Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 68: Come again


"People will always change. There is a saying that goes, women change in a big way. As a man, can't I change anything?" Yi Jing responded calmly. When he said this, he also knew Realizing that Jiang Yin was just doubting himself and not knowing the truth about himself, this made him feel relieved.

"Humph, yes, people will change, but this has become a bit too outrageous. You have been decadent in the past few years. Although you became much better a year ago, you were also in trouble in Bowang County at that time. You can't afford to make any big waves. Until four months ago, you have undergone great changes and your strength has skyrocketed. When you reopened Qingyang Martial Arts School, your whole mentality and look have changed. This cannot be done by one person. It changed in such a short period of time." Jiang Yin said again.

"Hmph, you and I have only met a few times, and you are just making assumptions about me. It seems that Qingye Yiyang's defeat at my hands is understandable."

Yi Jing broke out in a cold sweat while listening. He thought that this person who was a master in someone else's family was really powerful. After observing and investigating for a few times, he casually found out so many things about him. He was a little worried.

"Master Yi, no, your strength a year ago was only at the first extreme level. In just one year, your strength has been able to rise to the fifth extreme level. For a person with ordinary talent like you, It's impossible, so you are not the real Yi Jing." Jiangyin's analytical ability is very strong, and he could see it very early. However, he didn't have much chance to show his face in front of Yi Jing, so he only asked these questions. Maybe I'm holding it in my heart.

"Really? Why don't you tell your master about such a serious problem? He is very interested in it."

Yi Jing said while fighting.

"Master Qingye only deals with enemies. He has never written about such a problem. Besides, I can't find any evidence for you. How can I dare to say it?" Jiang Yin did not talk to Qingye Yiyang because of insufficient evidence in this regard. If he hadn't had enough evidence, he would have told Qingye Yiyang a long time ago.

"Then you mean that what you are saying now is all speculation? How can such an idea be established? Now you can't escape, just accept my death penalty."

Yi Jing feels that Jiang Yin is too dangerous. If he knows about this, he must not spread it, otherwise it will only bring him trouble. Of course, he and his master Yi Jing have now become one, and it is impossible to separate. However, now is a critical period, and his system's main mission is imminent, and he cannot afford to neglect much. Therefore, this Jiangyin is absolutely I can no longer live in this world.

Because he knows too much, and only the dead can keep everything secret.


The strength in his hand increased a bit, and Yi Jing rushed towards the former again. This time he attacked Jiang Yin's shoulder. It was seen that his palm contained all the strength. Yi Jing had already Make a plan, no matter how powerful this guy is, he must stay here today.

"Celestial Dragon! Poison Dragon Hand!"

At this moment, Jiangyin suddenly saw an essence that didn't look very pure. After a wonderful cycle in his eight extraordinary meridians, this essence quickly appeared in his body. After hitting his hand, a black gas suddenly spread out, and at this time, Yi Jing's palm was already approaching.


Jiang Yin suddenly jumped into the air and directly received Yi Jing's palm. After a startling sound, Jiang Yin seemed to feel the power of Yi Jing's palm after being hit by the palm, and his steps kept moving backwards.

But Yi Jing was not afraid of anything. He just waved his hand to dissipate the remaining energy of the rush. He stood motionless at the same place, just looking at Jiang Yin.

"Hmm! No, his palm technique is poisonous!"

At this time, Yi Jing discovered a huge problem, that is, there was venom hidden in Jiang Yin's palm.

I saw that his current palm, which received Jiang Yin's palm power, had turned black. In the process, the venom spread towards his arm. Looking at this situation, it seems that it won't take long for Yi Jing to be like this. An arm is considered useless.


With a quick stroke of luck, Yi Jing fused the pure essence to his arm, and Yi Jing wanted to force out the venom in one breath.


Yi Jing's strength is already at the five extreme levels, and all parts of his body have been greatly strengthened, so these venoms are not very harmful to him, so after his luck, the pure essence It turned into a powerful driving force, directly forcing the spreading venom out of his arms, and dripped out bit by bit from his fingertips like water droplets.

"Yi Jing, are you okay?"

