She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 42


The wedding room Yi Zeyan bought was near his sister's house, and it was close enough for the two of them to communicate.

After Lin Qingqing moved into the marriage room, she was not so free in her actions, because as soon as she went out, two bodyguards would follow her. For this reason, Lin Qingqing did not object too much. After all, the worth of Yi Zeyan's children was calculated in billions. , He also understands that he has two bodyguards follow to protect her.

The days of raising a baby were a bit boring, but fortunately, my sister came to accompany her from time to time. Yi Zeyan was usually very busy with work and was away from home most of the time, but he always came to see her first when he came back.

But Lin Qingqing didn't want to be too close to him. On the day she moved into his wedding room, when he first went to her room to see her, she said to him rudely, "You don't need to ask me where I live. I’m not used to it, whether I’m uncomfortable and need something. I’m still used to it, and I’m not uncomfortable. I’ll tell the maid what I need. You can just do your own thing in the future, don’t worry about it. I."

At that time, she was sitting on the bed, flipping through the magazine in her hand, without even looking at him. He stood by the bed with his hands in his pockets and asked her, "Why can't I ask? You are my wife now, and I should care about you as well."

Lin Qingqing threw the magazine aside and looked at him, but the man's aura was too strong, and she didn't dare to look at him, so she looked away slightly and said, "I remember I told you that I thought about the past and What happened to you makes me sick, so you better stay away from me, we got married just for this child and nothing else."

Her words didn't make him angry, but his face was obviously gloomy. He smiled and said with a self-deprecating smile, "I'm so sorry."

Lin Qingqing thought he was sorry for what happened at that time, she didn't speak.

He only heard him say again: "I'm so sorry to make you feel sick just thinking about me, but my mother made me look like this, which I can't change."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving only her and the dull silence of the room.

Lin Qingqing felt that she was going to be a bad person. Except for the sister she cared about most, she should no longer have compassion for anyone. The bad experience of being kind and not rewarding has already exhausted her. It was going to be divorced, so she didn't want to have any relationship with him, it would be better to tear her face off from the beginning. But inexplicably, when she heard what he just said, she only felt a pain in her heart, and there was an indescribable sadness.

But she quickly put the sadness behind her, there was nothing to be sad about, he was just an irrelevant person, so be it.

After that, he still came to see her from time to time, but he deliberately kept a distance from her, asked her about her condition, asked her if she was used to it, and if he went on a business trip, he would definitely bring her back with gifts, delicious ,Fun. She also buys new clothes and bags for her every quarter, but Lin Qingqing never cares about it. She also throws away the things he gave her, and she doesn't ask if she doesn't look at it or eat it.

He knows her attitude, but he still buys it often.

As the days passed slowly, Lin Qingqing found that her mentality was also changing a little bit.

At first, she just wanted to give birth and go back to school as soon as possible, but as her stomach grew bigger day by day, she found that she had a strange feeling for this child, and she became more and more reluctant to give up. After he parted with him, she would be so sad that she couldn't tell, and sometimes she would be so sad that she couldn't sleep, and even shed tears.

She felt that she was being hypocritical, but she couldn't help it. She didn't know why she was like this. This feeling was like an instinct, and she couldn't control it at all.

With so much anxiety, the delivery period finally arrived.

Lin Qingqing was sent to the hospital a few days ahead of schedule. A few days before the due date, Yi Zeyan turned off all her work to accompany her in the hospital. Lin Qingqing gave birth one day earlier than her due date. Fortunately, the doctor was always on call.

I don't know if it's because of Lin Qingqing's regular exercise, her physical fitness is not bad, the delivery went smoothly, and she didn't suffer too much.

However, she was still very tired, and giving birth to a whole person felt like she was collapsed. Yi Zeyan came over and asked her, "How is it, are you alright?"

"Where is the child?"

"The child was carried to wash. If you are tired, you should sleep for a while."

Lin Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief and fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up again, she opened her eyes and saw the powder ball wrapped in soft swaddling in her arms.

Pink and tender, a small ball, sleeping with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, when Lin Qingqing saw him, she felt her whole heart softened into a ball of cotton, she carefully picked him up, her eyes fixed on him. Looking at him for a long time, she suddenly laughed, very happy, as if she suddenly had the best thing in the world.

"Baby? Are you my baby?"

I really can't believe it, this cute little thing was born by her, he is really cute, so fragile, the kind of vulnerability that needs to be protected by someone, she really wants to turn herself into a hard armor and hold him in prison. Securely protect.

The little powder dumpling lying in the swaddling clothes suddenly opened his eyes, and he didn't know if it was a new born relationship. His eyes were a little swollen, so he looked at her with a pair of empty eyes.

When Lin Qingqing saw him like this, he felt that his heart was about to melt.

