Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 42: cooperate


"this is."

I saw that it was a round blue ball. The ball was extremely smooth. Inside was something that looked like particles of dust. The whole thing even exuded a faint blue light, which made it obvious at a glance. Not something ordinary.

"This is what it is."

Yi Jing asked in surprise.

"The saliva of the fourth-level demon beast Thunderbolt Cow!" the stall owner said in a cheery voice.

"What? Thunder cow saliva? What's the use?" Yi Jing was stunned. He had never seen anything like this before.

"Take a closer look."

After saying that, the stall owner brought the thing close to Yi Jing, and for a moment, a faint fragrance emanated from the thing.


Suddenly, Yi Jing felt a sultry feeling in his head, and a huge dizziness surged directly into his heart. Yi Jing just wanted to speak and reprimand, but the dizziness got bigger and bigger, knocking him unconscious. passed.

"Hey. What's wrong with you? What's wrong? Someone, help him in quickly."

At this time, the stall owner suddenly called out two people, and those two people actually fought Yi Jing away.

After that, the stall owner quickly cleaned up the stall and disappeared into the market after a while.

Due to the sudden incident and people coming and going in the market, no one noticed the situation on Yi Jing's side. Even if Yi Jing was abducted, no one noticed.


A stream of water rushed to Yi Jing's face, and Yi Jing suddenly woke up from his coma.

"here it is."

After Yi Jing opened his eyes, he found that there was a dungeon in front of him, and he was actually in the dungeon.

"Boy, whose child are you? Tell me your name quickly!"

When Yi Jing raised his head, he saw a middle-aged man standing in front of him. This man looked very fierce, and he even held a whip in his hand.

"Who are you?" Yi Jing asked.

"I'm asking you something, tell me!" The middle-aged man whipped him again.

"Huh." Yi Jing didn't say anything. He then looked around and found a few people standing behind the big man. Yi Jing didn't recognize these people. One was a young-looking man and the other But he is a middle-aged man.

"Okay, no need to ask, this is Yijing, the famous Qingyang Martial Arts School in Bowang County."

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said.

"Dad? Is he Yi Jing? The man who claims to be the fifth powerful martial artist in Bowang County, is he?" the middle-aged man finished. The young man next to him started talking in surprise.

"Well, yes, it's him, a guy who has raised his strength to the five extremes." The middle-aged man said again.

"Haha, okay, dad, I want to fight him to see who is stronger." The young man said, and even rubbed the bones of his hands, and suddenly there was only a clicking sound.

"Hey, he is a guest of our Qingfeng Village, I still want to ask him something."

After saying that, the middle-aged man walked over to Yi Jing, raised Yi Jing's jaw with one hand, and asked coldly: "Yi Jing, I didn't expect that you are quite capable. You can't fight Qingye Yiyang." Forget it, you actually provoked people from my Qingfeng Village, huh, I have been observing you for a long time, and now you fall into my hands, I will definitely make you look good!"

"Qingfeng Village? I am Yi Jing, but I don't know what Qingfeng Village is. You tied me up. Why can't I circulate the energy in my body?"

Yi Jing is now confused. Qingfeng Village has nothing to do with him. Also, I don’t know what methods these guys used to make him unable to move his energy at all. The Dantian in his body flows to all the meridians. It's like being blocked by a big stone.

"Hmph, the saliva of the Thunderbolt Cow can make people temporarily lose their strength. Yi Jing, you caused everyone in Qingfeng Village to die under the sword. I will kill you first today so that I can comfort my brothers in heaven!"

Yi Jing couldn't understand more and more what this middle-aged man said. He didn't understand what Qingfeng Village was about and what caused them to die.


I saw that this middle-aged man was about to take action. He actually raised his palm, and a pure essence appeared on his hand. Obviously, he was also a cultivator.

The middle-aged man glanced at the gathering of palms and was about to hit Yi Jing in the face with this palm.

Although Yi Jing has no strength for the time being, he can still feel the power of the palm in the hands of the guy in front of him. It would be okay if he had the strength to protect his body, but now his strength is temporarily unavailable. If this palm hits him, he will be useless. That's great.

"Boy, if you have anything else to say before you die, just say it!"

The middle-aged man looked like he was about to take action.

"I, Yi Jing, am unlucky to be here today, but I just don't understand how I, Yi Jing, have offended you. Besides, I, Yi Jing, have never known Qingfeng Village, let alone harm you. Now you actually want to Kill me, I just feel a little unfair."

"You are still quibbling, then who do you think Uncle Wu is to you? You brought people to Qingfeng Mountain a day ago to investigate some missing goods, and then destroyed the entire Qingfeng Village. Do you know that?"

