Sharing System

Chapter 75: Play the video


It seems like a long time has passed since the stroke in the spiritual world, but when I open my eyes, I realize that the reality is only a few minutes.

Seeing that he was awake, a colleague next to him whispered, "I'm sleepy, but bear with me. I just listened to the sound outside and felt like I'd found something."

This researcher only thought that Feng Lianzhu was too sleepy to wake up in the middle of the night. Many of the researchers who were locked here waiting for the results of the questioning were dozing off, and a few researchers who were leaning against the wall simply fell asleep.

Most of the people here are very nervous, but there are also a few who are big-hearted and can fall asleep if they have a place to sit.

Feng Lianzhu leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He seemed to be closing his eyes and resting, but he was actually concentrating on connecting with the clay figurines outside.

Lin Kezhu in several offices near the laboratory has been turned over to check whether there are monitors and other equipment in potted plants and tree trunks.

The power of Feng Lianzhu is equal to the system's realization of the design in the game in the form of energy. The system can do such a thing. What is it

There was nothing wrong with Lin Ke's bamboo, and the officer was not in the mood to clean up the sterile soil on the ground, and he didn't notice a small lump of mud that looked especially like a human head in the soil.

"Did the surveillance check?" the officer asked.

Of course there is monitoring in such an important place, but someone stopped the monitoring with a time-delayed blocking device.

It's normal to steal things and destroy the monitoring. The strange thing is that they only stopped monitoring for 5 minutes in the laboratory, and there is no problem with external monitoring such as corridors.

This equipment maintainer left after checking the equipment. He was originally one of the soldiers stationed in the Academy of Sciences, a technical branch. When the top commander of the garrison went to arrest this person, he found that he had escaped last night.

There were also three members of the Academy of Sciences who escaped, including a researcher of the gene enhancer project. His room was empty long ago. The officer sent someone to turn the house upside down, only to find a golden mask that was scorched by fire.

The day before the baby dragon specimen was stolen, Emeral police officers found the same mask in a no-man’s land about 1,500 kilometers away from Starport. The security department has repaired the video of the assassination of the Starport that day many times, and finally saw in the golden light that the assassin had two mechanical wings tied behind his back. The hair was suspected to have been modified. The hair should be embedded with micro energy weapons, which can release extremely powerful power. Big cannonballs, and most importantly, a golden mask on the assassin's face.

The Union Police uploaded the 3D images of the scene that had been repaired to death and the 3D image of the burnt mask to the military's internal network. Naturally, the garrison of the Academy of Sciences also saw it, but they didn't take it seriously at the time. It was not their responsibility. , they are responsible for more important work.

Who knows, they saw the same mask in the early morning of the next day.

The same is related to the Imperial Army, the same is the person wearing the golden mask, the same is the individual strength far beyond ordinary people.

In the history of the Academy of Sciences, there was a theft of a young dragon specimen, but it was only about 10 cubic centimeters in size. This specimen was stolen because it was not in the heavily guarded warehouse of the Academy of Sciences at the time. In order to prevent all the young dragon specimens from being stolen, the Alliance deliberately stored them separately.

It was also this theft incident that made the top officials of the alliance decide to put all the young dragon specimens together and protect them closely, so as to avoid the incident of being stolen by lax guards again.

This saves Feng Lianzhu a lot of time and can destroy all the specimens at once.

Investigators suspect that the Imperial Army made a breakthrough by using the young dragon specimen to create a human being beyond the capabilities of ordinary people. The Assassin of Star Harbor may be such an artificial superman.

This is also what the alliance has been researching. They hope that humans can use the power of Geralts to become stronger and stronger, so as to achieve the evolution of the entire species.

Atavists are undoubtedly the knock-out products of evolution.

Several suspicious people have escaped, and the main direction of the investigators is to track down these people. They firmly believe that the baby dragon specimen was stolen rather than destroyed, because the alliance has done tests, and the body of Kiratus is extremely high. Strong, even if the entire laboratory is blown up, these specimens cannot completely disappear, and there should be some residues.

And now it's not just the container that has been destroyed, the young dragon specimen inside doesn't even have a single cell left. This can't be destroyed, it must be stolen!

Fortunately, since the Assassination of the Star Harbor, the Emeral star has been under martial law, and no spacecraft is allowed to enter or leave at will. Even if the person who stole the specimen left the Academy, he would still be in the Emeral star.

Young dragon specimens contain special energy. The alliance has energy detection instruments. As long as they appear within 5 meters of the instrument, the young dragon specimens can be found.

"Apply to the parliament to conduct a carpet search in the area of Emeral, and don't miss a cubic meter of the entire planet from the atmosphere, including the interior of the swamp and the deep seabed!" The officer said, "At the same time, the four people who escaped tonight are wanted to investigate. Everyone in the network should not overlook their entire experience since they were born."

"What about those researchers?" the adjutant asked. "There are also some old professors with high morals."

