She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 57


Because of Xiao Bai's sudden confession, Mo Qingyan became the target of the major media's containment. Mu Cong has been harassed very annoyingly these days, so he simply sent a distant announcement to Qingyan.

Go to the army in Tibet to do a show of condolences.

Qingyan sang the theme song for a certain patriotic TV series not long ago. It was a chorus with an old artist. This is what Mu Cong took a lot of thought to get her.

Mo Qingyan also felt that she should avoid it at this time, so she accepted Mu Cong's proposal. She went to the army to give a condolence performance, but she couldn't believe that these reporters dared to go to the army.

There were also several artists and two singers with them. Mo Qingyan was the youngest among them. When they reached the army, they were led by a soldier.

When the car reaches the gate, they can’t drive any further. The army has arranged a barracks for them. From the gate to the barracks, they have to pass through several training grounds. Seeing the barbed wire outside the training grounds, it gives people a solemn and inviolable feeling. .

When passing by one of the training grounds, Mo Qingyan accidentally glanced inside, but saw a group of people standing far away, an officer in camouflage uniform was giving lectures, she noticed that he was wearing a blindfold, she couldn't help but feel more After a few glances, he quickly recognized that he was Chang Qi.

How is he here? Hasn't he retired from the army

The soldier leading the way probably noticed that Mo Qingyan's eyes fell on Chang Qi, and he whispered to her: "That's the captain of our special team. It is said that he was returned from the army, and he was hired by the boss himself."

He said it with a mysterious face, he should have just joined the army, he looks very young, he should be younger than her, and his face shows a kind of juvenile childishness.

"To say that our captain has a lot of background, he has participated in many anti-terrorist operations and anti-drug operations, and he has also won three personal first-class merits. It is said that he has also entered the peacekeeping force, and was almost promoted to major before he was discharged. In short This captain is a great hero and my idol."

Xiao Bing said it with pride, in fact he probably didn't know that he was also her idol and her hero, but... She thought of the little girl and the gentle woman she had seen him holding, she looked back, he It is no longer hers.

Although it was on the plateau, fortunately no one had altitude sickness, the condolence performance officially began in the evening, Mo Qingyan changed into clothes and went on stage with the old artist.

The people sitting in the audience are all soldiers. The army lives in a hard life and is in a border province. They are under much more pressure than other soldiers. There are few such entertainment activities. Once there is a condolence performance, the soldiers are very excited. .

Mo Qingyan looked at the cheering crowd. She was used to this kind of situation, so she didn't have stage fright. She looked around, there were too many people, she didn't see everyone's face clearly, but she knew that he would definitely in it.

Sing it to everyone, and sing it to him too.

Because it is the theme song of a patriotic TV series, the song is rich and exciting. The rich part is sung by the old artist, which is bel canto, while the exciting part is sung by her, with the high pitch of rock. She coordinated well with the old artist, and her stage performance was very strong, so after the song was sung, there was prolonged applause from the audience.

After she left, she first went back to the barracks to rest. It was a large barracks for six people, but there were only three girls who came with them, plus their respective assistants, and the six people lived just right.

Probably came to a new place, no one was sleepy, the two older sisters were chatting, Mo Qingyan couldn't sleep, she planned to go out for a walk, Xiaoxun was worried and went out with her.

The barracks at night was quiet, and there were soldiers standing guard everywhere. When you looked up, you could see soldiers with guns standing on the observation deck, and when you looked down, you could see a soldier with guns at intervals.

Even in the military camp at night, it gives people a feeling of depression and solemnity.

Mo Qingyan passed a sentry, and a soldier inside reminded: "Miss Mo, don't walk around at night."

Xiaoxun hurriedly said: "We just can't sleep and go out for a walk, don't worry, just walk around."

The soldier said again: "Do you need me to ask someone to follow?"

Xiaoxun smiled and said, "No need, no need."

"You can only walk around, not far away."

Xiao Xun and Mo Qingyan nodded hurriedly.

After walking with Xiao Xun for a while, he felt that the solemn atmosphere of the army was so oppressive that he could hardly breathe, so he discussed with Mo Qingyan: "Qingyan, why don't we go back?"

"I can't sleep. If you want to go back, go back first."

Xiaoxun was also frightened by reporters during this period of time, and the boss told her to follow her every step of the way, so she stopped talking and followed behind her obediently.

The two unknowingly walked to the camp where they passed by when they came, but they did not expect that there were still people training in the camp so late.

