She Can Also Be Gentle

Chapter 77


The brand's new season's summer clothes had just arrived in the evening, and Chi Nuan buried himself in the cloakroom after finishing most of the night before putting everything in place.

Gu Ningzi was in the video conference when He Zhen texted Chi Nuan: "Boss wants coffee."

Chi Nuan: "How about you?"

He Zhen: "The gods are fighting here, I can't drink even if you give me Xianlu. [Dizziness]"

Chi Nuan laughed and stepped out of the car.

It was mid-March at this time, after the severe winter, the spring breeze was getting warmer day by day. The night wind of Henan Mountain mixed with the refreshing breath of the mountains blows into the house, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The coffee machine was running, the hot coffee was slowly poured into the cup, Chi Nuan picked up the sugar cube, and heard the slight footsteps behind him.

She thought it was He Zhen who came out to urge, and said softly, "Wait a minute, it will be all right."

The white sugar cubes melted into the brown coffee, Chi Nuan stirred gently, and the visitor stopped and knocked his forehead on her shoulder without a word.

Chi Nuan smelled the familiar aroma on the other side, it was Gu Ningzi.

"… "

The coffee spoon hit the edge of the cup with a crisp sound.

No one spoke. After a few seconds, or ten seconds later, Gu Ningzi took the coffee cup from Chi Nuan's hands as if nothing had happened: "You can go back."

"Gu Ningzi..."

Gu Ningzi turned back, her eyes behind the lens were so cold and self-contained that it was impeccable, as if the scene just now had never happened at all.

The heart is very soft and painful, Gu Ningzi must be very tired, it is always work, work, and even without a really relaxing vacation.

Driving home, carrying the fruit upstairs, Xiao Pan, who has not been in contact with her since the meal, called her: "Sister Chi, have you rested?"

Chi Nuan said unexpectedly, "No, Xiao Pan, what's the matter?"

Xiao Pan said mysteriously, "I just got out of the hospital, and everyone went. Well, Mr. Wang Lili was beaten and was hospitalized!"

Chi Nuan stopped on the stairs with a surprised voice: "Huh?"

Xiaopan: "Sister Chi, you're not here, so you don't know that things are changing in the school these days. Principal Lu was transferred, and Director Huang and Teacher Wang were fired directly. Teacher Wang was not angry, and came to the school with her husband yesterday. There was a fuss about it, and I was beaten today."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Xiao Pan: "It's very miserable, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, and the legs are broken."

Chi Nuan thought about what He Zhen said not long ago that Siqin Group wanted to sell some shares to Spider, wouldn't it be such a coincidence? Just about these people.

Xiao Pan: "Although there is no evidence that the school sent people to fight, but at this juncture, people can't help but think about it. Anyway, people are panicking now, and I don't know if there will be any action from above. Private treatment is good. Okay, but after this incident, I always feel quite insecure, and I will consider going to the public in the future..."

After listening to the phone, Chi Nuan opened the door and entered the house, Xiao Wutong fell asleep, and Aunt Lu was cleaning the living room.

With such a high salary, Gu Ningzi couldn't always let Gu Ningzi match her time. Besides, Xiao Wutong was waiting for her in the nursery every time. She was too sleepy to wait. The dark circles under her eyes appeared at a young age, so Chi Nuan simply put Lu Lu. Auntie called again to help.

Xiao Wutong was taken care of by Aunt Lu since she was a child, and Aunt Lu also had feelings for him, not to mention that Chi Qingchuan was gone, she also pity Chi Nuan and Xiao Wutong. So as soon as Chi Nuan spoke, she agreed without saying a word.

Seeing that the living room was almost cleaned up, Aunt Lu was ready to go back. Chi Nuan gave her the fruit, and took the car keys to give her. Aunt Lu refused and said, "I'll be home in a few minutes, but you, rest early, you've been working all day."

After Aunt Lu left, Chi Nuan went to see Xiao Wutong, who snorted and fell asleep. Chi Nuan went back to her room and wanted to ask Gu Ningzi about the Siqin Group, but she was afraid that it would affect her meeting, and she was afraid that she was being affectionate.

Let's have a chance to ask tomorrow.

