She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 38


Lu Xiuyuan was still approaching step by step.

She heard what he was saying.

"I'm sorry, I don't want this either, but Wenqian is my sister, and I want to help her get everything she wants."

The brain hurts so much that she can't relieve it after hitting it several times. It was probably too uncomfortable, and she finally slammed it hard, she only felt dizzy for a while, and then she didn't know anything.

Lu Xiuyuan was dumbfounded when he looked at Lin Qingqing, who was lying on the ground covered in blood. He didn't expect things would turn out like this. Qianwen told him that she wanted Yi Zeyan to know that Lin Qingqing was a rambunctious woman so she hated her, and begged him for help.

He felt that this plan was too risky and stupid. If he didn't pay attention, he would put himself in it, but if the plan was successful, they would earn a lot. Wenqian could get Yi Zeyan, and he could get her.

Even if he couldn't get it, he felt it was worth sleeping together for a moment.

When he saw her for the first time a few years ago, he was attracted to her. Later, he went to Wenqian. She was there at the time. Her eyes were cold that day, giving people a feeling of being unattainable and unattainable. There was a kind of beauty in her every move, and he couldn't forget her ever since.

This plan is very risky and the stakes are high. He has always been cautious and would never consider it, but the temptation of the plan is really too big for him.

People say that there is a knife on the head of the word color, but it can also be understood that if you want to get a beauty, you need to take risks.

But Lu Xiuyuan didn't expect things to get to this point at all.

Qianwen sprayed him with pheromones and mandala, which had an aphrodisiac effect on women. He didn't expect her to have such a strong temperament and would rather self-harm than stay awake.

The blood on her head fell to the ground, and Lu Xiuyuan looked at the scarlet, dazzling blood before he came back to his senses. He wanted to get her, but he didn't want her to die.

Lu Xiuyuan took off his coat and stuffed it into the closet. Then he picked her up and walked across the yard back to the mansion where the Yi family lived. The housekeeper was shocked when he saw this, so shocked that he couldn't say a word. Lu Xiuyuan kept calm and ordered. She went to get the medicine cabinet and called.

The housekeeper hurriedly brought the medicine box. Lu Xiuyuan simply stopped the bleeding for her. The driver drove her over. He carried her into the car and took her to a nearby hospital. This hospital was also invested and repaired by the Yi family. one.

After Yi Zeyan got the news, he rushed to the hospital. She was still in a coma. Seeing her lying on the bed with drips, he only felt as if a thunderbolt hit his heavenly cover, and he froze. , it took a while to recover.

"How is she?"

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and said cautiously, "Did Mrs. Yi hurt her head before?"

"I was hurt, but it wasn't serious."

The doctor added: "Although it is not serious, it also left sequelae. Although this time it was only a slight concussion, but because of the sequelae, it has been in a coma."

"When will she wake up?"

The doctor wiped his sweat again and carefully selected each word, "I'm not sure, but I think it's very strange." The doctor walked to the EEG and pointed, "Look, sir, it stands to reason that if you are caught in a In a coma, the amplitude of brain waves does not fluctuate so obviously, but Mrs. Yi's brain waves fluctuate significantly, which shows that her brain is very active at this time, and she is probably unconscious because she does not want to wake up."

After the doctor finished speaking, he carefully paid attention to his expression, but he didn't think that the young, promising, and always steady and confident CEO's expression was a bit dazed at the moment. Do she wake up?"

The doctor sighed and said, "You can talk to her more often, call her by her name more often, and let her know that someone still remembers her."

Yi Zeyan didn't speak, the doctor sighed silently and went out.

The two brothers and sisters of the Lu family lived next door to the Yi family. There was only a wall separated by an archway on the wall to facilitate the communication between the two brothers and sisters.

At this moment, Lu Wenqian at home was a little uneasy. She received a call from Lu Xiuyuan immediately, and he told her that the plan had failed. Lu Wenqian didn't expect Lin Qingqing to be so cruel to herself. She banged her head against the wall and would rather die than give in.

