She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 23


After cleaning up, Yi Zeyan asked her, "The beach is behind the hotel, do you want to go for a walk?"

Lin Qingqing looked over carefully, but saw that he had changed into a pair of swimming trunks at some point, she hurriedly staggered her eyes and landed on the wardrobe next to her, "Are you going to swim?"

"Well, swim for a while."

When he came to Hainan Island, he naturally wanted to go to the beach, so Lin Qingqing went to the bathroom and changed into a beach dress.

The two came out one after the other, and there were not many people on the beach. I thought it was not a public area, and only some people who came to stay in the hotel.

Lin Qingqing was one step behind Yi Zeyan. Although she kept her head down, her eyes fell on his back from time to time, but she saw the muscles in his back rhythm as he moved. Very strong and powerful.

A sense of power? Lin Qingqing hurriedly shook her head, she felt that she was getting more and more helpless.

Walking to the beach, Yi Zeyan asked her, "Are you going to swim?"

Lin Qingqing shook his head, "I'll go there and wait for you, I'm afraid of getting tan."


A few parasols were set up not far away, prepared by the hotel, Lin Qingqing walked over and sat down on the reclining chair, watching Yi Zeyan walk into the sea step by step. A few young girls in their early twenties stood not far from Lin Qingqing. When Yi Zeyan walked over, she saw them pointing at him excitedly.

She looked at the man. He was tall, slender, handsome, and had an outstanding temperament. He seemed to be attracting bees. Lin Qingqing inexplicably felt a sour feeling in her heart, she felt that she was really careful.

Yi Zeyan's swimming skills were not bad, but he saw that he walked to a deeper place, jumped into the sea with agility, and plunged into the sea for a while and floated on the surface as the waves fluctuated.

Lin Qingqing felt that he was very good. She didn't know when it started, but she always felt that he was good no matter what, and even when he swam, she also thought that he was too good.

However, just as she stared at his undulating figure, she saw that the agile figure running through the waves suddenly disappeared, and Lin Qingqing waited for a while without him appearing, and she began to feel uneasy. She hurriedly ran over to check, the sea water did not pass her ankles and calves, the waves were a bit big, she dared not go any further, she looked at the empty sea and became more and more anxious.

Could it be that something happened to him? Lin Qingqing's fingers trembled involuntarily, but when she was about to call someone, she heard a deep voice behind her, "Are you looking for me?"

Her body froze suddenly, she turned her head to look, but saw Yi Zeyan standing in front of her, she was relieved.

Yi Zeyan looked at her expression, she was worried but turned from sadness to joy after seeing him. "

There was no threat or sense of compulsion. He walked over so calmly, but the aura on him forced her to retreat subconsciously. The sand under her feet was soft, she didn't step on it firmly for a while, and she was about to fall backwards.

Lin Qingqing exclaimed, but a strong arm came across to catch her body in time. He bowed slightly and hugged her to hold her steady. The sun was on top of his head, and he seemed to have a halo on him. Then for a moment, it flashed into her eyes, and she almost felt that he and the light were one.

Lin Qingqing suddenly thought of a passage from a psalm in the Bible: The Lord is my light and my salvation, who am I to be afraid of? The LORD is the fortress of my life, who am I to fear? The evildoer is my enemy, and he stumbles and falls when he comes to eat my flesh.

"Are you okay?" Yi Zeyan asked.

Lin Qingqing just came back to her senses, she noticed that she had been staring at him just now, a little embarrassed, she trimmed her ears and hair to ease her confusion, and said, "It's okay, thank you."

"Oh my God! Help my child! Help him!"

The exclamation not far away attracted the attention of the two. Lin Qingqing looked over and saw a woman in a hat stumbled and ran towards the sea. Her companion felt that something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to hold her while she ran over. In the direction of the direction, a child was swept by the waves and seemed to be crying, but the sound of the waves was so loud that his cry was drowned out.

Lin Qingqing noticed that the child was about the same age as Xiao Yuan, and the woman was dragged by someone. Seeing that the child was being rolled further and further away, she suddenly cried heartbreakingly.