The lights on the training ground were turned on, and Mo Qingyan saw the familiar figure in the camp at a glance.

This is not very far from the training ground, and she could hear his angry voice, "You three go together."

There were three soldiers in camouflage uniforms standing around him. Hearing his words, the three of them roared and attacked him together. Seeing this, Mo Qingyan couldn't help but raise his heart, but these three were obviously not the same. His opponent, his one-handed grasping was really perfect. Even though he only had one eye, his movements were still agile, and soon the three of them were thrown to the ground by him.

"Are you satisfied?!"

His shirt was off, he was sweating, and the light shone on his sweaty back.

His voice was full of air, with a kind of majesty and sternness of an officer.

The three got up from the ground and said in unison, "Serve."

"If you're not convinced, be louder."




His face was stern from beginning to end, and even if the soldiers were convinced, there was no smug look on his face.


The three soldiers stood at attention and saluted before leaving the venue.

Soon he was the only one left on the training ground, and she didn't know if he sensed something. She suddenly turned to look at him. Although it wasn't far away, she couldn't see him clearly because the light was too dim. The expression, only felt that he seemed to frown.

"Is the military camp a place for you to hang out? Go back to your camp soon!"

His tone still had the sternness of an instructor, and his sense of chill was more than enough to shock the enemy when he went on the field to kill the enemy, so the two ordinary people, Mo Qingyan and Xiao Xun, were completely shocked.

Xiao Xun was so frightened that she subconsciously tugged at Qingyan's clothes, and Mo Qingyan was also frightened.

But when she was frightened, she was surprised. She knew that he was majestic as soon as he entered the battlefield, but he was always gentle when facing her, and he could coax her patiently and meticulously even if she didn't eat.

If he remembered her words, he couldn't have recognized her, he couldn't have spoken to her in such a tone. She thought of the blankness he looked at her when he went to find him that time.

He has forgotten her.

They didn't go, and he didn't either, as if to force them to leave with his eyes before giving up.

That's all, since he has forgotten it, there is no need to entangle it, Mo Qingyan, don't you have dignity too

But she was still not reconciled.

She dared to go up, and Xiao Xun couldn't hold her at all.

The night wind blew over, her long hair was blown up, the clothes on her body were thin, and the gauze skirt fluttered in the wind, she was like a fairy from the wind in a piece of flying white gauze.

He stood there blankly watching her approach, his body seemed a little stiff.

However, his brows furrowed even more, and his tone became more severe, "Didn't you hear what I said? Hurry back to your camp."

She finally walked up to him, and she looked at the chilling man in front of her with a face, and she suddenly laughed, with a mocking smile, "Chang Qi, do you really not remember me?"

The condensed and dark eyes seemed to flicker slightly, but his appearance was still stern and majestic, "Quickly leave me!"

"Why do you? If you don't want me to look for you, you can just say it straight. I also have self-esteem. If you really don't like me looking for you, I just don't look for it. Why pretend you don't know me? You are so hurtful. do you know?"

He suddenly fell silent, and the chilling face also seemed to be suddenly enveloped by a layer of mist, and it seemed less real. He didn't say anything and turned to leave.

However, his strange behavior had already told her everything, she guessed right, he just pretended not to know her.

"Chang Qi, you're a bastard who doesn't keep your word!"

His footsteps paused, she couldn't see his expression, so she didn't know that he gritted his teeth tightly, but he didn't look back after all, and quickly left here.

When Xiaoxun caught up, she saw Mo Qingyan standing there blankly, but she seemed to be unconscious when the wind was blowing.

Xiaoxun asked cautiously, "Qingyan, do you know the instructor just now?"

Mo Qingyan suddenly felt very tired, she shook her head without saying a word.

I don't know if it was because of the cold wind just blowing at the training ground. Mo Qingyan developed a high fever in the middle of the night, and the high fever continued until the daytime. Her assistant helped her to cool down physically, but the fever had not subsided in the daytime. The military doctor had no choice but to give her a drip to reduce the fever.

Originally, she was going to leave the next day after the condolence performance, but Mo Qingyan was obviously unable to leave in this situation. Others had their own affairs and left first. Mo Qingyan could only stay in the army for a while until the fever subsided. to go.

Before breakfast in the army, there is a training session. After the training, the soldiers were so hungry that they rushed to the cafeteria before they could wash their faces.

When Chang Qi passed by a certain table with a dinner plate, he heard several recruits talking.

