She Become Sweet and Cuddly

Chapter 7


How could this be, she didn't know Xiao Yuan at all before, why did Xiao Yuan call her mother? Could this memory be a certain segment in her five-year blank memory

Impossible, impossible, how could she be Obuchi's mother, and how could she treat Obuchi like that

She doesn't even smoke.

Lin Qingqing looked at the cigarette in her hand. It was a cigarette that had not been smoked. Probably to prove that she really did not smoke, she found a lighter on the table and lit it with a cigarette in its mouth.

You will choke, you will choke.

However, it didn't. On the contrary, she was very skilled at pumping, and her fingers and throat seemed to have a memory function.

Lin Zhenzhen came in and saw a cigarette in her hand, she grabbed it and said angrily, "Why did you start smoking again?!"

What my sister said is, it seems that she did smoke before.

Lin Qingqing looked at Lin Zhenzhen, she was in a trance for a moment, she felt as if she suddenly came to a ridiculous world, so unfamiliar, so unreal.

If the clip that just appeared is real, then the elder sister must know that Obuchi is her child, but why did the elder sister hide it from her.

And... If Obuchi is really her child, then she and his father should be husband and wife.

His father... Yi Zeyan

No, no, she couldn't believe that she was married to Yi Zeyan.

What's even more difficult to understand is that if she is really Yi Zeyan's wife and Yi Beiyuan's mother, why should Yi Zeyan and his son pretend to be strangers like her.

She remembered the tall back she saw in the hospital last time, and he was chatting with her sister before she went. Yi Zeyan is indeed that tall, so will he be Yi Zeyan? If that person was him, then he should have known from the beginning that she had amnesia.

Then he joins forces with his sister to deceive her


She covered her head and shook her head, she just didn't want to believe that all this was true, how could she be Obuchi's mother? Before knowing Xiao Yuan, she had never met Yi Zeyan at all, how could she have anything with him.

She has no impression of marrying him and giving birth to Yi Beiyuan or something!

Lin Zhenzhen saw that she was dumbfounded and did not speak. She was worried that she had been too severe and hurt her, so she immediately said again: "I didn't say anything to you. Smoking is not good for your health, isn't it?"

Lin Qingqing shook his head and said, "I just remembered something."

Hearing her words, Lin Zhenzhen seemed to be frightened. She asked nervously, "Think... what did you think of?"

Sister seems to be afraid of what she will think of. Could it be that she has experienced something worse than ruining her voice

Lin Qingqing's mind was in a mess, she didn't say anything and went back to her room to stay for the night. She went out early the next morning before her sister got up.

She went to the entrance of the kindergarten affiliated to the Aerospace University. She came very early. The kindergarten hadn't opened yet.

She had been waiting there for a long time.

People came to the kindergarten one after another, and then she finally saw the familiar car. Yi Zeyan and Yi Beiyuan got out of the car together.

Lin Qingqing walked over, Yi Beiyuan saw her first, his eyes lit up, and he greeted her excitedly, "Aunt Qingqing, why are you here?"

He trotted forward, looked up at her with his head raised, a smile on his small face, big eyes were crystal clear, as bright as the brightest stars scattered inside.

"Are you here to find me?" a tender and soft voice asked her.

Lin Qingqing didn't speak, she squatted down, held his right hand and said, "Can I see your arm?"

The kid was a little stunned, but he nodded without thinking about it for a long time.

Lin Qingqing rolled up his sleeves, wearing thick winter clothes, she wasted some strength.

She felt her fingers trembling, she hoped that her memory was wrong, she hoped that the fragment that appeared in her mind wasn't real.

But when she saw the scar on the child's arm, she was stunned.

There is a round brown ugly scar on the fleshy and tender arm, so dazzling.

My heart was suddenly filled with a complex emotion, sour and self-blame.

A gust of cold wind blew over, and she felt him shaking, but he obediently let her lift his sleeves without moving.

Lin Qingqing came back to his senses and rolled down his sleeves.

She stood up and looked at Yi Zeyan, who had been standing by the side without speaking.

No longer that kind of modest and gentle and polite expression, at this moment he frowned slightly, looking at her with a dignified expression.

Lin Qingqing took a deep breath and said to him, "Mr. Yi, can I talk to you?"

He tickled the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Okay."

He came over and touched Xiao Yuan's head and said, "You go to school first."

The child looked at his father and looked at Lin Qingqing with a puzzled expression, his beautiful eyes blinked a few times, but he was very good, didn't ask anything, and went to school with his small schoolbag on his back.

Yi Zeyan walked to the side of the car and opened the door, with a smile between his eyebrows, a deep, incomprehensible smile, "Please."

Lin Qingqing got into the car and sat down. Yi Zeyan also came from the other side. The driver was no longer in the car, and all the windows on the car were closed. She and Yi Zeyan were alone in this small space.

Before that, this man was a stranger to her who had a relationship on both sides, the father of a little boy she liked very much, and the unattainable Mr. Yi with a powerful aura.

The only time there was a very unusual intersection was yesterday, when he helped her teach her brother Long who was going to beat her.

When he met Yi Zeyan for the first time, he gave her a business card. On the business card, he was the president of Yicheng Group. She didn't know what Yicheng Group did, so she checked it online before going to bed that day.

She couldn't help but pale in surprise. It turned out that the predecessor of Yicheng Group was Qizhou Wine Industry. Five years ago, before she lost her memory, Qizhou Liquor was not listed, but it is already a well-known brand in China, especially his family's Qizhou wine is very famous, this Qizhou wine is very famous. A series of wines is specially used to receive foreign guests.

The Yi family is a brewing family. The family started brewing wine from their great-grandfather. Later, it developed slowly. The Yi family has its own wine brand. About ten years ago, Yi Zeyan took over the Qizhou wine industry. Under his leadership, Yi's Liquor has been successfully listed four years ago, and Yijia's industry has also improved to a higher level. Then Qizhou Liquor officially changed its name to Yicheng Group. Now Yijia not only sells wine, but also sells some drinks and other products. Snacks, large scale.

And Yi Zeyan was named the youngest outstanding entrepreneur not long ago.

At that time, after finding out his identity, she knew very well that this man was in a world completely separated from hers. Maybe the two worlds intersected, but they could never blend together. His world is unmatched, just like his people, it looks beautiful and friendly, but you know very well that he is the kind of person who stands on the top of a mountain and can only see from a distance and cannot get close.

But now, he may have another identity for her, a very intimate identity, and his and her worlds are really intermingled.

He might be... her husband.

It felt astonished, as if I was having an unreachable dream.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" he said first.

His voice has a unique magnetism, his tone is very light, but his aura seems to be intertwined in his words, which makes his words also have an awe-inspiring taste.

Lin Qingqing adjusted her breath, she looked at him, the handsome but distant man in front of her, she asked, "Am I your wife?"

She saw that the smile on his face slowly subsided, his eyes gradually became sharp, he stared at her, her hands on her lap clenched subconsciously, she met his gaze, and wanted him to give it to her. she answered.

I don't know how long it took, he said, "Well, you are my wife."

What he said was an understatement, as if he was stating a simple fact.