The next day, when Chi Nuan arrived at Henan Mountain, He Zhen was leaning on the sofa and sketching Gu Ningzi's itinerary. Seeing Chi Nuan coming, she said, "The island meeting that Mr. Lin attended was changed to BOSS attendance. Don't leave the country, fly tomorrow evening, come back the day after tomorrow, the boss asked me to ask, is your time ok?"

If Aunt Lu was asked to stay and take care of Xiao Wutong for two days, the problem should not be a big problem, Chi Nuan answered first.

He Zhen: "Okay."

Looking at He Zhen who was working hard, Chi Nuan moved in his heart: "Assistant He, the business of Siqin Group..."

"Siqin Group", He Zhen raised his head, "What do you want to ask?"

Chi Nuan said: "I used to be a teacher in the private elementary school jointly invested by Siqin Group and No. 1 Middle School."

He Zhen: "Yes, it's written on your resume."

Chi Nuan: "Just... A former colleague called me last night and said that there were some personnel changes in the school recently... Another teacher was beaten and was hospitalized... "

He Zhen shook his shoulders and laughed.

Chi Nuan was bewildered by her smile, and she didn't say anything funny, did she...

He Zhen smiled and shook his head: "I understand. - At the end of the meeting that day, the boss casually mentioned that primary school."

! ! ! So it really is because of Gu Ningzi

He Zhen: "Siqin wanted to sell his shares because he came to him. BOSS is a businessman, so it is impossible to make money without making money. But a profitable project also has to go through a step-by-step process, and it cannot be done overnight. Deliberately stuck Siqin."

Chi Nuan nodded, and He Zhen continued: "After the acquisition of Yunchu, Siqin targeted Spider as a target. It wanted to use Spider's funds to solve its urgent needs, so naturally, it would go to great lengths to analyze every word of BOSS."

Speaking, He Zhen smiled playfully: "Look at how Siqin handled it, Assistant Chi, were you bullied when you were teaching in the elementary school?"

Chi Nuan looked at her awkwardly.

He Zhen: "BOSS has always been a bit of a fool in shopping malls. She vented her anger for you, so you know what to do."

Chi Nuan didn't speak for a while, the room was quiet, He Zhen slowly wiped her fingers from her lips, she propped her cheeks, tilted her head and said, "... The person who bullied you lost his job, and I heard you say that he was beaten to the hospital. Yes, don't worry about exaggerating or overdoing it, after all, this matter is an internal matter of Siqin, you will never have any bad opinion about BOSS because of it, right?"

"No." Chi Nuan hurriedly shook his hand.

…I just think that in this circle where capital is king, although the young Gu Ningzi has a place because of her mother, she can only gain a firm foothold with thousands of times of hard work and solve a problem as effortlessly as today. thing

He Zhen's brows loosened, and he glanced at his watch: "... Assistant Chi, it's time for the boss to get up, go up and have a look."

Chi Nuan: "Okay."

Chi Nuan went up to the third floor and knocked on the bedroom door: "Gu Ningzi, it's me, are you awake?"

There was no movement in the bedroom, Gu Ningzi's lazy voice came from the bathroom in the morning: "Here."

With the slight sound of water, Chi Nuan turned to the bathroom, Gu Ningzi was taking a bath, lying in a crooked position, her shoulders, neck and legs were exposed, her body lines were extremely attractive, but she was like a poppy that she was exuding at the moment. The attraction was unaware, eyes closed as if not awake.

Chi Nuan turned his back for the first time.

Gu Ningzi: "Come in, my shoulders are sore."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Chi Nuan took a breath, rolled up her sleeves, cleaned her hands, and stopped in front of the bathtub, beating her heart on Gu Ningzi's shoulders.

The fragrance took over the concentration of oxygen, and Chi Nuan felt a little dizzy. She squeezed gently, trying to distract herself by chatting: "…Is the meeting late?"

Gu Ningzi: "Well..."

The skin of his subordinates is too delicate, Chi Nuan cleared his throat and tried not to look at it: "Assistant He said about the business trip, I, my time should be fine."