Lin Qingqing became anxious when she saw it, and was about to ask Yi Zeyan what to do, but when she turned her head, she found that Yi Zeyan was gone. When she turned to look for it, she saw that Yi Zeyan was swimming towards the child at some point.

Lin Qingqing's heart was suddenly pulled. In the ups and downs of the waves, Yi Zeyan's figure appeared and disappeared from time to time. She saw him swim to the child, and then carried the child over here, but it was too far. The figure would be submerged by the waves from time to time. Every time he disappeared, Lin Qingqing felt as if his heart was being tugged by a big hand. Every time he appeared, she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he finally brought the child ashore safely. But the child was in a coma.

Yi Zeyan asked the people around, "Who will do first aid?"

There were not many people around, but they looked at each other at this time. The mother of the child had been crying for a long time, and she only cried to the people around her like a pleading: "Please, please save my child!"

At this moment, someone came out of the crowd and said to the child's mother, "Let me come, I'm a doctor."

The man knelt on the ground, began to do first aid with skill, and then performed artificial respiration. After a while, he saw the child spit out a mouthful of water, and called out weakly, "Mom."

The boy's mother breathed a sigh of relief, ran over to hug him crying, and of course didn't forget to thank Yi Zeyan and the man who saved her child.

The child's mother was afraid that there would be sequelae, so she took the child to a nearby hospital, and the others dispersed, leaving only Yi Zeyan, Lin Qingqing, and the man who had just rescued the person on the beach.

The man was wearing glasses, and his clenched brows showed a bit more seriousness. He looked at Yi Zeyan and Lin Qingqing, and seemed to hesitate, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Lin Qingqing didn't expect to meet Xiang Huayang here, nor did Yi Zeyan know about her and Xiang Huayang's past, so let's pretend they don't know each other, it's good for everyone. Lin Qingqing was about to leave with Yi Zeyan, but saw a white-haired old man being supported and walked by. Before he got close, he smiled and said, "Zeyan, are you here?"

Lin Qingqing looked over, she recognized the man who was supporting the old man at a glance, she subconsciously frowned, it turned out to be Lu Wenqian.

What a coincidence, you can also meet Lu Wenqian when you come to Hainan Island.

Yi Zeyan smiled at the old man and greeted, "Long time no see Uncle, how are you?"

The old man said: "There is an old bone, and there is no good or bad."

Yi Zeyan introduced to Lin Qingqing: "This is Ying Lao, Wenqian's uncle, we are also called uncle."

"Hello, uncle."

Ying Lao was also very kind, and said hurriedly: "Okay, I haven't seen Qingqing for a long time." He pulled Xiang Huayang to his side and introduced them to the two, "This is my personal doctor, Xiang Huayang. Huayang, despite his young age, he is well-known in the medical field."

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but wonder when she heard this, isn't Xiang Huayang working in the hospital in Beicheng? Why did you come to Hainan to be a private doctor again

But she didn't think much about it, and politely nodded to Xiang Huayang as a greeting.

"It's rare to meet you here, Zeyan, will you bring Qingqing to my room for dinner later?"

"I'll pass if I have time."

After a brief chat with Ying Lao, Yi Zeyan left with Lin Qingqing. Back in the room, Lin Qingqing asked him, "Are you really going to eat?"

"You don't want to go?"

"I do not mind."

"Let's go then." He said while looking for a change of clothes. "Sometimes human affairs have to be dealt with even if they are disgusting."

Lin Qingqing: "..."

Yi Zeyan went to take a shower and put on clothes. Lin Qingqing was almost ready. Fortunately, she prepared a small dress.

After a while, someone came and knocked on the door, saying that they were invited to the couple for dinner as instructed by Mr. Ying.

Unlike their room, the design is relatively small and fresh, but Mr. Ying's suite is resplendent, showing pride everywhere. Besides Ying Lao, Lu Wenqian and Xiang Huayang were also there.

