She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 34


I don't know how long, maybe just a few seconds, the noisy sound re-entered my ears.

Gu Ningzi came over: "Did you get off work early today?"

Seeing her coming from the crowd, Chi Nuan took a deep breath and tried to say in a calm tone, "The lady boss let us celebrate the festival."

Gu Ningzi smiled and said, "How are you going to live?"

Chi Nuan: "...I was just going to buy something for Xiao Wutong."

Gu Ningzi didn't know who Xiao Wutong was, and Chi Nuan explained again: "My brother's baby first took the nickname Xiao Wutong."

Gu Ningzi nodded: "I'll go with you."

The two walked side by side, walking and walking, Chi Nuan reacted: "...Didn't we say yesterday that we won't be here in the future?"

Gu Ningzi: "I..."

Gu Ningzi: "It hasn't rained again today."

Chi Nuan: "…"

I don't want you to do this kind of thing that easily misunderstands me again, especially today is Qixi Festival... If it wasn't for knowing that Gu Ningzi didn't like girls, Chi Nuan couldn't help but wonder if she liked her too.

Gu Ningzi's tone sounded a little puzzled: "Why are you struggling with this? We haven't seen each other for a long time, so I especially want to see you."

Chi Nuan nodded casually and paused the topic.

After walking down the pedestrian street, there is a large shopping mall at the crossroads. The two followed the signs to find the floor dealing with maternity and baby products, and walked around.

Facing the dazzling array of products, Chi Nuan thought that the baby clothes that Chi Qingchuan packed last night were all thin summer clothes. The due date is at the end of August, and the summer clothes will not be worn for a few days. It is time to change into long clothes and trousers in the blink of an eye. Why don't you buy a few sets of autumn clothes for Xiao Wutong.

They walked into the hall of a baby clothing brand. The new autumn clothes are already on the market. Fortunately, Chi Nuan paid a salary today, so I don't feel bad buying it for Xiao Wutong.

Facing all kinds of cute little clothes, Chi Nuan was a little confused, and she couldn't make up her mind for a while. Gu Ningzi reminded her, "Which one would your sister-in-law like?"

… Yes! Xiao Wutong is so small, of course she has no problem with what to wear. As long as Yue Yun likes it, she will naturally take it out for Xiao Wutong to wear.

After choosing the clothes, Chi Nuan saw that there were soft hats and socks on the shelf, and couldn't help buying a few more.

After paying the bill, they walked out of the mall together. There are many children selling flowers outside, Chi Nuan didn't know how she and Gu Ningzi were targeted, the little boy stopped Gu Ningzi: "Sister, it's the Qixi Festival, buy a branch for the beautiful lady beside you. Flowers."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Gu Ningzi: "..."

The little boy smiled and said, "Buy one, it's only 20 yuan, it's Valentine's Day today."

Chi Nuan turned her head to see Gu Ningzi's reaction, who knew that Gu Ningzi was also looking over.

Little boy: "Sister, buy one! The lady beside you is so beautiful, and today is Valentine's Day again, you see how disappointed and regretful she will be when she gets home? I believe if she receives your flowers , you will be very happy!"

Chi Nuan: "…"

Gu Ningzi asked him, "Why is your mouth so sweet?"

The little boy quickly picked a rose and handed it to Gu Ningzi. He blinked and said, "Because today is affected by the sweet magnetic field of so many couples."

Gu Ningzi paid the money, and the little boy laughed and went to find the next target.

Chi Nuan's face was hot, and his eyes were full of stars, very bright.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Gu Ningzi smiled and gave her the rose.

Chi Nuan caught it, both excited and shy: "Thank you, Happy Valentine's Day to you too."

The two walked to the intersection and waited for the red light. Chi Nuan was looking at the rose all the way, she couldn't hide her smile, she could only keep her head down to cover herself up.

The green light came on, Gu Ningzi took Chi Nuan's hand and walked across the zebra crossing.

On the hot summer night, their hands have not been separated since the moment they held it. Chi Nuan's heart is like a deer bumping, being sent flowers by the person she likes, and holding hands with the person she likes, she never dared to think about such a Qixi Festival.

Just indulge yourself for a while, all those sad and tormenting thoughts are thrown away and indulged in this moment.

Every step under her feet is precious. Chi Nuan only hopes that the road will be longer and longer, but the open-air parking lot has finally arrived.

Gu Ningzi let go of her hand first, and Chi Nuan subconsciously pulled it, making a profit.

Gu Ningzi opened the car door for Chi Nuan, looking as usual: "I'll take you home."

Well, it's time to recognize the reality, the only one who has distracted thoughts from the beginning to the end is only himself.

Roses are for sale, and it is normal for girls to go shopping holding hands. Gu Ningzi said that she came because she hadn't seen each other for a long time - because the two had a good relationship in the class.

Chi Nuan sighed inaudibly and got into the car.

The car drove forward quietly, ten minutes passed quickly, and Gu Ningzi drove the car into the community.

The two sat in the car, the soft light of the overhead light poured down, Chi Nuan turned to look at Gu Ningzi: "Gu Ningzi."

Gu Ningzi: "Huh?"

Chi Nuan: "I'm glad you came today, but—"

Gu Ningzi guessed the end after listening to the beginning: "Are you going to mention it again and tell me not to come again?"

"..." Chi Nuan said embarrassedly: "School is about to start, and we can meet every day after that, right?... I'm really sorry for you running back and forth like this."

Gu Ningzi looked at Chi Nuan: "This holiday, you are very busy, I know... But I always feel that between us... "

Gu Ningzi spoke halfway and turned out of the window.

The car was so silent you could hear each other's breathing.

