they did not show any aggression in court, during the first and second trials, the Atavists were free to move around on Emeral, but they had to be protected by the Alliance police so that no one would assassinate them. All consumption of the atavists on the star of Emerald is borne by the Supreme Court.

And what is Feng Lianzhu, the leader of all this, doing during this period

In order to graduate from college as soon as possible, with the idea that one day is a day earlier, with the help of the prosecutor under Laurie, he came to a junior high school and started his internship career as a physical education teacher.

The author has something to say: Feng Lianzhu: There is nothing that cannot be solved by one essay. If not, then write two essays.


Pang Long, who is far away in the game world, is delighted: Azhu never let me write essays, he even helped me go to university and help me write essays, which is very nice.