She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 76


"...I always feel a little bit of a loss."

During the afternoon tea time, Du Min raised her hand and let Chi Nuan look at the shining diamond ring on her ring finger: "I've only had such a boyfriend, and I'm going to be married for a lifetime... God! Can you believe it? It's completely incredible!"

During the Chinese New Year, the parents of both parties urged again that the two people, who had been in love for more than five years, finally made up their minds to get married.

Xue Min curled the corners of her mouth and said, "How romantic, the first person I met was my marriage partner."

This made Du Min happy: "You will all be my bridesmaids then~"

Zhao Jingjing is out of town, Xu Dan has to go to work in the afternoon, Xue Min is an idler, Chi Nuan has officially become Gu Ningzi's assistant since he left, and his time is more flexible. The sun was shining, and the three of them sat outside the cafe chatting leisurely. When Du Min mentioned the wedding photo, Xue Min said, "I can introduce my friend to you. Her team is not bad."

Chi Nuan happened to pick up the new edition of the financial journal and went fishing for afternoon tea. Hearing this, she took it out of her bag: "This is taken by Ah Wen's friend."

Du Min took a deep breath at the photo of Gu Ningzi on the cover, opened the page about Gu Ningzi on the inside page, and after a quick glance, closed the journal and pointed to the cover: "If it weren't for the big 'Finance' on this page. One word, I thought it was a fashion magazine. Tsk, Gu Ningzi looks like this, not being a star is the loss of our people. "

Xue Min smiled and drank tea, and a smile appeared in Chi Nuan's eyes.

Du Min added: "Awen, recommend your friend to me... It's just that Zhou Damao looks a bit unsatisfactory. I'm afraid the effect of the film will be greatly reduced."

"Wait." Xue Min took out her phone, sent a message to the photographer friend, and then pushed her business card to Du Min.

Du Min: "OK, I've added it. - Having an afternoon tea, I solved a major issue easily. I love you so much."

Later, when Zhou Damao came to pick up Du Min to pick a home, it was time for Chi Nuan to return to the company. Xue Min's car was borrowed, and he happened to take Chi Nuan's ride to pick it up.

Although I drive seriously every day, after all, it has only been driven for more than two months, and Chi Nuan's level is still very limited. After a few traffic lights, Xue Min couldn't help but said, "Don't Gu Ningzi say anything?"

Chi Nuan said embarrassedly, "...she usually doesn't say anything."

Xue Min smiled and turned out of the window.

The two separated near the company, Chi Nuan drove into the underground garage, and took the company's exclusive elevator to the floor.

Gu Ningzi had just finished a lengthy meeting. He Zhen sent the executives of several energy groups attending the meeting away from the company. When passing by Chi Nuan, he winked at her charmingly.

Late warm smile.

The high-level vision was wide, Gu Ningzi stood in front of the window holding a cup and looked out, there was a light knock on the door, she turned her head and saw Chi Nuan who pushed the door and entered.

"Gu Ningzi." Chi Nuan showed her a big smile, walked over, and took out the journal to show her.

Gu Ningzi put down the cup and flipped it over: "Exaggerated."

"But it's beautiful." Chi Nuan's smile was very sweet, her eyes were lit up when they touched the gaze cast by Gu Ningzi, and the starlight shone in it instantly.

It's as if... as if she's her sunshine, give her a little light and she'll shine.

Gu Ningzi's dimples were looming, just as she was about to say something, Chi Nuan's cell phone rang.

It's Xue Wen.

"My lighter seems to have fallen into your car." Xue Wen said.

Chi Nuan said: "...Really? I'll look for it, where are you?"

Xue Min: "I'm coming to your company, I'll be there soon."

Chi Nuan: "Okay, see you downstairs in the company later."

Hanging up the phone, Chi Nuan explained the whole story to Gu Ningzi, Gu Ningzi swept towards the door, signaling Chi Nuan to take care of herself.

Chi Nuan went downstairs to the garage and found a diamond-encrusted lighter in the car. She took the lighter and waited for Xue Min outside the company building. After three or five minutes, Xue Min arrived.

Chi Nuan returned the lighter to her, and Xue Min played with her fingertips: "I'm sorry, it was given by a friend, it's not good if you lose it."

Chi Nuan said: "It's okay."

Xue Min waved with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Go up, it won't delay your work."

The two said goodbye again, Chi Nuan walked into the building, and while waiting for the elevator, he met He Zhen who had finished delivering the guests. He Zhen asked Chi Nuan, "You should know about Siqin Group, right?"

Chi Nuan replied, "I know."

The primary school she previously taught was affiliated with the Siqin Group. The elevator arrived, and the two went in together. He Zhen pressed down the floor and smiled at Chi Nuan: "Those people just now were senior executives of Siqin, and Siqin is in urgent need of cash flow. They are here today with the intention of bringing Siqin to work. A portion of its business shares were sold to Spider."

Chi Nuan: "...So, is the negotiation done?"

He Zhen shrugged and said, "How can it be that easy?"

The two went into the office talking, and not long after, the internal phone rang, He Zhen pressed it to connect, Gu Ningzi's voice: "Compress my schedule this week, I need to make time for Sunday."

Chi Nuan and He Zhen looked at each other, and He Zhen said, "Okay, BOSS."

Gu Ningzi's work has no fixed rest days. He Zhen pondered the priority and first checked out a few items, and asked Secretary Yang to communicate with the other party on the phone to change the time, and move forward the important meeting originally scheduled for Sunday.

Secretary Yang looked fascinated: "Do you want to arrange a weekend date, Mr. Gu? Today, she will receive flowers as soon as she arrives at the company. Is there any gossip?"

He Zhen looked up from the schedule, and Chi Nuan also looked over.