Did Gu Ningzi feel her deliberate alienation? … how could it not be felt? The frequency of replying messages is getting lower and lower, the reply content is getting more and more boring, the kind of intimacy atmosphere, that kind of chatting time sneaking away without knowing it, almost completely disappeared.

Just like when she came back from Xiting Island, she immediately caught the change in Gu Ning's attitude, and at this time, Gu Ningzi would also notice her change.

Chi Nuan: "Gu Ningzi..."

Gu Ningzi glanced at her: "Okay, you said that, I know."

The heart kept clenching, Chi Nuan knew that she was pushing Gu Ningzi away, but what else could she do? Blindly addicted, she was afraid that the two of them would not even be ordinary classmates in the end.

Keeping her smile, Chi Nuan picked up the shopping bag and got out of the car with the rose: "Gu Ningzi, be careful when you go back."

Gu Ningzi nodded.

After Chi Nuan got off the car, her eyes became hot. She wiped the moisture from the corners of her eyes and hurried to the building where she lived.

After a few steps, Gu Ningzi chased down from the car: "Chi Nuan."

Chi Nuan stopped, blinked her eyes and looked up, holding back her bitter tears.

Gu Ningzi stood beside the car, the distance between them was only two or three meters, she asked: "Chi Nuan, is there something I did wrong or did not do well, I made you angry and made you more and more away from me. Far?"

Chi Nuan turned her back to her and shook her head guiltily.

Gu Ningzi: "Chi Nuan..."

The cold and proud Gu Ningzi called Chi Nuan's name in a pleasing tone. Chi Nuan's heart seemed to be tangled in silk threads, entangled in pain, and she didn't know how to face her.

"Chi Nuan", Gu Ningzi couldn't help but took a half step forward and bit her lip several times: "... Can I, can I ask you for a reason to see you at any time?"

Chi Nuan's heartbeat stopped for a moment, and she slowly turned around.

Gu Ningzi's expression was obviously nervous: "As a classmate, I agree with what you said 'see you again after school starts'... I know that even good friends are rarely so clingy."

The next words seemed difficult to say. She adjusted for a few seconds, and finally, through the cover of the night, revealed the request from the bottom of her heart: "... So can you give me an identity that is one step closer than these two?"

Chi Nuan stared at Gu Ningzi, ... This is impossible, how is this possible? What is Gu Ningzi talking about? Does she even know what she is talking about!

—It must be wrong, um, it must be so.

"For example," Gu Ningzi came to Chi Nuan, two or three meters, and arrived in the blink of an eye, Gu Ningzi's throat moved slightly, her white teeth and red lips, and her words were clear: "... Girlfriend."

girlfriend? girlfriend!

There is nothing special about these three words when they are taken apart, but when they are combined together, they are spoken by Gu Ningzi, but they have the magical power of destroying the dry and the dead, causing waves of storms in Chi Nuan's heart.

Chi Nuan covered her mouth, the surprise was too huge, making her dizzy and almost unsteady. After a while, she struggled to get five points of calm from the top-heavy feeling. She raised her head and asked Gu Ningzi, "Are you serious? Are you kidding?"

Gu Ningzi said, "Really."

Chi Nuan still couldn't believe it: "You don't like girls?"

Gu Ningzi said, "But I like you."

...but I like you.

Chi Nuan shook her head and choked: "Do you really like me? I mean that kind of like? Not a classmate, nor a friend?"

Gu Ningzi's eye circles also turned red: "Throughout the holiday, I worry about gains and losses, I have been thinking of you, even in my dreams. I want to see you, but I don't dare to see you. You don't know how long it took me to think about what to wear. I came to see you, and what I want to say to you has been practiced over and over again and again... Chi Nuan, I'm not sure anymore, I like you."

After being suppressed for so long, the haze was swept away, and the happiness immediately exploded. It turned out that the person she liked, she also liked herself! She would have such an uneasy mind!

Unable to control it at all, Chi Nuan covered her mouth again, the old tears had not yet dried up, and new tears poured out again. Tears flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help confirming to Gu Ningzi again: "After tonight, will you still like me tomorrow? ... What about the day after tomorrow? What about in the future? Will you like me?"

Gu Ningzi lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, trying to smile at Chi Nuan, but her voice trembled: "Yes, yes! Chi Nuan, let's be together!"

Chi Nuan kept nodding and was speechless.

Gu Ningzi pulled Chi Nuan back to the car again, and the back compartment slowly opened in front of Chi Nuan.

Chi Nuan's tears fell even more fiercely, and the back compartment was actually full of roses!

"Girlfriend, happy Valentine's Day."

Chi Nuan covered her eyes with her arms, crying so hard she couldn't control herself.

Gu Ningzi, you are here to confess today, aren't you

That night, Chi Nuan brought 11 roses home, and Chi Qingchuan just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and the two met each other.

Chi Qingchuan: "...Why is it so late today?"

Chi Nuan smiled and handed him the shopping bag: "Brother, this is for Xiao Wutong."

Chi Qingchuan took it over and looked at it, both doting and helpless: "You..."

Chi Nuan: "I'm getting paid today."

Chi Qingchuan pointed at the rose again: "What about this?"

Chi Nuan: "Today's Qixi Festival, there are so many customers in the store, so I picked a few and brought them back."

Chi Qingchuan was fooled: "Oh."

Chi Nuan found a beautiful vase, and when Gu Ningzi called, she was inserting the roses one by one.

Chi Nuan has been paying attention to the time. Knowing that Gu Ningzi is still on the road at the moment, she lowered her voice and said softly, "Concentrate on driving, and then contact me when you get home."

Gu Ningzi didn't say good or bad, she just laughed lowly, and the laughter flowed into Chi Nuan's ears, like a butterfly flapping its wings in her heart, numb and itchy.