She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 74


At the end of the interview, Gu Ningzi and Spider's weekly video meeting will be held in the evening. Xue Min came over and proposed to have a drink together, but Chi Nuan refused on this ground.

Xue Min said: "Then we will make an appointment next time, Gu Ningzi, we will be together then."

Gu Ningzi didn't say anything in front of Xue Wen, turned her head and asked Chi Nuan, "Am I familiar with her?"

There is no doubt in her voice, and another way of expressing it is probably... I don't know well, I don't know.

Chi Nuan: "..." Yes, you are indeed not familiar.

It's still early, go to the cram school in advance to pick up Xiao Wutong.

"Auntie Gu", Xiao Wutong hadn't seen Gu Ningzi for a while, and as she climbed into the car, she said in high spirits, "I miss you so much!"

Gu Ningzi looked at him: "Are you still afraid of sleeping?"

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Wutong held her schoolbag in her arms and chatted happily with Gu Ningzi: "Uncle Zhu, who lives opposite, has moved, and the bad guys won't come again."

Chi Nuan sat in the driver's seat and turned around: "They sold the house. ... But the new owner hasn't shown up until now, and everyone wondered if they bought it for investment."

Gu Ningzi's eyes fell on the Transformers pendant on the zipper of the Xiaowutong schoolbag: "I don't see the investment prospects of your location."

"..." Chi Nuan choked, okay, everything you say is right.

The car drove to Henan Mountain. Xiao Wutong had no concept of investment. Seeing that his mother and Aunt Gu stopped talking, he lightly tugged at Gu Ningzi's clothes and started a topic of his own interest: "Aunt Gu, why are you so good at painting? ?"

"My mother liked the painting you helped me change, and she even put it in the frame!" Xiao Wutong said enviously, "Can I be as good as you?"

There is a red light in front, Chi Nuan slammed on the brakes.

"Ouch!" Xiao Wutong was shaken and turned around to pull the seat belt. Gu Ningzi helped him fasten the seat belt: "...I'll take you to my studio later."

Xiao Wutong was excited: "Okay, okay."

After dinner, Gu Ningzi took Xiao Wutong to the studio on the fourth floor. Chi Nuan went upstairs with them. As soon as Xiao Wutong entered the studio, his eyes were straight. He hugged his head in disbelief, jumped in place a few times, and looked at Gu Ningzi with a red face.

Gu Ningzi nodded.

The little Indus who got permission immediately rushed to the northeast corner of the studio like a cannonball, and flew towards the yellow model: "Big, Bumblebee!"

After hugging for a few seconds, he turned to another one, his little face pressed against the model's leg: "My Optimus Prime..."

"..." Chi Nuan has never been to the fourth floor after going in and out here for more than a month, not to mention that there are such two big guys in the studio. Measured by the height of Xiao Wutong, each model is more than three meters.

Xiao Wutong had long forgotten the original intention of coming to the studio, and his emotions were completely out of control, and he kept circling around the two Transformers models:

"Wow! Look, Mom, it's going to turn its head!"

"It's so cool that the eyes will still glow!!"

"Hahahaha I love it!! Auntie Gu's house is so cool!!"

"… "

Chi Nuan only noticed the paintings in the studio.

All the paintings in the studio turned their backs to the wall, except for the unfinished half of the work on the easel.

The abstract oil paintings in dark colors may paint the sky at night, or the sea.

Chi Nuan can't forget that year when she saw Gu Ningzi's painting for the first time, the feeling of happiness with the gorgeous fireworks, ... it won't happen again.

Thinking of those paintings that have been disposed of, my heart feels like wet cotton, and it feels heavy and painful.

There were lights flickering downstairs, it should be He Zhen.

Xiao Wutong had a great time playing, and Chi Nuan and Gu Ningzi went downstairs together.

He Zhen opened the folder and handed it to Gu Ningzi: "BOSS, tonight's meeting agenda."

Gu Ningzi walked to the conference room while watching, He Zhen added: "The matter you asked me to investigate is already clear. The person moved overseas a few years ago due to the health of the elders. I left her work mailbox. After receiving the information, I also contacted Spider's project department there, I believe there will be results soon."

"Well." Gu Ningzi looked up from the document and looked at Chi Nuan: "Coffee."

Chi Nuan made coffee, prepared it according to the proportion of toffee that Ning Zi was used to, and sent it to the conference room, but the atmosphere in the conference room was a little tense.

"Daniel's company is supposed to have a C round of financing, and the capital chain of the company that is about to go public is broken?"

Gu Ningzi folded her arms and leaned against the back of the chair: "What's the reason."

He Zhen stood at the conference table: "Daniel's new wife passed away unexpectedly due to gliding, and there was a preterm fetus in his womb. Daniel's emotions were completely broken and he couldn't work at all."

Gu Ningzi: "The management mechanism of the entire company is that Daniel makes decisions alone?"

She speaks at a slow pace, without any excitement or anger, but He Zhen is too arrogant to give out—the investment of nearly 100 million yuan will be a waste.

"Daniel was in charge of the two newly developed projects. Others in the company were unable to take over. Those two projects directly dragged down the capital chain."

The coffee was placed on the table, Chi Nuan turned the cup handle in a direction that was convenient for Gu Ningzi to use.

Gu Ningzi glanced at Chi Nuan: "This is a project of Department A, what does Professor Lin say?"

He Zhen: "Mr. Lin sent care to Daniel, I hope he will cheer up as soon as possible, and consider adding funds to Daniel's company to turn around."

Gu Ningzi picked up the coffee cup expressionlessly.

The video on the wall flashed, and Chi Nuan heard a mellow male voice: "Good evening, Aning."

