She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 111: season finale


Whether it is a demon clan or a demon hunter, all that is needed for cultivation is spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is transformed by the force of nature, so there must be a force of nature between heaven and earth. But since there is a force of nature between heaven and earth, why doesn't Xiao Jianmu grow up

Apart from the god of nature, only Fan Chen could answer this question. It's a pity that the god of nature was angry at this time, and Fan Chen fell asleep because of his injury. Mi Wan had no choice but to stay in the park of all things that surrounded Fan Chen with the most breath all day. Help Xiao Jianmu grow up quickly.

Butler Ye didn't understand why the young lady couldn't live in a good home. She insisted on living in the Wanwu Park, but she couldn't defeat her own young lady, so she could only bring Mrs. Zhang over to take care of the young lady. This care lasted for one month, and a month later, my lady suddenly proposed to go to a maternity check-up, and asked to go to another hospital for the check-up.

After a check-up, the doctor concluded that the child was about six weeks old and was very healthy.

"Okay, thank you doctor." Mi Wan didn't say anything this time, thanked the doctor and left.

"Miss, no, that's not right, Young Master Sun has been younger for more than two weeks." But Butler Ye quit, why it's only been six weeks, it's been four weeks since my own Young Master Sun last time, and now it's been a month, how can he grow up? for two weeks.

"It is estimated that the doctor in the last hospital was not skilled enough and the examination was wrong." Mi Wan said perfunctorily.

"..." Liar.

After the inspection from the hospital, Mi Wan did not go back to the Park of All Things, but went home directly, acting very calm all the way. But Butler Ye was anxiously fidgeting. The young master should have been more than eight weeks old. How could the test result be six weeks? Could it be that the young master stopped growing two weeks ago.

Butler Ye and Sister Zhang exchanged eye contact all the way, and at the moment they finally stepped into the house, they still said, "Miss, let's go to the hospital again."

"No, six weeks is six weeks." Mi Wan knew that no matter how much he checked, it wouldn't change the result.

"Miss, we're afraid, we're afraid..." As a mother, Mrs. Zhang really couldn't say the next thing.

"Sister Zhang, you can say what you want." Mi Wan insisted that she did not want to go back to the main house of the Mi family. The Mi family's parents had no choice but to solemnly ask Mrs. Zhang to take care of her. And Mrs. Zhang was good to her originally, but now that she has been instructed by her parents, it is even better for her.

"Miss, Master Sun should have been more than eight weeks old, but the doctor only found out six weeks. I'm afraid, I'm afraid... Let's go to the hospital to check again." Mrs. Zhang still couldn't say the word "abortion stop". .

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, the baby is fine, just grow slowly." Mi Wan said after comforting, "Sister Zhang, I want to eat cake."

"I'll do it, I'll do it now." Sister Zhang hurriedly ran to the kitchen to make the cake.

"Uncle Ye, the Quan Special Assistant will come over in a while, you bring him in." On the way back, Mi Wan sent a message to Quan Juncai and asked him to come over.

After giving the order, Mi Wan went back to the room, changed herself into loose clothes, then took a chair and sat on the balcony to bask in the sun, staring at the walled courtyard in a daze. The courtyard next door was still full of greenery, but Fan Chen was gone, and the flowers and plants there seemed to lack aura.

About ten minutes later, Butler Ye took Quan Juncai upstairs, and the two talked on the balcony.

"How's the young master?" Quan Juncai sat opposite Mi Wan and asked with concern.

"I grew up for two weeks." Mi Wan replied.

"It seems that it is indeed right to stay in the Park of All Things, so why did you come back today and why don't you continue to live in the park." Quan Juncai wondered.

"It's useless, the power of nature in the park has been absorbed by this child." Maybe it was because of being pregnant with Xiao Jianmu, Mi Wan gradually gained some perception of the power of nature. She felt that the atmosphere around the Park of Everything was missing an aura that made her feel very comfortable. Then the child in her womb exuded a very depressed aura.

"Then I'll take you to the park in the next city." They have built a lot of parks in the past few hundred years, and Master Mi has changed their residence one by one. If a park can make Xiaojianmu grow for two weeks, the whole If you live in the parks of the world, you can always be born.