But he just looked at her like this for a while, and suddenly his mouth was deflated and started to cry. Lin Qingqing panicked and didn't know what was wrong with him, but watching him cry, her heart twisted together, but the inexperienced She panicked and didn't know what to do.

"He's probably hungry and needs to feed him."

Yi Zeyan didn't know when he appeared behind him, and suddenly reminded him. After he finished speaking, he wanted to come over to hold the baby to breastfeed, but he didn't expect to see her suddenly lift her clothes before she could reach out, and then put the milk into the baby's mouth.

Yi Zeyan's body froze, and then he turned his head silently.

The little guy was really hungry. As soon as the milk arrived, he stopped crying and drank it.

Lin Qingqing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said gently, "Drink slowly."

Because it was a natural birth, Lin Qingqing was discharged from the hospital the next day. Although Yi Zeyan never mentioned the agreement they signed before marriage, Lin Qingqing was worried day by day.

Before getting married, she strongly urged the two to sign an agreement and divorce after the child was born.

Originally, she was just afraid that the unexpected branch would be born again, but now she found that the unexpected branch came from her.

She was not willing to give the child to Yi Zeyan at all. If she wants to take the child away, Yi Zeyan will definitely not agree.

She didn't know what to do, so she expressed her concerns when her sister came to see her.

"You mean you don't want to leave the child?"

Lin Qingqing holds the baby to feed him. The little guy has a good appetite. He wants to drink milk every day when he is awake, but he is also very good. He only cries when he is hungry or when he poops. Not noisy, just don't mention how good it is.

Yi Zeyan said that the child had inherited him. Although she ignored him, she silently admitted it in her heart, because she heard that it was difficult for her to take care of her when she was a child, so the child would definitely not be inherited from her.

"What should I do if I leave him?" She looked at Xiaofan Tuanzi, and the thought of leaving him made her heart hurt.

"Does Zeyan know? Have you told him?"

Lin Qingqing shook his head.

"Or if you discuss it with him, you'll say that you won't get a divorce, and you'll have a good life with him."

Are you having a good time with Yi Zeyan

Although she didn't want to admit it, Yi Zeyan really had nothing to say to her. At first, she did resent him a little bit because of what happened that night, but it's not that she couldn't see what he did for her during her pregnancy. He was considerate of her and took care of her. He was really considerate. He probably knew that she disliked her.

In fact, when she was about six months pregnant, she no longer disliked him so much, but she was too embarrassed to tell him that she had such a bad attitude towards others at first. If she suddenly told him, Yi Zeyan, I don't hate you anymore. , don't be so careful, you can approach me casually, she thinks she has no face to say it.

Now that after giving birth, she can't bear to have children at all, and she is not so repulsive to the marriage of the two at the beginning. Sometimes she thinks that it is not bad to live like this, anyway, she will marry in the future.

"I'm embarrassed to say it, you know, I've always been bad to him before. I don't know if he will blame me."

Lin Zhenzhen said: "Since you feel bad for him, you can make it up in the future. If you are too embarrassed to speak, I will help you."

"Don't! I'll say it myself."

Lin Zhenzhen took her hand and patted her, and said earnestly: "Zeyan is really a rare good man, we can all see how she treats you, and there are often troubles in my hotel, several times. He helped with that, so I'm really happy for you to hear you say you want to continue living with him."

Lin Qingqing nodded, "I see."

When Yi Zeyan came back, Lin Qingqing was playing in the living room with her baby. Her baby would laugh. After drinking the milk, Lin Qingqing would hold him while pacing and teasing him. So swollen, he stared at her and smiled at him every now and then.

The child already has his own name, which Yi Zeyan picked early in the morning, called Yi Beiyuan.

"Baby Obuchi Obuchi." She always liked to call him that over and over again.

Lin Qingqing really felt cute the more she looked at him, she couldn't put it down, she just wanted to hold him like this all the time.

"You'll get tired of holding it like this."

When Lin Qingqing heard the voice and turned to look, she saw Yi Zeyan standing at the door, and she didn't know when she looked at him with less indifference than before.

"Back?" she greeted.

Yi Zeyan came over and stretched out his hand, "Come and give me a hug."

Lin Qingqing handed the child to him, he sat down on the sofa with the child in his arms, a big man, but the posture of holding the child was more standard than hers, he held the child and looked down at him with a fatherly smile.

"I'm dad, do you recognize me?"

The little guy stared at him, looked at him curiously, then stretched out his little hand and grabbed his chin. And his big palm gently squeezed his small hand.

In fact, she was really wondering why a man with such a strong aura had such a gentle side. He didn't think the child was troublesome. He would hug him every time he came back, and even help him change diapers sometimes.

She felt that he was really gentle, and his gentleness made her feel that he had a charming charm.

