Sharing System

Chapter 68: The transformation begins


Feng Lianzhu is a character who does what he says. On the same day, he began to receive tutoring from the upgraded version of Green Dragon. Since he still needs to sneak into the Academy of Sciences secretly, Feng Lianzhu did not receive his reward for the time being, lest the sudden disappearance of Teacher Green Dragon would cause the Alliance to be alert.

His studies are getting worse, Lizard and the others are relieved, which means that they finally don't have to write essays and copy essays. Everyone sits together to study essays and memorize essays. Feng Lianzhu's perverted composition finally has a more perverted teacher Green Dragon!

The existence of Teacher Green Dragon was discovered by some introverts who peeked at Feng Lianzhu's records. They just wanted to steal the topic of the next composition, so that they could prepare something online in advance. I didn't expect to see Kira. Teslon learns a bunch of things they don't understand from another dragon.

The atavist who peeked was stunned at the time, almost forgot that he was actually looking at the browsing records of Star Network, and thought that he was facing the teaching scene of the Kyratus race. He immediately put down the device that invaded the network and ran frantically to find the lizard. At that time, the atavists were waiting for his result, but he hid behind the lizards while shouting for help, so frightened a group of atavists hid behind the door motionless.

After a long time, the lizard asked, "What happened?"

"Dragon! A green dragon! Standing in front of Kiratus, his big tail several meters long slapped on the ground, scaring Lord Kiratus to the point where he didn't dare to say a word, and immersed himself in the problem." Peeking The Atavist said incoherently.

"What! There's a dragon in his room? God, one Kiratus is scary enough to have two?" Snake screamed.

"Wait a minute!" The lizard was still calm, he knew that in addition to Feng Lianzhu, there was indeed a Giratus, but Feng Lianzhu was not a dragon, and the other Giratus was golden, how could it be green, So he asked, "Didn't you steal the essay title? Did you steal it?"

"Of course not. As soon as I hacked into his internet device, I saw him being reprimanded by that green-headed dragon with seven-colored flowers in the Xingwang classroom!" He said.

The lizard sighed: "Can the thing you see on the star net be a real dragon? Which dragon will bloom on the top of its head!"

"That's right!" The revenant suddenly realized.

Unicorn shook his head, beckoned to the revenant and said, "Come here."

Looking at the atavist walking over, Unicorn put the white horn on his head between his eyebrows, and after a while, Unicorn released the atavist and said to everyone, "I see the situation at that time. , send it to you."

The single horn on his forehead released invisible brain waves, and soon everyone saw the scene at that time.

"Unicorn, what's the matter with your ability?" the lizard asked.

He remembered that in the ring, the ability of the unicorn to be transformed is that the horn on the head can transmit pain. No matter how the opponent beats him, he will feel the same pain. Because of his ability, every time a unicorn takes the stage in the underground arena, he will be injected with hallucinogens, so that he can temporarily feel no pain, and his opponent will still feel pain if he does not take the medicine.

Playing the unicorn will hurt, but the unicorn will not. His ability is the most difficult to deal with, and only the resilient lizard can fight against the unicorn. Back then, the two of them had a very bad relationship in the underground arena. In order to let the audience see the two of them abusing each other, they are often arranged together, and the lizard is the one who understands the unicorn ability best.

The hallucinogens and pain hollowed out Unicorn's body, and he was dying when he was sent to Primal. After Feng Lianzhu rescued everyone, the transformed part of the unicorn was restored, he lost the ability to transmit pain, the unicorn was just an ordinary horn, but now he has awakened a new ability.

"It seems to be a good power," Unicorn touched the horn on his head and smiled at the lizard, "I like my recent changes, how about you?"

Lizard said with a cold face: "No wonder you are the best in writing, did you copy ours?"

"Ah!" cried the bison, "no wonder you always touch me with the horn on your forehead every time I write!"

"You can get it! It's your big forehead that always touches me accidentally!" Dujiao said, "As far as your composition is concerned, every time I think about it, 'Why do I say so much'? Who asks me a question? , can't I knock him out?" "My brain is going to explode, why do I write essays?" "Death to essays", etc. What's the use of peeking at your essays, it's better to look at lizards!"

"Oh, so you really copied my composition." Lizard nodded, "Beat him!"

A group of throwbacks blocked Unicorn and beat him up. After the beating, everyone sat on the ground and laughed.

The beaten Unicorn also adjusted his torn clothes, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "I thought we would be miserable as witnesses. We were imprisoned for life, and we were always guarded. Who knew it would be like this."

Lizard sat next to him and said, "It's not much better, I write essays every day."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing out loud. It wasn't the clown's "hee hee" and "hehehe" listening to his mind-distorting voice, but a truly uncontrollable laughter.

"You'll laugh normally," said the crocodile.

"We've been really good recently," Snake looked at her hands. "Every time I write an essay, I can't think of killing someone."

Everyone has their own perceptions, and more or less they have been saved. It was not Feng Lianzhu who saved them, but himself who dared to take the first step.