Lin Qingqing followed Yi Zeyan into the seat, and Mr. Ying said to Lu Wenqian, "Pour wine for Zeyan and Qingqing soon."

Lu Wenqian didn't say a word. She got up and took the red wine bottles and poured them to Yi Zeyan and Lin Qingqing respectively. ."

Lin Qingqing was surprised by Lu Wenqian's performance. Judging from her relationship with Lu Wenqian in the past, she would never have a good face for her, and she didn't know if Lin Qingqing was mentally dark. She always felt that this meal might be a Hongmen banquet. .

Yi Zeyan and Ying Lao started to talk about business matters. Ying Lao seemed to value Yi Zeyan very much, and talking to him was not like the attitude of elders to younger ones. Only then did Lin Qingqing know that this hotel was invested by Ying Lao, and it is no wonder that he appeared here, and Ying Lao and Yi Zeyan can be regarded as a kind of cooperative relationship. A hotel, this wine is quite famous in the world, and many people come for this wine when they choose a hotel, so the cooperation between the two is a win-win strategy.

Lin Qingqing didn't have much to say, she only cared about eating, she just wanted to finish the meal quickly.

"I think it's very strange, Qingqing, don't you and Xiang Huayang know each other? Why do you pretend that you don't know each other and don't even say hello."

Lu Wenqian's sudden words made Lin Qingqing unable to be another invisible person. Lu Wenqian was sitting opposite her. She looked over, but saw her brows raised and a mocking smile on her face.

Sure enough, her worries were not unreasonable.

Hearing Lu Wenqian's words, Ying Lao and Yi Zeyan also stopped talking, Ying Lao looked surprised: "Qingqing and Doctor Xiang know each other?"

Before Lin Qingqing could answer, Lu Wenqian said, "Of course I know, the two of them used to be lovers! I also heard that Qingqing kicked Dr. Xiang in order to get along with Zeyan, but unfortunately Dr. Xiang's infatuation ended. but was betrayed.”

When Ying Lao heard this, he was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Yi Zeyan subconsciously, but saw no change in his complexion. Ying Lao seemed to have heard nothing and said, "Go help me deliver Stan to Stan. Bring the bottle of red wine."

Ying Lao deliberately pushed Lu Wenqian away, obviously because he didn't want her to continue this topic. However, Lu Wenqian pretended not to understand, and asked the hotel attendant to get it. She folded her arms around her chest and said to Lin Qingqing in a lazy, chatting tone: "Now that you see Doctor Xiang, you shouldn't be the same as back then. Do you apologize for seeing Caiqi abandoning him?"

"Wenqian!" Ying Lao shouted sharply, "If you can't drink enough, drink less, what are you talking about drunk!?" After that, he laughed and said to Yi Zeyan and Lin Qingqing, "This is how this child is, he has been used to it since he was a child. broken."

Yi Zeyan lowered his head and cut the steak, and smiled helplessly: "Wenqian can't even control my mother now, and now that her father is gone, she still listens to what Ying Lao said among the elders. Ying Lao should take the time to say a few more words to her, otherwise she won't hold back her temper, or she will be killed."

His words were like small talk and had a half-joking sense, but Ying Lao couldn't help but change his face when he heard this, but Lu Wenqian was completely unmoved, and even sneered: "Where did I say wrong? Now, isn't it true that Lin Qingqing abandoned the infatuation with Doctor Xiang in order to hug your thigh? She is so vain, and when she sees the lover she has been betrayed by, she doesn't apologize, even pretending not to know her, she will be so ruthless To her former lover, maybe she will be ruthless to you, I'm helping you recognize the person next to you, you don't thank me, but you say these words, is it interesting?"

Lin Qingqing, who had never spoken, looked at Xiang Huayang. He sat upright, holding a knife and fork in his hands, but he didn't move for a long time. His expression was a little dignified, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Qingqing endured her anger and asked him in a calm tone as much as possible: "Did you tell Lu Wenqian these words?"