The middle-aged man said again.

"What? How is it possible? Uncle Wu and I were busy with the drug store a day ago. How could we care about Qingfeng Mountain? Qingfeng Mountain... You said your Qingfeng Village is in Qingfeng Mountain?" When Yi Jing heard about Qingfeng Mountain, When I read the word, I suddenly remembered something.

"Exactly, I am Liu Qingfeng, the leader of Qingfeng Village. We were living happily in the village. I didn't expect that a day ago you massacred my entire village while I was going down the mountain to do errands. Now I've caught you. Huh."

Liu Qingfeng now wanted to kill Yi Jing. He went down the mountain to do some business a day ago. When he came back, he found that the whole village was full of corpses. Everyone in the village was killed and injured. Fortunately, his son was still alive. , and even said the name of the murderer, and this person was Yi Jing.

"I didn't do it. This must be a false accusation. Can you tell me the whole thing? Someone must have framed me!"

Yi Jing finally understood now that someone must be secretly framing him. He was not outside the city at all a day ago, and Uncle Wu was working beside him. How could he have any free time to deal with an unknown Qingfeng Village? So in Yi Jing's opinion, there must be something wrong with this matter.

"Dad, those people came under the banner of Yi Jing. They said they were investigating the missing things and searched our village. I couldn't beat one of them named Li Qingshan. Even my second uncle died. In that person’s hands.”

At this time, the young man also walked up, with a cruel look on his face. Obviously, he was very angry now and wanted to kill Yi Jing to relieve his hatred.

"Liu Shan?" Yi Jing was stunned when he heard the name. Isn't this Liu Shan a master of the Third Realm? He is Qingye Yiyang's martial arts master, right

Thinking of this, Yi Jing finally figured it out. Thinking of this guy framing him again, Yi Jing couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Hmph, why, you have been exposed, do you want revenge? I will kill you first, and then I will enter your martial arts hall, find the guy named Wu Bo and Liu Shan, and kill them together!" Liu Qingfeng wiped out his murderous intent. It crossed his face, and suddenly, he was about to hit it with a palm.


A muffled sound stopped Liu Qingfeng's killing action.

"What, Yi Jing, do you still have something to say?" Liu Qingfeng said.

"Do you still remember what Uncle Wu looked like?" It was Yi Jing who stopped Liu Qingfeng.

At this moment, Yi Jing finally figured out what was going on in his mind. Qingye Yiyang must have done this to Qingfeng Village. He couldn't find the medicinal materials he lost, so he used the Qingfeng Village massacre to frame him. The skills are very deep.

"Huh? I'm not in the village, how would I know?" Liu Qingfeng frowned and said angrily.

"You don't know, but your noble son knows. To tell you the truth, the Liu Shan your noble son mentioned just now is from the Qingye Martial Arts School. I and the Qingye Martial Arts School are at odds with each other. This matter is in Bowang County. It is also known to everyone, so I must have been wrongly accused, and you could not possibly be an accomplice of the enemy and want to kill me to complete their plan."

Yi Jing's words made everyone stunned.

"Why should I believe you?" Liu Qingfeng said.

"Yes, why do you believe me, but let me ask you, do you just believe the man who claims to be Uncle Wu? I don't want to explain. Now you can send someone to Qingye Martial Arts School to ask the man named Liu Shan to come out and take a look. , by the way, ask him about his relationship with me, and you will know."

Yi Jing quickly thought of a way and said it out loud.

"Dad, don't listen to him, kill him and avenge your second uncle!"

The young man said.

"Well, no, Liu Si." Liu Qingfeng suddenly stopped his son from talking, and even called a subordinate, and said: "Go to Qingye Martial Arts School immediately and call out that Liu Shan. Let’s see if Liu Shan is really from Qingye Martial Arts School, and also, ask him about his relationship with Yi Jing.”

"Yes, Village Master!"

After the subordinate Liu Si heard this, he walked out of the dungeon and went to do something.

"Ha ha."

As soon as Liu Si left, Yi Jing suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" The big man on the side raised the whip in his hand and shouted angrily.

"Master Liu Village, did you have a batch of goods passing through Qingfeng Mountain a few days ago?" Yi Jing said with a smile.

"Not bad." Liu Qingfeng frowned.

"Then do you know who is holding the goods?" Yi Jing asked again.

"It's Qingye Yiyang's convoy. His family has a big business and he has many people, so he didn't rob him." Liu Qingfeng said very cheerfully.

"Later, this batch of goods was robbed, and the person who robbed the goods was me. I'm ashamed to say that if I hadn't robbed that guy's goods first, they wouldn't have sent people to Qingfeng Mountain. If they hadn't come, Nothing like this would happen.”