At this moment, Lu Wenqian was pacing anxiously in the room until Lu Xiuyuan pushed the door and came in. Seeing him, Lu Wenqian quickly asked, "How is it? Yi Zeyan didn't doubt you, did he?"

The plan has failed, but Yi Zeyan can no longer doubt them.

"I only told them that Qingqing fainted in her father's piano room. When I went in, I saw her lying on the ground. When I took her back, I took off her coat, and no one would suspect anything."

Lu Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief, but the two brothers and sisters still did not relax completely. They planned to try again, so in the evening they went to Yi's house for the reason of asking about Lin Qingqing's situation, and stayed there for a meal. meal.

Neither Yi Zeyan nor Zhang Shuxi said anything at the dinner table, but their expressions were not very good. They were normal worries about their relatives being unconscious, and there was nothing else.

It seems that they really did not suspect them. The two brothers and sisters breathed a sigh of relief.

At night, Yi Zeyan couldn't sleep. He took a bottle of red wine and went upstairs to drink. After a while, he heard footsteps behind him. He knew it was Lu Wenqian, so he didn't look back.

Lu Wenqian stepped forward and stood beside him. She crossed her chest and looked at him a few times. He was wearing a black shirt and black trousers. , he is so present that nothing can hide his light.

A gust of wind blew, bringing the coldness of winter, and he stood there in thin clothes, seemingly unaware of the coldness of winter.

Lu Wenqian looked away and said with a smile: "Your petite wife is unconscious in the ward, and you still have the heart to drink here. It seems that you don't care about her very much..."

Yi Zeyan didn't even look at her, his eyes were fixed on the front, the night obscured his expression, coupled with the strong aura on his body, his expression showed a deep expression.

"It's none of your business," he said bluntly.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip. His fingers were slender, and the posture of dragging the wine glass was very pleasing to the eyes. After drinking, he lowered his head and put the wine glass aside.

Although this man is ruthless enough to her, he has to admit that he is really charming, so that sometimes his coldness becomes a manifestation of charm.

What's more, Lu Wenqian knew very well that he was so indifferent to her only because of her father. He deliberately treated her like this to get revenge on her father, or that he was so cruel to her just to soothe his own heart.

She felt that he didn't really want to do this to her.

So sometimes he deliberately treats her coldly. Although she feels uncomfortable, she just wants to go upstream. The more he treats her coldly, the more she wants to oppose him.

At this moment, she disapproved of his expression that no strangers should enter, and said: "Yes, but she is a woman who is kept by her side like a pet, and she is only to soothe her loneliness, even if she really dies. Now, you won't be sad for too long." She leaned closer and smiled, "I know you best, Yi Zeyan, the only person you love the most is yourself."

Yi Zeyan had put the wine glass on the guardrail on the right hand side after drinking, and Lu Wenqian happened to be standing on his right. At this moment, she suddenly approached, he frowned and moved the wine glass to the left.

Seeing this, Lu Wenqian sneered. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, she picked up the wine glass. Yi Zeyan frowned, her face cold.

The word "dirty" obviously stabbed Lu Wenqian. She picked his chin at him and drank all the wine in the glass. She held the glass with the mouth down and said slowly, "I'll just drink yours. Why be so stingy, it's just a glass of wine."

Yi Zeyan's face became more and more gloomy, "It seems that you don't want to go back today, you know, I'm in a bad mood right now."

Looking at Yi Zeyan's expression, Lu Wenqian was also a little uneasy. Over the years, she has feared, hated, and loved Yi Zeyan. As long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, she can test outside the bottom line at will.

She also knew very well that she really annoyed him, and she could only walk around without food.

Lu Wenqian closed it when she saw it, she took a step back and spread her hands at him and said, "It's really boring, just make fun of you and be so serious, can't I do it?"

