She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 1: Borrowing the corpse to bring back the soul


Molin is a jungle with dense vegetation. A hundred years ago, it was still inaccessible here. Because there are many wild animals in the deep mountains, ordinary people dare not go too deep.

In ancient Chinese legends, Mo Lin is also one of the favorite birthplaces of legends. Even today, the old people occasionally tell a story to their grandchildren, and the first sentence at the beginning is mostly:

A long time ago, a monster walked out of Merlin...

But these can only be stories. In today's era when developers can't wait to turn all the vacant land into houses, even Molin, who is a monster, has already been developed for the most part. The relatively flat periphery was built as a vacation villa for the wealthy, while the interior of the forest was lucky to be protected by the state due to the growth of many rare plants. The most famous of them is the Molin Center, a cedar tree that is nearly 600 years old in the Tiankeng.

The cedar tree is tall, vigorous and simple, and the breath of the whole body is like its innumerable annual rings, which is mysterious and confusing.

When Mi Wan was found, he had just climbed up from the bottom of the Tiankeng with a hole in his head. In the cool early morning, he only felt that his brain was cold. Although he had used spiritual power to stop the bleeding, the dried blood on his collar spread all the way down half of his body, and it looked like he was not far from death.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" A middle-aged man in his fifties was approaching Mi Wan aggressively, but when he got closer and saw Mi Wan's miserable appearance, he was startled.

"Uh... I accidentally stepped on the air last night and fell to the bottom of the pit." Mi Wan knew this man, Ye Feng, the housekeeper of the original owner of her body.

That's right, Mi Wan at this time, the shell is still the same shell, but the soul has already been replaced by another person. Her real name is also Mi Wan, the bowl of rice bowl, this is a monster hunter. Five hundred years ago, when he was hunting demons in Molin, he was besieged by a group of demons and died in battle. After her death, her soul could not be reincarnated because the demon power that besieged her would not disperse. This trapped her for five hundred years. Until about two hours ago, using the current algorithm, that is, about five hours ago, the original owner slipped and fell from the sky pit. I don't know how the original owner fell. The 600-year-old cedar, with such a large branch and leaves, was completely avoided by the original owner.

When the original owner fell, her head hit a rock on the ground, and the blood stained the roots of the cedar, which awakened her.

At that time, Mi Wan was sleeping in a daze, only to feel that she was suddenly sucked by a huge suction force, followed by a sharp pain. She had not experienced such pain in five hundred years, and she woke up in pain. Fortunately, she was often injured when she was catching monsters before. Wherever she felt uncomfortable, she almost instinctively treated her with spiritual power. This barely caused the tragedy of just coming back to life and then dying.

Seeing that his young lady was seriously injured, Steward Ye quickly took her back to the villa for treatment. After confirming that Mi Wan would not die immediately and she seemed to be in good spirits, Steward Ye asked, "Miss, why did you go up the mountain at night? ?"

How did you get up the mountain? Mi Wan recalled and remembered: "I'm addicted to drugs, and I want to go out to buy white powder."

When Mi Wan took over this body, she realized that she was poisoned, and she was nervous at first. After receiving the original owner's memory, she realized that this poison can actually be quit, and she immediately calmed down. As for the painful memories of the original owner's memories of drug rehab, Mi Wan didn't take it to heart at all.

Mi Wan didn't want to comment too much on the owner of her own body. After all, she was resurrected with the help of someone else's body. Even if she was picked up by herself after death, she still took advantage of it. The last memory of the original owner was that she regretted taking drugs because of her weight loss, so whether it was for the original owner or for her future self, she would definitely quit this drug.

But... Do people who are fat nowadays have to take drugs to lose weight? Thinking of her time, it was an extravagant hope to be full, and there was also the trouble of losing weight. Mi Wan touched her fleshy belly and was extremely satisfied with her small belly.

Well, at first glance, it is a good family who does not worry about food and drink.

