She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 29


In the bedroom with the lights out, Chi Nuan thought about Gu Ningzi's "nothing" and tossed and turned.

How the relationship between two people, only the parties feel the most profound. A short sentence, or even a subtle expression, can tell a change.

It was a lingering sense of alienation, which Chi Nuan felt faintly when she said the word "no" when she met Gu Ningzi outside the restaurant in the morning.

But why

Chi Nuan stared blankly at the top of the bed, did Gu Ningzi really hear the conversation between herself and Xue Min? She knows her sexuality, so she is deliberately alienating herself

He subconsciously felt that Gu Ningzi would not have such an attitude whether he heard it or not, but other than that, he couldn't think of any other reason. Unconsciously, Chi Nuan broke out in a cold sweat.

no, I can not. She comforted herself. After the game was over, she met Gu Ningzi in the small kitchen. At that time, she did not show any strangeness.

Where is the problem

The high school summer cram school started. The teachers of each subject started with the analysis of the final papers. After all the test papers were explained, the teachers began to teach the new courses of senior three.

On this day, Xu Dan sighed at the math practice in the classroom: "I envy Awen, don't make up the class, just leave, go abroad for a tour!"

The first stop of Xue Min and the band's tour is set in Austria, and they have already set off two days ago.

Chi Nuan reminded her softly, "You can do the questions quickly, the teacher will charge them after class."

Xu Dan was half-writing and half-copying. After class, he went to Du Min and Zhao Jingjing's place to chat. Zhou Damao disliked their little sparrow-like chattering and playing games. Can't you see?"

Xu Dan stuck out his tongue.

Chi Nuan's language homework just received this group.

Gu Ningzi had already slept on the table for a class. In the past, Lao Mo also punished her for standing up because she slept in class. Since the incident of Cao Pinhui, the opinions of the teachers in the class have reached a high degree of unity, and they have all adopted an attitude of letting her go.

Chi Nuan saw that Gu Ningzi's Chinese homework was on the table, and when she opened it, she didn't write a single word.

When Chi Nuan came out of the language group, when she was returning to the classroom, she happened to meet the representative of the English class walking over with her homework in her hand. Chi Nuan asked her, "Chen Si, has Gu Ningzi handed in the homework?"

Chen Si said in surprise: "She still uses homework?... No, I haven't received her homework a few times in the whole semester, it's just your Chinese homework, she will write often. What's the matter? What do you want to say? ?"

"..." Chi Nuan shook her head, "It's nothing, you go, it's class."

The last two sessions in the afternoon are self-study. Chi Nuan went to He Liwen to get a review paper for classical Chinese and sent it, and roughly ordered the number of copies and passed it on from the beginning.

When she arrived at Zhao Jingjing's place, she reflected, "Squad leader, our group is bad! Neither Gu Ningzi nor Zhou Damao have it."

Chi Nuan evenly distributed three copies from other groups, first to Zhao Jingjing, and then to Gu Ningzi and Zhou Damao respectively.

Gu Ningzi was flipping through the magazine, Chi Nuan handed over the review paper, she took it, and stuffed it into the table. During the whole process, he didn't even lift his head.

Chi Nuan looked at her and said softly, "Gu Ningzi."

Only then did Gu Ningzi take her attention away from the magazine, her gaze moved up inch by inch and landed on Chi Nuan's face.

Chi Nuan asked her, "Have you finished correcting your final papers?"

Zhou Damao was probably too busy to panic, and said lazily, "What's the matter? We're all busy."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Gu Ningzi waited silently for the following.

Chi Nuan: "Can you show me your paper?"

Gu Ningzi glanced at the test paper at the corner of the table and said, "Whatever."

Chi Nuan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she stretched her arms to take Gu Ningzi's test paper. Gu Ningzi closed the magazine, stood up from her seat, and said "hello" to Zhou Damao, who was playing games with Erlang's legs crossed.

