Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 128: let me go


A strange scene appeared. The top fairy didn't react at all to Yi Jing's punch. He just sat there and was punched on the shoulder by Yi Jing. .

I saw that Yi Jing's punch hit this guy's shoulder directly. However, after he punched him, the Gyro Immortal didn't do anything at all. This scene really surprised him. , he didn’t expect that his move would be useless at all. The move he just used was just like scratching an itch, and it did no harm to the Gyro Immortal at all.

"How, how is that possible?"

When Yi Jing saw such a scene, he immediately swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect that his attack didn't hurt this guy at all. This was so incredible that he couldn't believe it.

"Hahaha, have you tried it? This is the strength of the Gyro Immortal. I have developed the body-protecting Gangqi. No one can do anything to me. Even if someone with a higher level of strength than Xuanming slaps me, I will There is nothing wrong with you at all, let alone a kid like you who is in the martial arts realm? Hahaha, hahaha!"

At this time, the top immortal actually laughed. Listening to the laughter of the guy in front of him, Yi Jing couldn't guess what this guy was doing, protecting the body with Qi? This seems to be a form of martial arts. Could it be that this body-protecting energy is the same as Qingye Yiyang's body-protecting magic skill in the past, and it has super abnormal defense power

Yi Jing really couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Boy, let me punch you a few more times, hurry up, hurry up, I want to test whether my body-protecting Qi is really powerful, hurry up!"

At this time, the Gyro Immortal actually made such a request. As soon as Yi Jing heard such a request, he immediately frowned, and then he quickly gathered a force of power in his hand, and in After this power was generated, he punched down without hesitation, directly on the guy's shoulder.

But this time, when Yi Jing made his move, he didn't look at it like he did just now. This time, he looked very carefully. When he punched down, he saw the whole body of this guy. It turned out to be emitting a strange light. It was because of this strange light that Yi Jing's fist did no harm to him at all. It was because of this Gang Qi that this guy became so tough.

"This is?"

Observing such a force, Yi Jing swallowed his saliva immediately. He did not expect that the Gyro Immortal could actually practice such Kung Fu. The body-protecting Qi in this guy's mouth now was similar to what Qingye Yiyang had practiced before. The body protection magical skills are basically the same. This guy also focuses on this defensive martial arts, which is really too strong.

"How about it? No more punches? Boy, let me punch you then!"

Just when Yi Jing was in shock, the Gyro Immortal suddenly started to move. He was sitting there motionless, and his hand had already gathered a force, and in this After the Tao power appeared, it turned into a punch and rushed towards Yi Jing.

Yi Jing was not stupid either. He quickly noticed the punch from this guy. He immediately frowned and then hid back. Since he was moving quite fast, the top Daxian's punch did not hit Yi Jing's body. Yi Jing dodged this punch.

"What a good boy, you can still hide? Let me see where you can hide!"

After Yi Jing dodged away, the Gyro Immortal suddenly became a little angry. He suddenly stood up, and after he stood up, he used his hands to activate another force. Then he suddenly rushed towards Yi Jing.

When Yi Jing saw this, he did not dodge. Instead, he gathered a force and rushed forward, but Yi Jing was fighting against each other.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Unknowingly, Yi Jing had already parried more than a dozen moves from this guy. At the beginning, Yi Jing was still in peak condition, and all the strength in his body was hot. But after fighting for a while, he couldn't do it anymore. Seeing that the Gyro Immortal was really strong, Yi Jing couldn't handle a few moves at first, but after the next few moves, he became a little unable to do what he wanted. This guy's attacks were very fierce, and with the power of his strength, Yi Jing simply couldn't resist this guy's moves.

Therefore, it didn't take long for him to be at a disadvantage.


I saw the Great Top Immortal hitting him with his palm. Yi Jing had no choice but to respond with his palm. Suddenly the two palms faced each other. Immediately, there was a muffled sound, and Yi Jing's palm force was directly hit. The Gyro Immortal's palm power was eaten up. After Yi Jing's palm power was eaten up, because this guy's power still had a very strong stamina, Yi Jing could not resist it at all, and could only move backwards. He retreated continuously, taking more than ten steps back.