Butler Ye didn't know Mi Wan's mental activity at this time, his face darkened immediately when he heard Mi Wan's answer. Although he guessed a little bit, but you went out to buy white powder, you are still reasonable, and you still say so confidently

Butler Ye didn't bother to talk about Mi Wan anymore, so he reported directly to the eldest young master: "Eldest young master, the young lady sneaked out to buy white powder last night, got lost in the mountains, accidentally smashed her head, and was seriously injured, and needs to be sent back to the city for treatment. ."

"Accidentally, I think she broke it on purpose to get back."

Butler Ye didn't answer. In fact, he thought so too. Since he was sent to the mountain for detoxification, Mi Wan has indeed self-harmed several times. The Mi family sent Mi Wan to the mountains to detoxify, in order to eliminate all connections between her and drugs, thinking about how Guan could quit in the first half of the year. But Mi Wan, who was most afraid of pain, was so ruthless that she committed suicide. The first few times she just cut her wrists with glass, but this time she jumped off the cliff.

Thinking of the tragic situation when he first found someone, Butler Ye is still in shock. Although Mi Wan committed suicide by himself, he couldn't wait to die while he was in charge.

"Forget it, take it to the hospital." The man on the other end of the phone said again, "It's cured, then take it back to detox."


Butler Ye hung up the phone, turned around and glanced at someone whose head was wrapped in gauze, and sighed hesitantly. Mi Wan is also the child he watched grow up. Although he is not as smart and likable as the eldest and young masters, why did he suddenly become like this.

"I'm hungry~~" One night, no, it should be Mi Wan, who hadn't eaten in nearly five hundred years. He was so hungry that he didn't have time to look into Butler Ye's expression, and just wanted to eat.

"You have to go to the hospital quickly. Your wound is too deep. It is a miracle that the bleeding can be stopped. You must go to the hospital to check carefully to see if there is any brain damage." Although Dr. Zhao is a drug rehab doctor, he has basic medical knowledge. There are still some. When he checked the wound just now, he seemed to have seen the brains inside. He was so frightened that his hands were shaking until now, because he was afraid that Mi Wan would die at any time during the dressing process.

"Go ahead when you're full." Mi Wan couldn't see it, and naturally he didn't know that his brain was about to come out, but it didn't matter if he knew. As long as the person is not dead, is it traumatic, and when she is full, she will recover very quickly when she is pressed with spiritual power.

So, when 120 rushed to the door in a hurry, Mi Wan was still eating steamed buns at the dining table.

Everyone: ... (Who said the brains are coming out soon?)

Go to the hospital for a check up.

Mi Wan's wound was deep, but luckily she didn't hurt the inside of her brain, just a slight concussion, but the doctor still put her in the hospital for two more days of observation to be on the safe side.

"Miss, you will stay in the ward for the past two days to recover from your injury. Just tell me what you need." Knowing that Mi Wan's injury was not serious, Steward Ye was most worried about Mi Wan slipping out of the hospital to buy white powder.

No, I have to call two more security guards to come over and guard at the door.

"That..." Mi Wan asked butler Ye, who was about to turn around and leave after shouting, "My...will my family come over?"

"Mr. and Mrs. are having a meeting in country M. The eldest young master is busy with his work, and the young master is about to take an exam, so..."

"I see, I'm not free." Mi Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good not to come, it's good to not come, she is not very well integrated with the original owner's memory now, seeing her relatives in advance is easy to get through.

Knowing that there was no danger of wearing a gang for the time being, Mi Wan lay down comfortably. The bed was so soft, it was more comfortable than the green lawn on the mountain behind her teacher's gate.

Seeing Mi Wan's "lost" appearance, Steward Ye felt a little unbearable. The lady really just wanted the attention of her family, but she just used the wrong method.

In order to restore her spiritual power, Mi Wan slept very deeply. When she woke up, it was already midnight. She slept for more than ten hours.


Mi Wan clutched her big belly that wasn't quite used to it, and said uncomfortably, "It turns out that it's even more uncomfortable for a fat man to be hungry."

No, I have to find something to eat.

Mi Wan got up from the bed, walked straight out of the ward, and walked out of the hospital smoothly with the memory of the day.