The pulp of the finger is pressed against the skin and slowly expands downward until the palm of the hand is completely wrapped around the shoulder. The thumb pushed and kneaded to both sides along the cervical spine. During repeated kneading, the temperature of the skin slowly rose. Chi Nuan said again: "Also, thank you for the school."

The wet eyelashes trembled, and Gu Ningzi's long eyes opened silently.

Ripples appeared on the water, Gu Ningzi turned her head and said, "Chi Nuan."

Chi Nuan: "Huh?"

Gu Ningzi: "You go out."

Chi Nuan: "???" Didn't you let me in to squeeze your shoulders? Is it over in just two sentences

Gu Ningzi paused: "I'm not sober now, your voice makes me... sleepy."

Chi Nuan: "…"

Chi Nuan left the bathroom according to the words, and sat in the cloakroom for ten minutes, looking at her hands, which still had the touch and temperature on them.

Covering her face and shaking her head, Chi Nuan forgot all her thoughts, got up, and chose clothes suitable for today's schedule for Gu Ningzi.

"Chi Nuan." Gu Ningzi's voice sounded outside.

Chi Nuan exited the cloakroom and saw Gu Ningzi standing in the corridor with a hair dryer, her bathrobe was tightly wrapping her from neck to knees.

Chi Nuan: "…"

Chi Nuan took the hairdryer, Gu Ningzi sat down in front of the vanity mirror, and when Chi Nuan was blowing her hair, she put a mask on her face.

Her hair was wrapped around her fingertips, and the fragrance was strong. Chi Nuan remembered the exclusive interview a year ago. The lively camera assistant asked her how Gu Ningzi usually took care of her. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but smile.

Gu Ningzi looked at Chi Nuan who was smiling happily in the mirror, and unknowingly moved the corners of her lips.

In the evening, when Chi Nuan was packing her luggage at home, Xiao Wutong said, "Mom, you're good at what you say, and you'll be back the day after tomorrow."

Chi Nuan stretched out her little finger: "Come on, can we pull the hook?"

Xiao Wutong pouted: "I will miss you..."

Aunt Lu smiled and put her hand on Xiao Wutong's shoulder: "Xiao Wutong, isn't it good to be with Grandma Lu? Grandma takes you to the square to throw basketballs every night, how about it?"

Xiao Wutong was tempted by this proposal, and lay on Chi Nuan's back: "Mom, don't forget to video with me."

Chi Nuan smiled and said, "Guaranteed."

The next day, Chi Nuan and He Zhen followed Gu Ningzi on a special plane to the exclusive apron of the hotel on the island, after nine o'clock in the evening.

The specially arranged plane meal was very rich. He Zhen put down his luggage and came to Chi Nuan: "Are you going for a walk? I have eaten too much on the plane, so I have to digest it."

"Okay." Chi Nuan just finished the video with Xiao Wutong, she asked He Zhen, "Is the BOSS going?"

He Zhen shook his finger: "She is reading tomorrow's speech."

"Oh." Chi Nuan took off her high heels and went for a walk on the beach with He Zhen.

The island and Yuncheng are two seasons, and the sea breeze at night blows on the body with the scorching sun. Stop and go, Chi Nuan asked He Zhen, "Have you applied sunscreen?"

He Zhen took Chi Nuan's shoulder, and both of them laughed.

Facing the sea breeze, Chi Nuan felt something hit her eyes. She covered her eyes and lowered her head, He Zhen said, "Let me see."

"Maybe the little bugs flew in." Chi Nuan couldn't hold back her rubbing, and her tears were dripping.

He Zhen turned on the light on the mobile phone and raised Chi Nuan's face: "It came out along with the tears, okay? Does it still hurt?"

Chi Nuan blinked: "Much better."

"... Assistant Chi, is that the building we live in?" He Zhen pointed to the small villa behind Chi Nuan.

Chi Nuan turned her head back, her tears didn't stop, her eyes were hazy, she said, "It seems so."

With this episode, He Zhen stopped moving forward. She sat down on the beach and stretched her long legs comfortably with her arms stretched out: "That's great, pretending to be on vacation."

Chi Nuan was about to sit down, when the phone rang, Chi Nuan connected, and Gu Ningzi said to her, "Come here."