She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 36


Chi Nuan went to take a bath, and saw Gu Ningzi folded the changed clothes neatly and put them aside.

There are spares on the shoe cart, but what about the clothes? Chi Nuan thought about it, but still blushed, and helped Gu Ningzi to wash it off.

After taking a shower, drying the clothes, Chi Nuan walked into the room.

Gu Ningzi was sitting at the desk on the phone, and when she heard the door open, she turned around, smiled to Chi Nuan, and asked the person on the other end of the phone as usual, "Have you taken your medicine?"

Chi Nuan closed the door, and Gu Ningzi's call was still in progress: "If it's serious, go to the hospital."

Hearing the words "take medicine" and "hospital", Chi Nuan walked to Gu Ningzi's side, Gu Ningzi told her with the shape of her lips: Tang Siru.

Chi Nuan nodded. She had a bad impression of Tang Siru. She picked up the English book on the desk and sat on the edge of the bed to read the words.

Although it is said to be memorizing words, but the ears are still supported, listening to Gu Ningzi's speech with a dual purpose.

Gu Ningzi didn't say anything, and the call ended quickly.

Chi Nuan couldn't help but look up: "What happened to her?"

Gu Ningzi: "I just changed my skin care products, I'm a little allergic."

Chi Nuan: "Oh."

Gu Ningzi opened the door and went out, and then came in with a subtle expression: "...Did you help me do the laundry?"

Chi Nuan blushed: "I washed it."

Gu Ningzi said awkwardly: "...I can wash it myself."

Chi Nuan: "Have you washed it yourself?"

Chi Nuan tilted her head to look at her, her eyes were soft, she just wanted to know if Gu Ningzi had washed her clothes, and had no other intentions. But Gu Ningzi was very embarrassed by her for some reason. She took away the English book in Chi Nuan's hand and turned off the light: "Don't read it."

Chi Nuan was still active, but she lacked sleep the night before, and her body was really tired. Lying with Gu Ningzi, the room was quiet, which made the wind and rain outside the window even better.

And the heart is like a drum.

It is not the first time to sleep with Gu Ningzi, but the relationship between the two has gone a step further, and the feeling is completely different. There are some unknown longings in the uneasiness, like the undercurrent of the sea.

Gu Ningzi turned sideways and faced Chi Nuan.

Chi Nuan also turned to look at her.

"...Can I hold your hand to sleep?" Gu Ningzi asked her.

You didn't ask for advice before, and you didn't ask for advice... Chi Nuan let out a long breath and said softly, "...No."

Gu Ningzi: "Oh."

The air conditioner is blowing cold air, and the roses on the desk are bright in color, and there is no sign of withering.

The sound of rubbing clothes sounded, and it was Gu Ningzi who propped up her upper body. She leaned over, her loose hair rubbing against Chi Nuan's face.

Don't you mean holding hands? ? Why are you so close all of a sudden

The difference between the two was only an inch, and they both felt the other's fiery breath.

Gu Ningzi stared at Chi Nuan's eyes, paused for two seconds, and Chi Nuan covered her mouth abruptly.

Gu Ningzi: "..."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Gu Ningzi couldn't help laughing out loud, and Chi Nuan's face flushed from her laughter.

"Do you think I want to kiss you?" Gu Ningzi asked while smiling.

Chi Nuan maintained the gesture of covering her mouth, almost fainting in embarrassment.

Gu Ningzi lowered her head and kissed the back of Chi Nuan's hand, her voice more intoxicating than sweet wine: "I will satisfy you."

Chi Nuan could not wait to hide herself, her whole body was so shy that her soul was smoking. Is there anything more embarrassing than being self-conscious

Gu Ningzi guessed her thoughts, grabbed her wrist, pressed it on the pillow, and approached again with a smile.

Chi Nuan's eyes swayed, but this time he didn't dodge.

Gu Ningzi kissed her.

The slightly cool lips touched together lightly.

"Your hunch is right..." Gu Ningzi said with her breath.

The sound of rain could not be heard, Chi Nuan was so nervous that she forgot to breathe. The lack of oxygen made her feel as if she had fallen into soft sand, and every cell in her body was beating—no, no, there were no existing words to describe the mood at the moment, pale. The description cannot express this wonderful one thousandth.

Gu Ningzi's kiss was very shallow, and she moved away when they almost touched. The two looked at each other, Gu Ningzi raised her eyebrows and smiled, covered it again, and kissed Chi Nuan's lips finely and softly again and again.

Chi Nuan covered her eyes, and Gu Ningzi smiled and buried it in her neck.

That night, Chi Nuan woke up from sleep and opened his eyes several times to see Gu Ningzi. Gu Ningzi pulled Chi Nuan's wrist and refused to let go even in her sleep, like a childish child. The more he looked, the more he liked it, Chi Nuan carefully kissed Gu Ningzi on the forehead while she was asleep.

Chi Nuan didn't get up before seven o'clock, and Gu Ningzi was still sleeping.

The rain outside had stopped at some point, and the sun had already climbed very high. Chi Nuan closed the blackout curtains, and the room went dark again.

Before going out, he gently slumped on the bed again, looking at Gu Ningzi's sleeping face, her quiet beauty with a three-point obedience, which was particularly attractive.

Chi Nuan approached and wanted to kiss again, but found that Gu Ningzi's eyelids were shaking slightly.

Chi Nuan walked out of the door lightly. Chi Qingchuan was cooking chicken soup and another pot of mung bean porridge in the kitchen, which was served in bowls to cool.

After Chi Nuan brushed her teeth and washed her face, she turned to the balcony to look at Gu Ningzi's clothes. As soon as the sun came out, the clothes dried quickly.

Just sat down at the table.

Gu Ningzi also came out of the room.

