Sharing System

Chapter 76: Post news


That was the video before Canu Shishi and others met Feng Lianzhu. The alliance said to the outside world that sending the ancestors back to the Primordial Star was to make them more free. In fact, it was no different from the banning of several planets proposed by the new law, but It is mentioned in the new bill that people will be sent regularly to report the living conditions of the atavists on the planet.

Countless people are following the public voting process for the legislation of the new bill. The alliance has no way to shut down the live broadcast, and it cannot be too tough on Lizard and others in public, so this video is made public to the Lizard.

Even if I watch the video again today, Feng Lianzhu still feels uncomfortable.

In the video, the one who leads everyone to find food is Inu Shishi. He wraps his tail around his waist and uses a few clothes to tie his tail. At that time, he was actually inferior. Even if he had left the alliance, he would still unconsciously Hiding his tail, 18 years of league education, let him be ashamed of it.

Now it's different. Once, Feng Lianzhu seemed to casually say that his fluffy white tail looks good. Since then, Inu Shishi has been accustomed to showing his tail.

In the video, the dog's tail is almost hairless. He is leaning on a tree trunk as a walking stick, and his face is very hard. An atavist at the end of the team fell down, the wound infected and died, next to him The atavist glanced at him and shook his head at everyone. Everyone's eyes showed the look of "Will it be me next?" They didn't even have the strength to bury their companions. They continued to move forward and accelerated. If you don't go fast, scavengers will come in groups, and they don't know how many people will die.

Every atavism has no look in the eyes, and lives mechanically and rigidly.

Lizard remembered the guy named Dog Sixteen who was stupid and changed his name to Fenglang. In his mind, Fenglang was high-spirited, capable of leadership, madly adore Feng Lianzhu, and was eager to go to college and was very interested in his new life. full of expectation.

Lizard didn't expect that before meeting Feng Lianzhu, Inu Shiliu lived so hard. The eyes of Inu Shiliu and others in the video were no different from his past self.

After the video was played, he looked squarely at the staff of the alliance present, and said without any emotion: "The atavists in our underground arena are actually a special case, and more atavants who were exiled to the original star lived like this. In fact, strictly speaking, our special throwbacks are not bad, at least they have food to eat, clothes to wear, they won't die from wound infection, and there are still some fans in the ring, although these fans are not too big normal."

The courtroom was silent, and even the members of the Alliance Council in charge of the matter did not speak.

They really don't know the situation of the Atavists on the Primordial Star, because they haven't been to know.

Seeing such a scene now, no one can speak.

The horns on Unicorn's head shone slightly, and he said emotionally: "The alliance gives us another planet, let us live on it, do you intend to repeat this process? Or, do you think that giving us a stutter, let us If we dress warmly, do we live well?"

Numerous atavistic children who were still underage in the orphanage looked at Unicorn without blinking, and listened to him continue: "You think that we have no feelings, no dignity, no attention, just like farmed livestock. , as long as you have enough to eat?"

His words are a bit heavy. It stands to reason that the staff present should try to prevent them from continuing to talk, but the resonance ability of the unicorn silently conveys emotions through the horn, and many people feel his pain. , actually made him say it on the live broadcast.

"Our past can't be changed, but in the future, I hope that the children who are still in the orphanage and the 3% of the children to be born will not live like this again." Unicorn said with tears that he had recited it countless times. 's line, "The top of the alliance, have you counted how many survivors of the atavists who have been exiled to the original star? I can tell you clearly that there are very few. Those of you who are watching the live broadcast, do you have any? Have atavistic children or siblings, have you conceived a life that may be atavistic, and would you like them to continue living like this in the future?"

There are countless "unwilling" comments below the live video.

The members of the parliament finally said: "What are your requirements for the new bill? If you want to live in the Union normally, you can also discuss it and express your thoughts."

"Normal life in the Alliance? Hahahahaha!" The lizard responsible for singing the black face laughed in the voice of a clown, "Did you see what I look like?"

He put his fingers on his face and tore off a piece of scale with force. The surrounding guards were stunned and rushed to stop the lizard from self-mutilating, but the lizard nimbly avoided it, squatted on the table, and said with a big tail: "My The appearance, the eyes of the people around me, and all the voices around me are telling me that I am different from you, and that I am... a monster hahahahaha!"

He smiled as if he wanted to cry.

"I used to think that I would be a normal person without scales. I hid in the bathroom and pulled out the scales one by one, and the shower drained blood into the sewer. I thought I could become a human being, but after a few days, the new What grows out is scales." The lizard showed his vertical pupils to the camera.