"It's useless." Mi Wan shook his head and said, "I also have some perception of the power of nature during this time. The power of nature that the baby needs for these two weeks is not from the park itself, but because not long ago, Fan Chen has been rooted in that park for a long time, and it is his remnant of building wood that makes the baby grow up. If you switch to another park, it will not have this effect, unless Fan Chen has also taken root in that park. long time."

"...The adults have only taken root in this park." Quan Jun was worried, "If there is no residual wood-building atmosphere of the adults, how much energy can the park provide to the young master?"

"One day." Mi Wan estimated.

"One... one day?" Quan Juncai was stunned.

"To be exact, it can grow for about two days a year. Jianmu absorbs the extra power of nature after the natural plants maintain something. After each absorption, it takes about half a year for the plants to cultivate to regain their natural power. From this calculation, one day's energy can be absorbed every six months." Mi Wan told Quan Juncai about his findings.

"Well, then if you go to each park once, plus the existing forests on the earth, it will grow by one day at a time, and two days a year. Based on this calculation, when the young master is born..."

"Forget it, have you forgotten that your young master will become smaller if the energy supply is not enough?" Mi Wan rolled his eyes.

"..." Quan Juncai suddenly became desperate, yes, the young master will become smaller. How many years has it been in this way, and Master Mi is not a monster yet, and his lifespan is limited. Maybe wait until she... Bah, don't think about unlucky things.

"What should I do?" Quan Juncai frantically wanted to scratch his hair.

"I have a guess." For the past month, Mi Wan has been thinking about how to find food for her baby. After thinking about it for a month, she finally had some clues today.

"You said." Quan Juncai listened intently.

"Fan Chen told me before that all things have spirits, all living beings are part of nature, grass and trees are, soil is, mountains and rocks are, rivers and seas, people are, animals are, and monsters are also. Purifying nature produces aura, and human faith and goodwill can also generate aura." Mi Wan said, "So I was wondering if these things that generate aura are all the power of nature."

Quan Juncai felt a faint touch in his heart.

"During the Chinese New Year last year, Fan Chen's injury was much better. He told me at the time that it was because of the New Year, when humans sacrificed to gods and ancestors, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth skyrocketed, so his injury was relieved. The power of Fan Chen's injury relief can naturally nourish his children." Mi Wan continued, "There is also the wishing deer, the wishing deer was crushed directly because of the collapse of the mountain, and even Fan Chen could not be cured. In the end, she just relied on the power of wish to be resurrected, so the power of wish may also be a kind of power of nature."

"You mean..." Quan Juncai stood up excitedly.

"For this child to be born, it probably needs the power of the whole world." Mi Wan said emotionally.

"I understand, I know what to do." Quan Juncai said with excitement in his heart, "Master Mi, don't worry, I will definitely let the young master be born healthy."

After speaking, he didn't even bother to go to the main entrance, and Quan Juncai disappeared directly in place.

After a while, Butler Ye went upstairs with the cakes and found that Quan Juncai had disappeared, and was surprised for a long time.

After Quan Juncai left the Mi family's old house, he flew directly to the imperial capital and found Yi Xun, president of the Monster Hunters Association.

He was very surprised by Quan Juncai's sudden visit to Yi Xun, but he rejected everything for the first time and received Quan Juncai, because he knew that at this time, the new demon king would not come to him for no reason.

"Lord Monster King, is there any important thing for you to come here this time?" During this time, the new Monster King will inform the Human Race about the disaster location predicted in advance. The Monster Race's predictions are much more accurate than the seismometers of the Human Race. Human beings have reduced a lot of losses.

"Do you want to end this disaster early and quell the anger of the earth?" Quan Juncai asked directly without any nonsense.

"Of course I do." Yi Xun said excitedly. He didn't want to, he dreamed, "Did the Demon King find a solution?"

"There is a way." Quan Jun nodded.

"You said, no matter what we do, my human race will do its best." Yi Xun said without hesitation.

"Do you know Jianmu?"

"Of course I know that Jianmu was the first demon in the world when heaven and earth first opened, and the first creature on earth. He was the guardian of the demon clan and the representative of the natural consciousness of the earth." As the president of the Demon Hunters Association, Yi Xun It is impossible not to know Jianmu.

