She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 18


She thought she was crazy, having only known him for so long.

She is the thoughtful and aspiring young man. She is not the kind of wretched auntie, so Lin Qingqing should sober up.


His slightly raised voice finally pulled her back, and then she saw the little gray bear he handed over. He actually helped her win it.

Lin Qingqing looked at the man standing in front of her, he was standing one step away from her, with a gentle smile on his handsome face.

She suddenly thought of the picture she had just made up in her head, and her cheeks suddenly became hot. She felt that she was really stunned, she quickly avoided her head, took the bear, and said to him in the calmest voice possible, "Thank you."

I don't know if he noticed anything strange about her, but he didn't say anything. He asked the kid what he wanted, and the kid pointed at the little dolphin, and then he won a little dolphin for the kid and came back.

Later, the family of three took a car home. He drove the car, and she and the children sat in the back. She was in a dazed state the whole time. She felt that the world of father and son was separated from hers. That world was bright and bright, but there were only some weird things in her world, pink, red, and some extremely shameful things. .

Lin Qingqing felt inexplicable, how could she think that way about Yi Zeyan? It was undeniable that she didn't hate this man, and even had a bit of a crush on him, but she respected him and even subconsciously kept him at a distance at first. Although very attractive, she did not dare to make trouble in front of him at all. So her thoughts towards him are pure and pure, and a normal girl has a good impression of an excellent opposite sex.

But now, inexplicably, she has a very erotic idea about Yi Zeyan, which she thinks is very dangerous, and she feels that she is just wretched to death.

Because of this lewd thought, she didn't even dare to look at Yi Zeyan again, and this state of absent-mindedness continued until the meal time, when Xiao Yuan, who was sitting beside her, suddenly vomited out.

Lin Qingqing seemed to wake up suddenly from some kind of dream, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, Xiao Yuan?"

Xiao Yuan frowned and covered his stomach, "Mom, I feel bad, I want to vomit."

The housekeeper had already brought a bowl over, Xiao Yuan let out a wow, and vomited a lot.

Cheng Yin's family and Lu Xiuyuan and Lu Wenqian's siblings didn't come to dinner today, so the Yi family, Zhang Shuxi and Yi Zeyan all gathered around when they saw it.

Zhang Shuxi hurriedly instructed the driver, "Go and find the on-duty doctor of the winery."

Lin Qingqing helped Xiao Yuan follow his back, Yi Zeyan was more experienced, and took a Huoxiang Zhengqi water for the children to drink.

Zhang Shuxi said, "Why is this? Did Xiao Yuan eat something unclean today?"

Lin Qingqing remembered that she bought Xiaoyuan a rabbit leg when they came back, she felt extremely guilty, and said with a look of self-reproach: "When Xiaoyuan wanted to eat rabbit legs, I bought him one. "

Zhang Shuxi's expression changed as soon as she heard it, "You..." She was obviously angry, "How do you act like a mother? Xiao Yuan is still so young, and Zeyan and I strictly control his diet. It's not clean in the first place, don't you even know this? I knew that sooner or later when Xiaoyuan was placed by your side, there would be a problem, and I knew that when I brought Xiaoyuan over, I wouldn't give it back to you."

Lin Qingqing was stunned when she heard this, but now this situation can't allow her to think so much. She blamed herself so much that Zhang Shuxi was left to scold her.

"Xiao Yuan wants to eat rabbit legs with my consent. If you want to blame me, you don't need to blame Qingqing."

After Yi Zeyan finished speaking, Xiao Yuan also said, "Grandma, I'm much better. I want to eat rabbit legs myself, and it has nothing to do with my mother."

Zhang Shuxi saw that both father and son were helping Lin Qingqing to speak, and she was even more angry, but after all, she didn't say anything.

After a while, the doctor was brought over. He carefully checked Obuchi's symptoms, and then looked at Obuchi's vomit a few times, and then asked, "I just heard from you that Obuchi was eating outside. After crossing the rabbit's legs, in fact, the child's body is not as fragile as we think. It will not be too serious to eat something outside occasionally. His condition is obviously food poisoning. I just found in his vomit that he also ate it. Oranges, right?"

When Zhang Shuxi heard that Xiaoyuan was suffering from food poisoning, she was even more shocked, and said hurriedly: "The orchard sent over this year's fruit, including oranges. Xiaoyuan likes to eat oranges, so I peeled them after he came back. One for him to eat."