Yi Zeyan didn't answer, but suddenly glanced at his watch, and then he smiled, very lightly, but with a gloomy, creepy feeling.

"It's almost time, let's go see your brother together."

Lu Wenqian has no idea why he suddenly said this.

After Yi Zeyan finished speaking, she left. Lu Wenqian hurriedly followed and passed through the arch on the wall. He went to the place where their brother and sister lived. Lu Wenqian suddenly had a bad premonition.

The two brothers and sisters lived in a two-story villa. As soon as they entered the arch, they saw that the door of the villa was wide open, and there were many people standing outside the door. These people Lu Wenqian knew were all Yi Zeyan's capable leaders. He would take them with him to keep him safe when he was out of the house.

However, these people usually do not appear.

The bad premonition became stronger and stronger. Lu Wenqian followed Yi Zeyan and entered the door. She saw her brother who was tied to the chair.

She was in a hurry and asked Yi Zeyan, "What are you doing, Yi Zeyan? Why do you have my brother tied up? I'll go to my aunt to judge."

As she spoke, she walked to the door, but there were two people at the door blocking her and she couldn't get out at all. Lu Wenqian was anxious and angry, she said coldly to Yi Zeyan: "What are you crazy about? , why do you want to tie my brother? Have you forgotten the promise you and your aunt made to my father? Don't you forget that there are many people from my father in the winery! If something happened to our brothers and sisters , you won't get any good."

Yi Zeyan slowly took out a cigarette and lit it. He didn't even look at her, and said in a light tone: "Now that Yicheng Group has been listed, it is no longer the winery in your father's hands. The factory put into use AI, and even many of my people will be eliminated, not to mention your father's people. Your father thought he left me a stumbling block, but he probably didn't expect the world to change so fast, he Those stumbling blocks left behind have no meaning to me. It is because there is no threat that you brothers and sisters can live well. Anyway, the Yi family is not short of money to support two idlers. Otherwise, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me? ?"

Lu Wenqian's face turned blue and red, she suppressed her anger a little and said to Yi Zeyan, "Since our brothers and sisters didn't threaten you, why did you let me bind my brother?"

In the smoke, his complexion seemed to become blurred, "Why do you know why I do this, do you really think I don't know anything?"

Lu Wenqian only felt as if she had been hacked by thunder. Could it be that Yi Zeyan already knew that Lin Qingqing's accident was caused by their brother and sister, but that's not right. How could he find out that his brother did it so secretly

Yi Zeyan's words continued, "You know, I've always held grudges, and it's easy to say if I don't offend me, but offend me..." He looked at her, his sharp eyes fell on her through the smoke, "I It must be doubled back.”

I don't know if it was because his eyes were too sharp, Lu Wenqian was shocked by him and took a step back, and then she quickly realized that something was wrong with her.

It was very hot, very strangely hot, and my body seemed to be hot all of a sudden.

This strangeness came too suddenly, Lu Wenqian only felt that her legs were weak, and the heat was burning on her body, making her more and more uncomfortable.

Lu Xiuyuan naturally also saw that something was wrong with his sister. He was tied and couldn't move. Seeing her sister was uncomfortable, he struggled and said to Yi Zeyan with an angry face, "What did you do to her?"

Yi Zeyan put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, put his hands in his pockets, his eyes swept across the faces of his brother and sister, he lowered his head and smiled inexplicably, "You keep saying that you know me, what do you know about me? How much? If you really knew me, would you still drink that glass of wine?"

After being reminded by him, Lu Wenqian woke up instantly. She looked at him in disbelief, "Is there something wrong with the wine? What did you put in the wine?" She shook her head after speaking, "No, you also drank it. "

He drank, but he was still standing there.

"It's just a trick, it's just an act of drinking, and the light is not good. Did you really see me drinking?"

Lu Wenqian was furious for a while, and couldn't help scolding: "Yi Zeyan, you bastard! What did you drink for me?"

