She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 64


After a whole night of self-regulation, the next day, Chi Nuan still went to school step by step. She didn't have the capital to be willful, and when she applied for a special assistant, she started to regret it when she hung up the phone.

Too impulsive. She is not a financial major and does not know much about this industry. She can already predict the result of the so-called interview.

"Hey, have you heard? Director Huang's wife, yesterday made trouble with us..."


The voice dropped: "It's a good show."

"But being Director Huang...isn't the taste a bit heavier?"

"Can you understand the brain circuit of Habit III?"

Rumors always spread fast, and they are very popular.

When Chi Nuan went upstairs, he met Director Huang on the stairs, Director Huang pretended to put his face aside. Chi Nuan walked up without squinting, and the two passed by each other, Director Huang changed his attitude again, and said in a good voice: "Mr. Xiao Chi, I'm really sorry yesterday, my wife was a little angry, but don't worry, The matter has been resolved, you can go to class with peace of mind, and I guarantee that no one will let you leave.… Ouch, thinking of how you suffered in the office yesterday, my heart hurts so much that I haven’t slept all night.”

Chi Nuan said with a cold face: "Director Huang, please delete all the photos of me that you secretly took on your mobile phone; please clarify what should be clarified."

"...Understood." Director Huang raised his collar in an uninteresting manner.

Chi Nuan was so disgusted by him that he entered the office, and the atmosphere in the office was also weird. Chi Nuan sat down in her place and found a hand-painted card in the center of the desk.

She opened the card, and in the middle of the six neat words "Mr. Wu Kekechi", a small red heart was drawn.

Chi Nuan's heart suddenly warmed. She reminded herself that when she went to class, she must thank Wu Keke.

Soon it will be Saturday.

When Chi Nuan sent Xiao Wutong to the chess house, he told him: "Don't take off your jacket as soon as you go in, the temperature difference between inside and outside is big, remember to touch your face before you come out of class."

Xiao Wutong: "I see! What a worrying mother."

Chi Nuan pulled his hat down, Xiao Wutong laughed "giggling", took two steps back while protecting his hat, pretending to sigh helplessly.

After delivering Xiao Wutong, Chi Nuan stood by the roadside to watch the time. She didn't hold out much hope for applying for a special assistant, but since she had already made an appointment in Doctor Zhou's name, she had to leave this time.

There was still more than an hour before the agreed three o'clock, and there was plenty of time, so she didn't need to be in a hurry.

When we arrived at Yunchu, it was just after half past two.

The weather is clear today, it is the time when the sun is warm. Going up the gentle slope, the view is extraordinarily wide. Yunchu is one of the leading hotel groups in China, with a large lawn that is full of vitality extending to the hotel porch.

There are photographers taking pictures in the middle of the ramp to take wedding photos for the newlyweds.

When Chi Nuan passed by them, the phone rang, it was Assistant He.

"Assistant He, hello."

"Miss Chi, it's me. I made an appointment with you at three o'clock, but the boss meeting ended early. If you haven't arrived at Yunchu yet, I'm afraid we need to re-determine the meeting time - the boss needs to rush to the airport now."

Chi Nuan said, "I'm here, but since that's the case, let's make an appointment next time."

Assistant He stopped and asked her, "Where are you?"

Chi Nuan: "Outside the hotel."

Assistant He: "Exact location?"

"There's a wedding photo team here, and I'm wearing a black coat around..."

"I saw you." Before Chi Nuan could finish speaking, Assistant He interrupted her.

The sprinkler system in the lawn is automatically turned on, and after a few seconds of starting the music, a dense spray is sprayed out.

The call was interrupted, and Chi Nuan raised her head.

The wheels rolled over the wide pavement, and a car came down over the ramp. The bride who took the photo protected her graceful white veil, hid in the arms of the groom, and avoided the vehicle with a tender smile.

The car pulled to a stop, the driver's window was lowered, and the woman inside rushed to Chi Nuan's direction: "Miss Chi?"

Chi Nuan walked quickly to the opposite side of the ramp and gave her the resume in her hand. After seeing each other's appearance clearly, both of them were stunned.

Assistant He: " that you?"

Chi Nuan said: "How can it be so coincidental."

Assistant He asked, "Is your child okay later?"

"Professor Lin." A cold voice sounded from the back seat, cutting off Chi Nuan's next answer.

"I don't understand what prompted you to call me at nearly 3 in the morning. You should know that I will be in the 'Spider' conference room in ten hours." Su, the speaker lowered his head, his long smooth hair tied behind his head, and the car seat covered it. From Chi Nuan's perspective, only the fair complexion and the delicately curved profile of the other person could be seen.

The sound of pages turning.

"Revenue has fallen by 20% and cash flow has fallen by 31%. Yunchu has fallen to the lowest point in history. Regardless of the additional terms, the next step is to see the acquisition price."

"… "

She raised her head, her eyes behind the lens swept indifferently at Chi Nuan outside the car window, and fell back on the purchase book in hand: "It's already in my pocket."

From hearing the voice to seeing the face clearly, Chi Nuan completely lost consciousness for a moment. The brain completely shut down, and she heard her heartbeat, thump, thump.

… is her? Is it really her? Not a dream, not an imaginary

Can't move, can't think.

My nose is sore and my eyes are sore, but I dare not cry, for fear that the tears will blur my vision and I will not be able to see this person clearly.

- That's Gu Ningzi, it's really Gu Ningzi!

Assistant He didn't wait to answer, and looked at Chi Nuan strangely: "Miss Chi?"

"Go to the airport." Gu Ningzi hung up the phone and instructed Assistant He without a wave.