The doctor said: "That's right, oranges and rabbit meat are mutually resistant, which will lead to gastrointestinal disorders, but the problem is not too serious, so let me prescribe some medicine first, if Xiaoyuan eats it tomorrow Send him to the hospital if he doesn't get better, and if he gets better, then there's nothing wrong."

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor prescribed the medicine and left. Lin Qingqing hurriedly took care of Xiaoyuan and took it. He didn't know if it was the effect of the medicine, but Xiaoyuan really felt less uncomfortable.

As soon as the doctor left, Yi Zeyan said, "Since you know that Xiaoyuan's problem was not caused by Qingqing, shouldn't you apologise for wronging Qingqing just now?"

This is what Yi Zeyan said to Zhang Shuxi. Although Lin Qingqing only stayed here for a day, she could see that Yi Zeyan and Zhang Shuxi did not have a good relationship. They were clearly mother and son, but they got along very weakly.

Zhang Shuxi was blocked for a while, and she was obviously unhappy. After all, asking an elder to apologize to a junior was really a shame.

Seeing this, Lin Qingqing wanted to let it go, but Zhang Shuxi finally apologized to Lin Qingqing.

"I'm sorry, I just misunderstood you."

Lin Qingqing: "..."

Lin Qingqing was obviously frightened. It seemed that Yi Zeyan was indeed very capable, and even his powerful mother could be intimidated.

Lin Qingqing hurriedly said, "It's okay, we are all for Xiao Yuan's good."

Lin Qingqing was lying on the bed with Xiao Yuan in her arms. She planned to sleep with him tonight. If he was uncomfortable, she would take care of him.

"Mom, I'm fine, and my stomach is no longer uncomfortable." Xiao Yuan raised his head from her arms and said to her.

Lin Qingqing touched his head, his face was still a little pale, but he was afraid of her worry, and said this to comfort her, sometimes this child was so sensible that she felt distressed.

After a while, Yi Zeyan also came in. His coat was taken off. At the moment, he was only wearing a shirt and trousers. The shirt was tucked into his trousers. shape.

Lin Qingqing hurriedly looked away, she felt that she was really stunned, and now the more she looked, the more she felt that Yi Zeyan was really damn charming.

"Have you not slept yet?" Yi Zeyan asked.

Lin Qingqing didn't dare to look at him, she pressed her forehead against the child's forehead and let the child cover half of her face, "I haven't slept yet."

Unexpectedly, the little guy sat up and said, "I remember that the story that grandma told me yesterday was not finished yet. I'd better go to sleep with grandma. I want to hear her tell the story."

"Don't!" Lin Qingqing hurriedly pulled him, but she immediately realized that she was too flustered, so she pretended to be calm and said: "I will listen to grandma tomorrow, you will sleep here tonight, mother wants to sleep with you. "

The little guy frowned and looked at his father, then nodded and said, "Okay."

In fact, Lin Qingqing wanted the children by her side, but she was afraid that she and Yi Zeyan would be alone in a room and she would think wildly, and even fear that she would really do something terrible. The urge is really too strong.

But her panicked action of grabbing Xiao Yuan just now fell into Yi Zeyan's eyes as if she was deliberately guarding against him.

Did she know about him stealing her kiss last night? Impossible, she slept soundly last night.

But thinking of her resistance to him, even if she lost her memory, she was afraid that he would keep away from him, and it was not surprising that she didn't want to be alone with him.

Thinking of this, Yi Zeyan couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart. I'm afraid that in this lifetime, if he wants to hug her or kiss her, he can only do it secretly without her knowing it.

Never get close to her openly, even if she is his wife.

After taking the medicine, Xiao Yuan felt much better, no more vomiting and diarrhea, and fell asleep shortly after falling into her arms.

Yi Zeyan was sitting at the table, probably dealing with company affairs, but Lin Qingqing couldn't sleep. She didn't dare to see him, but wanted to see him again. She sneaked a glance at him, and he was caught by him. A positive.

Lin Qingqing was a little embarrassed. In order to cover up her panic, she hurriedly asked, "I heard from my mother that she carried Xiaoyuan past before, didn't she?"

Yi Zeyan's expression was a bit complicated, "Carry me over, when Xiao Yuan was just born, she forcibly took the child away while I was away."

"Not long after birth? Was it taken away in my confinement?"


I see! It's no wonder that she has a bad relationship with her mother-in-law. Women are sensitive and fragile when they are in confinement. If the child is taken away, it is almost like her life. She can now understand why she has such an attitude towards this mother-in-law. bad.