Zhou Damao understood and rubbed forward to make it easier for Gu Ningzi to come out.

Chi Nuan: "Where are you going..."

Zhou Damao said, "Where else can I go, skip class."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Gu Ningzi saw Chi Nuan hesitate to speak, and asked her, "Is there anything else?"

Chi Nuan hesitated for a while and said, "You... haven't done any homework these days. In class, you either sleep or play games..."

Zhou Damao listened and laughed, "Puchi": "I said, monitor, your eyes are on the back of your head? How can you know better than me about what I am doing at the same desk?"

Chi Nuan: "..."

He spoke so loudly that all the classmates sitting nearby heard a burst of laughter, Du Min and Zhao Jingjing both turned around and mixed in, Du Min said, "What's wrong!? What's wrong with the monitor who cares about your classmates? Huh?"

Zhao Jingjing: "Zhou Damao, it's not what we said, you are a typical lack of caring. You can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, tsk tsk tsk."

Chi Nuan squeezed the paper, and every pore from top to bottom was screaming embarrassment.

Gu Ningzi's eyes loosened before she wanted to speak out. The study committee came over to hold Chi Nuan: "Let's go, the monitor, I have a problem and need your help."

He pulled Chi Nuan back to his position and muttered all the way: "What do you care about Gu Ningzi, a RMB player like her, no matter how bad the study is, there are still many ways to go out, and in the future, it will only be better than you and me. , it won't be bad..."

There was an ambiguous low laugh behind the two: "I knew that guy treated our squad leader..."

Zhou Damao's voice was drowned out by other noises, and Chi Nuan couldn't hear it.

After the study committee finished asking the questions, she took time to go through several of Gu Ningzi's papers, and found that Gu Ningzi was almost correct in all the question types that appeared in the review materials for Gu Ningzi.

Chi Nuan turned her head to look at Gu Ningzi's seat, it was empty, she really missed class.

In the bedroom at night, Xu Dan and Du Min were madly chasing novels. At this time, each person was half a watermelon, digging and discussing the domineering president.

"My God! Does the male lead have eyes on the top of his head? The female lead loves him so much, and he still doubts her. He eats jealousy all day suspiciously, and leaves the female lead every now and then, which makes me mad. There are many people who have a good impression of the heroine, and one day the heroine is really angry with him, I see where he is crying!!"

"That's it, a relationship has to have some twists and turns to be profound. Just wait, according to the author's urination, there must be a wave of indescribable when the two get together, you know what I mean? Hehehehe... " Du Min showed her aunt smile.

Xu Dan: "Oh, I'm worried that the male protagonist's ex will take advantage of the opportunity to do things again! Isn't there a sign of it? I deliberately called the male protagonist at night, and I can't bear to see him for a while, it's so cheap!"

Du Min waved his hand with experience: "It's all like this, it's all like this, President Wendu's routine, you can rest assured."

Chi Nuan held the mobile phone to send a message to Gu Ningzi, edited and deleted, deleted and edited several times, and finally made up her mind and clicked send.

"Gu Ningzi, are you free? Can we talk for a while?"

After sending it, after waiting for more than ten minutes, the phone was quiet.

Chi Nuan groaned on the table and touched the enamel little doll with her hands.

Zhao Jingjing came out of the shower after taking a bath. Seeing that Du Min and Xu Dan were talking about the plot, she urged Chi Nuan to say, "Nuan Nuan, go take a shower first, and they will try to snatch it from you later."

"...Okay." Chi Nuan glanced at the silent mobile phone, picked up her pajamas and went to take a shower.

It took more than half an hour to wash my hair, take a shower, and blow dry my hair. Chi Nuan sat back at the desk, and habitually looked at her phone again before writing her homework.

This habit was formed in the middle of May, after Gu Ningzi returned to the north. During that time, they were closely connected, and she always didn't want to miss any message from Gu Ningzi.

"Come down."