Lin Qingqing hurriedly looked away, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, I have to go abroad tomorrow, and it may take two days to come back."

He suddenly spoke and pulled back Lin Qingqing's thoughts, she nodded, "Well, I see."

Then wait for him to come back and discuss with him about not getting a divorce.

Yi Zeyan left the next day.

Lin Qingqing was still confinement, and she didn't dare to go out for fear of the cold wind, so she stayed at home almost every day.

At noon that day, she was sleeping with her child when she suddenly heard a quarrel outside. She was about to go to see what was going on, when she saw the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a few men entered aggressively from outside.

The leader, Lin Qingqing, knew Yi Zeyan's mother. During her pregnancy, Yi Zeyan's mother also came here several times, but although it could be seen that she didn't like Lin Qingqing and Lin Qingqing didn't like her very much, but every time she came. It's still polite to get along, but this time, Zhang Shuxi had a kind of indifference on his face.

"Mom, why are you here?" Lin Qingqing looked puzzled.

Zhang Shuxi ignored her. She glanced at the child sleeping beside her, and ordered the person behind her, "Go and take the child away."

There were a few stout middle-aged women behind her, and they immediately stepped forward to take the child away. Seeing this, Lin Qingqing hugged the child almost instinctively.

At this time, she noticed something was wrong, and she was not as polite as at the beginning, and asked, "What do you mean? Why did you take Xiaoyuan away?!"

Zhang Shuxi didn't answer, and the women had already stepped forward to grab the child unceremoniously, probably because of the discomfort between the fights, the sleeping Xiaoyuan burst into tears, and Lin Qingqing was afraid that he would be injured, so she let go hand.

"Mom, what do you mean?! Why did you take Xiao Yuan?!" Lin Qingqing asked again.

Zhang Shuxi snorted coldly: "Why? I don't want my grandson to be raised in the hands of an arsonist."


"Don't think that I don't know what you did a year ago. If I knew from the beginning that you are the kind of character who sets fire to people if you don't agree, I would never promise Zeyan to marry you."

"I'm not an arsonist! The family admitted at the time that they wronged me, and they just wanted to defraud me for a sum of money on purpose."

"Injustice? At that time, Zeyan bought the major newspapers to help you clean it up. Under the huge pressure of public opinion, that person changed his mouth and said that he slandered you."

Lin Qingqing was stunned when she heard her words, Yi Zeyan bribed the media to help her clean up? They hadn't met at all at that time.

Xiaoyuan was still crying, Lin Qingqing was so distressed, and she didn't know when the tears came out of her eyes, she hurriedly said: "I didn't set the fire, I even ruined my throat to save people! Mom, little Yuan is crying, can you return him to me first?"

Zhang Shuxi said: "Xiao Yuan can't learn anything good by being raised by you. I will take him to Qizhou to raise him. As for you, I will convince Zeyan to divorce you. You are a violent and paranoid person. , our Yi family can't afford to provoke them."

After Zhang Shuxi finished speaking, he was about to leave with someone. Lin Qingqing was very anxious and cried again, "Mom, please return Xiao Yuan to me, please? Don't take him away, please!"

However, Zhang Shuxili ignored her and directly ordered people to take the child away. Xiao Yuan was still crying. Every time he cried, he was pulling Lin Qingqing's heart. She would never allow them to take the child away.

Seeing this, Lin Qingqing called out in a hurry, "Stop for me!"

Lin Qingqing stepped forward, and immediately several people came up to arrest her. Lin Qingqing had practiced Sanda before, and her body was fairly agile, and it was not difficult to dodge attacks, so she avoided these two people and walked forward with a few strides, without any fuss. Grabbing Zhang Shuxi's hair politely, Zhang Shuxi was in pain and screamed, she was pulled back two steps, Lin Qingqing took the opportunity to dodge her neck and grabbed her neck.

The middle-aged woman walking in front with the child was also frightened by Lin Qingqing's actions.

Lin Qingqing's eyes were cold, she clasped Zhang Shuxi's neck tightly and said to the man, "Give me back the child, or I will strangle her to death."

For Xiao Yuan, she couldn't care about anything.

Zhang Shuxi frowned in pain, but she still waved at the man, "Take the child and leave quickly!" Then she said to the two people who were stunned, "What are you still doing, quickly pull her away!"

Lin Qingqing put all her heart on the child. Seeing that person carrying the child away, she didn't have time to take care of Zhang Shuxi. She raised her feet and wanted to catch up, but the two people behind her reacted and rushed over to hold her.

Zhang Shuxi was relieved and straightened her hair that was tangled by Lin Qingqing. She rubbed her sore neck and coughed a few times before she said to Lin Qingqing, "A junior is so rude to an elder!"

Lin Qingqing sneered, "You are not much better as an elder."