"Well, hello, may I ask if there is a place that sells food nearby?" Mi Wan stopped a kind-faced woman at the entrance of the hospital, with an old-fashioned tone. She hadn't fully adapted to the way of speaking in this era, so she said Such a sentence that combines ancient and modern.

"Yo, the little girl studies literature, she speaks in a refined manner. There is a 24-hour convenience store at the entrance of the hospital. You go out from here, turn left, and walk about 200 meters. There is a 24-hour convenience store." The woman pointed with a smile. road.

"Thank you." Mi Wan thanked her and ran to her destination, but after a while, she found the convenience store the woman said.

The moment he saw the convenience store, the introduction of the convenience store automatically appeared in Mi Wan's mind. After only a second of stunned, Mi Wan rushed in.

So much delicious!

Looking at the rows of shelves, Mi Wan's saliva was about to flow out, and she took all the things she saw and found delicious. It wasn't until I checked out that I realized that I didn't bring any money.

"You can also pay by mobile phone." The clerk reminded that there are very few young people who go out with cash these days, except for the old man who can't pay by mobile phone.

"I... I didn't bring my cell phone." It's not that she didn't bring it, she didn't even think of the phone number. When asked by the clerk at this moment, she suddenly recalled, and then she remembered that the mobile phone seemed to be lost when the original owner fell into the sinkhole.

"Then you can't buy it." The clerk said, and took back all the things that had just been scanned.

Mi Wan pursed her lips, and looked regretful, she was hungry~~

"I'll treat you to instant noodles." Suddenly, a voice came from behind Mi Wan.

Mi Wan turned his head and found a pig, looking at himself with a smile.

"Two buckets of instant noodles, help us soak it." The middle-aged man transformed into the main pig demon settled the bill with two buckets of instant noodles.

"You want me to eat?" Mi Wan narrowed her eyes and asked as if confirming that the instant noodles were filled with water and brought to her.

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile: "I think you look very hungry, but after all, instant noodles are not nutritious. You are injured. Let the family cook more soup for you."

"Are you... caring about me?" Mi Wan's brows twitched, with a strange look on his face. It was a very different experience for the demon hunter to be cared by the demon.

"Of course, come, let's sit there and eat." The middle-aged man smiled cheerfully and motioned for Mi Wan to take the instant noodles with him. He is a pig demon, and when he sees chubby people on weekdays, he will unconsciously feel intimacy. Although this girl has a wound on her head, her round body looks like one of my pigs.

Mi Wan's eyes flickered, and she followed him with interest.

This pig demon is quite courageous. Seeing that he doesn't run away, he still invites me to eat noodles

Is it a bribe? However, it has to be said that this bribe is still very attractive.

"Why, in the current demon world, are your pig demons a big demon clan? Are you arrogant enough to jump up and down in front of the demon hunter?" Mi Wan asked casually while smelling the tempting aroma of instant noodles.


The pig demon suddenly crooked, and the whole person fell off the stool.

"You... you..." The pig demon looked at Mi Wan in horror, the fat all over his body was shaking.

This is a normal expression.

"Don't be afraid, for the sake of you inviting me to eat noodles, I won't kill you today." It's worth changing a life.

Was going to... kill me

"call out."

A pig demon whose life was saved by instant noodles for five yuan blew out like a gust of wind, and the pig shadow disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Mi Wan had long been accustomed to this phenomenon of fleeing in the wind, and calmly lifted the lid and took a mouthful of instant noodles, and then...

Hmm~~ What is a pig demon, where can I find instant noodles delicious

Hey, there is a bowl next to it, is that the pig demon who forgot to eat it just now? Hmm~ I'll let him go next time I meet him.

The author has something to say: Read the statement: Stay away from drugs, cherish life! Drug use is set in the text, just for the needs of the character, and this is a fantasy text, the heroine has spiritual power, and her physique is different from that of ordinary people, so the process of detoxification will be relatively easy to write. In fact, drugs are extremely harmful. Once drug addiction occurs, human beings can hardly control themselves. Thinking about the original owner, he died of drug addiction, so we must stay away from drugs and cherish life! ! ! (From the cowardly crab who is afraid of being locked up.)

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