But why did she take Xiao Yuan away? ? Is it because of her bad character in the past? Judging from the current understanding, she seems to have always held a grumpy attitude towards life in the past.

If that's the case, it's really dangerous for the child to stay with her. Is that why she took Obuchi away

Lin Qingqing couldn't understand for a while, she planned to find a chance to ask her mother-in-law tomorrow.

"Later, I took the child back immediately after I found out, but you were probably stimulated by it. You always felt that the child had been left out of the bag, and you couldn't get close to the child."

"… "

"I'm sorry, but I didn't do well enough to protect your mother and son."

Yi Zeyan's tone was apologetic, and there was an unspeakable sense of loss, which formed a strong contrast with his confident and powerful aura.

"It's not your fault, and this situation is not what you want to see."

Yi Zeyan looked at her, his eyes seemed a little stunned, but he simply said: "Don't think about the past, rest early."

Lin Qingqing was in a mess at the moment, because of the child being carried away, and because of the change in her feelings about Yi Zeyan, she couldn't rest earlier.

"By the way, you... where did you sleep last night?"

Yi Zeyan's body froze imperceptibly, but his voice was still natural and calm, "I didn't sleep last night."

He was right, he really didn't sleep much last night.

Lin Qingqing felt a little lost for this answer, and thought he slept here last night.

Lin Qingqing said: "Since you didn't sleep yesterday, then you should rest early."

He couldn't rest early.

"It's okay, you and the child go to bed first."

Lin Qingqing couldn't sleep, and even she couldn't understand why she suddenly had such thoughts about Yi Zeyan. Although she had a good impression of him, she still respected him most. He was such a dignified and dignified gentleman. She felt these thoughts. It's really dirty, it's just a blasphemy to him.

Just thinking about it, Lin Qingqing lost sleepiness. Yi Zeyan was almost busy. Seeing him stand up, Lin Qingqing hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Yi Zeyan walked to the bed and sat down. Although Lin Qingqing closed her eyes, she could feel that he was looking at them. He just sat quietly for a while before he lay down, but was a little distance from them.

Although Yi Zeyan treats her well, he seems to have been keeping a distance from her on purpose, from the very beginning. So sometimes she wonders if he is good to her just because she is Obuchi's mother, and he doesn't actually have much affection for her.

The lights in the room were turned off, and the room fell into darkness. Lin Qingqing covered most of his face with a quilt, only revealing a pair of eyes, looking at him quietly. Although the light was not very bright, she could see his outline. He lay flat on the bed, and from her point of view, his face was very clear, with a full forehead, a high nose bridge, and beautifully curved lips.

He is really good looking.

He clasped his hands on the quilt, his fingers were slender, and he held the gun with an artistic beauty. Lin Qingqing thought about the time when they held hands when they first came to the Yi family. His palm was so big that it was more than enough to completely wrap her hand, and his palm was very warm.

Want to hold his hand.

She was frightened by this sudden thought, she felt shameless, and what was even more terrifying was that she didn't want to bring this shameless thought straight.

He is her husband, she can shake his hand, not to mention that she is "asleep" now, just pretend she didn't pay attention to hold it.

Lin Qingqing adjusted her breathing, pretended to do physical movements in her sleep, and put her arm around the child and put her arm forward. Probably because the room was dark, she didn't have the budget for a good distance, and her arm didn't fall on him.

Lin Qingqing was a little annoyed, and it seemed a bit deliberate to hold his hand again.

Just when Lin Qingqing was thinking about whether or not to pretend to turn over and take her hand back, she felt warm in her hand. She looked over with her eyes slightly open, but saw Yi Zeyan suddenly holding her hand with both hands, Lin Qingqing felt her whole body froze. She persuaded herself to relax immediately, for fear that he would find out that she was pretending to be asleep.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly, then lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand.

A warm, soft kiss, like a feather on the back of the hand.

Lin Qingqing only felt that his whole body was electrified, and a tingling sensation spread from the back of his hand all the way to his tailbone.

Relax, relax, don't let him find out.

Lin Qingqing felt her heart pounding, and the hand she stretched out seemed to become stiff, but he didn't seem to notice that after a kiss on the back of her hand, he carefully placed her hand in the quilt, and then Help her pull the quilt, and then help the child tuck the quilt.

His movements are very gentle, he is really a very gentle and gentle man.

She even had an urge to rush over and cuddle in his arms, and then act coquettishly at him, she wanted to experience the gentleness of this man in all aspects.