"It seems to be a serious burn, it started yesterday."

"Miss Qingyan can endure too much hardship, she actually came here to condolence the performance."

"She's even prettier than what I saw on TV. Now I just want her to be fine and get well soon."

Chang Qi paused in his footsteps, and the few recruits quickly realized that he was listening to them. They had already seen the power of the instructor, and they had also heard of the reputation of this lion, so they stopped when they saw him. Come down and immediately shut up.

Chang Qi didn't say anything, he walked aside and sat down to eat.

When it was time for Xiaoxun to go to the infirmary to help Qingyan get medicine, he saw a man standing at the door as soon as he walked out the door. After all, he was the instructor last night.

Xiaoxun shivered with fright. She guessed that he and Qingyan might know each other, so she asked cautiously, "Are you here to see Qingyan?"

"Is she better?" he asked.

"It's better, but she's asleep now."

He nodded vaguely.

Xiao Xun asked tentatively again, "Do you want to go in and see her?"

"No, don't tell her I've been here."

There is an irresistible majesty in the calm voice, Xiao Xun nodded subconsciously, I am afraid no one dares to say a word in front of this person, right

Chang Qi turned and left. The infirmary was in the opposite direction from where he left. Xiaoxun went to the infirmary to get medicine after seeing him leaving, but Chang Qi stopped after walking a few steps.

She's asleep, so it's okay for him to go in and take a look at her, right

Chang Qi entered the barracks where she was. She was lying on the bed quietly, not knowing if it was the cause of the high fever, her cheeks were flushed, and she looked weak and helpless. He remembered the weak and lonely man who lost his parents and relatives many years ago. , relying on his little girl.

There was a washbasin under the bed, and it seemed that the assistant was helping her to cool down physically.

He walked to the bed and sat down, took off the handkerchief from her forehead, and touched her forehead inadvertently. He frowned, why it was so hot.

Saturating the handkerchief in cold water and wringing it dry, he wiped it gently on her forehead.

He clearly said that he just looked at her and left, and he didn't understand why he still did this.

Mo Qingyan was burning in a daze, she felt as if she had hallucinations, otherwise how could she see Chang Qi sitting in front of her bed.

He twisted the veil and gently wiped her forehead. This person was almost like a night rakshasa when he arrived at the training ground, but he was a gentle and careful person when he left the training ground.

At that time, although she was lucky to survive the earthquake, but when she learned that her family members were dead, she was very sad and didn't like to eat very much. Later, she became ill, and his injury was just healed. She fell ill. He still sits by the bed and takes care of her.

She opened her eyes with great effort, but the hallucination hadn't disappeared. She saw that he was still sitting beside her bed, and he wiped her forehead and palms for her.

The rough hand held her wrist, her whole body was hot, and when his hand touched her, she felt a hint of coolness.

No, it's not an illusion, he's really Chang Qi.

"Chang Qi?"

The hoarse voice called him, she tried to sit up, she felt his body froze, but soon returned to normal, he naturally held her shoulders to prevent her from moving.

Her eyes fell on him, she watched for a long time, and finally completely confirmed that it was not her hallucination, he was really by her side.

She felt inexplicable. Since he pretended not to know her, why did he come to take care of her

She propped up her body with difficulty, he twisted the handkerchief to wipe her forehead, she angrily patted his hand, she sneered at him and said, "Don't you know me?"

Chang Qi's fingers froze for a moment, and he turned his eyes away and said, "Lie down, you are still infusion."

Mo Qingyan thought of the woman she saw that day and the child in his arms, she mocked: "You take care of me here, if your wife finds out, she will be unhappy, not to mention that I am now. A public figure, I don't want to have anything to do with a married man?"

"Wife?" Chang Qi's face was full of question marks, "Are you confused? What are you babbling about?"

He didn't look like he was cheating, but she was still sad, hated him in her heart, hated him for letting her down, she sneered: "Remember when I went to find you that day? I saw it all, I heard that The little girl calls you Daddy."

Chang Qi thought for a while before realizing who she was talking about, "That's my brother's wife and child, and my brother helped me open that fruit shop."

Mo Qingyan: "…"

Not his wife and children.

She looked in disbelief, "You're not married?"


"… "

He is not married, he is not married... An indescribable joy slowly overflowed in her heart, but she thought that he had not been married for all these years but did not come to see her. Seeing that she still pretended not to know her, her heart ignited again. anger.

"Chang Qi, you are such a man of unbelief."