Xiang Huayang seemed to have been stabbed, and suddenly looked at her, he looked a little injured, but he quickly turned his head away, and said with a stern face: "I broke up with Qingqing because I cheated, and I broke up with Qingqing. Qingqing has nothing to do."

Lu Wenqian was not happy when she heard it, and said with an angry face, "Why are you still talking for her at this time?"

Xiang Huayang was also angry, put the knife and fork heavily, and made a crisp sound, "What I said is the truth, it was I who betrayed her back then."

Lu Wenqian wanted to say more, but Mr. Ying stopped him coldly: "Enough! Don't hurry up and apologize!"

Lu Wenqian gave Lin Qingqing a cold look, asking her to apologize, impossible! This is not Yijia! She snorted coldly, threw the knife and fork on the table, turned and left without saying hello.

"You!" Ying Lao was also pissed off by her, his brows furrowed, and then he apologized to the people present and greeted them for dinner.

It was probably to give Ying Lao face, but after that, everyone finished the meal in peace.

Lin Qingqing went back to the room and sat down on the sofa, poured herself a glass of water and poured it down. She felt irritated when the matter between her and Xiang Huayang was brought up like this, especially in front of Yi Zeyan.

Yi Zeyan sat down next to her and kept a distance from her. He took the cup, poured water into it slowly, and asked her like a small talk, "Do you still love him?"

Lin Qingqing didn't expect that he would suddenly ask her this question. She didn't even need to think about who the "he" he was talking about was. She answered almost without thinking, "Of course I don't love her anymore. It's been a long time."

He held the cup with his slender fingers and took a sip to his lips, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was still as natural as a small talk, "I don't love it now, but I used to love it, right?"

Clearly tentative tone.

Lin Qingqing also didn't understand why he suddenly became interested in her and Xiang Huayang's past, right? How does this make her answer

But he was reluctant, his eyes fixed on her face, "Answer me."

When Lin Qingqing touched his gaze, she hurriedly moved away as if she had been stabbed. Her hands on the sofa were slowly clenched. Under his gaze, she didn't even have the courage to lie, and in the end she couldn't stand his gaze. She nodded.

He didn't speak, and she lowered her head, but she didn't see that his fingers holding the cup suddenly tightened, so tight that the back of his hand seemed to have blue veins protruding.


Lin Qingqing was so embarrassed, her fingers tightened, she couldn't answer his question at all.

"It's ridiculous." He chuckled. "As your husband, you never kissed me."

Lin Qingqing felt that his tone sounded a bit strange, she couldn't help but look up, only to see that he was holding the cup with his fingers and watching, the small teacup was rotated by his slender fingers, and he couldn't tell how beautiful it was.

It was an understatement, but Lin Qingqing could hear a hint of resentment in it.

She couldn't imagine that such words would come out of Yi Zeyan's mouth. He always gave her the feeling that he was a mature, stable and informal person, the kind of person who was cautious, jealous, caring about her past, and completely inconsistent with him.

But he did say so.

As your husband, you haven't kissed me either.

As if to blame her.

The light was a little dim, but his profile was indescribably beautiful in such light. Casual, unbuttoned two-button shirt, well-cut trousers, his legs are trimmed to be long and nice, and he sits beside her, exuding a masculine look all over his body Hormonal taste.

Such a seductive man is complaining that she has not kissed him.

Her heartbeat began to speed up inexplicably, and she felt her fingertips tremble, because she was about to lose control of the words that flowed to her mouth, but she still couldn't control it in the end.

She asked him, "How about I make up for it?"

It seemed easy to ask, but her voice was trembling.

He suddenly turned to look at her, his eyes sharp, like a falcon.

Lin Qingqing was startled, and almost blurted out that he was joking, but he didn't want the corners of his mouth to curve slowly, a smile on his face, "Okay."

"… "

The dim environment seemed to breed an ambiguity, and being enveloped by this ambiguity, Lin Qingqing felt that she was about to suffocate.

He was right in front of her, and what she was thinking about, but the man who could only secretly wipe his oil, suddenly made it clear that he wanted to kiss him, and she was even more nervous than sneaking.

