She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 48


After a night of rain, it finally cleared up at dawn. Chi Nuan senses any slight changes in the outside world, but only can't feel her own heart.

It seems that with Gu Ningzi's departure, the whole heart is numb.

After eight o'clock, Chi Qingchuan knocked on the door outside, saying "Nuan Nuan, brother came in", and then pushed the door in.

"I see that Xiao Gu's shoes are gone." Seeing Chi Nuan lying on the bed, Chi Qingchuan moved the chair to the side of the bed and sat down: "When did she leave?"

Chi Nuan opened her eyes: "... what's wrong?"

Chi Qingchuan gave Chi Nuan the box in his hand: "Is this what Xiao Gu left?"

Fang Fangzheng is a large wooden box. When you open it, you can see that there is a piece of gold inlaid jade with a warm color.

Chi Qingchuan: "Put it in Xiao Wutong's cart, there is no one else here, is she the one who left it?"

Chi Nuan sat up from the bed: "I don't know, she didn't tell me."

Chi Qingchuan closed the lid of the box and put it on Chi Nuan's bedside table: "When you go back to school, you can return this to Xiao Gu. Thank her for her brother, her kindness is appreciated by her brother, but it is too precious, we Can't take it."

Chi Nuan looked at the wooden box: "Well."

After the holiday, Yue Yun's mother also returned from the trip. On the same day, Chi Nuan returned to school, and Chi Qingchuan sent Yue Yun and Xiao Wutong to her mother's house to stay.

When it was getting dark, Xue Wen came to Chi Nuan's bedroom and brought them a bag of moon cakes of various flavors.

Everyone chatted and ate moon cakes together. Later, when Chi Nuan packed up the rubbish in the dormitory and prepared to go downstairs to throw it away, Xue Min also stood up: "I should go too, I said we have to rehearse at night."

The two went downstairs together, Chi Nuan threw the garbage into the big trash can downstairs, and said goodbye to Xue Min.

Xue Min kept smiling at her, Chi Nuan was suspicious of her, and wiped the corner of his mouth: "...Are there any mooncake crumbs?"

Xue Min smiled and shook his head: "This Saturday, at the Yuncheng Theater, there is a special performance of our orchestra, come and see."

She took out an admission ticket from her bag and asked Chi Nuan, "Chi Nuan, will you come?"

Chi Nuan: "Thank you for your invitation, I..."

Xue Min covered her heart, smiled and said, "Don't reject me again in front of my face, I will really feel heartache."

On the first day of class after the holiday, Gu Ningzi didn't come. He Liwen gave Chi Nuan the event registration form for the Autumn Games. The Spring Games is still vivid in her mind, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

"Oh, and also, your ranking in the whole grade of the monthly test has risen this time—" He Liwen spread her five fingers, "The higher you go, the harder it is to surpass, Chi Nuan, keep on working hard, the teacher is optimistic about you."

This is an unexpected gain, Chi Nuan thought bitterly.

She returned to the classroom and used the break time to mention the sports meeting in the class. Zhou Damao immediately said: "Me! Me! I am at the same table! She is decathlon!"

Du Min turned back and spat at him: "You're just saying that it's like you're the one who wants to participate!"

Zhou Damao shook his legs: "We have a new generation of bosses in the sixth class, do you still need me to come out?"

Du Min: "Why do I bother you so much!?"

Zhou Damao shrugged indifferently.

Chi Nuan returned to her seat, and Xu Dan pushed her: "Why didn't Gu Ningzi come to class?"

Chi Nuan: "...I don't know."

Xu Dan's eyes widened: "Why don't you know? You two have the best relationship in the world!"

Chi Nuan smiled very far-fetched: "...Not really."

For the next few days, Gu Ningzi didn't show up at the school until the first get out of class on Friday evening, when Gu Ningzi suddenly appeared in the classroom.

At that time, Chi Nuan was doing her homework, and the lights above her head were blocked. She looked up and saw Gu Ningzi.

Gu Ningzi was all black, with all her hair tucked behind her ears, wearing glasses, and her eyes behind the lenses seemed to be surging with dark tides.

"Gu Ningzi..."

Gu Ningzi looked around restrainedly, and said to Chi Nuan, "Come out."

The two left the third grade teaching building and walked all the way to the first high floor, before Gu Ningzi stopped.

Without waiting for her to speak first, Chi Nuan took out the wooden box: "This... did you give it to Xiao Wutong?"

Gu Ningzi glanced at it.

Chi Nuan handed it to her: "Take it back, it's too precious."

Gu Ningzi didn't answer, she turned her head, and after a few seconds, looked at Chi Nuan again: "You... can you accompany me? Tomorrow weekend, can you accompany me?"

Her eyes seemed wet, but she didn't. Chi Nuan wasn't sure, her lips opened and closed, she didn't even listen to the reason, she had to reject her first in a conditioned reflex: "But tomorrow I promised Xue Min, I'll go..."

Chi Nuan didn't finish her sentence, because Gu Ningzi took the wooden box and turned away. After passing the trash can, she threw the box into it without hesitation.

Chi Nuan's heart also seemed to be lost by Gu Ningzi.

The bell rang for the class, and the class teacher didn't come. Zhou Damao sneaked into the back door of the classroom with instant noodles. Oh, big curly hair, miniskirts, oh my god! Great body!"

Chi Nuan didn't pay attention, and left a vertical line on the test paper that penetrated the back of the paper.

