Shatter the sky with force

Chapter 85: Careless grass


"Damn it, what is Cheng Da's plan? Isn't this risking the lives of the people in my Qingyang Martial Arts School? Uncle Wu, let's see how this matter is handled. The plan has not been issued yet. We originally promised to go together. , and now I have to do it in batches, how can I speak in front of my disciples, this is not the outer area of the Monster Forest, this is the central area!"

As soon as Yi Jing returned to his tent, he started talking about this matter with Uncle Wu. The more he talked, the angrier he became. When he thought of Cheng Da's unchangeable attitude, he immediately asked him to I feel so nauseous that I have nothing to say.

"Oh, this Cheng Da is really hateful. Aren't you kidding with the lives of the 300 people under our command? We spread out to search for medicinal materials. I'm afraid we will encounter monsters before we can find them, and everything will be over."

After listening to Yi Jing's story, Uncle Wu was also very angry.

"Damn it, it's not like they don't know how powerful the monsters are. In the periphery, the big snake is powerful enough. Several disciples were seriously injured and died by him. Now we have come to the central region, here The monsters that appear the most are the third-order monsters. None of our men are a match for the third-order monsters. When the time comes, who will be able to escape when we are in danger!"

"Didn't Chengda say that he would help when he was in danger? Now that things are like this, if we encounter a situation, can't we just ask him for help directly?"

Uncle Wu quickly thought of a solution.

"Shit! Please help, please shit. I finally know this guy's character now. They said they would take action. Huh, when I saw them, they ran the fastest. Take action? Everyone is hiding behind now. We It’s impossible to expect him to take action.”

When Yi Jing heard this, he became angry, because in his opinion, it was extremely difficult for this guy to take action.

Why is Yi Jing angry now? Because Yi Jing knew very well that since Cheng Da and Eugene were hiding behind, it would be impossible for them to help them. How could a person who was hiding behind the scenes help them

Therefore, Yi Jing now wants to beat up Eugene Cheng.

However, Yi Jing did not dare, because he knew that as long as he took action, he would be beating his own family, and these two guys were sent by Kyoto. This alone would make Yi Jing He didn't dare to take action anymore. Now he still has a cooperative relationship with the Warriors Guild. In Qingyang Martial Arts Hall, a lot of funds are provided by the Warriors Guild. If he takes action impulsively, he will not only cause trouble for himself, but also It will bring trouble to the martial arts school that he has worked hard to run for so long, so Yi Jing is now considering this matter again and again.

Of course, Yi Jing is not the kind of person with a good temper. If he is angered, he will take action without hesitation. This is just like using his own strength to fight against Qingye Yiyang. In Yi Jing's world It seems that no one can make him hold back his bottom line yet. If anyone crosses his bottom line, he will attack without hesitation, no matter who it is.

Therefore, Chengda Eugene has not yet touched Yi Jing's bottom line. If he touches his bottom line, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Master, we have not encountered any danger along the way, and we probably won't encounter any dangers in the future. Let's think on the bright side in everything. It will be easier this way."

Uncle Wu on the side saw Yi Jing's angry look, but he was also very worried, and immediately said something.

"In fact, this is what we are worried about. Since we came in, we have only encountered a few waves of small monsters, but we have not encountered many big monsters. In my opinion, the danger is still behind us. The next trip I'm afraid it will be more dangerous, so Yi Jing is still worried now. If something happens, it will always be bad for him.

"Okay, let's play by ear tomorrow and do whatever we want."

Sighing, Yi Jing could only take one step at a time.

On the second day, Cheng Da's order was quickly issued. Although the idea of suddenly changing the plan was unacceptable, the people Yi Jing brought were all desperadoes. How could they be afraid of death? This time, they were divided into batches. Setting off, even though we can't stay together, is a kind of training for ourselves.

Yi Jing, Wu Bo and others separated and took twenty people with them to wander into the mountains and forests.

This time, the batches were divided into groups of twenty people. Each group had a group leader, followed by ten martial arts disciples from the Qingyang Martial Arts School as guards, and the remaining ten were members of the collection team.

Yi Jing brought 200 people, and the remaining 100 people were used to observe the situation. Whenever there was an emergency, someone among the 100 people would ask for help. This way, everyone was protected. safety.