He glanced at her lightly with a smile and said, "What you said is wrong. What did I drink for you? The wine is clearly what you want to drink."

"… "

With her body on fire and her heart on fire, she felt extremely uncomfortable, but he stood there calmly. Yes, it was she who saw him standing upstairs and couldn't help but go upstairs to look for him. It was she who saw him disgusting her, so she decided to fight against him and drink the wine he had drunk. She liked it since she was a child. Oppose him like this, you see, he knows more about her and guides her into his trap step by step.

But does she know him? She had never really understood him, why such a polite, well-behaved and sensible person from a young age suddenly started killing, and even drove her father to a dead end.

She had never really understood him, knew that he would never be soft-hearted when he was ruthless, but she had never really understood his ruthlessness.

"I've always been good at this kind of thing, you know." He ordered people to untie Lu Xiuyuan, elegantly, as if saying that the weather is very good today in a relaxed and natural tone Said: "The night is very long, enjoy it, and let your brother see what you are swinging like, I think it will be wonderful."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out. Seeing this, Lu Wenqian hurriedly came back to his senses and said to him with a look of horror, "Yi Zeyan, you can't do this!"

But before she could reach the door, the door was re-closed.

Lu Wenqian slammed on the door and screamed hoarsely, as if she was going crazy, "Yi Zeyan, let me out! You scum, you pervert! Let me out!" She was probably feeling more and more uncomfortable. Her voice became more and more panicked, "Yi Zeyan, please open the door quickly, please, I will never dare again."

But Yi Zeyan didn't seem to hear it. The person who rushed outside the door said, "Guard the door and window, and don't let them out until dawn."

The few people who were guarding the door should be in unison, so Yi Zeyan left with confidence.

After walking far, I could still hear Lu Wenqian's piercing cry.

"Yi Zeyan, you killed me! Yi Zeyan, you killed me!"

Yi Zeyan came to the hospital bed. He didn't turn on the lights. There was only a faint light from the bed's instruments in the room. A chair was placed beside the bed. He walked over and sat down, staring at the person lying on the bed in a daze.

Why is this happening all of a sudden

Mingming was fine yesterday, she still hugged him and was reluctant to let him go, and she was still coquettish to him a moment ago.

But why is it lying there motionless in a blink of an eye

Staring at him, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally got married to her, but she didn't love him, finally she loved him, but she was in a coma, is he really a lonely star, destined to be lonely forever


Lu Xiuyuan opened the window of the room and let in fresh air, finally making the ambiguous and suffocating smell in the room a little lighter.

Lu Wenqian was sitting on the ground. She was wearing only a thin skirt. She hugged her thighs with her hands, and buried her face in her knees, crying. She has been in this position since she woke up. It has been a long time.

Lu Xiuyuan looked distressed, but he didn't dare to approach. He sat down on the bed and said to her, "It's cold on the ground, get up first!"

She didn't answer, still sobbing softly.

"If you don't want to see me, I'll leave in a moment."

She still didn't answer.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly slammed open with force, and Lu Xiuyuan was startled, and Lu Wenqian, who was squatting on the ground and crying, finally looked up at the door.

A group of people came in from outside the door, and the one headed was Yi Zeyan. Seeing Yi Zeyan, Lu Xiuyuan remembered all the humiliation yesterday, and his anger ignited. He jumped up suddenly and rushed at him, shouting, "Yi Zeyan, you bastard, I will kill you. !"

However, before he could get close, he was subdued by the bodyguards behind Yi Zeyan.

Yi Zeyan swept across the siblings' faces expressionlessly, and said with a sneer, "Looking at your expressions, do you think I've gone too far?"

Lu Xiuyuan struggled, but he couldn't, and said angrily, "What else do you want?"

Yi Zeyan put his hands in his pockets, looked at him at his leisure, and said, "Do you want your sister to live well?"