But who knows if there is still such a chance, in a room with only two people, the lighting is just right, the ambiguity is just right, and he is right in front of him.

He also promised to be kissed by her.

She swallowed and moved to him little by little.

Yi Zeyan was still holding the cup so leisurely, but as she approached, his fingers tightened a little bit.

Lin Qingqing felt that her heartbeat was so fast that it didn't feel like her own. His lips were getting closer, and the closer they were, it was more of a temptation for her.

When the distance was about an inch, she closed her eyes and leaned in suddenly, his lips were very soft and warm, she frowned tightly, she couldn't help it, she held his lips gently Take a sip.

Like being electrocuted, countless fireworks exploded at the same time.

Just sucking like this was like killing her. When she let go and sat back down, she only felt that she was collapsed.

She looked at Yi Zeyan, but saw that he was frowning, his eyes were fixed on her, but his deep eyes seemed to reveal a bit of disbelief, Lin Qingqing only felt that one face was about to burn, she rubbed herself With an embarrassingly hot face, he smiled embarrassedly, "That... kiss is not good, no... no experience."

Yi Zeyan just woke up like a dream, and subconsciously put the cup to his lips, but when he put it to his lips, he realized that the water in the cup was already cold, but in order not to make himself appear panicked and stupid, he swallowed a mouthful of cold water completely. He went down, then put the cup down. When he put it down, he found that his fingers were shaking. He clenched and relaxed and moved his hand joints. When he looked at her again, his expression was still calm, even with a smile.

"Do you need me to teach you?" In a simple and serious tone as if trying to teach her to write and draw.


teach her? Contacting what she just said, what he wants to teach her is self-evident.

He was going to teach her to kiss.

Lin Qingqing felt that her heart was about to jump out, she urgently needed to go out to catch her breath, and urgently needed to stay away from this man, otherwise she felt that she might suffocate to death.

However, after being silent for less than three seconds, she replied generously: "Okay." In a calm tone as if agreeing with him to teach him to write and draw.

Yi Zeyan didn't move, his body seemed to be frozen, and the smile on his face was a little less. Seeing this, Lin Qingqing couldn't help but wonder if he was joking.

But it was like a crossbow that was suddenly loaded with a machine. He suddenly leaned over and hugged her up by the waist. Before she could exclaim, his lips pressed against hers.

The hot and soft lips were like a powerful curse, and she closed her eyes in shock, she didn't know what to do except to close them.

His lips were tossing and twirling on hers, and his breath came in. He had just drank a little red wine, and he went out to smoke a cigarette in the middle. The aroma of alcohol and tobacco was really good.

What's more terrifying is that after tossing and turning for a few times, his tongue squeezed her teeth and thrust in tyrannically.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were tightly closed, her head was already dead, she didn't know what to do at all, so he let him plunder her fiercely and roughly.

She didn't know how long it took him to finally let her go, but she found herself lying in his arms at some point, he put his arms around her and looked at her from top to bottom.

The development of things was completely beyond Lin Qingqing's expectations. All this was like a dream, an unrealistic dream, she actually kissed Yi Zeyan.

So what should she do next? Why don't you pretend to be calm and say, "You teach well!" and get up from his arms with interest.

But she didn't want to get up, this was the embrace she had been thinking about for a long time, how could she be willing to get up? She wanted to hang on and not go, and kept on sticking.

She was so deadly in his arms, looking at his eyes nervously.

His eyes are a little blurred, with scarlet, looking terrible, but there is a kind of sinister charm, so focused, so focused, as if time can't see everything, he can only see her in his eyes, he is watching She lowered her head and kissed her lips softly, not as intense as before. He kissed her gently, lingeringly, and then kissed her forehead, from forehead to cheek, and then to the tip of her nose.

A very tender and tender kiss, the kind of tenderness that will melt people's hearts.

Lin Qingqing found that she couldn't do anything, her body was unbelievably soft, and even her fingertips were numb. All around is his breath, which is intoxicating and belongs to Yi Zeyan.