Secretary Yang: "It seems that someone is chasing President Gu! I really can't imagine what kind of person can fascinate our President Gu."

"President Gu has been chased by a lot of people." He Zhen tapped Secretary Yang's forehead with a pen: "You saw that someone brought flowers, did you see Mr. Gu having the bouquets thrown into the trash bin intact? - You It's here to do things, not to gossip."

Secretary Yang stuck out his tongue, shrugged his shoulders and went to the work station to make a phone call.

He Zhen was still researching the itinerary, Chi Nuan asked, "... Are there really many people chasing her?"

He Zhen looked at Chi Nuan with an expression of "Do I look like someone who can make such a joke".

... Well, no one in this world likes Gu Ningzi, which is unbelievable. Her appearance alone is enough to make people crazy, not to mention, she is such a good person.

Chi Nuan understood, but was a little unhappy.

The temperature is still warm during the day, and it starts to cool down in the evening. There is plenty of heating in the building, and people who walk into the garage are surrounded by the slightest bit of cold air. Chi Nuan sullenly tightened her coat, and when she got into the car, Gu Ningzi asked her, "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"

Chi Nuan is very sensitive to the word "weekend" now, and she shook her head without thinking, "No."

Gu Ningzi: "Then go to the aquarium."

ah? … It turned out that the compressed schedule made Sundays to accompany Xiaowutong to see jellyfish

Gu Ningzi got into the car, followed by Chi Nuan. The gloomy emotions were swept away, she started the car with a smile on her face, and before she set off, she wanted to sneak another glance at Gu Ningzi in the rearview mirror, but who knew that the eyes of the two met unexpectedly in the mirror.

Gu Ningzi: "Are you happy?"

"..." Is it obvious? Chi Nuan said cheekily: "I'm glad, it looks like I'm going to date you."

Gu Ningzi shook her head, looking rather speechless, Chi Nuan said again: "Just kidding... Xiao Wutong must be very excited."

The car drove out of the basement, and Chi Nuan slowly turned right with the brakes and merged into the street traffic. In the quiet car, Gu Ningzi said unhurriedly, "It's not wrong to talk about a date, aren't you my girlfriend?"

The brakes were fully applied, and the car behind nearly rear-ended.

Gu Ningzi: "Just kidding."

"...Huh." Chi Nuan smirked cooperatively.

Xiao Wutong's excitement has been uncontrollable since Saturday night. He pulled Chi Nuan to buy a bunch of fruit snacks, and put them all into his small schoolbag: "Eat on the road."

There is a large-scale jellyfish hall in the aquarium in S City. Gu Ningzi asked Chi Nuan to book a ticket there, and some snacks are also good to pass the traffic time. It's just that Xiao Wutong was too excited and didn't sleep well all night. On the way from Yuncheng to S City, he always dozed off like a chicken pecking at rice.

Chi Nuan stared at the road conditions: "... This is my first time on the highway, you... don't be nervous."

The knuckles of her fingers holding the steering wheel were almost white, and Gu Ningzi sneered: "You look more nervous than me."

- "Don't be nervous, ranking doesn't matter."

- "You look more nervous than me."

The cheering sound from the audience, the blue and white school uniform, the girl covering her eyes, this scene suddenly flashed in Gu Ningzi's mind.

In the jellyfish museum, Xiao Wutong opened his mouth wide, lay on the jellyfish tank, and looked up blankly.

Jellyfish big and small, wandering in the silent water world, holding umbrellas and dragging their tentacles, changing colors with the cool-toned background lights, like dream weavers, graceful and illusory.

Watching their swimming trajectories, it's easy to get caught up in thoughts. Originally, I was watching jellyfish with Xiao Wutong, but Chi Nuan watched it more than anyone else. After watching all the venues, Gu Ningzi had already led Xiao Wutong in the rest area outside for a while.

There was a seat between them, one person was sucking a carton of milk, Chi Nuan stopped in front of them on the left, the two of them had straws in their mouths and turned to look at her in unison.

This scene was a bit funny, Chi Nuan sat between them, smiled at Gu Ningzi and said, "You are also like a child."

Xiao Wutong heard it and snickered while covering her mouth.

Gu Ningzi hooked her fingers at Chi Nuan, and Chi Nuan leaned towards her for unknown reasons.

"Correction." Gu Ningzi said in a voice that only each other could hear clearly, "Girlfriend."

"..." The heart beat dozens of times.

Chi Nuan turned to look at Gu Ningzi, Gu Ningzi held the straw again and drank the milk expressionlessly.

... What kind of character is this, was Gu Ningzi like this before? ?

Chi Nuan could only look away and smiled awkwardly.

Gu Ningzi changed the subject: "Did you study at S University?"

Chi Nuan said calmly, "Yes."

Xiao Wutong curiously observed their interaction, and when she saw this, she raised her hand enthusiastically: "Me! Aunt Gu, I have been to my mother's school! There are delicious fish and... and chicken chops in the school!"

Chi Nuan asked Gu Ningzi, "Are you going?"

Gu Ningzi raised her chin arrogantly and said, "Whatever."

There is no need to make a special detour to go to S University. After the three of them left the aquarium, the wheels went straight to their destination. Walking slowly along the campus, the little phoenix tree jumped in front, the teaching building, library, theater, dormitory... The sky was getting dark, and the three went to the cafeteria to have dinner before heading back to Yuncheng.

Gu Ningzi took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat. Chi Nuan played rock-paper-scissors with Xiao Wutong in the back seat. After a few games, Xiao Wutong was sleepy and fell asleep with her eyes narrowed on her lap for a while.

Chi Nuan said softly, "Gu Ningzi, thank you today."

The headlights illuminated the road ahead, Gu Ningzi hooked the corner of her lips and said "um" without looking sideways.