"What do you mean?"

Yi Zeyan lowered his head and smiled, "You can live well if you want her, I won't do anything to her, but I don't want to see you again, what should you do?"

"Enough of you, Yi Zeyan!" Lu Wenqian stood up and said to him with an angry face, "You already punished me and my brother like this, what do you want?!"

"Do you think this is enough? No... This is far from enough." He paced a few steps lazily before stopping, "This is just a deal, it's up to you to abide by it or not."

"What will you do if you don't obey?" It was Lu Xiuyuan who asked.

Yi Zeyan didn't say anything, just glanced meaningfully at Lu Wenqian, Lu Xiuyuan was not stupid, he understood what he meant and wanted Lu Wenqian to be safe, then he had to do as he said, just as he wanted To get rid of his father, but he didn't want to do it himself, just like now, forcing his father and letting him choose.

Lu Xiuyuan bit his teeth tightly, he glanced at Lu Wenqian, he was very reluctant, but he had no choice.

"I promise you, where do you want me to go?"

"You choose where you want to go. Of course, you can also choose to end yourself like your father, but I don't want to see you again, so if you want to live, you'd better stay away and never show up again in this life. ."

Lu Xiuyuan closed his eyes and clenched his hands beside him into fists. After a long time, he took a deep breath, then turned to look at Lu Wenqian, he smiled bitterly, "Take care of yourself."

"No!" Lu Wenqian said almost immediately, her eyes were red, she was always helpless when facing her brother, relying on his little girl, "Brother don't go."

For her to live well, he can't leave.

After all, he still didn't say anything, looked at her for the last time with complicated eyes, then turned and walked towards the door. Lu Wenqian ran over and tried to hold him, but someone had already subdued her one step ahead of her.

"Brother, brother!"

She called him from behind, and Lu Xiuyuan's body froze for a moment, but in the end he didn't look back, and soon the figure disappeared outside the door.

As Lu Xiuyuan disappeared, Lu Wenqian suddenly let out a scream, angry and painful. She stared at Yi Zeyan with red eyes, "What do you want to do to my brother? I am the one who made the idea, and the one who wants to hurt Lin Qingqing is me. You come at me with everything, why do you want to hurt my brother?"

Yi Zeyan looked at her with a half-smile, but his eyes were cold, without the slightest pity, "I know it was you who came up with the idea, so the one I punish is also you, is it more painful for you or your brother?"

Lu Wenqian really wanted to rush to fight him desperately, but someone restrained her, she couldn't move at all, "Yi Zeyan, how can you be so ruthless, how can you be so ruthless?!" She yelled at him hoarsely.

When Yi Zeyan heard this, his face turned cold in an instant, he looked at her coldly and said, "Qingqing is still lying in a coma in the hospital, tell me who is cruel? I remember that I once I warned you not to provoke her, and I already gave you a chance at that time."

"… "

"Your brother left because of you, so feel guilty and suffer. It's best to spend your whole life in this kind of heart-wrenching pain."

"Also..." He flicked on his watch slowly, "Yi's house is no longer your shelter, pack up and get out of Yi's house before tonight, but I want to remind you, your My uncle has already chosen Mingzhe to protect his life and gave up your two siblings, so it's best not to go to him, so as not to be kicked out of the house by your own uncle." He narrowed his eyes, looking at her meaningfully, and said: " I remember your father offended a lot of people back then. In the past, with your uncle and the Yi family, you two brothers and sisters were safe and sound. Now these two protective umbrellas are gone, and your brother has disappeared without a trace. You can get it after you go out. Be careful."

After he finished speaking, he turned away without any reluctance, and the person who grabbed Lu Wenqian also let go, but Lu Wenqian fell to the ground as if all her strength was exhausted.

However, after walking a few steps, I heard a crackling sound from the room, as well as Lu Wenqian's heart-wrenching roar.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled coldly.