And in the process, the top fairy still refused to let go, and suddenly rushed over. He suddenly combined a force in his hand and rushed towards Yi Jing quickly. When Yi Jing saw this momentum, he immediately combined a force. With his strength, he directly faced the Gyro Immortal with another palm.


Under this palm, Yi Jing's body retreated even more quickly, and was directly suppressed on the stone wall. The Gyro Immortal suddenly used his strength, and Yi Jing's body was like a stone. Brutal force pressed into the stone wall.

"Boy, die!"

When the two of them were fighting each other, the Gyro Immortal suddenly approached Yi Jing, and then suddenly said this to Yi Jing, and after he finished speaking, he suddenly threw out a blast of power, directly Yi Jing's defense was broken. Before Yi Jing could organize a second line of defense, the palm of the Gyro Immortal had already hit him.


There is no doubt that in this situation, Yi Jing has no defensive measures at all, so he is now willing to take this slap.

"Huh, blood, it stinks." The Gyro Immortal suddenly said something into Yi Jing's ear, and his hand suddenly stretched out, and directly grabbed Yi Jing's neck. Such a move, In just three seconds, Yi Jing suddenly started jumping up. Because his neck was strangled, Yi Jing could not breathe air, and his whole body felt very uncomfortable.


Yi Jing quickly regained his luck, but he grabbed the hand of the Gyro Immortal strangulating his neck with both hands, and kept increasing his strength to break this guy's hand away. However, after a while, Yi Jing Jing still didn't have a chance to pry the guy's hand off, and he was still in a state of discomfort.


I saw this guy suddenly increase the strength in his hand, and there was a sound of bones cracking.

Under normal circumstances, if someone chokes someone and something like this happens, the person is definitely done. But Yi Jing is different. After all, Yi Jing's strength is still there, so he still has some ideas about this. A little bit of resistance is not something that can be defeated by defeating him, so Yi Jing is not dead yet.


I saw the Gyro Master holding on tightly for a while and then suddenly shook his hand, and immediately threw Yi Jing out, and Yi Jing was helpless. In this situation, he had no chance to defend himself, so he was also in this situation When he flew out, he directly hit the stone wall on the side. After hitting it, he immediately received another scar on his body.


The Gyro Immortal did not let Yi Jing go so easily. He suddenly attacked again. This guy was quite fast. He had already arrived in front of Yi Jing in just two or three seconds. , and after arriving in front of Yi Jing, the guy directly strangled Yi Jing's neck, making Yi Jing so angry that it was difficult to even breathe.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

I saw this guy grabbing Yi Jing and laughing wildly. The laughter was so loud that it spread throughout the entire stone room in just a short time.

Yi Jing is accumulating strength at this moment to see if his intelligence can escape from this guy's grasp, so he is now waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to escape and turn defeat into victory.

Time disappeared slowly at this time. Yi Jing looked at the situation in front of him, but he became a little disappointed. He knew very well that his current strength could not beat the former, but for some reason, he just wanted to break away now. This guy then uses his own power to create everything.

However, there are still many cruelties in reality. For example, this situation is like this. Yi Jing is now a frightened bird and does not have much ability to make a comeback. Therefore, such a situation is very difficult for him. It's an extremely bad thing.

"Let me go, let me go, damn..."

Yi Jing is constantly struggling, but even if he keeps struggling like this, what is the use of this? Yi Jing has used his best strength to break away from this guy, but this guy seems to be stronger than him He was much stronger than he imagined. Even if he used all his accumulated strength to break free, he still had no chance. Therefore, for Yi Jing, if he continues like this, he will definitely be finished.

However. How could the Gyro Immortal let Yi Jing go like this? He had a treacherous smile on his face and the strength in his hands was getting stronger and weaker. People could tell at a glance that he was playing tricks on Yi Jing. Now he was already treating him He is just a grasshopper. Whenever he wants to strangle Yi Jing, he will do it. Therefore, Yi Jing's life is really in his hands now. If he does, Yi Jing will definitely be He's going to die.