"I think you already know that the earth's big change this time was caused by the damage to the building and the anger of the earth."

"I know." Yi Xun was desperate because he knew, and the earth was furious. How could this be something that could be stopped by manpower

"We are very lucky, a new Jianmu is about to be born." Quan Juncai finally said the key point.

"New Jianmu?!" Where can there be two Jianmu in this world? Could it be that the previous Jianmu has been killed by humans? Yi Xun was sad and happy for a while, and his expression was distorted and he didn't know what to do. But after all, the earth has a new building wood, then there is a new hope.

"Yes, if the new Jianmu is born smoothly, the anger of the earth will be extinguished, and the catastrophe will also stop." Quan Juncai said.

"Is there a problem with Jianmu's birth?" Yi Xun was so smart, as soon as he heard Quan Juncai's words, he knew that there was probably a problem with Jianmu's birth.

"That's right." Quan Juncai said directly, "The growth of Jianmu requires the nourishment of the power of nature. Now that the earth's ecology has collapsed, the supply of natural power is insufficient, and the nutrition of Jianmu is not enough to grow."

"Then how can we increase the power of nature?" Yi Xun asked.

"Everything has a spirit, all living beings are part of nature, vegetation is, soil is, rocks are, rivers and seas are, people are, animals are, and so are monsters. Grass, soil and rivers can purify nature and generate aura. Faith and kindness can also generate spiritual energy, these are the forces of nature." Quan Juncai told Yi Xun exactly what Mi Wan told him.

"I understand." Yi Xun understood immediately, "I know what to do. On the human side, I'll handle it."

This time, Yi Xun did not hesitate at all, and it was time for mankind to save themselves.

The monsters are not allowed to interfere in the political development of the human race, but as the monster hunters who protect the human race, the monster hunters association has a unique position in the political position. If you have to find an appropriate metaphor, then the current monster hunters association is equivalent to the ancient times. The national teacher of the empire.

It's just that most of the monster hunters are unwilling to interfere in politics, so as long as it is not related to the monster clan, they rarely come forward. And in every country, except for a very few high-ranking officials, no one knows the existence of demon hunters and demon clan.

This time the world has changed dramatically, and the heads of various countries have summoned their own demon hunters, and they are well aware of the reasons for this major change in the earth. I thought that human beings were doomed, and after they could only bear it hard, things ushered in a turning point. A new building tree is about to be born on the earth. As long as the building tree is born smoothly, then human beings can avoid this disaster.

For a time, Xiao Jianmu was blessed by all human beings. Every human being living in the present, every human being who hopes that the disaster will pass quickly, hopes that the new Jianmu can grow up quickly.

Of course, it is impossible for various countries to directly say the existence of Jianmu. They used the myths and stories of the people of various countries to beautify Xiao Jianmu and guide the people to pray and bless.

At the same time, a set of disaster distribution maps quietly appeared on the Internet, and people were keenly aware that all cities destroyed by earthquakes and volcanoes were either severely lacking in green areas or had particularly serious air pollution. And all the tourist cities with enough green area are all unscathed, and the worst is just a little tremor.

After the disaster, human beings have said that the earth will take revenge on human beings. At this time, with this map, the message can no longer be stopped. Every human being begins to feel that he cares for the environment, never stepping on the lawn or throwing garbage into the river. After things fermented for a period of time, the policies of various countries gradually followed, all about environmental protection. Among them, the most direct and the most affecting human life is that the whole world has begun to ban the sale and gift of plastic bags.

Human life has brought some inconveniences, but no one complained, and everyone wanted to get through this turbulent time earlier. Their leisure time is no longer vacation, travel, dinner and playing cards, but instead takes their children to the mountains to plant trees.

The whole world has started a trend of environmental protection, all unqualified factories have been banned, and they can only reopen if they fully meet the environmental protection standards of the International Health Organization. After all, human beings need to survive and develop, and it cannot be completely banned.

After half a year like this, Mi Wan's stomach finally swelled up, and after a few months, her amniotic fluid finally broke.