Chi Nuan raised her head, the man who appeared in the video was very handsome, probably in his fifties, but under a well-maintained and well-cut suit, it was a figure that made most young people feel ashamed.

Gu Ningzi looked at the picture, He Zhen said, "President Lin."

Professor Lin: "He Zhen, before the meeting, please leave me and Aning to talk alone."

Chi Nuan immediately left the conference room with He Zhen.

He Zhen rubbed his temples, Chi Nuan asked her if she wanted coffee or juice, He Zhen waved his hand, poured a cup of warm water himself, pointed to the direction of the conference room, and introduced to Chi Nuan: "Lin is always the founder of Spider, and he is also the homework of BOSS. professor."

Chi Nuan showed the original look.

He Zhen: "...Are you thinking about Mr. Lin's discerning eyes and pearls, cultivating excellent bosses as successors, and making her stand at the top of Spider in just three or four years?"

Chi Nuan: "...Isn't it?"

"Yeah, BOSS is indeed the best." He Zhen affirmed Chi Nuan's thoughts, raised his hand on her shoulder, and nodded: "At the same time, BOSS's mother is Spider's top partner, and she has all of Spider's The shares are all inherited by the boss."

Chi Nuan: "..." The capital market is indeed realistic.

Chi Nuan didn't know how the meeting was going, but after the early morning, she received two text messages.

One from He Zhen: "BOSS's flight ticket to the group headquarters has been booked, and the return date has not yet been set. All domestic trips will be cancelled from tomorrow. Assistant Chi, your New Year's holiday has begun."

Chi Nuan open another one.

Gu Ningzi: "Pack up my luggage before noon."

Chi Nuan tossed and turned, didn't fall asleep all night, and went to Henan Mountain the next day with dark circles under his eyes.

After pressing the code, she was about to push the door, and the door was pulled open from the inside.

Gu Ningzi was wearing a hoodie and sneakers. Chi Nuan looked at her outfit and asked her, "...Are you going for a morning run now?"

Gu Ningzi opened her left ear and looked at her.

Chi Nuan repeated: "Are you going for a run?"

"Take a walk." Gu Ningzi pushed Chi Nuan the water glass in her hand, put on her headphones, pulled on her hat, and walked out of the courtyard first.

Chi Nuan understood and followed Gu Ningzi.

There are entrances and exits to the villa area to connect to the forest park. The sun has slowly climbed up, passed through the dense branches and leaves, and when it fell on the slope, only a few scattered light spots remained.

The temperature on the mountain was a bit low, and although the body didn't feel cold, Chi Nuan still pulled the scarf up.

I didn't meet anyone along the way, the air was nice. Chi Nuan took a few deep breaths, and the low tide brought by "Gu Ningzi will leave today" still failed to get any relief. She stared at Gu Ningzi's back from time to time in a daze.

After walking for more than half an hour, Gu Ningzi stopped going up, turned around and reached out to Chi Nuan.

Chi Nuan handed over the water, and Gu Ningzi drank it casually.

The hat was big, covering the upper half of her face, her lips were wet with water, she slowly pursed her lips.

Chi Nuan said softly, "Gu Ningzi."

Gu Ningzi plugged her earphones, ignored Chi Nuan, passed by her, and walked back.

Chi Nuan lowered her head and murmured in a lower voice than before, "Don't leave me again."

Gu Ningzi's pace was neither fast nor slow, and she brushed off her hat when she reached the fork in the road. She stood still slightly, turned her head, and looked at Chi Nuan, who was a long way behind, as if with misty eyes in the mountains: "Don't get lost."

Back home, Chi Nuan began to pack for Gu Ningzi.

In fact, there is nothing to pack. More of her daily necessities are there, but Henan Mountain is her temporary residence.

The rare and leisurely Gu Ningzi sat on a comfortable single chair and flipped through fashion magazines. The warm winter sun came in from the window. She was like the most beautiful movie scene, and her whole body was glowing.

Time has been stretched, and there are only two of them in the quiet house.

Chi Nuan put the folded clothes in the suitcase and asked Gu Ningzi, "When will you be back?"

"Not sure." Gu Ningzi flipped through the last few pages of the magazine and walked over to see Chi Nuan packing up. Chi Nuan's hands were very white, with a hint of sensuality, which reminded people of the word "soft and boneless". At this time, her hand fell between the dark clothes, stroked the shoulder line and waist line, and folded meticulously.

Gu Ningzi took out the clothes that Chi Nuan had put in one by one: "No."

"..." Didn't you choose this yourself? Chi Nuan raised her head to look at Gu Ningzi, the gentle beauty's face was blank.

Gu Ningzi also looked down at her, and after a few seconds, she threw the clothes she took out into the suitcase again.

In the afternoon, He Zhen took Gu Ningzi away, and there was no news for several days.

On New Year's Eve, every family is having a New Year's dinner. Chi Nuan made a table of delicious food and welcomed the new year with Xiao Wutong in a lively TV show.

"Happy New Year."

With the sound of firecrackers, Chi Nuan greeted Gu Ningzi for the New Year, and sent her the photos of the reunion dinner. Xiao Wutong attentively peeled the walnuts to feed Chi Nuan, Chi Nuan opened his mouth to pick it up, turned to rub Xiao Wutong's head, and the phone rang.

"Cough cough cough..." Chi Nuan coughed, covering her mouth.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you choking?" Xiao Wutong hurriedly patted Chi Nuan on the back.

Chi Nuan looked at the screen: "... Mom is fine."

Gu Ningzi: "I'm not happy with you like this."

The photo immediately appeared, the glasses were pressed against a stack of financial statements, the coffee was steaming, and Gu Ningzi was obviously at work.

Chi Nuan chose to withdraw the photo of the reunion dinner, and two seconds later, Gu Ningzi's video request popped up on the chat interface.