Sharing System

Chapter 77: The rain is coming


How could Feng Yuansi, the top scholar in the college entrance examination, be a throwback? Not only the Academy of Sciences, the top officials of the alliance, but also the throwbacks themselves.

This is obviously the head of Kiratthron, what is going on

And how did he pass the entrance examination? Of course, the entry medical examination will not check whether the artificial skin is used. There are still many people in the alliance who feel that they are not good-looking and change their skins. This is not important.

The important thing is that blood tests are inevitable when entering a job. The blood composition of an atavist, especially a plant atavist, is definitely different from that of ordinary people. How did he do it

The blood was obtained by Feng Lianzhu from an ordinary miner on a remote planet from the Imperial Army who was also a soldier of the Imperial Army. He just took the opportunity to change it. It is not difficult to change a blood sample under the eyes of the medical staff.

There are many loopholes in his statement, and it is precisely because of so many loopholes that it makes people believe that he is a plant atavist, and it also makes people more convinced that he has nothing to do with the theft of the young dragon specimen.

There have been atavistic people who had a great rejection after approaching the young dragon specimen, just as the original star on the dog sixteen and others will be particularly uncomfortable when they are close to the fat dragon's lair. Strong, some atavists will even go into shock on the spot or even die from the power of the Giratus specimen.

The geneticists of the Empire and the Alliance believe that the atavists are the failures of genetic evolution. When humans use the genes of Giratus to intervene, the research tendency is to fuse the genes of dragons into the human body, so that human beings have Girat. the power of this race. Atavists are knockouts that have not been fully transformed into adults, and their genes are inherently defective, so when facing young dragon specimens, they will not be able to withstand its power.

However, as the genetic level of human beings improved, scientists found that some people with A-level genes would also have such a reaction when encountering young dragon specimens, but it was only a very small number. When the human with the S-level gene level appears, after testing, the S-level person has a stronger reaction after coming into contact with the young dragon specimen!

As a result, very few A-levels, such as Admiral Lowry, who responded to the energy of Giratus were defined as A+ with the potential to be promoted to S-level, and scientists' research had a new direction.

At this time, some people raised questions. Only people with a very high gene level above A+ will react, so the atavist...

This view was quickly rejected. Humans believed that atavists were unable to withstand power, and high-level people were the manifestation of imminent evolution. The difference was that atavists would die, while those above A+ would not. Atavists cannot take genetic evolution agents, and those with A+ or above adapt well,

Only Feng Lianzhu knows that these two are the same, and that atavism is actually another evolutionary direction of human beings, and it is not necessarily bad. Their sense of life energy is more obvious, and it is possible to evolve like a pig Liuliu just by being close to the fat dragon's lair.

Giratus is a race so powerful that if you are not strong, you cannot even perceive how terrifying he is. Like a frog at the bottom of a well, if you can't jump out of that well, you'll never know how vast the sky is.

People below A+ level do not understand this powerful qualification.

There are atavists, but the alliance and the empire invariably denied this possibility. This is probably due to the superiority and inferiority of human beings. Atavists will be closer to evolution than they are. Humans do not want to believe this.

When Feng Lianzhu got some information on the young dragon specimen from the imperial army, he devised a way to leave the laboratory openly and leave the relationship with the previous teachers. As long as he exposes that he is an atavist, the atavist who has a strong sense of discomfort in front of the baby dragon specimen will never be able to steal the baby dragon specimen. Unless the head of the Imperial Army is hit by a comet, it is impossible to use such a person as a spy.

Feng Lianzhu, who has more doubts, was washed clean in the case of the young dragon specimen. The identity issue is not a moral issue, and it has nothing to do with the teacher. After handing over Feng Lianzhu to the person in charge of the new bill, he left it behind.

They personally sent out the real culprit behind the baby dragon specimen case and the Starport assassination case, and turned their heads to dig three feet across the entire planet to find baby dragon specimens that did not exist.

The staff of the new law have a headache for Feng Lianzhu. This 18-year-old atavist is the top student in the college entrance examination. He used his excellence to prove to the world that atavants are normal people, they are not monsters, and the alliance only needs to accept returnees. The unique appearance of the ancestors is able to obtain a group of outstanding talents.

But it's too late. After more than a thousand years of exile policy, the Alliance regards the atavists as genetically defective, and the discrimination of ordinary people in the Alliance has pushed this mutant race that should have co-evolved with humans to another extreme.

The top scorer in the college entrance examination is too big, and he can't move like the throwback in the underground arena case. The staff can only temporarily detain Feng Lianzhu, Lizard and others together, and send people to the remote planet where Feng Lianzhu left his address. to investigate.

It stands to reason that the Alliance should send a special person to go, but at this time, the Emeral star is under martial law. In order to prevent the baby dragon specimens from being taken out, even the official spacecraft cannot leave until the land of the entire planet is ploughed.

Feng Lianzhu was on the way from the Academy of Sciences to the hotel where he was detained, and found that the entire planet was under construction. The ground in front of the Supreme Court was all lifted up and dusty. The uniforms of the hotel's law enforcement officers were all covered in ashes and they were wearing masks. , he used a lot of perseverance to not laugh out loud.