Before giving birth, Quan Juncai arranged a hospital for Mi Wan. Once Xiao Jianmu's birth brought a vision, he could control the state immediately. However, the birth of Xiao Jianmu did not bring too many twists and turns. Mi Wan gave birth like an ordinary pregnant woman, and because Mi Wan's body was far stronger than that of ordinary people, the production process did not suffer too much. It's just that the moment the child was born, all the spiritual power in her body was drained, and she fainted weakly.

"Wow~~" When the loud cry sounded in the delivery room, a gentle wind blew between heaven and earth, and every creature in the world could feel joy and blessings from that gust of wind. For no reason, there was a burst of joy in the hearts of every living being. Immediately, flowers and plants bloomed, streams flowed happily, animals ran and roared, and humans looked at each other and smiled.

It always feels like something good is about to happen.

At the same time, in the most mysterious place in the world, the sleeping Fan Chen was woken up by this gust of wind, he shook the branches, and was about to leave excitedly.

"Mother, let me go see them." Fan Chen pleaded with Feng.

"Hu~~" Another gust of wind passed, Fan Chen felt that his body was infused with endless power, and then Jianmu disappeared, turning into a human shape.

"Thank you, mother." Fan Chen thanked him with a smile, and then turned into wind and blew to Cannes City.

When Fan Chen arrived at the hospital, Mi Wan was still asleep, and beside her was the newly born Xiao Jianmu. No, it shouldn't be Jianmu. This child is a child born from the combination of him and Mi Wan. It is not Jianmu in essence. He is a child born by combining the power of man and nature, a brand new breed.

"Sir." The moment Fan Chen appeared, Quan Juncai, who had been guarding outside the ward, sensed it, and he rushed in excitedly.

"Shh~" Fan Chen raised a finger to the tip of his nose, motioning for Quan Juncai to be quieter, carefully waking up his wife and children.

Quan Juncai nodded excitedly, thinking about it, but didn't dare to move.

"Let's go first, and leave the rest to you."

go first? after? What's the meaning? Just as Quan Jun was about to ask, he saw Fan Chen carrying Xiao Jianmu, who was still in the swaddling hands, and Mi Wan, who was in a coma, and disappeared into the ward in a flash.

"Wait, my lord, where have you been? Anyway, tell me, Master Mi's eldest brother is very fierce, and the shark demon even helped him, which is very difficult to deal with." Quan Juncai roared out the window, but no one responded to him. .

At this time, Mi Yan came in from the outside and was planning to take a look at his sister and nephew, but he didn't want the room to be empty, and only Quan Jun was alone. Mi Yan's face darkened, and he said solemnly, "Where's the person?"

"..." Quan Juncai.

The sleeping Mi Wan has been absorbing the spiritual energy around her. During the pregnancy, her body's need for spiritual energy has been increasing, far exceeding the spiritual energy intensity required by normal monster hunters. So that every time she runs out of spiritual power, it takes a long time for her to recover.

This time, Mi Wan was also prepared to be in a coma for a long time. Just as she was slowly absorbing spiritual power for herself, the surrounding spiritual power suddenly became active, and they suddenly began to actively and frantically drill into her body. After a while, she absorbed enough spiritual power, and there was a sign of waking up.

"woke up?"

In a daze, Mi Wan seemed to hear a long-awaited voice.

"Are you tired, then sleep for a while, I'll accompany you."

The voice was so gentle that she almost fell asleep again.

"Fan Chen?" Mi Wan opened her eyes and finally saw the person in front of her. This is Fan Chen, Fan Chen with long hair, like an exiled immortal, behind him is the brilliance of the sky, bright but not dazzling, and there is a thick aura that cannot be opened.

This is not the human world.

"Are you here to pick me up?" Mi Wan asked.

"Yeah." Fan Chen smiled and helped him up, but still held him in his arms, "Wan Wan, look, this is where I was born."

Mi Wan was a little curious about Fan Chen's birthplace, but she didn't care very much, and even showed a hint of melancholy.

"What's wrong? Don't like it here?" Fan Chen asked with concern.

"No." Mi Wan shook his head, "I really want to be with you, I want to dream, but baby..."

She hasn't seen the child yet.

"The baby is here too." Fan Chen smiled.

"The baby is there too?!" Mi Wan looked at Fan Chen in disbelief, and then searched all around, but couldn't find the child's shadow at all, "Where is it, where is it?"

