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Chapter 65: P.E. teacher


When later atavists studied the history of the founding period, they found that this history was quite chaotic. Some documents say that the founder of the country is a human being, and some people say that the country of the atavist was actually established by the legendary species of the universe, the Kirath dragon, so until thousands of years later, the totem of the atavist is one head. Huge golden dragon.

But someone else mentioned that the dragon of Giratus was black, but the dragon recorded in the historical records was golden, and the clothes of the human being were also golden.

There are also records that there were actually two founders of the country, one was a Kirat Sauron and the other was a human. At the same time, this human did many things, such as playing the underground arena, attending elementary school, being the champion of the college entrance examination, and being a physical education teacher. Historical data show that , these things are all completed within three months, there is no time difference.

As a result, historians of later generations could not find out the history of this period. They did not know whether the founders of the country were elementary school students, revenants from underground arenas, or physical education teachers. There is a lot of quarrel over the literature.

Feng Lianzhu, who didn't know how much trouble he would bring to historians in the future, obediently acted as an intern teacher. Since he was introduced by a prosecutor who is currently in the limelight, Feng Lianzhu was treated very well. The school also sent him a set of sportswear, saying that his clothes were not suitable for teachers and needed to be changed.

Feng Lianzhu came consciously, even when he was playing in the underground arena and taking the college entrance examination, he was wearing the blue long shirt issued by the system, and he had never changed into other clothes. It's not that he doesn't pay attention to hygiene, but that the blue gown is made from bamboo leaves.

In fact, this dress is a magic weapon, and the wind and bamboo can be absorbed into the body, and the effect is similar.

He struggled with the sportswear for a long time, muttering that there was too much exposure, and finally put away the long shirt and put on short-sleeved shorts.

The four seasons of Emeral are like summer, and there is no winter at all. The long gowns like Fenglianzhu are so hot that they are eye-catching. However, now the alliance also has clothes that can adjust the temperature. For example, everyone in the court is dressed in formal clothes. If the temperature cannot be adjusted, I am afraid that it will not be too hot.

After Feng Lianzhu changed into sports clothes, the physical education teacher who took him said that his hair was too long and needed to be cut short, otherwise it would affect many sports.

Feng Lianzhu understood that what the physical education teacher said was correct. It was really inconvenient to exercise with long hair, but if his hair was cut, the broken hair would be a planet-level weapon, and its lethality was too great. Bad control. And it's useless to cut it. His hair is set to be so long. Even if it is cut short, it will grow back immediately. Every time he sees his long hair, Feng Lianzhu will think of the sadness of the planning father and the design mother. baldness.

In the end, he could only hang his long hair high, and with his sword eyebrows and star eyes, he looked quite heroic and neat, and did not affect the movement. The physical education teacher in charge of him looked at Feng Lianzhu and said nothing. The league advocates freedom. Unless there are special occupations that require clothing, appearance, height, and hair length, you can dress up any way you want, and no one will care.

When Feng Lianzhu appeared in front of the students with the teacher on the first day, it caused a stir.

He was so handsome. Feng Lianzhu's original appearance was carefully drawn by an artist, just like a gentleman who came out of an ancient book. He is elegant and elegant. After going through four stages of tasks, his appearance improved every time. 20%, now even more handsome and flawless.

Most of the stars in the league can have plastic surgery. Now the plastic surgery technology is good, and the side effects are easy to solve. Don't mention the stars, ordinary people often go to regular hospitals to adjust their faces. But even with this adjustment, there is no such thing as an artist's brush strokes and flawless facial features. After all, even if there is manual intervention, the human facial features and bones have a foundation and can only be modified on the basis. No matter how good the modification technology is, there is no way to do it.

And Feng Lianzhu is a 360-degree good-looking person with no dead ends. Most of the junior high school students are at the age of beginning love. When he appeared in the eyes of the students, not to mention girls, many boys were dumbfounded.

The only one who can turn Feng Lianzhu's face into a round inch wind without any hesitation is Pang Gilatus.

The physical education teacher looked at the students' star eyes and sighed: "This is the new intern teacher. In the next two months, he will teach everyone physical education with me. Please applaud and welcome Teacher Feng Yuansifeng."

This time, the physical education teacher, Feng Lianzhu, still uses his nephew's account. After all, it is Feng Yuansi's account who will go straight from elementary school to university in the future.

After the introduction of the physical education teacher, Feng Lianzhu said lightly: "Feng Yuansi, the teacher can't talk about it, I am also a student, and I will learn and improve with everyone in the next two months."

"Wow! The voice is so nice." A daring girl screamed, holding her face and shouting to Feng Lianzhu, "Mr. Feng, you will be a teacher in our school after you graduate!"

"Is it too energetic?" The physical education teacher said seriously, "Do warm-up exercises, go for a lap after warm-up, and run a thousand meters first, so that you will not have the energy to go crazy."

Physical education is not a compulsory subject, it is only for physical fitness. The classroom atmosphere is relatively relaxed, and the attitude of the physical education teacher to the students is also a teacher and a friend.

"Ah? One thousand meters? It's too tiring. I usually only run five hundred meters." A girl said with a pouted mouth.