"..." Assistant He raised the resume in his hand to Chi Nuanyang: "Miss Chi, keep your phone open, I will contact you again."

The wheels roll slowly.

Fear grabbed her heart, Chi Nuan hurriedly stretched out her hand, but her fingertips only touched the rear of the car. The car sped up and drove away in the blink of an eye.

For nearly six years, they hadn't seen each other for so long. Have you changed too much? So Gu Ningzi will be unresponsive and can't recognize it

no, I can not. Since she could recognize Gu Ningzi immediately, there is no reason for Gu Ningzi not to recognize her.

why? Why does Gu Ningzi look at her like she is looking at an unrelated stranger

Chi Nuan couldn't stop shaking. Behind her was the smiling bride, but she lost all her blood and was cold all over.

"Post-traumatic stress disorder", "emotional indifference"... The words Zhou Damao said in the small talk that day echoed clearly in Chi Nuan's mind.

She frantically rummaged through the address book, her hands were shaking so much, and the phone kept falling.

She picked it up and finally found Zhou Damao's number.

"Zhou Damao."

Zhou Damao was frightened by the trembling in Chi Nuan's voice that could not be concealed: "What's the matter? What happened?"

Chi Nuan: "Did you already know?"

Zhou Damao said anxiously: "What do I know? You have to speak clearly!"

Chi Nuan's trembling became more and more serious, she bit her index finger hard, the pain calmed her down a little, she said, "Your dad's client is Gu Ningzi, I just saw it - why doesn't she seem to recognize me? What happened to her last time you said 'post-traumatic stress disorder'?"

"...Holy shit! Is it true or false? Could there be such a coincidence?" Zhou Damao finished speaking in high spirits, but he was dumbfounded for another second and exclaimed: "What do you mean...I really don't know! You wait. , I'll go to my dad's place to have a look, you wait for me to believe."

Chi Nuan had no masters, Zhou Damao asked her to wait, and she kept waiting. In the evening, Zhou Damao's photo information came one after another.

That is Gu Ningzi's medical record at Dr. Zhou's place. It should be a candid shot. The camera shakes so much that many of the pictures are double images.

Chi Nuan struggled to tell the difference. The earliest record was at the end of June this year. It turned out that Gu Ningzi had already returned to Yuncheng at that time.

Her eyes fell on the "Past Medical History" column.

Enlarge the photo. "Post-car accident stress disorder", "intermittent amnesia", "emotional numbness"... One after another, cold words hit Chi Nuan's thinking.

Tears poured out desperately.

For so many years, she always pinned her hopes on the arrival of tomorrow, but she didn't know that the "tomorrow" she was thinking about had experienced such pain in a place she didn't know.

He also secretly questioned, what reason could make Gu Ningzi not contact her all the time. Her number has not been changed, and she has not moved. It is not difficult for her to find her. One month, two months...a year, two years...five years is not enough

She never thought that there would be such a possibility, Gu Ningzi forgot her.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Xiao Wutong's big eyes flickered, standing outside the bathroom door, anxiously looking at Chi Nuan who came out of it.

It was already Sunday night, and Chi Nuan's eyes were so red and swollen that he couldn't hide it.

"Mom, are you unhappy, or are you sick?" Xiao Wutong stood on tiptoe and reached out to try Chi Nuan's forehead temperature. Chi Nuan held his hand and said hoarsely, "Mom is fine."

Xiao Wutong was suspicious, and he held Chi Nuan's hand tightly: "Mom, if you are not feeling well, you must go to the hospital. I will wait for you at home obediently, and will not run around anywhere."

Xiao Wutong is so sensible that the tears that Chi Nuan had just held back rushed out of her eyes again. She said, "Mom is really fine, but I feel uncomfortable. As long as... just eat a candy and it will be fine."

"Then I'll help my mother get the candy." Xiao Wutong rushed into Chi Nuan's room in a hurry, and before Chi Nuan walked to the sofa, he had already returned with the candy.

Chocolate Candy.

The screen of the mobile phone on the coffee table is always on.

Zhou Damao released the news of Gu Ningzi's reappearance in their five-person friendship group, which immediately attracted everyone's bombardment.

Du Min: "Yes, I already know, we Maomao finally did a big and reliable thing!"

Zhou Damao: "For this, I was chased and beaten by my dad for a few streets."

Zhao Jingjing: "It's worth it - but, is it really amnesia? It hasn't recovered yet?"

Zhao Jingjing: "Did she forget us all?"

Xu Dan: "No wonder there is no news, what else can I do? Of course I choose to forgive her!"

Xu Dan@Chi Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, tell me, what is Gu Ningzi like now?"

Zhao Jingjing: "Please, what was it in high school, what is it like now, but it will be five or six years later, at most I will be a little more mature, is it possible that I will change my face!?"

Xu Dan: "[smile]"

Xu Dan: "I just want to know what a woman who is always involved in billion-dollar projects is like [smile] [smile]"

Zhao Jingjing & Du Min: "… "

Chi Nuan peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the chocolate candy into his mouth. After exiting the group chat, she saw that the "Contacts" at the bottom of the app showed newly added information.

"He Zhen asked to add you as a friend".

Xiao Wutong took out the tissue paper and lay down beside Chi Nuan to wipe the broken candy sticking to the surface of the candy paper. He wiped it very seriously. After wiping it all, he blew it a few times before saying to Chi Nuan, "Mom, let's put it away now."

Xiao Wutong took Chi Nuan back to the room and left the mobile phone on the coffee table, and the message alert sounded.

He Zhen: "Miss Chi, the boss has invited you to discuss in detail next Saturday. The specific time and place will be notified later."

He Zhen: "I wish you good luck."