Dujiao dragged him back to his seat and continued to sing his face: "I'm sorry, he was too emotional and scared everyone. Just now this adult asked us what we wanted. All I can think of is an independent country, where people Everyone is an atavist. After meeting, everyone asks 'what kind of atavist are you', 'Oh my God, your tail is so powerful, it's not as useful as mine', 'How could it be? , I prefer a fluffy tail, how good-looking', 'Actually, I envy so-and-so's scales, the defense is high', 'Forget it, he hibernates when the weather is cold, or his fur is thick' and so on. , there is no discrimination, everyone can freely discuss the atavistic characteristics of us, not inferiority, hiding, such a life, can the alliance give us?"

The scene he described in his words was so beautiful that parents with atavistic children at home couldn't help but wonder if my children could live in such a country. And pregnant parents can't help but yearn for it. Not to mention the atavists who watched the live broadcast in the orphanage, some of the children were already crying silently.

Atavist's pain, only they themselves know. If they didn't cut open their hearts like the lizards, revealing the bloody scars on them, no one would know how much pain they felt in their hearts.

Lizards and other atavists stand in court and speak their hearts out in front of the entire alliance. It takes a lot of courage.

It seems that while telling all this, the wounds in their hearts are gradually recovering.

Just like a broken bone many years ago, if you want to restore it, you must break it and grow it again. Some scars can never be healed without opening the scar and gouging out the carrion.

"We don't need the Alliance to do anything," Unicorn said, "The atavists are free, we are not monsters or waste, and our happiness must be created by ourselves. Today, I am not trying to discuss the new "Atavist Protection" How can the Act be best, I mean, the Act itself does not need to exist. Atavists are in a protected position, which is an inequality. We hope that we can build our own country, Discover the advantages of the Atavist, and one day, it can be parallel with the Alliance."

"How can this be possible!" said the congressman suddenly.

"If you can't, it means we want and you can't give it." The lizard said gloomily, "If you can't give it, we will create it ourselves."

"Enough, today's meeting is suspended and we will discuss it another day! Please let them go down!" The councilor said with suppressed anger.

Saying "please" is actually a compulsion.

Lizard and others did not resist. They knew that today's live broadcast had planted a fire in the hearts of countless atavists.

Their words let the atavists of the alliance know that there is another possibility besides the option of being restricted and protected by the alliance.

It may be difficult, or it may be far in the future, but this is created step by step with the feet of the atavists.

Feng Lianzhu, who saw that the live broadcast was cut off, knew that he should find a way to leave the Academy.

When there was a lot of uproar on the Internet because of the atavism, a new update was released in the personal space of the once-in-a-century talent, Feng Yuansi, which aroused heated discussions in the league.

Feng Yuansi's account is written like this -

[Watching today's live broadcast, I am in a very complicated mood, because I am also an atavist. Different from others, I am a plant atavist. According to the way the alliance names atavists, I should It's called Bamboo Zero One. I can study and live normally because I am very lucky. I was born on a remote planet. After my parents knew that I was an atavist, they bribed the doctor to hide it and brought me home to raise me. For many years, I have been hiding my atavistic identity, and I didn't even dare to go to elementary school, just because I was afraid of being discovered.

[I have been secretly studying until I was 18 before I could go to an online school, and I was afraid that my identity would be exposed in the university dormitory life, so I chose Union Sports University and graduated when I wanted to start school.

[I was fortunate enough to be admitted to the Alliance Academy of Sciences as an intern, and within a month I developed a new plant that is helpful for hair loss, in fact, thanks to my atavistic identity. I know about bamboo and can hear them, saving a lot of steps.

[I have always concealed my identity, except for fear of being sent to Primordial Star, but also because of my inferiority complex, I feel like a monster. But after watching today's live broadcast, I realized that I am normal and excellent. I am not a monster who needs to use bionic skin to cover up the mutation of my arms. I hope that I can live in the country described by the unicorn, even if I have to pay my whole life. I am also willing to be a cornerstone for future atavists.]

Below the animation is a picture. Feng Lianzhu's hands are actually bamboo branches, and his fingers are leaves. He has been wearing artificial skin for his arms so that no one will find out.

This is of course fake, but after seeing such a dynamic, the alliance will definitely bring him out of the Academy of Sciences for investigation, and there is a high probability that he will be locked up with the returnees, and he can leave the Academy of Sciences openly and break away from the Imperial Assassin. .

Even the experience that the empire forged for him, after being found out by the alliance, will only be considered to be a forgery to cover up the identity of the atavist, and it is difficult to investigate.

And the self-report of the top student in the college entrance examination will probably cause some heated discussions in the league.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon: I'm bored playing the slide, and I don't like watching gold coins so much. When will Azhu come to pick me up? I'm very good. I didn't catch a few players and go back to the gold coin mountain to play with me.

The sword pointed to the sky: Okay, at least they were caught together with Lingyun Jiuxiao, and it was considered that they played at the Gold Coin Mountain Playground _(:з"∠)_

Lingyun Jiuxiao: I can go to your place, this kind of fun