However, she didn't dare. He was afraid that he would be frightened by her abruptness, and that he would despise her because of her boldness and think she was a wretched woman.

And the strong aura on him also shocked her.

She suddenly thought that he hugged her from behind that night. At that time, she only cared about being nervous and didn't feel well. She was really annoyed now, and she should have stayed in his arms for a while with the cheeks.

This feeling is really heartburn, Lin Qingqing froze and tossed for a long time before falling asleep.

When she woke up the next day, she was alone in bed, and Yi Zeyan was standing in front of the full-length mirror arranging her shirt collar buttons. White shirts, gray-black trousers, and simple clothes give people a mature and capable feeling, but white shirts have a fresh and clean feeling.

In short, how to see how suits him, how to see how he thinks that he is charming.

Lin Qingqing just kept staring at him like this, until he realized that her eyes turned to look at her, Lin Qingqing hurriedly avoided her eyes, only to hear him say: "When did you wake up?"

Lin Qingqing adjusted her breathing before saying, "It's only been a while."

"Breakfast is ready. We almost got up to eat. After eating, we should go back."

"Go back?" Lin Qingqing didn't respond.

"Things are pretty busy here."

"… "

She's going back so soon. When she goes back, she won't be able to stay in the same room with him anymore.

Lin Qingqing's heart was filled with an unspeakable loss. She felt that she was very contradictory, and she was afraid that being alone with him would do some obscene things to him, but she felt lost when she thought of not being able to be alone with him.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the door, but Lin Qingqing was reluctant to leave him for a while.

"that… "

When Yi Zeyan put his hand on the doorknob, Lin Qingqing finally couldn't help but call out to him.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Qingqing saw him look over for a while but didn't know what to say. She was reluctant to let him go. Could she tell him directly, Yi Zeyan, I want to be alone with you for a while, and we can't be alone after we go back .

In the current situation, it seems inappropriate to say that, and she can't say it.

When Lin Qingqing saw the tie hanging on the hanger, she hurriedly said, "Aren't you wearing a tie?" She lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "That... I will tie a tie, I can help you tie it. ."

Wouldn't it be okay to tie a tie for him

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him. She clung to the sheet under her with both hands, and kept shouting in her heart, don't reject me, don't reject me! !

I'm just wearing a tie, nothing else, really!

Yi Zeyan was completely stunned. She said she was going to help him tie a tie

He almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked uncertainly, "Are you going to help me tie my tie?"

Lin Qingqing nodded.

Yi Zeyan: "..."

It was really incredible for him that she offered to help him tie a tie. Before the amnesia, she repelled him from approaching. After the amnesia, she was afraid that he would also keep a distance from him, but now she wants to help him tie it. tie

I don't know what she thought, but he doesn't have so much time to think about it now.

As long as it's not a formal occasion, Yi Zeyan doesn't like wearing a tie, it's too restrictive.

But... He subconsciously put his hands behind his back, clenched a fist with his left hand, and held his wrist tightly with his right hand. It seemed that this was the only way to make himself appear calmer.

And his face was as calm as ever, he even smiled kindly at her and said, "Okay."

Lin Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, she took the tie and walked to him, slowly approaching him, the breath of his body was coming little by little, it smelled good, strong, and belonged to Yi Zeyan.

calm down! Don't dare to knock him down, just get close to him, so Lin Qingqing, you have to calm down.

She stood in front of him, her cheeks began to heat up inexplicably, adjusted her breathing and prepared herself for a while, and then put the tie around his neck on her toes.

As he moved, his face was getting closer and closer to her. The place behind his ears and near his neck had the strongest breath that belonged to him. She could even see the pulse beating at her neck.

Lin Qingqing felt that she was about to suffocate.

He was much taller than her, and when he stood in front of her, he gave her a sense of oppression. Even if she didn't touch him, she could feel the firmness of his muscles, a tough firmness that was completely different from the softness of hers.

He is obviously so strong, so lofty, and so unattainable, but everything about him is so tempting, especially when she thinks that such a good man has his gentle side, she feels emotional.

He really fascinated her too much.

She suddenly had a strong urge, she wanted to jump on him all at once, wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, and then said to him, "Yi Zeyan, I want you to hug him."

Lin Qingqing bit her lip and wanted to cry without tears, how could she have such a brazen idea

Lin Qingqing, stay awake, you can't be so wretched. She kept scolding herself in her heart.

But it's terrible, this feeling is really strong and terrible, Lin Qingqing found that she was about to lose control of herself.