Zhang Shu was in a hurry, she stepped forward and raised her hand and gave her a slap. After the slap was not enough, she slapped her backhand again.

"Look at how you look now, what are you worthy of Zeyan? A year ago, Yi Zeyan helped you escape, I don't bother to send you to prison anymore, but someone like you , I will never allow you to stay by Zeyan's side, you can do it yourself."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Lin Qingqing was restrained by two people and could not move. Her face was burning with pain. In addition to the pain of losing her child, she completely lost her mind. She turned to Zhang Shuxi's back and said: " Return the child to me, you dead old woman! If you don't return it to me, I will make you pay the price, and I will definitely make you pay the price! Damn old woman! You give me a good memory!"

Zhang Shuxi had already walked away, and the two people who restrained her also released her. Lin Qingqing only felt that all the strength in her body was taken away. She fell to the ground, and the helper Hui hurriedly came in to help her. He got up and said something in her ear, but she couldn't hear anything.

Zhang Shuxi's words rang in her ears over and over again.

Look at your appearance, what are you worthy of Zeyan

I would never allow a child to be with someone like you.

Although it was harsh, it made her sober, and she suddenly realized how ridiculously extravagant she had wanted to maintain a marriage with him.

That's right, a person like her, a bad person who has nothing, accomplishes nothing, has nothing, has no right to have a man like Yi Zeyan, or to have his children.

Sure enough, it's better to be a bad person, be cruel and have no worries, so that there will be no pain.

Yi Zeyan came back the next day. Lin Qingqing was lying on the bed when he came back, but she didn't fall asleep. She heard footsteps and the sound of a baby squirming.

Lin Qingqing lay with his back to the door, he put the child next to her and said, "I brought the child back, I'm sorry, I didn't protect your mother and child well."

Lin Qingqing sat up slowly, without even looking at the child, she said coldly, "Take him out."

"What's wrong?"

"He's not my child, take it out."

"Look again, he's Xiao Yuan."

"Hold it out."

"… "

Yi Zeyan was silent for a while before calling the nanny to take the child away.

"Don't be angry, I'll ask my mother to come and apologize to you."

"Let's get a divorce, Yi Zeyan."

Yi Zeyan frowned, "Why?"

"Have you forgotten that we signed an agreement before we got married? Now that I have a child, it's time for a divorce, right?"

Yi Zeyan lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking about, but saw the muscles on his temples moving, and after a while he said, "It's not the time for divorce, the child is still breastfeeding, let's talk about it when he grows up a bit. ."

Lin Qingqing shook his head, "I want to leave now."

"Impossible." He said decisively, almost without thinking.

Lin Qingqing understood, this man didn't want a divorce at all.

"Don't forget, Mr. Yi, we signed an agreement."

"Why am I not doing well enough? Why do you have to divorce me? If it's because my mother came to steal the child, and there is a misunderstanding, I will ask her to apologize to you, and I promise that she will not take away the child again in the future. Yuan." Yi Zeyan's voice softened.

Lin Qingqing said: "Remember what I told you, I feel disgusted when I think about my past with you, I don't like you, and being with you will make me miserable. Now that the child is born, I don't want to be with you anymore. You have any entanglements."

She said it very directly, piercing people's heart everywhere, how could Yi Zeyan, the president of the dignified Yicheng Group, be hurt so much by others? ! What kind of woman he can't get, why should he tie up a woman like her who doesn't know what to do and hate.

So Yi Zeyan, hurry up and agree.

"I can do better." He wasn't angry at all, his tone was very gentle, "Give me five years, if you still can't like me in five years, we will divorce, I will not restrict you in these five years. Freedom, you can do whatever you want, even you can have someone you like, if you like someone, tell me and I will let you go, but stay with me until there is no one you like, okay ?"

Lin Qingqing didn't expect him to say this, why would he be so strong for her, why would he give in so much for her, and why would he feel wronged like this

Lin Qingqing had a feeling of indifference, "You'd better not misunderstand, I'm not that kind of virtuous and well-behaved girl, on the contrary, I have a dark heart and a strong desire for revenge, and I will definitely return the person who hurt me, even if that person It's your mother. So, if your mother bullied me, I won't make her feel better. Maybe I will turn your whole family upside down in the future. Do you want to keep a wife like me? Five years, are you sure you can stand it?"

He smiled indifferently, "You can make trouble, as long as you don't get tired of yourself."

He didn't take it seriously, she just felt a fist on the cotton.

She said angrily: "Why are you like this? There are so many women in the world, and whoever you want can't get it, why don't you divorce me?"

He smiled lightly, as if he was talking to himself, "There are so many women in the world..." He raised his head and fixed his eyes on her, his eyes filled with tenderness, "But what should I do, I only want one of you. So you No matter how annoying you are, I love you and pamper you."

Lin Qingqing: "..."