"This." Fan Chen pointed to a small sapling not far from the two of them.

"This... I..." Mi Wan doubted, "I even heard him cry, why did he turn into a tree?"

Moreover, most of the children of the demon clan follow the mother's body. If the mother's body is human, the child will also be a human after birth. Moreover, she was pregnant for more than a year, and she had a monthly check-up. She had never heard the doctor say that she was carrying seeds or saplings.

"You did your best to let him be born, but if you want to raise him, you must plant him here, otherwise he won't grow a year old in hundreds of years." Fan Chen explained, "I only grew up in tens of thousands of years. In human form."

"But..." Mi Wan looked at her son who was planted in the ground, always a little uncomfortable.

"Not only will he grow up here faster, but there is another benefit." Fan Chen said again.

"What's the benefit?" Mi Wan asked.

"He has half of my bloodline and can replace me to maintain the rotation of the four seasons." Fan Chen replied.

"Isn't that, you don't have to sleep here all the time?" Mi Wan's eyes lit up.

"That's right." Fan Chen nodded, "After I cultivate for a while, we can return to the human world."

"Then... what about the baby?" Mi Wan looked at her son.

"He will be inseparable from this land for at least ten years. After ten years, he can probably leave for a short time." Fan Chen said.

Although his son is only half of Jianmu's blood, he needs no less energy to grow up, just because his mother is a human, he can change shape at birth.

"Then let him plant it." After thinking for a moment, Mi Wan said.

"Then let him plant it, and come back to see it every few years." Fan Chen echoed, is it a tree? That's it, you don't need to care about it if you plant it in the ground.

"Shashasha~~" Xiao Jianmu shook the branches slightly, as if to accuse his parents of being irresponsible.

At this moment, a soft spring breeze came, and Mi Wan was surprised to read a bit of information in it.

"Don't cry?" Mi Wan heard Feng's language.

"It's the mother, comforting the baby." Fan Chen explained.

Mi Wan blinked, and suddenly felt more relieved: "Then let the child's grandma take care of it."

"I think so too." Fan Chen nodded solemnly.

The two irresponsible parents gave a similar smile, then stretched out their hands to soothe the little sapling who was shaking and protesting.

"Full Text"

The author has something to say:

I finally finished writing. Thank you for your company along the way. The original intention of this article is to protect the environment. I don’t know if this ending is perfect, but this is the best ending I can think of. It's just that Xiao Jianmu is a bit miserable... Hahaha.

I will write a few episodes later.

The next article will write "Mrs. Sacrifice"


When Xunmo Mo was a child, to save his adoptive father's family, he sacrificed and summoned the Dark Demon, which became a sacrifice for the Dark Demon to stay in the world.

"The contract has been made, as a sacrifice, if you want to go back on it, you will be doomed."

Xun Momo took the Linglong Stone left by the Dark Demon, and the first class was three hundred years. In the past three hundred years, she rejected countless young talents, and even rejected her own father's treasured disciple. Everyone knows that Xun Momo is because her parents are not in harmony, so she doesn't believe in love anymore, but she doesn't want her to marry an ugly person in the end.

"Could it be that we are too handsome, so we are despised?" All the young talents.

Dark Demons are aliens, born alone and have a long lifespan. Only those who find true love can break away from the demons and become immortals. For this reason, they will set up sacrifices in the world. Xun Momo was Tu Qing's twelfth sacrifice, and the longest living sacrifice after meeting him.

At this time, Tu Qing had already been betrayed by the previous eleven sacrifices, and was no longer willing to become an immortal. He only waited for the betrayal of the last sacrifice so that he could change the ruthless way.

"The true monarch of Qingyue is unparalleled in elegance, and he is pleased with you."

"No, I have a husband, and I'm still waiting for him to come to me."

"..." Tu Qing.

"The Sect Master of the Vermillion Bird Sect, with the ninth-grade magic weapon, came to propose marriage."

"No, I have a husband, and I'm still waiting for him to come to me."

"..." This woman, why didn't she betray.

This is a cultivator who can't get rid of the last sacrifice, and can't cultivate without falling in love.

Don't believe in love, keep promises, rich and generous heroine vs ugly (becoming handsome later), uncertain male protagonist.

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