Facing the past, facing the hatred, and facing the ugly self, accepting all this, and stepping into the new life with taint seems to be a good thing.

Except for writing.

After enough trouble, the lizard said: "So what you saw just now was not another Kirat dragon, it was the artificial intelligence teacher in Xingwang's classroom."

"Why did he get a dragon to be a teacher?" The Atavist who peeked at the ancestor asked inexplicably.

"Because it's Geratus, the aesthetics are different from those of humans," Unicorn laughed teasingly, "Maybe he still thinks that green dragon is incredibly beautiful, didn't he see the little flowers blooming on his head?"

They sat together and laughed like a bunch of bad students who spoke ill of the head teacher.

Laughing and laughing, the lizard felt a cool breeze behind him, wondering why he was sitting against the wall, how could there be a cool breeze

The lizard jumped up and rushed to the door, and saw Feng Lianzhu standing in the corridor, staring at the wall he was leaning against.

lizard:"… "

Feng Lianzhu said with a calm face: "I'm here to tell you that I've been very busy recently, and I can't correct your composition for the time being. Fortunately, you are already very good at dealing with the media and ordinary people in the league, so there shouldn't be any big troubles. In the future, the order of the ancestors will be handed over to you and Dujiao to maintain, and if there is anything, please contact me."

The atavists have intellectual brains in their hands and can contact Feng Lianzhu at any time.

Lizard said: "What are you doing?"

"Don't you already know?" Feng Lianzhu raised his eyebrows, Teacher Green Dragon is an artificial intelligence, and someone peeked at what he could record.

The lizard was startled, and the Atavist who had been lying at the door eavesdropping on their conversation also hid behind the door.

"You're learning from an AI teacher?" Lizard asked awkwardly.

"Yes, what do you think about that teacher?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

"Very good, not bad!" The lizard tried to search his brain for praise words, "Strong, knowledgeable, and safe!"

"Really? It's fine if you like it." Feng Lianzhu looked at everyone and smiled oddly.

Before Lizard could analyze the meaning of his smile, he heard Feng Lianzhu say: "There were some accidents in the second trial. One of the defendants, who was sentenced to death, made a demerit against the Imperial Bureau. He applied for a psychiatric appraisal. He claimed that he had been suffering from PTSD after the war and that he could not control the underground arena. After that, many defendants imitated him to produce all kinds of evidence. It would take some time for the procuratorate to review these evidences. back."

"Too despicable!" The lizard's pupils shrank into a thin vertical line, and its tail swayed in anger.

"Don't be angry," Feng Lianzhu said. "For us, a two-month delay might be a good thing."

"What do you want to do?" Unicorn stuck his head out from the door. He was more sensitive to emotions and seemed to think Feng Lianzhu was thinking about something.

"Do a big thing." Feng Lianzhu said, "Before this big thing is done, I can't be with you for the time being. After this thing is done, no matter what the alliance wants to do, it doesn't matter."

After destroying the juvenile dragon specimens, Ponjiratus evolved into the fifth stage, becoming an adult dragon, and their greatest force was in place. At that time, even if they do their best to deal with them, they will have nothing to fear if they have a fat dragon.

Whether it is sophistry or opposition, with the support of absolute power, the alliance has no choice.

Although I don't know the reason, Feng Lianzhu's confidence still infected the atavists, and they saw hope in each other's eyes.

"Don't worry, we have been under the dual protection of the Imperial Army and the Alliance for the past two months, and no one will dare to touch us." Unicorn said, "It is clear in the underground arena that if any of us are injured or die, the Alliance will definitely protest. At that time, they will really die. The best way is to find a way to discredit us and submit evidence to reduce the sentence. Before that, they will not do anything."

The Primal Star is protected by interstellar pirates, and the Imperial Army is busy dealing with the Alliance, and will not care about a small planet with only a few hundred atavists.

Both sides are very safe, Feng Lianzhu has no worries, can concentrate on practice and study and work hard to be admitted to the Academy of Sciences.

During the two months of rapid study, Pang Kiratus, who has been sleeping all the time, often hears the prompts from the system. The truth of the underground arena is made public, and the people who return to the ancestors have been treated physically and mentally. Feng Lianzhu has become the champion of the college entrance examination and the third in evolution. The energy of the stage, Feng Lianzhu graduated from University, and obtained the evolutionary energy of the fourth stage.

No matter how many missions, Pang Jilatus didn't wake up until he received the news that Feng Lianzhu graduated from University, and after the fourth stage's evolutionary energy was fully accumulated, the sleeping little golden dragon suddenly opened his eyes!

He quickly took off the golden scale armor on his body, revealing his body without scale protection, his front claws curled up in pain, and the cells in his body split rapidly under the stimulation of energy.

The evolution of the Giratus family did not come stage by stage, but after accumulating the energy of the first four stages, they transformed into human beings in one fell swoop. The energy of the fifth stage needs to be accumulated by the weak human body.

At the same time as Feng Lianzhu graduated from University, it was the beginning of Pang Gilatus' transformation!

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: It hurts a lot. Usually I roar every day, and when it hurts, I don’t say a word.