"Mr. Feng will run with you." The physical education teacher patted Feng Lianzhu on the shoulder.

Feng Lianzhu's task is to watch over the students and prevent them from being lazy. If a student has leg cramps while running, the teacher can detect it in time.

In the beginning, most of the tasks of an intern teacher are to help the teacher get started and do some piecemeal work. At the end of the internship period, he will give a few lessons, and the teacher will grade him according to his performance.

So Feng Lianzhu, under the guidance of the physical education teacher, sat and stretched with everyone. With his back to the students, he stood in the front row of the team and stretched, and the students in the back sighed in a low voice: "What a long leg, what a thin one. Waist, why does the PE teacher have to look so good-looking? I can't do it, I actually hope that the six classes a day are all PE classes!"

"Me too, my God, why do we only have two gym classes a week, and I ask for extra classes!"

The physical education teacher heard the whispers of the students and said, "I am the coach of the track and field club. After the sixth class, Mr. Feng will also stay with me in the track and field club. You can also join the track and field club, and you will be able to every day. I saw Teacher Feng."

"Teacher, tell the truth, do you want to use Mr. Feng's beauty to pull people for the track and field team?" A boy publicly pointed out the sinister intentions of the PE teacher.

"Hey hey hey." The physical education teacher smiled, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, don't chat, let's run together."

Feng Lianzhu followed behind the team, running without blushing or panting. This speed was too slow. He really wanted to use his speed of 200 per hour to surpass everyone else.

During the period, I had to endure the breathless inquiries of the girls. Feng Lianzhu was silent and endured. He suddenly understood why Teacher Green Dragon was irritable. Facing such a group of energetic students, how could he not be irritable.

At this time, Feng Lianzhu completely forgot that Teacher Green Dragon's attributes were set by him...

Following the physical education teacher to do physical fitness tests for students, timing, measuring height and length, etc., the physical strength is very relaxed at the end of the day, and the energy is indeed overwhelmed.

After class, a group of girls or boys would surround Feng Lianzhu, scrambling to give him food and gifts, and a boy stared at him for a day and kept asking the teacher why you didn’t go to the bathroom, why didn’t you go to the bathroom , your kidneys are so good

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He could hardly maintain his cold expression that day. When he returned to the hotel where the returnees were staying at night, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he was abruptly frightened by the enthusiastic students. In order to prevent the students from discovering his own Housing, really exhausted. Fortunately, when he turned a corner, he encountered a green plant on the side of the road, and then he got rid of the students. On the first day of his internship, it was almost discovered that Feng Yuansi, a physical education teacher, turned out to be a psychiatrist who returned to his ancestors.

He put on his cyan gown among the green plants and returned to the hotel. He was meeting the reporter who was interviewing. Feng Lianzhu listened to the crowd for a while, and felt that the answer from the introvert was not appropriate. A meeting was held that night, and the mistakes were pointed out one by one, and the returning ancestors who made mistakes were asked to write an essay on their experiences in the evening, redesign their answers, and give them to him for correction.

Atavist: "… "

Today's Kiratus-sama seems to have taken gunpowder.

After finishing everything, Feng Lianzhu, who was lying on the bed, felt exhausted, as if he had been tired since he arrived in the interstellar world.

[Host pang·kirates requested a video call.]

"Huh?" Feng Lianzhu wondered, "Isn't it possible to make a voice call only after completing the task? Why can you make a video call?"

[The host pang·kirates uses 20,000 points and 30 points for help to open the call mode. From now on, he can make a video call once a day, and each call cannot exceed ten minutes. The energy required for interplanetary calls is quite special. In addition to the basic points opened, 1,000 points will be deducted every minute.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

Fat Dragon is really, the more points, the more they can spend. They only have more than 200,000 points. Such a call will cost 30,000, which is too expensive.

Feng Lianzhu originally planned to connect the conversation and tell Pang Kilatus that if there is no special thing in the future, don't waste points. Who knew that as soon as he opened the video, he saw Fat Dragon squatting on a bamboo and said to him: "Look, gold coins. There is a bamboo forest in the mountains, just next to my bed, there is a golden bamboo in the bamboo forest, I didn't lie on it, I will lie down when you come."

After saying that, he looked at the golden bamboo beside him with longing eyes, and it seemed that he really wanted to lie down.

Feng Lianzhu looked at the large bamboo forest, the fatigue of the whole day was instantly swept away, he said with a smile: "Well, wait for me, next time I go back to the game, I will wear the Golden Wing Dapeng. Skin, hold you, let's fly to the bamboo together."

"Roar!" The little golden dragon squatting on the bamboo roared excitedly, "In the future, when I become an adult, Huiyuanxing will also plant a bamboo forest for you, no, no matter which planet we go to in the future, we will get a secluded bamboo valley to roar. !"

This is not empty talk, the life energy of Giratus can give life to any planet.

"Yeah." Feng Lianzhu nodded with a smile, "I'll wait for you to become an adult."

The author has something to say: Fat Long: Strange, I slept soundly when Azhu was here, why can't I fall asleep when Azhu is gone? Roar! ! !