At this moment, President Li hurriedly came over, and several martial artists behind him rushed out without hesitation to deal with Jiang Yin.

"This Jiang Yin is really vicious. He even practiced a move called Tianlong. It is very powerful. Fortunately, the poison invades very slowly, otherwise my arm would be considered useless."

Yi Jing was very lucky. Jiang Yin was very good at practicing Tianlong. If he hadn't already reached the five extreme levels and his body had the ability to resist venom, otherwise he would have been attacked and suffered huge damage. .

"Tianlong? He actually knows Tianlong?"

When President Li frowned, he even heard the words Tianlong. When he heard these words, he was stunned, as if he was thinking about something.

"What's wrong, President Li?" Yi Jing circulated his energy in the eight extraordinary meridians for a long time, and then forced all the venom out, and then he felt relieved.

"This Tianlong is very vicious. It is already considered a forbidden martial arts in the Beidou Continent. I didn't expect that Jiang Yin would learn it. It's really abominable, it's really abominable."

President Li sighed as he spoke, as if he was lamenting something.

"President, what you said seems very mysterious. Tell me what the situation is."

As soon as Yi Jing heard this, he knew there must be some story, and immediately asked urgently.

President Li glanced at Jiang Yin. At this moment, Jiang Yin was fighting against several martial arts masters, so he opened up his chatterbox at this time and told the matter.

After a while, President Li told all the matter in short and long words. After listening to it, Yi Jing finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that on the Beidou Continent, there is a kind of martial arts that no one can practice, which is a martial arts that is extremely harmful. After these martial arts were banned by the people in the mainland, they were called forbidden martial arts and were not allowed to be practiced. .

And this Tianlong is also one of the forbidden martial arts. Although it is not very powerful now, this is just a period of development. The power of Tianlong is amazing, and there is no grade at all, and his cultivation method is even more It is weird, that is, it is practiced with the virgin blood of a girl. The cultivator can achieve the effect of advanced cultivation by drinking the virgin blood.

Therefore, this and the virgin blood alone are already a terrible thing. In addition, practicing Tianlong will also make your palms carry venom, which is also a move that is difficult to guard against, so in In Beidou Continent, it is called the forbidden martial arts.

After listening to the former's words, Yi Jing understood what was going on. It turned out that Jiang Yin was still such a hateful person. He didn't know how long he had been practicing and how many girls' lives he had spent in exchange for his skills. In his opinion, such people are not qualified to live in this world.

So now, Yi Jing's urge to kill him is getting stronger and stronger.

"Tianlong, he looks very mysterious."

After Yi Jing listened to the former's explanation, he also knew the situation of this Tianlong. He did not expect that this Tianlong was so evil. If such a thing is left here, it can be said to be a huge disaster and cannot be left in the world. of.

Moreover, at this time, Yi Jing also knew that there was such a forbidden martial arts theory in this world, and he finally gained a little experience.

"President Li, this Jiangyin has been hiding in Bowang County for several years. I don't know how many innocent girls he has destroyed in order to practice martial arts. I just fought a few moves with him and found that his strength is quite powerful, and he His palm skills are even more venomous, so it seems quite difficult to take him down instantly."

Now that Yi Jing thought about the slap just now, he suddenly became a little angry. He didn't expect this guy to use such a cruel method. If he hadn't been unable to find a way to deal with this guy for a while, he would have killed him long ago.

"I don't know much about Tianlong's cracking method. Alas, I'm just a businessman. I really haven't studied this." President Li said very apologetically. In fact, he really didn't know. He was just a businessman. He is just a businessman and is responsible for making money for the Warriors Guild. He only knows a little bit about other things.




After a few muffled sounds, there were bursts of screams of pain. The martial arts masters who were dealing with Jiang Yin were all pushed aside by Jiang Yin at this time. None of them were Jiang Yin's opponents. Now he was lying on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Damn it, this guy is so presumptuous, come again!"

After looking at it, he was the only one who could deal with Jiang Yin, so he rushed out and rushed towards Jiang Yin in order to deal with this guy.


After one move, Yi Jing and Jiang Yin both retreated several meters away.

"Why does this guy's skill become more powerful the more he uses it?"