Sharing System

Chapter 81: You have a home


In three months, Pang Gilatus took Lizard and others to swept the Alliance's Atavist Welfare Institute.

According to what Feng Lianzhu said, the young atavists will all be taken away. If the older ones have their own ideas, if they don't want to leave, let him stay in the alliance. Feng Lianzhu's preparations are sufficient, and if he still refuses to leave after he understands everything, then respect the atavist's own choice.

During these three months, the Alliance and the Empire fought fiercely in the interstellar space. At first, they encountered Ponjiratus and the spaceship carrying the Atavist, but they still did not give way. They continued to fight, and were beaten by the fat dragon indiscriminately. After stealing a lot of large manned command ships, he learned to behave. In the future, no matter how high the fight is, if you see the huge black dragon from a distance, you will shake hands and make peace, temporarily retreating to the side, and then continue to fight after Pang Gilatus and his fleet leave.

Before leaving the Emeral Star, although Pon Gilatus did not ask for gold coins, he did not forget to take away the 80 million gold coins that belonged to him. These gold coins were stored in the warehouse by the prosecutor. Before Fat Dragon left, he found General Laurie and asked him to take the gold coins with him, swallow them, and hide them in the space inside his body.

Admiral Laurie and others also took this opportunity to escape Ymeral with Fat Dragon.

Heilongyoulan glanced at the battleships of Laurie and others, and secretly opened Feng Lianzhu's cheat sheet: Laurie will definitely follow you, you can take him, but in exchange for information, let him get all the locked up It's the atavistic location of the lab, and we're taking it with us.

The atavists are not only those in the welfare institute, there are also some who are born special like dolphins, lizards, and unicorns, and are brought to the laboratory by the alliance for research. When these atavists were born, the hospital told their parents that they could not bear the atavistic genes and died, and they didn't even have the chance to go to the orphanage.

Feng Lianzhu's policy towards these atavists is to bring them back whether they want to or not. Psychological problems are left to Lizard and others, who have experience.

Atavists such as lizards: "… "

What experience do they have? Back to the composition? Or, recite the composition you wrote before with emotion

The process was very difficult and the time was very long. Fat Dragon patiently rescued him. If he replaced him in the past, I was afraid that he would have quit as early as the second planet.

But when he thought that this was Feng Lianzhu's last adult mission, and after it was completed, they would no longer have to go to two places, Pang Gilatus suppressed the irritability of wanting to roll, and seriously swept every planet.

Three months later, the fleet has grown to an unimaginable size.

The population density of the alliance planets is not high, and the population of one planet is only about one billion. Even so, there are hundreds of billions of people on the 89 planets. It stands to reason that if the birth rate of atavists is 3%, there should be three billion atavists.

You can travel throughout the entire blue galaxy, the Gelatus fleet saved only more than 20 million atavists, the fleet behind the black dragon became a giant spaceship, a total of 1,000 spaceships with a maximum capacity of 30,000 people followed Pang Kee. behind Latters. The lizards and other atavists adapted to the dragon power of Giratus during the interstellar voyage. More than a hundred atavists became the captains of ten spaceships each, while the lizards and the unicorns were on the commanding ship.

The lizard drives, the other ships follow, and the one-horn is responsible for calming the nervousness of more than a thousand captains.

In the beginning, who would fly a spaceship was taught by hand. That giant dragon only focused on sweeping, asking people to ask for supplies, and stayed in front of the bank vault door and didn't leave, and didn't care about the rest.

Fortunately, the lizards and others have also seen the world. They are prepared from the beginning. When they meet a talented atavist on the planet, they will teach them to fly a spaceship. They have a long sailing time. After three months of grinding, they can finally get it together. Number of captains.

In the past three months, Lizard and others almost died of exhaustion. If it weren't for the high-intensity training and competition experience in the underground arena, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to resist.

The Snake Girl, who was too tired to stick her tongue out, sighed: "I used to feel that life was hard, but now I'm glad I had the experience of living a hard life. Otherwise, how would I endure it, would I have to throw so many atavists? There are still children, tired. I'm dead. Where's the poisonous bee? Why isn't anyone here again?"

"Going to take care of the child, she said she has medical experience." Crocodile said in a muffled voice.

"The ghost's medical experience, isn't she able to secrete bee venom and detoxification serum? This is also medical experience." Snake was not angry, and the assistant at the helm assigned to her left without permission every day.

"She said that when she was anatomically transformed, she had learned some medical knowledge, and honey can also enhance children's resistance." Buffalo said, "She is quite proud, she will not let me touch the children, saying that I have thick hands and thick hooves. of."

"She can blow, is this a good thing?" Snake Girl was angry.

"Isn't it a good thing?" Unicorn glanced at her and touched the horns on his head, a little proud.

