Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 121: There is another world


"may be."

"I just came out of seclusion and have to practice again. The boss is really diligent!"

"Yeah, let's go, or wait. Maybe the second master and the others have made a big deal and are enjoying themselves now. There's no rush."

"Yes, yes, let's go."

The conversation between the two people was just a few words. After this conversation ended, they both walked away.

At this time, Yi Jing also came out of the wooden house.

"Back mountain? Retreat?"

He heard the conversation between the two people just now very clearly. Since there was no trace of this guy in the village now, he could only go to the back mountain, hoping to find some clues there.

After thinking about it, Yi Jing set off. He quickly found a trail leading to the back mountain, and then started observing at the top of the back mountain. He wanted to see all the places in the back mountain. See if you can find the Gyro Master's hiding place.

However, even if Yi Jing stood and observed from a high place, he could not gain anything after observing for a while. He could only see that there was a dense area under the back mountain, and there were mountains and forests everywhere. In some places, the landforms could not be seen clearly. As soon as he saw such a scene, Yi Jing swallowed his saliva. In such a big place, how could he find a small spinning top immortal

The Gyro Immortal suddenly came here. There must be a secret place here. Just now I heard the two people talking about retreat, and the place where the practitioners retreated, I knew it was a place next to some stone cliffs, so Yi Jing hurriedly searched everywhere in the back mountain, hoping to see a strange place. After observing for a while, he made his latest discovery.

He saw a stone wall not far away from him, which seemed to be a good place for retreat. As soon as he saw this place, Yi Jing rushed over without hesitation. Now that he had found this place, naturally I want to see if this guy is hiding here.

After thinking about it, Yi Jing also set off. He doesn't have much time now, so Yi Jing still has about ten hours. These time are very precious to Yi Jing. Once this time is exceeded, he will definitely If it is discovered, the consequences will be serious.

So now Yi Jing is rushing for time, otherwise it will be difficult for the people in the village to notice.

After finding the suspicious place, Yi Jing continued to move forward. The top fairy had captured Xiaolong for some time, so he was rushing to this place to see what was going on.

After all, the little dragon was already with him, and now that he has been captured, such a thing is not that easy to do. After all, the strength of the Gyro Immortal is there. If there is an accident, he will not be very happy. , so now he has to quickly find this Gyro Immortal and see why this guy wanted to capture Xiaolong. In this situation, he must figure it out, and he can't make any mistakes.

And soon, Yi Jing had arrived at this cliff. After arriving here, Yi Jing quickly looked for clues around him.

In just a short while, Yi Jing had already searched the surrounding cliffs, but still couldn't find any clues.

Although this situation made Yi Jing quite unhappy, he had no choice but to continue searching.

And after such a search lasted for a stick of incense, Yi Jing still could not find the hiding place of the top immortal, and he suddenly became a little anxious.

However, things still need to be done in a hurry, so Yi Jing quickly stepped up the search, hoping to find the spinning top fairy as soon as possible.

"that is?"

At this moment, just when Yi Jing was about to find the retreat place of Gyro Immortal, suddenly a man appeared in his sight in the mountains and forests. He saw this man wearing shabby clothes and holding a red in his hand. Box, this person is walking towards a certain mountain forest, which makes people feel quite strange at first sight.

As soon as Yi Jing saw this scene, he immediately frowned. It goes without saying that this guy is a horse thief at a glance. Now he just lacks a knife. In Yi Jing's view, this guy It looked sneaky, and he must be doing something, so he immediately acted quickly and followed this guy to see what the hell he was up to.

So, Yi Jing followed this guy. What he had to do now was to follow this guy and see what this guy was up to.

And soon Yi Jing was following behind this guy. Since Yi Jing was quite strong, in order to hide his traces, he could only restrain his aura, so that he did not let this guy go. The guy noticed that Yi Jing had the opportunity to follow this guy to see what he was doing.