Chi Qingchuan greeted her immediately: "Xiao Gu, do you want to drink porridge?"

Chi Nuan buried her head and smiled, Gu Ningzi was pretending to be asleep.

Gu Ningzi walked to the table, pulled Chi Nuan's ponytail, and said to Chi Qingchuan, "Okay."

After breakfast, Gu Ningzi sent Chi Nuan to work. Chi Nuan asked her what plans she had next, after all, she couldn't accompany her during working hours.

Gu Ningzi said, "I'm going home later."

He said, "Come back at night."

Chi Nuan opened the weather app, checked the weather at specific points, pointed to the night time and said to Gu Ningzi, "It's raining again."

"Is that so?" Gu Ningzi said with a light "tsk": "Then I will bring clothes."

Chi Nuan: "...I didn't mean that!"

Sunlight poured in from the front windshield, and Chi Nuan's delicate face flushed from the conversation, soft and cute.

Gu Ningzi looked at her and smiled.

The car was parked in the parking lot, Chi Nuan unbuckled her seat belt and wanted to push the door to get out of the car, but Gu Ningzi stopped her.

"Huh?" Chi Nuan turned around.

Gu Ningzi leaned over with a smile, lightly buckled the back of Chi Nuan's head, and kissed her sideways.

"Good morning kiss back to me."

On the last day of work, Chi Nuan was late.

There are many customers on weekends, and the store is also busy, and the time arrives at night before you know it. It hasn't rained all the time, and Chi Nuan found that the weather forecast's sunny and rainy information has also been corrected. It seems that there will be no rain tonight.

I felt a lot more at ease, but Gu Ningzi never came. It was nearly eight o'clock when Chi Nuan received a call from her.

Chi Nuan ducked inside to listen to the phone, but Gu Ningzi said she couldn't come tonight.

"My sister has come to Yuncheng, and now she's here with my grandfather, so I can't get away."

When Chi Nuan contacted Secretary Su and Tang Siru, she knew that Gu Ningzi's grandfather should be Mr. Gu who owns the Westing Island.

Chi Nuan said, "Okay, it's okay."

After finishing the call, Gu Ningzi's photo information was sent to the mobile phone. Chi Nuan opened it. In the photo was a mahjong table. It should have just ended a round. The cards were all piled up in a mess. There was a small, chubby hand in the corner of the table, eager to draw cards.

Chi Nuan said, "There are children!"

Gu Ningzi: "Edamame, my sister's child."

The photo of the edamame child was also passed over, sitting on a baby chair with a drool pocket around him. He was probably only about one year old, with white skin and long eyes, and a smile with a few grains of rice and teeth. He was very beautiful.

Chi Nuan's pleasure expanded, not only because she saw the cute baby, she knew that Gu Ningzi was introducing her relatives to her.

At this time, I felt that I was stupid at first, because Tang Siru was so wronged and saddened by the question, "Did Anning never tell you about her family?". As long as it is at the right time, Gu Ningzi will naturally mention it... Who would say this for no reason

Gu Ningzi's poker game ended very late, and Chi Nuan had already turned off the lights and lay down.

"Did you sleep?" Gu Ningzi sent a message.

Chi Nuan had been waiting for her, and then happily sat up from the bed and turned her eyes back to her: "Not yet."

Gu Ningzi: "Do you still have one day of work tomorrow?"

Chi Nuan remembered what she said to her, and the part-time job will end this week.

"Yeah." Chi Nuan snickered.

Then her next sentence "Always have some time to review your homework" and Gu Ningzi's "Then do you want to date me the day after tomorrow" appeared in the chat interface at the same time.

Gu Ningzi: "..."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Chi Nuan covered her face and smiled, her shoulders trembled, her voice muffled in her palms.

The next day, Chi Nuan still followed his usual schedule, went out very early, and took the bus to the main city.

The mood is always very excited, imagining Gu Ningzi's reaction when she sees her, she can only press her lips tightly to suppress the raised corners of her lips.

He ended his part-time job one day earlier, just to find Gu Ningzi. Gu Ningzi always came to surprise her before, and she wanted to take the initiative once.

Chi Nuan received a good morning message from Gu Ningzi in the car.

"It's getting late." Chi Nuan returned to her.

Gu Ningzi: "Aren't you busy today?"

Chi Nuan was helping in the back kitchen in the morning, and generally didn't read information. Gu Ningzi just reported to her as she was accustomed to, and didn't expect to receive a reply at all.

Chi Nuan: "Well, it's alright today. How about you?"

Gu Ningzi: "I'm very busy."

"..." Chi Nuan was stunned for a moment, if Gu Ningzi was busy, would it bother her by running over so hastily

Gu Ningzi: "Busy thinking about you."

Chi Nuan's heartbeat stopped for a second.

The next second, Gu Ningzi canceled the message, and joined the previous one "very busy".

Chi Nuan: "..."

Gu Ningzi looked like nothing had happened, and asked solemnly, "Where are we going to play tomorrow?"

Chi Nuan had a new understanding of Gu Ningzi's childishness, but she was screaming again in her heart, contrast! So cute! so cute!

Chi Nuan also replied solemnly: "It's all right."

Chi Nuan got out of the car and walked in the direction of Gu Ningzi's house with an umbrella.

In order not to make Gu Ningzi suspect that "you are very leisurely today", Chi Nuan's reply has been intermittent, and she only called when she was near Gu Ningzi's house.

The phone rang for a while before Gu Ningzi answered.

"Gu Ningzi", Chi Nuan's voice was sweet and sweet, "What are you doing?"

Gu Ningzi: "What's wrong?"

Chi Nuan stopped outside the yard, rang the doorbell, and said with a smile, "I'm going on a date with you."