After three months of interstellar voyages, the atavists were very unstable, and they all depended on his ability to comfort them. Now many atavists will show envious expressions when they see his unicorn.

Yes, it's not that I envy him for his appearance that is very close to an ordinary person, but that he envy the unicorn that can make people relax with a single tap on the forehead.

This is a recognition of who he is, his atavistic character.

The single horn that he once wanted to break off is now his pride.

The Snake Girl remembered the smug look when the poisonous bees fed their children with honey, she lowered her head to cover her smiling face, and said softly, "I used to think, why am I so miserable, why are they both atavists, they can live in the orphanage, I have to endure this kind of pain. Now I think that I was lucky to have that experience, which made me so strong that I could become a captain and sail 30,000 people across the stars."

She endured the pain, but had the courage and physical strength to bear the lives of 30,000 people.

"Do you still want to kill? Seeing those stupid orphans from the orphanage, do you still have thoughts of harm?" Unicorn asked.

"Probably a little more," Snake said after thinking about it. "It's very light, very light, and I can feel that after a while, they will disappear on their own."

"Feng Lianzhu, what a formidable person." Crocodile said solemnly.

Yes, the hatred that I once thought would never be forgotten has gone somewhere at this moment.

Maybe there are still people who haven't let go. Some people are naturally easy to get into the horns, and they are more jealous, but after all, they are a minority.

Many people in their underground arena have been gradually rescued.

"We are probably the only ones who can save this place." Dujiao said with a little heart.

The heart is blocked, and no one else can do it except for himself to open the way.

"Roar!!!" The roar of the giant dragon came from outside. The cosmic environment is silent, and I don't know what ability Kiratus used to allow every spaceship to hear his voice.

"It's close to Primal Star, and the fleet will land in ten minutes." The lizard's voice came from the intercom.

"He's quite decent." Snake rolled her eyes and controlled the spacecraft to follow the lizard down.

Some people on their spaceship also have supplies from the alliance. The alliance that is at war with the empire is reluctant to give so many supplies, but a big fist is the last word. A year's worth of food and building materials, as well as energy for the spaceship's voyage, stumbled to the primordial star.

The initial stage of construction was arduous. Everyone over the age of 16 had to become a labor force, open up wasteland a little bit, and build their own country.

What Feng Lianzhu and Pang Jilatus can do for them is to exchange materials in various ways, but they can only last for 3-10 years at most.

After landing, it took a long time for more than 20 million people to get off the spaceship. The original star did not have an interstellar port. They barely landed in the desert area.

At this time, everyone saw a person standing firmly above the mecha, standing in mid-air, with a big white fluffy tail fluttering in the wind.

He took a loudspeaker and said to the crowd: "Welcome to the original star, I am very happy to have so many atavists full of confidence that they can use their hands to build a country that belongs to atavists. I firmly believe that standing now Everyone here, ten years later, can stand up and say to the atavist who has just grown up, this prosperous city has my sweat."

The remarks made the blood of the ancestors boil, and it was because this person could stand proudly on the mecha, not afraid of the cold wind in the sky. Let me ask who has such courage and who has such courage.

We are weak and our planet is backward. But we are free, we stand under the blue sky, blowing the wind of freedom.

"Building a country, building a country, building a country!" Countless returnees who were infected by the wind wolf's emotions raised their hands and shouted.

Tens of millions of people shouted in unison, almost on par with the roar of Pang Gilatus.

The voice that broke through the sky announced that the Independence State of Returning to the Ancestors was established today.

Feng Lianzhu, who gave blessing coins to the two newcomers in the Golden Coin Mountain Playground in "A Journey to the Unknown", trembled slightly.

[Congratulations to the host Feng Lianzhu for completing the final task, the five elements are integrated, and from now on, you are free from the constraints of the game. You can go to any world you want, as long as you pay enough points.]

[Congratulations to the shared hosts Feng Lianzhu and pang·kirates for completing all the tasks and grasping their own inevitability in countless accidents.]

[The task release program is closed, the channel for obtaining points is closed, and 90% of the functions of the system are closed. Only the point store channel remains. After the host has completed the redemption of points, all the functions of the system will be closed.]

"System?" Feng Lianzhu asked in his heart, but got no response.

The function of answering is also turned off.

Feng Lianzhu looked at his hands, an indescribable feeling came from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he seemed to hear the shouts of the atavistic people on Primitive Star 419 of the Azure Galaxy. It was these collective shouts, the soul liberated by his own hands, that made him free.

Body, spirit, soul, body and spirit are given by Ponjiratus, but the soul grows bit by bit in the process of completing the task, and finally is completely integrated by the beliefs of the atavistic people and becomes a whole. the living body.

The breeze was surrounding Fenglianzhu, as if congratulating him.

At this time, it would be great if there was a dragon congratulating him. When Feng Lianzhu was thinking like this, he heard a voice from the sky: "Roar!!!"