After following him for a while, this guy actually entered a forest and disappeared immediately.

Yi Jing saw it, but felt strange in his heart, wondering what was happening to this guy. This mountain forest looked quite dense, why did he come to this place

Thinking about Yi Jing, he felt extremely strange, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only follow behind to see where this guy was going.

Finally, after a while, Yi Jing followed this guy into the seemingly dense mountain forest. As soon as he entered, Yi Jing felt a little bit surprised. , there are actually tall trees all around this week. These big trees grow so densely that they directly cover the sun in the virtual space above, making it impossible for people to see the sun's light at all, so In the forest, there are shadows of trees everywhere, and the originally dazzling scene has turned a bit gray here.

Yi Jing was very surprised when he saw this, but he didn't want to manage so many things, because in his opinion, the guy in front of him came here alone, so there must be something here.

Sure enough, after Yi Jing followed Yi Jing for a while, Yi Jing followed this guy to a strange place.

I saw this guy coming to a stone wall in the forest. Looking at the stone wall, it was already covered with vines. It was difficult to find this stone wall outside, so when Yi Jing saw the stone wall, , he was also quite surprised, because in his opinion, this stone wall could escape his eyes, so there must be something strange inside.

I saw the horse thief standing in front of the stone wall, suddenly walked to the side of the stone wall, and pressed his hand on a certain place on the stone wall. Suddenly, a roaring sound was heard.

"Boom boom boom!"

I saw this sound slowly resounding from the stone wall, and at the next moment, the stone wall actually started to tremble. Then, the stone wall turned out to be like a door, slowly retracting to the right, but only for a while. In time, the stone wall was completely opened, and then, a stone cave appeared in front of Yi Jing's eyes.

As soon as the cave appeared, a gas was emitted from it. This gas did not look like poisonous gas. It spread in all directions. Yi Jing looked at it, but he was shocked. What was this thing in front of him? , it can emit such gas, it seems that there must be something going on inside.

After the gas dissipated, the person holding the box was not surprised, and then walked into the cave.

When Yi Jing saw this, he wanted to follow him, but because he was afraid of being exposed, he had to let this guy go in first.

At this time, something strange happened. After the man holding the box entered the cave, he didn't even close the door of the cave. He entered the cave directly and disappeared inside. .

When Yi Jing saw this, he felt a little strange. However, due to limited time, he could only keep his doubts in mind. The figure quickly appeared at the door of the cave. He first looked around at the situation and found that there was nothing. Yi Jing walked in and disappeared into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Yi Jing immediately felt that the air in the cave was quite stuffy, as if a large, stuffy iron stove was burning in the room, giving people a very hot feeling.

After entering, the light inside was quite dark, and Yi Jing could only move forward by feeling his way. Fortunately, the cave was quite large, with a width of three or four meters, so it was not a big deal.

After walking for a while, Yi Jing had already turned a few corners. As Yi Jing was walking, suddenly the light around him became brighter. As soon as Yi Jing discovered this situation, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at As he headed forward, he immediately saw the evergreen lanterns placed on the left and right stone walls in front of him. The originally dark road became a little brighter under the illumination of the evergreen lanterns.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Jing was still quite nervous. After all, this thing appeared suddenly without any warning. Yi Jing was now a little worried that he had been discovered, if he hadn't felt it. There is a dangerous aura, otherwise he will definitely leave here quickly. After all, this is not a very easy place to stay.

Finally, after walking for a while, Yi Jing finally came to the end. Because there was a bright light shining on him, Yi Jing naturally chased him faster, and the figure of the horse thief quickly let him catch up. He went up and followed this guy. When he got to the back, he finally caught up.

I saw the horse thief coming to the end, and there was another stone gate at the end. I saw that this stone gate was quite strange. It was engraved with strange runes, and there were also strange patterns engraved in the middle, which made people wonder. Just look at it and you will know that there is something else behind Shimen.