He didn't speak, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth heavily. He stood up and said, "Your assistant has gone to get medicine and will be back soon. I'll go first."

After he finished speaking, he really walked towards the door, but just got up, out of the corner of his eye he saw her putting her hand on her elbow, he knew what she was going to do, she wanted to pull out the needle.

Chang Qi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he suddenly turned around and grabbed her hand. He said with a gloomy face, "What are you crazy about

She didn't speak, her reddish eyes were fixed on his face.

He thought that this little girl has been willful since she was a child. She didn't eat. In order to coax her to eat, he would play the organ for an hour each time. She didn't want to take medicine and secretly hid it under the pillow. He was very angry. Asked why she did this, she said that he could only come to see her when she was sick.

When she was not there, she was not afraid of everything, but with him, she was afraid of everything, and even shed tears for the little things.

He looked at her reddish eyes and cheeks flushed from the high fever, and his heart hurt. When he came back from the battlefield, he was seriously injured, blinded in one eye, and became half a person. He was afraid that she would be implicated. He did not dare to meet her. Knowing that she was waiting for him in Qizhou, he did not dare to go back. He hid in Po City far away, and kept letting people tell her that he had died on the battlefield, so as to dispel her thoughts.

I hope she can give up on him, she should have a better belonging, but the little girl is so stubborn, she has to find him.

His eyes, he himself was afraid to see, let alone her.

He was arranged in such a remote place, and he could still meet her in such a place. She was like his fate, and he had no choice.

At this time, looking at her wanting to cry but not crying, his heart softened all of a sudden, all his worries disappeared, he just wanted to protect her well, he didn't want to make her sad, and he just wanted to be by her side all the time.

He lowered his head slightly, "Yan Yan, I am blind in one eye, and I am no longer perfect."

She once said that she likes perfect things, and she also said that in her eyes he is the most perfect person. She likes him because of his perfection.

He called her Yan Yan, and she wanted to cry when she heard that.

Mo Qingyan resisted the urge to cry and asked him, "So, you didn't meet me because you were blind all the time?"


It took a long time for him to respond lightly.

She smiled mockingly, and suddenly reached out and pulled his blindfold off. A black hole appeared in front of her. He didn't expect her to do this, so he hurriedly covered it with his hands, but Mo Qingyan dragged her. , her eyes fixed on his black hole.

"What's this? You tell me what's this?"

His body froze for a moment, and after a long time he picked up the blindfold and put it back on.

"You're a star now, and you have a bright future."

"Don't tell me this, what a star, what a promising future, you just don't want to be responsible for me, you are a person who doesn't keep your word, you said you would marry me, you said you would give me a home of."

After learning that her parents were gone, she was blank at first. She was young and could not fully appreciate the pain of her relatives leaving. Later, when she realized that they would not come back, she hid and cried a lot. He found her, try to comfort her.

"Brother Changqi, I don't have a home anymore, I'm an orphan, no one wants me anymore."

"It's okay, I don't have a home either. Will I give you a home in the future? Do I want you?"

He clearly said that he would give her a home, and he clearly said that he would come back to marry her.

"Did you know? I would have died long ago without you. It was you who brought me back to life. Only with you can I truly live. Without you, I am just a walking dead. With you, I have joys and sorrows. "

Chang Qi took off his blindfold, and he lifted her chin to keep her eyes on his face.

"Take a good look, this eye you have to face is not a day or two, nor a year or two, you have to face a lifetime!"

Mo Qingyan laughed, "What if you are blind in one eye, it doesn't matter if you are blind in both eyes, you have no eyes, I will be your eyes."

His body stiffened, but the hand holding her chin trembled faintly, and he didn't know how long it took when he suddenly closed his eyes and pulled her into his arms.

Holding tightly, burying his chin by her neck, he sniffed her body deeply.

"Yan Yan." He called her softly.

"Yanyan, Yanyan." One after another, he couldn't do anything but call her that.

Mo Qingyan was buried in his arms. She has grown up, and she can stay with the man she loves. He calls her Yanyan, and she is his Yanyan.

Very happy, my heart is overflowing with happiness.

Her nose was sore, she choked up, but kept nodding her head.

"I'll give you a home, and I won't let you be displaced again. My promise came so late, can you forgive me?"


"I won't leave you again, I will always protect you, so don't be afraid."


"I love you so much, you know?"

Tears flowed down her face, "I know now."

"I'll take you home when you're well."

"it is good."