A black dragon large enough to cover the entire Golden Coin Mountain playground floats above the sky, and the dark blue eyes are full of the reflection of wind and bamboo.

Countless players who came to watch the ceremony were stunned. They knew that the boss of the Gold Coin Mountain Amusement Park was a dragon with a level of ∞+1, but they did not expect that the dragon would be so terrifying.

The sword pointing to the sky who can challenge this dragon head-on and was tied into the Golden Coin Mountain is a man, and he is not ashamed at all!

Feng Lianzhu showed his softest smile to Fat Dragon, opened his hands and waited for Fat Dragon to fly down.

Unexpectedly, Pang Gilatus did not land, but said in the sky with a voice that was enough to transmit to the whole game: "Human, I, Pang Gilatus, thank you for the happiness you brought me during this time, And to create the people that matter most to me."

Feng Lianzhu was slightly startled. He had never taught Pang Gilates to say these words. This was what Fat Long wanted to say.

"During this period of the game, it seems to have caused you a lot of trouble. All those who helped me, brought me happiness, and helped me grow, will give you a little gift in the name of Kyratus."

The black dragon spreads its wings, and countless golden rays of light enter the bodies of many players along the network cable. There are all members of Feng Laiyi, the sword pointing to the sky, Ling Yun Jiuxiao, and countless people who have entangled with Pang Gilatus in the game (excluding gangs). Panlong and Fu Yao went up 90,000 miles) and felt their bodies warm at the same time. It seemed that at this moment, their bodies had undergone a lot of changes.

In the office of the planning team of "Roaming Taixu", the members who were staying up late and working overtime let out a "huh" and quickly took out the mirror to look left and right, and shouted loudly, "Ahhhh!!!"

"What's the noise!" The irritable colleague who worked overtime said angrily.

"My hair, my hair!" The man pointed at his head and said excitedly, "It has grown! Huh? Yours has grown too, you, all of you?"

The people in the planning team got up one after another and took out the mirror to look at their heads. The team leader, the man with glasses, took off his wig and saw a head of thick hair.

"Ah ah ah!" The planning team's office was full of ghosts and wailing, and everyone hugged their heads and cried.

At this time, their bodies seemed to be full of strength, and they would have no problem working overtime for three days and three nights!

The life energy of Giratus, at this moment, is transmitted through the network cable to everyone who has shown kindness to Pon Giratus. Perhaps the effect of some people is not as obvious as that of the members of the planning team, but in the future, they will definitely be able to know how precious they have got.

Feng Lianzhu looked at Fat Dragon, smiled relievedly, and flew up to be side by side with Fat Dragon.

If the mountain can't come, then he goes to the mountain.

"I'll pick you up and go home." Pon Kilatus said, rubbing his two front claws nervously, "Will you come with me?"

He, who has always been domineering, actually realized that Feng Lianzhu was originally from the game world, and Feng Lianzhu might not be willing to go to the interstellar world, so he was a little worried. He spent 20,000 points to open the channel between the game and the interstellar world, and returned to the game world to find Feng Lianzhu.

"Where is home?" Feng Lianzhu asked.

Fat Dragon was stopped, right, where is his home? Primordial star? But that's not home, just the place of birth. Giratus' home is the entire universe, and any planet can be occupied.

There is a home, and there is no home.

Feng Lianzhu touched Fat Long's somewhat lonely nose, dropped a kiss on the big nose, and said warmly, "For me, where there is you is home."

Fat Dragon's eyes lit up: "Me too!"

"Take me to the interstellar world first and see how those atavists are doing. I have to take care of them, and plant bamboo on the original star." Feng Lianzhu said as he landed on the fat dragon's back.

"You need points to come to the game world. Fortunately, we still have a lot of points left. If you want to come and play in the future, there is also your Gold Coin Mountain Playground here." Feng Lianzhu said.

"Roar!!!" Fat Dragon raised his tail happily.

He glanced at the stunned crowd below and carried Feng Lianzhu into the void.

In the future, there will be atavist planets, there will be gold coin mountains in the game world, there will be bamboos that they want to plant on each planet, and there will be a realistic version of the gold coin mountain that Feng Lianzhu promises Pang Kilatus.

Their future is not lonely.

Oh, there is also a green dragon teacher, who was introduced to Pang Kilatus another day. I don't know what sparks the two of them will rub.

Feng Lianzhu was lying on Ponjiratus' back, thinking happily.

There are too many things to look forward to. What changes will the knowledge he has learned and the power of the fat dragon bring to the two worlds

It doesn't matter, the important thing is that these changes are all the footprints he and Pang Gilatus left, bit by bit, they are all memories.

In the future, they will go out to make trouble when they are happy, find a planet if they have nothing to do, sleep together forever, and spend countless years together.

-End of text-

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