In fact, this batch method was proposed by Yi Jing. It was originally said to require a group of thirty people, ten collection members, and twenty escort teams. However, Yi Jing understood that in the central area of the Monster Forest, like Wu With the disciple's strength alone, even if one hundred of them were used as bodyguards in this foundation-building realm, it would be impossible for them to hang around here for long. It might not even be enough to fill the gap between the teeth of the third-order monsters here.

That's why Yi Jing came up with this idea. Although this idea and the batch method still have big drawbacks, Yi Jing has no choice now and can only do this.

Each group has a task, and so does the group Yi Jing is currently in. He now has to escort these ten people to the place where there is Wuxin grass in the mountain forest, and just let the collection team collect it, and he is responsible for this security task.

The team set off soon. Yi Jing had some contact with everyone. Whenever something urgent happened, Yi Jing knew about their situation.

In the mountains and forests.

"Master Yi, according to the information we collected before, as long as we pass through the forest in front, we can reach the area with Wuxin grass."

The group was walking, with Yi Jing leading the way, and then a member of the collection team caught up with a map in his hand.

Yi Jing did not answer, but took the map from this guy's hand, looked at it, and immediately gave it back to him.

Then, he glanced at the dense-looking mountain forest not far away, and couldn't help but frown.

"The forest in front looks very dense, we have to be careful when we go in." Yi Jing said with a frown.


The collection team quickly retreated.

"Master, are there any monsters ahead?"

"Yes, owner."

At this time, several martial arts disciples around him just asked.

"I don't know. Whether there is or not, we have to be careful."

Yi Jing glanced at the mountains and forests ahead and said uncertainly.

"Don't worry, owner. Even if there are, we won't be afraid. In the worst case, we will fight them."


"Hey, let's go. It's still noon and some monsters may be taking a nap. Let's go."

The group of people set off again, and soon, Yi Jing and his group entered what seemed to be a very dense mountain forest.

As soon as he entered this mountain forest, Yi Jing could not feel any sunlight. The trees in this mountain forest were too tall. Each tree was more than ten meters high. With such a high height, plus this The trees were so lush that the sunlight from above could not reach them at all.

Therefore, it is noon again, there is no sun, and it is very sultry in a dense mountain forest. Such sultry weather can be said to be very uncomfortable.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

A group of people were walking in this dark mountain forest, and cicada cries kept coming from all around. Although it was a bit noisy, from Yi Jing's point of view, this was also a good thing. After all, With the cicada's voice covering them, the sound of their footsteps would not spread to the surrounding areas, thus blocking the detection of many monsters.

The distance between this mountain forest is not very far, only one or two kilometers, so Yi Jing did not dare to let the people in his hands march faster. Instead, he walked step by step, not wanting to make any mistakes.

Sure enough, under such a secret arrangement, Yi Jing and his party walked through the forest, but they did not encounter a single monster. It seemed that because of the noon, the forest was very strange, except for Zhizhi and Apart from the chirping of birds, there was nothing happening.

In less than half an hour, Yi Jing and his party had already walked out of this mountain forest. They were safe and worry-free along the way, which was what Yi Jing hoped for.

After passing through this mountain forest, Yi Jing and others had arrived at the top of a small hill. He looked at the situation on the top of the hill and immediately had a smile on his face.

"Captain, which one is the Wuxincao?"

I saw that on the top of this mountain, there were grass growing everywhere, and there were all kinds of grass, but there was no tree. This was something that Yi Jing found very strange.

But when he thought about it, this was the place marked on the map. The careless grass should be here, but he had no evidence, so he could only ask the leader of the collection team next to him.

When the captain of the collection team heard this, he hurriedly caught up. Then, he took out the map and looked at it. Then he looked at the situation on the hillside, but he nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. Here we are, as long as we go to the top of the mountain, we should be able to see the careless grass."

"Okay! Then let's set off!"

When Yi Jing heard this, he was extremely happy. Now he finally saw the Wuxin grass. As long as he continued to march forward and collected this batch of Wuxin grass, no matter how many Wuxin grass there were, he could take it with him. The team walked back. After all, they had already discussed it when they came out. Each group would just collect the grass in one place. After gathering, they could come back.

This is Yi Jing's current situation.

"Chi! Roar!"