The boys in the class chased Zhou Damao and asked, "Where's your face? Does it look good?"

Zhou Damao took a sip of the instant noodle soup, forked the ham sausage in the soup, chewed and chewed: "Of course it looks good! It's quite arrogant. When I greeted them, she didn't even take a look at me, tsk, beautiful people are justified, We're not angry."

"… "

Chi Nuan put on her earphones and listened in English.

This class was Lao Mo's class. When he walked into the classroom with a teacup on his back, he almost collided with Chi Nuan, who rushed out of it.

"Ah! You?"

Chi Nuan hurriedly said sorry, and ran outside.

"This... is this class?" Lao Mo said to himself. In the classroom, Xu Dan turned to look at Du Min and the others, wondering what happened to Chi Nuan, and suddenly ran out of class.

Chi Nuan stood in front of the trash can and reached in to look for the wooden box. Sore eyes, the box can be found, but the person who lost it can't be found.

The next day, Chi Nuan did not go to the theater and sent Xue Wen an apology message.

Xue Min: "Don't apologize, it doesn't matter, I forced you."

The roommates went home this week, and Chi Nuan was studying homework alone in the bedroom. From day to evening, her neck was sore, so she put down her textbooks, walked out of the dormitory building, and slowly paced along the sidewalk outside the school.

Many times, the body has its own memory, without the need for the brain to command, Chi Nuan's legs spontaneously walked on the way to Gu Ningzi's house.

When he reacted, Chi Nuan immediately stopped and did not dare to go forward.

She knew that subconsciously, she wanted to see Gu Ningzi.

In the milk tea shop on the street, Chi Nuan ordered a cup of milk tea, the taste that Gu Ningzi once bought for her.

But no one shared it with her.

At the beginning of the lantern, the shade of the trees covered the sky, Chi Nuan sipped milk tea, and walked slowly to the school, a car stopped in front of her.

With the windows open, Chi Nuan saw Secretary Su.

Secretary Su didn't know what to say to the people behind the car, Chi Nuan's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at the back seat.

The window glass rose when her eyes met the rear window.

Gu Ningzi in a black shirt sat inside with an expressionless face, and Tang Siru was also wearing a black dress, holding Gu Ningzi's arm and leaning against her.

The glass was tightly seamed, and Chi Nuan could no longer see them.

Secretary Su glanced at Chi Nuan and drove away.

At night, Chi Nuan stared at Secretary Su's business card under the desk lamp in a daze. Later, he clipped it into the old tutorial book and put it away.

You should no longer care about what happened to Gu Ningzi, keeping a distance is the wisest thing to do at the moment. It took her a lot of effort... to mess up their relationship like this, and it shouldn't fall short.

In the autumn sports meeting, Gu Ningzi did not participate in a single event.

No one can figure out the law of her coming to school, and the school doesn't care about her anyway. He Liwen saw the abnormality and approached Chi Nuan to talk.

Chi Nuan's face has always been bloodless recently, and He Liwen asked embarrassedly, "You and Gu Ningzi..."

Chi Nuan: "Yeah."

He Liwen: "Do you blame the teacher?"

Chi Nuan shook his head: "Mr. He, you are doing it for my own good."

Gu Ningzi was absent from group activities. After the autumn sports meeting, several good classmates in the class met together to go to Zhuhai.

Autumn is high and crisp, and the air in the mountains is very good. Zhou Damao and the others got into the depths of the bamboo sea, took out playing cards, and began to fight the landlord.

"Gu Ningzi has been very strange recently, do you think? She has become strange and cold, and doesn't pay much attention to others." Xu Dan muttered to his roommates as he climbed the mountain.

"Yeah, I asked her to play with her, and she just ignored me.... She used to play cards with us all night!" Zhao Jingjing said.

"Nuan Nuan hasn't been to Gu Ningzi's house for a long time, right?" Du Min spread his hands and said "ho", "I think it's because of Xu Dan that Gu Ningzi has been blacklisted in one of our bedrooms."

"..." Xu Dan changed the topic with a guilty conscience: "The bridge is just ahead, walk around, make a wish!"

As usual, I bought a blank wishing card, and each wrote their wishes separately. Chi Nuan walked on the Wishing Bridge, stop and go.

After Xu Dan and the others finished writing their wishes, they picked a place to hang them, and they were all set. Looking back, Chi Nuan was not yet healed.

"Hurry up, we are waiting for you in front, let's take the cable car together."

Chi Nuan nodded.

She looked for the wishing card tied at the spring tour by memory. She remembered that Gu Ningzi's wishing card was tied not far from her.

In fact, it's not that you have to watch it, it's even a bit snoopy to do so, but it's just... uncontrollable.

I want to come into contact with things related to her at a time and place that Gu Ningzi doesn't know, even if it is a small wishing card.

There were too many, Chi Nuan rummaged through them one by one until she saw the familiar handwriting.

The wishing card has been exposed to the sun and rain for more than half a year, it has been worn and the writing is blurred, but Chi Nuan still recognized the content written on it at a glance.

How could it not be recognized

Those were the first two words Chi Nuan learned to write, one stroke at a time, and she cried bitterly because she wrote it incorrectly.

"Late Warming".

Gu Ningzi's original wishing card had these two words, her name.

Chi Nuan took off the wishing card and held it tightly in his hand.

From unfamiliar to familiar, from heart-wrenching to fascinated, and then to parting ways, the years have given her tenderness and unforgettable wounds.