Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 1: Yijing


Among the courtyard of birds and flowers, a young figure is wearing a short -gray -in -quality dress with a calm look, a calm foot under his feet, with a unique rhythm. He flew with both hands and alternated his palms. One move and one style looked simple and natural, thick as mountains.

After two full -bodied punches, the young breathing of the teenager had already rushed slightly, and the skin on his face and exposed skin was reddish, like cooked shrimp.


Suddenly, the sound of fried beans sounded. The teenager's body was slightly mending, and his back was tall, and the whole person even pulled up hard, from a head that was less than one meter or seven -five to nearly 1.8 meters.

At the same time, the naked eye can be seen that within the pores of the teenager, a trace of smelly and dark red substances were squeezed out.

At this time, the young people's eyes were unprecedented, as if it was to condense into substantial. His body was shocked, and the stained stains that had already turned into pieces suddenly turned into crushing, revealing fair skin, red in white, as pure as jade fat.

He stood up, and suddenly breathed his mouth, and suddenly a white gas sprayed out of his mouth, whistling out with a sharp arrow, and he wiped the air, making the wrong screaming sound.

Subsequently, the teenager inhaled again. Suddenly, the yard stood up, the grass and trees were shaking, and it rang. It is like a cloud rolling, and a stream of air was inhaled into the belly by a teenager, but his body did not change at all.

Inhale like a cloud roll, exhale like an arrow!

If there is a martial arts who see this scene, they will inevitably be speechless.

Since the rise and prosperity of the Wudao of Beidou Eighty -hundred years ago, it has developed to its peak since the rise of the Wudao and flourishing. After the inheritance of the extremely ancient times, the martial arts practice system has also been extremely perfect.

The martial arts start from the building, and this step has to take five stages. Cortis muscles, muscles and bones, washing myelin, changing blood, and five internal organs.

Only by quenching these five units can it be quenched out of the internal qi and completely extraordinary, becoming a warrior who is above ordinary people.

And this kind of overrun is not the strength and identity, but the life level.

Ordinary people live at most one hundred years old, but if the foundation is successful, the inner gas can be refined, but it can live to 150.

The five stages that the foundation needs to go has gradually summarized the five major situations since the prosperity of the martial arts. These five poles represent the true perfect base, and it is said that the flesh can be flawless.

And these five poles are: stretching like iron, soft as cotton; bones and bones, tiger and leopard thunder sound; blood like lead mercury, rushing like a river; Twist like a sword. They correspond to the skin muscles, bones, bones, medulla, blood change, and five internal organs.

However, for more than 800 years, it can really be fully cultivated in all the five poles, but there are very few, and even so far, I have not heard of anyone who can cultivate all the five poles.

However, as long as a warrior will know, the five major realms are progressive layers. In other words, if you do not cultivate the first four poles in front, you will never be able to make a 'inhaling like a cloud roll, and vomit like a sword'.

And people are practiced at the moment, which means that the teenager has completely refined the five poles. If this is passed, I am afraid that it will immediately cause the entire Beidou land to vibrate.

Alas, no one knows.

At this moment, with the squeezing of impurities in the body, Yi Jing immediately felt that his body was light, and it felt like a treasure jade. Not only that, Yi Jing also felt that his strength soared in an instant, which made him feel like a punch that could collapse a mountain.

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