"People who have had direct contact with these four people should be checked. Those who have not had direct contact... Check their hair to see if their hair has been specially modified, and those who have hair transplants should also conduct in-depth investigations," the top commander instructed.

Feng Lianzhu, who heard the entire investigation process with the help of the clay figurine, almost laughed, things did develop according to his plan, but Feng Lianzhu did not expect the hair check at all.

Many people in the Academy of Sciences suffer from hair loss, and it is good to have hair transplants. Some people don't even have hair that can be transplanted. Many people choose fake hair follicles, install countless fake hair follicles on the scalp, and wigs in the hair follicles. These people are not a minority.

But among so many people with problems, the real assassin Feng Lianzhu's hair is genuine, and the soldier who checked his hair couldn't help but exclaim, "Your hair is really good."

"Because of my youth, I should be bald in two years." Feng Lianzhu said with a fake smile.

Those with hair problems were detained, and to be checked again by professionals in human body modification and weapons science, Feng Lianzhu's mentor Lin Ke was also among them. Who would have thought that the hair of this white-haired mentor turned out to be fake!

Those who have no problems can go back to their room to rest, but they cannot leave the Academy of Sciences until the end of the investigation.

Investigators still can't figure out one thing: how did the thieves get into the warehouse and how did they get out? The surveillance in the hallway was working fine, but nothing was found.

A detective expert raised a question, why did the thief destroy the container after taking the baby dragon specimen? He can get in and get out as much as he wants, so that the alarm will not be triggered. Does he have something to destroy the container? And the reason for the safe? Is it possible that the laboratory actually has another entrance, and the thief will blow up everything in order to cover up this entrance and his escape route

This guess was approved by most people, so the alliance checked whether the laboratory had other channels.

The eavesdropping Feng Lianzhu was about to die of laughter. It stands to reason that his identity could not stand scrutiny. He was inexperienced at the beginning, so he created an account of an uncle who used to be a contestant in the underground arena. This uncle has also met the principal of the third primary school in the league, teacher Jenny and others. Later, when he came to Emeral, Admiral Laurie helped him complete his personal data, which could not stand scrutiny.

If the military suspects him, follow his academic qualifications to check, and soon it will be found that his "uncle" once made a big noise in the underground arena, and even showed his face, maybe he has something to do with the imperial army.

However, the current investigation direction is to track down the four escaped personnel, search for baby dragon specimens that do not exist all over the planet in Emeral, and investigate the life of the wig staff in the Academy of Sciences one by one. Want to check, but now where are they staffed? A researcher like Feng Lianzhu who has just entered the Academy of Sciences and has never had any contact with classified work must be investigated in detail at the end.

By that time, Fat Long will probably be able to go to university under his guidance.

Feng Lianzhu moved to a monitored room, and he couldn't video with Fat Dragon, which made Feng Lianzhu very dissatisfied.

All projects in the Academy of Sciences were suspended, the researchers under investigation had nothing to do, and Feng Lianzhu stayed in the room all day to surf the Internet.

He sometimes pays attention to entertainment news, and sometimes the hottest current affairs, but he can't catch his Internet surfing rules at all. There is no trace of his contact with the outside world.

Feng Lianzhu was waiting, waiting for a video that he had already given to the lizard to be posted on the Internet.

The baby dragon specimen was stolen, and the alliance was in turmoil. content of the Protection Act.

The alliance is a procrastination strategy to stabilize people's hearts. The atavists are the by-products of human research on the Giratus genes, they are evolutionary eliminators, and they also represent the guilty conscience of the alliance's top executives. It is impossible for them to live in the alliance normally. Since you don't agree with exile, then get some good planets, give them the best treatment, establish an atavist management organization, and keep atavants on these planets for life, no different from prisoners in prison stars.

On the day the bill was repealed, this new policy was put on the Internet to collect public opinion. The description of the welfare benefits of the returnees was very detailed, giving people a feeling that their future life would be very happy. Ordinary people could not understand the hidden The trap, they only know that they sympathize with the atavists, but in fact they really don’t want the atavists to live on the same planet as themselves, which is actually quite good.

Two days later, the effective vote exceeded 50%, which means that the new bill is about to go into effect.

The alliance organized welfare institutions on various planets to watch the official legislative process of the new bill, and also invited Lizard and others as representatives of the atavists.

When they asked Lizard and the others if they agreed to the new bill, Lizard raised his eyes and said, "Can I put a video? It's about atavists."

Of course, this kind of live broadcast of the whole galaxy cannot play unknown videos casually. Just as the staff was about to refuse, the lizard turned on the brain in front of him and played the 3D projection of the video.

This is the video played by the system to Feng Lianzhu in order to issue a mission after Feng Lianzhu came to the interstellar world.

It is the atavistic person on the original star of the azure galaxy No. 419, who encountered everything before encountering Feng Lianzhu.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: Be nice and wait for Azhu to defeat all the villains and pick me up with 80 million gold coins and rub his claws.