An unread message from Gu Ningzi was displayed on the screen.

! Chi Nuan stood up with a snort.

Xu Dan was taken aback by her: "...what are you doing?"

Chi Nuan took a closer look, this message was half an hour ago.

She immediately moved to the window, opened it, and tiptoed downstairs. - After so long, is Gu Ningzi still here

It was hot and stuffy outside, close to 7 o'clock, and the sky was still gray. Gu Ningzi supported her long legs and sat by the flower bed. Black T black trousers, all bangs are drawn behind the head, and the skin exposed in the air is as white as porcelain, looking beautiful and cool.

The other girls in the class who passed by her whispered about her.

Chi Nuan took off her nightgown and ran downstairs in one breath.

She stopped in front of Gu Ningzi, panted and said, "I'm sorry, Gu Ningzi, I'm sorry, I went to take a bath and just saw your message."

Gu Ningzi had a thin sweat on her forehead. Chi Nuan saw it, and she asked, "Are you hot?"

Gu Ningzi raised her eyes and said slowly, "Not only the heat, but also the mosquitoes."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Chi Nuan bit her lip: "I'm sorry..."

Gu Ningzi stood up.

"I didn't mean to make you wait so long..." Chi Nuan took a step back due to the pressure of his height, and continued in a low voice: "I didn't expect you to come..."

Gu Ningzi made a light "tsk" sound, interrupted Chi Nuan's successive apologies, and cut to the point: "What do you want to say to me?"

"Boss Gu! Come up and sit down?" Xu Dan stuck his head out of the window on the fourth floor and shouted from below: "Ho! Nuan Nuan, you're not funny, you didn't tell us when the boss came!? "

The other two heads also stuck out the window eagerly, the three roommates huddled in a row, and the six eyes descended on Chi Nuan and Gu Ningzi.

Chi Nuan raised her head: "…"

Gu Ningzi ignored the three people upstairs and only said to Chi Nuan, "Find a place to sit first."

Said and walked outside the school.

Xu Dan upstairs: "???"

Du Min: "I guess it's because of what I said in the classroom before. Nuan Nuan has always been very interested in Gu's study, otherwise she wouldn't have prepared so many review materials for her at the end of the term - so a lot of knowledge points, sorting it out. What a waste of time and energy."

Xu Dan: "It's incredible, I'm warm to this squad leader, it's time for the award certificate."

Three girls you push me, I push you, slapstick into a ball.

Gu Ningzi pushed open the door of the dessert shop, ordered her a cup of milk tea according to Chi Nuan's preference, and finally added to the clerk: "It needs room temperature, thank you."

Chi Nuan's face warmed. Her menstrual period is unstable, and it will be delayed almost every month. She hasn't figured out the regularity yet. How could Gu Ningzi guess so accurately, knowing that she can't drink ice today

The two sat down by the window, the waiter brought their drinks, Chi Nuan took a few sips of milk tea, and hesitantly said, "Gu Ningzi..."

Gu Ningzi looked at her.

Chi Nuan stirred the straw in the cup, bowed his head and confessed: "Actually, I didn't want to tell you about studying before..."

"Oh." Gu Ningzi asked, "Then what do you want to say?"

"That's it... These few days, I think you... are not the same as before." Chi Nuan bit the straw, took a few sips on and off, smoothed his mind, and then continued: "I don't know. What's the matter, you don't seem willing to talk to me... Can you tell me why?"

After getting along for nearly half a year, Chi Nuan believed that Gu Ningzi would not alienate herself for no reason. Something must have happened, and it might be good to talk about it this time.

The eyes of the two collided, and Chi Nuan's eyes sparkled, one second, two seconds... Gu Ningzi turned to look out the window.

The street lights outside were all on, the streets were full of traffic, and the school gate of Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School was dormant in the midsummer night.

Gu Ningzi turned her eyes back again.

"That day, I heard what Xue Min said."