Although the location of Lizard and others has not changed, and they can move freely in the hotel, at this time, the hotel, including the bathroom, is full of surveillance cameras, and they are constantly being monitored. So the atavistic people didn't dare to show the expressions they knew when they saw Feng Lianzhu, they just exchanged names and looked unfamiliar.

Only the gentle-looking Unicorn stepped forward and hugged Feng Lianzhu, and the horn on his forehead was placed between the eyebrows of Li Feng Lianzhu.

The people in the alliance didn't know that when Feng Lianzhu hugged Unicorn, he sent a message through Unicorn's ability: wait a moment, there will be results soon.

The unicorn is very strange, what are you waiting for, it's almost time to incite it, the next step is to return to the original star, right

They were not worried at all that they could not be separated from Emeral. The scene of Jinlong playing with the battleship as a ball on the Primordial Star was still vivid in their minds. A Giratus was lurking on Emeral star, could they still leave

Why are Lizard and the others so courageous, as if they were desperate, to say their ambitions for building a country before the live broadcast, it is because they have confidence!

From the day Feng Lianzhu decided to follow them to Yimeral, the throwbacks in the underground ring knew that this time they would not be given up, so no matter what they did, even memorizing compositions, they were not afraid!

However, it's okay to do more things like openly questioning the unfairness of the Union's legislation in court, and it's better to write less essays and memorize essays.

Unicorn used his special ability to send information to his companions, and the lizard asked him with his eyes: What is Feng Lianzhu waiting for

The corner of Unicorn's mouth twitched: he waited for Emeral to turn the capital into a farmland star.

The atavistic people almost didn't hold back their expressions and laughed. They didn't know about the baby dragon specimen at first, but they guessed it vaguely later. As atavists, they are very happy, the baby dragon specimen is the root of their birth, and it is also the real object of their hatred all along, and now it is destroyed, which is good.

The one who can do this, of course, is Feng Yuansi, the champion of the college entrance examination.

The internal power of the home address reported by Feng Lianzhu has been severely eroded by the empire. Based on the fact that Emeral could not send a commissioner to investigate, the information submitted by the remote planet could only be exactly the same as what Feng Lianzhu said. If you want to investigate further, Must wait for the lifting of martial law in Emerald.

Lieutenant General Laurie, whose bounty was raised to 3 billion star coins for the underground ring case, is on the Emeral star. How long can he hide in the Emeral star in the plough

While having lunch together, Unicorn asked Feng Lianzhu: What are you waiting for

Feng Lianzhu raised his eyes and conveyed his message with a faint smile: war.

When the staff received Feng Lianzhu's message from the remote star that everything was normal, he knew that a silent war had already started while the alliance was in turmoil.

Didn't Laurie know his bounty went up after the Underground Ring case? Why are you still willing to take the risk to go to the alliance capital planet? Just to assassinate five prisoners

of course not.

A new admiral of the Imperial Army will venture to Emeral for only one reason - meritorious service.

Do a feat to stand firm in the ranks of admirals and show your desire for the position of marshal.

The war between the Imperial Army and the Alliance is about to begin, and it is the best time for the returnees to build a country.

Feng Lianzhu lay on the hotel bed, closed his eyes and reviewed his plans, abolishing the old law, using live broadcast to ignite a fire in the hearts of the Alliance atavists, intensifying the conflict between the Imperial Army and the Alliance, and waiting for the war that he personally catalyzed.

Without him, the war would have been delayed for hundreds of years.

"System, I'm probably the sinner of ordinary people in this era." Feng Lianzhu sighed in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host for comprehending "guilt" and earning 5,000 points.]

Feng Lianzhu: "..."

He glanced at the common points of the two, and it had risen to more than 400,000, enough for more than 400 minutes of video with Fat Dragon, but unfortunately he couldn't use it.

There were lizards living on the other side of the wall. Feng Lianzhu thought of these atavistic people, and his heart became firm.

"Without me, the war will continue for hundreds of years, but the atavists will never be free. The tragedies of the lizards, unicorns, dogs sixteen, and dolphin sixty-six will continue, and they may not even be able to do so in hundreds of years. Save." Feng Lianzhu said in his heart, "Since my ultimate task is to build a country, then the evil of this reform must be shouldered."

[Congratulations to the host for comprehending "sense of responsibility" and "moving forward with a heavy burden", and rewarded with 5,000 points.]

He finally transferred his thoughts from the points and video calls to the Atavist. Why did the system use the points to remind him that he hadn't seen Fat Dragon for a long time.

Now that he is an adult, he is really blocking the killing Buddha in the game world, and Feng Lianzhu no longer has to worry about his safety.

Just, will miss.

Feng Lianzhu turned his body sideways and turned his back to the wall, thinking uncontrollably, he really wanted to be fat, but he still hasn't touched his adult white belly.

The author has something to say: Fat Dragon (holding his front claws and claws tied together with his sword pointing towards the sky and Lingyun Jiuxiao) said melancholy: I miss Azhu too.

The sword points to the sky: Lingyun, you go offline now, you don't have to be tortured by the dragon when you go offline.

Lingyun Jiuxiao: Fart! Why don't you go offline

Sword pointing to the sky (blushing): I want to tie you up for a while.

Lingyun Jiuxiao:…